SMARTS Server Environment Messages

This document contains descriptions of the messages returned within the SMARTS Server environment:

ABE — ABEND Processing

Overview of Messages

ABE0001 | ABE0002 | ABE0003 | ABE0004 | ABE0005 | ABE0006 | ABE0007 | ABE0008 | ABE0009 | ABE0010 | ABE0011 | ABE0012 | ABE0013 | ABE0014 | ABE0015
ABE0001 $1 - $2 $3 $4 $5 *$6*

Prior to a system dump being taken, this message is printed once for every allocated 16 bytes of storage around the ABEND PSW and register set. It consists of the address of the storage being printed, followed by the 16 bytes of information pointed to by the address in hex and character formats.

Sys. Programmer

These messages can be of interest to your support personnel when you are reporting a problem. They should be kept as a part of a diagnostic summary of an ABEND unless the problem is known and diagnostics are no longer required for the problem in question.

Comp. Operator

This error message is normally issued as part of a diagnostic set of ABEND messages from the SMARTS server environment. Keep these and any other ABE messages from the job and pass them to the systems programmer.

ABE0002 SMARTS $1 task ABEND system $2 user $3

A SMARTS server environment subtask ABENDed with the indicated system and/or user ABEND code. This message is followed by one or more ABE messages with diagnostic data for the ABEND.

Sys. Programmer

This is normally the first message from the SMARTS server environment nucleus when a SMARTS server environment ABEND occurs for which a dump is taken. It is followed by one or more ABE messages containing diagnostic information from the ABEND that will be required if the error is reported as a problem to your technical support representative.

Comp. Operator

Inform your systems programmer about the message.

ABE0003 SDWA not available for printing

During ABEND processing, the SMARTS server environment abnormal termination/recovery routines determined that the MVS SDWA control block, normally available during ABEND processing, was not available for this particular ABEND. In this case, only a minimum of diagnostic information can be printed.

System Action

The SMARTS server environment continues processing according to the other ABE messages printed.

Sys. Programmer

For some reason, the IBM recovery routines could not build an SDWA for a SMARTS server environment ABEND. This normally indicates a shortage of storage in the SMARTS server environment region but this does not necessarily have to be the case. Refer to the various IBM publications as to the possibilities why the SMARTS server environment could not be provided with a SDWA and correct the situation.

Comp. Operator

Inform your systems programmer about the message.

ABE0004 Dump will be taken for $1 task

A SMARTS server environment ABEND has occurred and the SMARTS server environment has determined that a dump should be taken for the particular SMARTS server environment task.

Sys. Programmer

This indicates that the SMARTS server environment will attempt to take a dump for the subtask mentioned in the message using recovery or termination processing.

Comp. Operator

Inform your systems programmer.

ABE0005 Recovery in progress for $1 task

A SMARTS server environment subtask abended. The SMARTS server environment has determined that recovery may be possible and therefore will be attempted. If this is preceeded by ZAB00004, then the recovery may take some time due to the fact that the dump must be taken before recovery can actually take place.

Sys. Programmer

Under normal circumstances, recovery is always attempted unless a recursive loop has occurred. If this is detected, no other recovery is attempted. If it is not detected, the results are unpredicatable. In some cases, it may be necessary to use the operating system functions to terminate the SMARTS server environment; however, this should never occur.

ABE0006 Abend PSW $1 $2 $3 $4

This message contains more diagnostic information about the SMARTS server environment abend that occurred. The first two fullwords contain the PSW for the abend. The second two fullwords contain the 'PSW2' contents at the time of the abend.

ABE0007 R0=$1 R1=$2 R2=$3 R3=$4

Abend diagnostics showing the contents of registers 0 (zero) to 3 (three) at the time of a SMARTS server environment abend.

ABE0008 R4=$1 R5=$2 R6=$3 R7=$4

Abend diagnostics showing the contents of registers 4 (four) to 7 (seven) at the time of a SMARTS server environment abend.

