Creating a SYSOBJH extract file

Generating a SYSOBJH extract (Windows)

  1. Start Natural, from the Tools menu bar select Development Tools", then select Object Handler.


  2. Click the Unload button to start the Unload Wizard.


  3. Check the Unload objects into Natural work file(s) radio button. Click Next.


  4. Select the Transfer format check box, enter the location to which you want the files to be unloaded in the Unload file text box (or click the Browse button to bring up a folder/file selection dialog). Click Next.


  5. When generating an OBJH extract including PDAs, it is essential to set the following:

    • Check "Use additional options" and click the "Set..:" buttom


    • Select the "transfer" tab and check the "Converts data areas into new internal format", then click "OK"


  6. Select the Do not use parameters radio button, click Next.


  7. Select the Natural library object radio button, click Next.


  8. Select the Library containing your DDM definitions (e.g. SYSEXDDM) from the Library list box, then click the Details button. If you also enter a specific DBID and/or FNR, only the relevant DDMs are selected, otherwise all valid DDMs are returned.


  9. In the Unload Wizard details window, first click the Deselect All button to deselect all Natural Object Types, then select DDM and/orPDA . Click the OK button to return to the Unload Wizard.


  10. The generated Unload command is shown. Click the Next button to start the actual unload process.


  11. The status of the unload is shown. If it was successful, a file is created under the path and file name specified. Click the Next button to complete the unload, close the SYSOBJH wizard.


Generating a SYSOBJH extract (Mainframe)

  1. Start Natural, enter the command SYSOBJH to start the Natural Object Handler.

  2. Select the Unload fnuction to start the Unload Wizard.


  3. Check Unload objects into Natural work file(s) radio button.


  4. Select Transfer format, this example uses Entire Connection to transfer the unload file to your PC, enter the location to which you want the files to be unloaded in the PC File input field.


  5. Select Do not use parameters.


  6. Select DDMs only.


  7. Select the DDM(s) to be unloaded, optionally specify additional selection criteria to narrow the search.


  8. The generated Unload command is shown. Hit the Enter or PF8 key to start the actual unload process.


  9. The status of the unload is shown. If it was successful, a file is created under the path and file name specified. Hit the Enter key to complete the unload, terminate the SYSOBJH wizard.
