New features

The following new features are introduced with this release of SOA Gateway :

  • Enhanced support for Statistics

    Metrics can be now gathered at the web service level and at the driver level.

  • New Lifecycle Governance

    Support for Web Service Governance, allowing multiple versions of the same web service to co-exist, and track the lifecycle of services from Test, to Production, to Deprecation.

  • New Usage Governance

    Support for Usage Governance which enables real-time monitoring of web services through logging of data such as input, output, user, location and time.

  • Message Oriented Middleware

    Support for messaging systems IBM WebSphere MQ and Software AG EntireX Broker to log and process usage governance data.

  • Enhanced REST functionality

    Enhancements in REST support, allowing complex web service structures to be passed in a concise manner as part of the URL.

  • Business Data View Enhancements

    Enhancements in BDV support, allowing grouping, nesting and versioning of all BDV Web Services .

  • Web Service Driver

    A new driver which allows web services to be called from SOA Gateway , opening up new connectivity routes for legacy infrastructure.

  • Employees Demo Enhancements

    Support for the nested keys on database resources, including support for the latest version of Software AG's Employees Demo Files.

  • Xerces v31

    Performance and functional improvments in XML processing, including integration of the latest and greatest version of the XML parsing library, Xerces.

  • Control Centre

    The Control Centre has been greatly enhanced, by introducing a new, more compact Eclipse perspective, for easier maintenance.