ABE0009 R8=$1 R9=$2 RA=$3 RB=$4

Abend diagnostics showing the contents of registers 8 (eight) to b (eleven) at the time of a SMARTS server environment abend.

ABE0010 RC=$1 RD=$2 RE=$3 RF=$4

Abend diagnostics showing the contents of registers c (twelve) to f (fifteen) at the time of a SMARTS server environment abend.

ABE0011 $1 - Address not accessible

While attempting to print the storage areas around the SMARTS server environment PSW and register set, the storage location in the message was found to be either not allocated or paged out at the time the abend was taken. For this reason, the storage could not be printed.

Sys. Programmer

This is not an error: the message simply indicates that the storage could not be addressed during dump processing. If the storage exists and was simply paged out, it will still appear in the actual dump if a dump is taken.

ABE0012 $1 failed during dump processing, reason code `$2'

An error occurred in the SMARTS server environment, causing the recovery routines to attempt to create a dump; however, the $1 processing for this failed. The reason code $2 indicates why the function failed.

Possible values for $1:

GETSTOR Storage could not be obtained from the general buffer pool. In this case, $2 will contain the internal return code.
DYNALLOC Dynamic allocation for the output dataset failed. The error and reason codes from the dynalloc will be returned as the reason code.
OPEN The open for the dataset failed. In this case, $2 will contain zero.
System Action

The system will continue processing if recovery is successful.

Sys. Programmer

Using the reason code and any system messages, try to establish the reason for the failure. If the error is system-dependent, correct the error. If the error appears to be software-dependent, contact your technical support representative.

ABE0013 Logic error in program $1 at +x'$2' TID $3 LUname $4

A logic error occurred processing TID $1 with luname $2. This message will be followed by one or more ZAB messages that dump diagnostic information to the console.

System Action

Processing continues; however, the TID in question may be lost. It may be recoverable using the LOGOFF and/or FORCE operator commands.

Sys. Programmer

This indicates a logic error within the SMARTS server environment nucleus. Provide any messages before this message plus the diagnostics that are issued after this message to your technical support representative.

ABE0014 $1

ABE0015 Dump suppressed

Same error message as previous dump.

ABS — Service Routine Processing

Overview of Messages

ABS0001 | ABS0002 | ABS0003 | ABS0004 | ABS0005 | ABS0006 | ABS0007 | ABS0008 | ABS0009 | ABS0010 | ABS0011 | ABS0014 | ABS0016
ABS0001 $1 cancelled due to invalid parameter

Program $1 was cancelled as it attempted to invoke a SMARTS server environment function with a parameter list that did not exist in storage.

System Action

The program abends with a dump and the message is sent to the user.

Term. Operator

Report this application program error to the applicable person.

Appl. Programmer

A dump is produced from which you can determine the point in the program at which the invalid parameter or parameter list was passed to the SMARTS server environment. Correct the parameter list error and rerun the program.

ABS0002 Program cancelled by terminal operator

This SMARTS server environment service routines message appears when the terminal user issues the SMARTS server environment cancel command ('*CANCEL') from the terminal.

System Action

The program is cancelled.

Term. Operator

For information only; no action is required.

ABS0003 Program $1 cancelled by $2 operator

This SMARTS service environment service routines message indicates that the computer operator or a control terminal user issued the SMARTS server environment `CAN' command to cancel a terminal program.

System Action

The program is cancelled.

Term. Operator

For information only. Contact the computer operator to determine why the program was cancelled.

Appl. Programmer

Determine the cause for the cancel request. Correct any errors and reexecute the program.

ABS0004 $1 cancelled due to invalid parameter list address

This SMARTS server environment service routines message indicates that the application program was abnormally terminated by the SMARTS server environment because the address of the parameter list was invalid. This normally means that the parameter list was not boundary-aligned.

System Action

Program $ is cancelled.

Term. Operator

Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. Programmer

Determine the cause for the invalid parameter address. The invalid parameter address is in register 1.

ABS0005 $1 tried to execute invalid SVC / function X'$2'

This SMARTS server environment service routines message indicates that a SMARTS server environment service was requested by a user program and the function code for the service was invalid. The invalid function code is expressed as the hexadecimal number X'$2'.

This message is also issued if an invalid address has been specified for an OS SVC parameter.

System Action

The program '$1' is abnormally terminated with a SMARTS server environment online dump.

Term. Operator

This error was probably caused by the application program. Notify the application programmer responsible for program '$1'.

Sys. Programmer

The PSW contains the address of the location, which follows both the invalid function code and the SVC. The SVC requests SMARTS server environment services.

Appl. Programmer

The condition that causes ZSR00005 can occur when a nonprivileged user program executes a privileged request or inadvertently branches to a random location, or when the area of a user program that contained a valid function code for the SMARTS server environment was destroyed before the request for SMARTS server environment services was executed. SMARTS server environment function codes occur in MCALL macro expansions in BAL programs or in subroutines for SMARTS server environment functions in programs written in higher level languages.

ABS0006 PROGRAM $1 Abend S$2 PSW=$3

This SMARTS server environment service routines message indicates that the program '$1' was abnormally terminated by the resident operating system (OS).

System Action

Program '$1' is abnormally terminated with a SMARTS server environment online dump.

Term. Operator

This error was probably caused by the application program. Notify the application programmer responsible for program '$1'.

Appl. Programmer

The IBM completion code associated with the termination is indicated by $2. Refer to the appropriate hardware manual for information about this code. The PSW associated with the termination is indicated by $3.

ABS0007 PROGRAM $1 Abend U$2

This SMARTS server environment service routines message indicates that the program '$1' was terminated at its own request for the reason indicated by the reason code $2.

System Action

Program '$1' is abnormally terminated with a SMARTS server environment online dump.

Term. Operator

Refer to the operating instructions for program '$1' to determine the meaning of the code $2. If no such instructions exist, seek the assistance of the application programmer responsible for program '$1'.

ABS0008 Program too long; not enough room to build save

This SMARTS server environment service routines message indicates that insufficient space remained in the thread for the required 18-word save when the SMARTS server environment attempted to load the user program.

System Action

The user program is abnormally terminated with a SMARTS server environment online dump.

Term. Operator

This error was probably caused by the application program. Notify the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. Programmer

Either decrease the size of the program or recatalog it with a larger region size.

ABS0009 Program $1 linked with planned overlay -

This SMARTS server environment service routines message indicates that an invalid overlay structure was found in program '$1' while attempting to load the program.

System Action

The user program is abnormally terminated with a SMARTS server environment online dump.

Term. Operator

This error was probably caused by the application program. Notify the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. Programmer

Either decrease the size of the program or recatalog it with a larger region size. If this fails, examine the overlay structure for inconsistencies and relink the program before recataloging.

ABS0010 Program $1 requested function or SVC not allowed $2

This SMARTS server environment service routines message indicates that the user program called a SMARTS server environment function or issued an SVC instruction that was not available for use by online programs.

System Action

The user program is abnormally terminated with a SMARTS server environment online dump.

Term. Operator

This error was probably caused by the application program. Notify the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. Programmer

A user program inadvertently branched to a bad location or the area of a user program that contained a valid function code for the SMARTS server environment was destroyed before the request for SMARTS server environment services was executed. SMARTS server environment function codes occur in MCALL macro expansions in BAL programs or in subroutines for SMARTS server environment functions in programs written in higher level languages. The PSW contains the address of the location that follows both the invalid function code and the SVC. The SVC requests the service from the SMARTS server environment.

ABS0011 Disk error loading $1

This SMARTS server environment service routines message indicates that a disk error occurred while the SMARTS server environment was attempting to load program '$1' into main storage.

System Action

Program '$1' is not loaded. The application program making the load request is abnormally terminated and an online dump is taken.

Term. Operator

This error was probably caused by a hardware failure. Retry the operation. If the error continues to appear, contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Sys. Programmer

The program library may require reinitialization and reloading. If the program being loaded is in a load library, ensure that the load library is not in secondary extents. If the error persists, move the program library and/or load library to another location.

Appl. Programmer

Recatalog program '$1' and retry the operation. If the error persists, contact the SMARTS server environment system programmer.

ABS0014 $1 is security protected from calling terminal or

This SMARTS server environment service routines message indicates that the terminal operator made an unauthorized attempt to use the program '$1'.

System Action

The request is ignored.

Term. Operator

The program '$1' may not be used from your terminal. Contact the application programmer responsible for the indicated program.

ABS0016 $1 invalid function after internal '*CANCEL', Tid $2

A '*CANCEL' may be issued internally for the following reasons:

  1. The terminal on which a conversational program was running experienced a 'forced' logoff.

  2. A stacked user program was killed using a minus ('-') from the USTACK map.

The terminal receives a return code to the conversational write or 'FLIP' request indicating that a '*CANCEL' has occurred.

The user program is given control to clean up if necessary and then should issue an MCALL WRT with the `done' option, an MCALL EOJ, or an MCALL ABEND. In these cases for an internal `*CANCEL' the request is simply treated as an EOJ.

If following an internal `*CANCEL' the user program abends, issues a MCALL WRT without the `done' option, or requests a roll out via any means, this message is issued and the request is then treated as an EOJ.

System Action

In all cases the program environment is successfully cleaned up.

Comp. Operator

Report this message to the person responsible for the program so that the '*CANCEL' processing in the program can be corrected.

ADA — ADABAS Interface

Overview of Messages

ADA0001 | ADA0002 | ADA0003
ADA0001 Program $1 cancelled - invalid address in or for

One or more of the following errors were the program's (named $1) ADABAS parameter list or ACB:

The location specified to contain the ADABAS parameter list is not within the area available to the application program.
One or more of the locations specified to contain the ADABAS control block (ACB) or ADABAS buffers is not within the area available to the application program.
One or more of the lengths specified for the ADABAS buffers is too large or negative.
System Action

The application program is abnormally terminated and a dump is taken.

Term. Operator

This error was caused by the application program. Contact the programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. Programmer

Register 1 in the dump contains the address the program supplied for the ADABAS parameter list. Check this address, the buffer addresses, and the buffer lengths to determine which addresses or lengths are invalid.

ADA0002 Program $1 cancelled - no space in buffer pool

This SMARTS server environment ADABAS interface message indicates that SMARTS server environment was unable to successfully perform an ADABAS call for program $1 because there was insufficient room in the general buffer pool for the ADABAS buffers required by the interface.

System Action

The application program is abnormally terminated and a dump is taken.

If the program issues an ADABAS call that requires an extremely large amount of data to be transferred, it may be possible to modify it to make more calls transferring a smaller amount of data with each call.

If this modification cannot be made or if the amount of data being transferred is not considered to be excessive, consult the SMARTS server environment system programmer about increasing the size of the SMARTS server environment's region to allow for general buffer pool expansion.

Term. Operator

The condition causing the error may be temporary and due to heavy use of ADABAS. Wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, report the problem to the systems programmer responsible as it indicates that insufficient space has been allocated at startup of the SMARTS server environment.

If the program issues an ADABAS call that requires an extremely large amount of data to be transferred, it may be possible to modify it to make more calls transferring a smaller amount of data with each call.

If this modification cannot be made or if the amount of data being transferred is not considered to be excessive, consult the SMARTS server environment system programmer about increasing the size of the SMARTS server environment's region to allow for general buffer pool expansion.

Sys. Programmer

As this buffer is acquired from the SMARTS server environment's ADABAS buffer pool, this message indicates that there is insufficient buffers available at certain times to satisfy all requests.

If the program issues an ADABAS call that requires an extremely large amount of data to be transferred, it may be possible to modify it to make more calls transferring a smaller amount of data with each call.

If this modification cannot be made or if the amount of data being transferred is not considered to be excessive, consult the SMARTS server environment system programmer about increasing the size of the SMARTS server environment's region to allow for general buffer pool expansion.

Appl. Programmer

Register 1 in the dump contains the address of the ADABAS parameter list, which contains the address of the ADABAS control block (ACB) and buffers. From this information, the ADABAS command can be determined and the amount of data being transferred to and/or from ADABAS can be verified.

If the program issues an ADABAS call that requires an extremely large amount of data to be transferred, it may be possible to modify it to make more calls transferring a smaller amount of data with each call.

If this modification cannot be made or if the amount of data being transferred is not considered to be excessive, consult the SMARTS server environment system programmer about increasing the size of the SMARTS server environment's region to allow for general buffer pool expansion.

ADA0003 Program $1 cancelled - ADABAS calls exceeded

This SMARTS server environment ADABAS interface message indicates that there were more ADABAS calls than specified in the ADALIMIT start-up parameter after the last terminal I/O.

System Action

The application program is abnormally terminated and a dump is taken.

Term. Operator

This error was caused by the application program. Contact the programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Sys. Programmer

Check the size specified for the ADALIMIT start-up parameter.

Appl. Programmer

This problem can arise if either the ADALIMIT parameter is too small or the application program does too much or too complex work in one dialog. Other reasons include an increased amount of data within ADABAS or a loop in the application program.

BPM — Buffer Pool Management

Overview of Messages

BPM0001 | BPM0002 | BPM0003 | BPM0004 | BPM0005 | BPM0006 | BPM0007 | BPM0008 | BPM0009 | BPM0010 | BPM0011 | BPM0012 | BPM0013 | BPM0014 | BPM0015 | BPM0016 | BPM0017 | BPM0018
BPM0001 BP $1, ADDR=$2 not in buffer pool ret=$3

An attempt was made to free the fixed buffer pool element address $2; however, this address is not allocated in the $1 buffer pool. The request was issued from the location indicated by $3.

Sys. Programmer

An invalid free request was issued for the buffer pool as indicated by $1. Using the $3 address, determine the module and offset from which the request was issued. The message generally indicates a problem with the usage of buffer pool $1. When buffer pool $1 is created by Software AG, report this to your technical support representative.

BPM0002 BP $1 SP $2($3), ADDR=$4 bndry error ret=$5

An attempt was made to free the fixed buffer element address $4. This buffer was found to be within the buffer pool $1 and the subpool as identified by $2 and $3; however, the address provided did not point to the start of a buffer in this subpool. The request was issued from the location indicated by $5.

Sys. Programmer

An invalid free request was issued for the buffer pool as indicated by $1. Using the $5 address, determine the module and offset from which the request was issued. This message indicates a problem with the usage of buffer pool $1. When buffer pool $1 is created by Software AG, report this to your technical support representative.

BPM0003 BP $1 SP $2($3), ADDR=$4 already free ret=$5

An attempt was made to free the fixed buffer address $4 in the $1 fixed buffer pool. The address was found to be in subpool name $2 ID $3; however, it was already free. The request was issued from the location indicated by $5.

Sys. Programmer

A module twice attempted to free the buffer identified by $4. Using the $3 address, determine the module and offset from which the request was issued. This message highlights a logic error with the usage of the $1 buffer pool. When buffer pool $1 is created by Software AG, report this to your technical support representative.

BPM0004 BP $1 SP $2($3), Expansion about to occur

A `get' request has been issued for the $1 buffer pool and can be resolved by the subpool $2 ID $3. This subpool and any extensions that may have previously been allocated is full and thus another extension must be built.

System Action

An attempt is made to create the extensions. A subsequent message indicates the success or otherwise the attempt to expand.

Sys. Programmer

When this occurs frequently for the same subpool, consider increasing the base allocation for the subpool to avoid the overhead of expansion.

BPM0005 BP $1 SP $2($3), Expansion failed, status=$4

An attempt to expand subpool $2 ID $3 in the $1 buffer pool failed. $4 contains the status of the request in hexadecimal format. This represents a two-byte return code followed by a two-byte feedback code indicating why the expansion request failed. See section Request Status Codes of this document for detailed information.

Sys. Programmer

Determine why the expansion failed based on the status as indicated by $4. This generally only occurs due to a shortage of storage in the region. In this case, review the size of the region in which the SMARTS server environment is running or reduce the usage of the storage that is in short supply.

BPM0006 SP $1($2) Esize=$3 Eno=$4 Size=$5 Loc=$6 Key=$7

A new subpool or subpool extension is allocated by the fixed buffer pool manager. A preceding or subsequent message indicates why it has been allocated. Placeholder values are as follows:

$1 Subpool name
$2 Numeric subpool ID
$3 The element size contained in this subpool in bytes
$4 The number of elements allocated in this subpool
$5 The total size of storage allocated for this subpool
$6 Where the subpool storage resides: ANY
$7 The storage protect key that the subpool storage has assigned. This is normally the SMARTS server environment's key.

BPM0007 BP $1, Creating SP Esize=$2 Opt=$3 Ret=$4

A Gget' request was issued for the $1 buffer pool; however, no subpool exists to satisfy the request. As the buffer pool was created with an option indicating that the subpools should automatically be created if no match is found, the fixed buffer pool manager is about to attempt to create a subpool to match the request. The buffer subpool will be built with an element size of $2 and with options $3. These options are the hexadecimal option bytes as passed to the `Get' request and are described in the CMFBPM macro. $4 is the address from where the `Get' request was issued.

System Action

Additional messages are issued indicating the success or otherwise the attempt to create the new subpool.

BPM0008 BP $1, Create failed status=$2

An attempt to create a new buffer subpool for the $1 buffer pool failed. $2 is the status indicating the reason for the failure. This status is a hexadecimal representation of a return and feedback code with the first two bytes representing the return code and the second two bytes the feedback code. See appendix H, Request Status , starting on page for detailed information.

System Action

The program that issued the 'Get' request which resulted in an attempt to create a subpool to satisfy the request will be notified that the 'Get' failed.

BPM0009 BP $1 SP $2($3), $4 expansion(s) contracted

The subpool $2 ID $3 in the buffer pool $1 was previously expanded due to excessive demands on the space allocated in the base area. The fixed buffer pool manager has determined that enough space now exists to delete some of the expansions. In this case, $4 indicates the number of expansions that have been deleted and are no longer available to the subpool. They can of course be allocated again in the future if required.

BPM0010 BP $1 SP $2($3), A=$4 token error '$5'/'$6' ret=$7

An attempt was made to free a fixed buffer element from the buffer pool $1. This was found to be in subpool $2 ID $3 and to have been acquired with a token provided on the `Get' request. On the free request, either no token was provided or a token was provided that did not match the token provided on the `Get' request. The free request was issued from the location indicated by $7. $5 is the token that was provided on the `Get' request and $6 is the token that was provided on this request. If either are blank, no token was provided for the appropriate request. $4 is the address of the token that was the target of the free request.

System Action

The buffer is not freed.

Sys. Programmer

An error occurred in the handling of the $1 buffer pool. When a buffer is acquired with a token specified, the free request must be issued with the same token name before the free request will be processed. Using the $6 address, determine the module and offset from which the request was issued. When buffer pool $1 is created by Software AG, report this to your technical support representative.

BPM0011 BP $1 SP $2($3), A=$4 chain error $5/$6 ret=$7

A request was issued to free fixed buffer element from the $1 buffer pool. The buffer was found in subpool $2 ID $3 and was acquired with a chain specified. In this case, the free request was issued without a chain base specified or the buffer element was not found on the chain provided. The request was issued from the location indicated by $7. $5 is the address of the SPDS for the buffer pool element and $6 is the address of the chain base provided on the free request. $4 is the address of the buffer that was the target of the free request.

System Action

The buffer is not freed.

Sys. Programmer

When a buffer is acquired with a chain request, the fixed buffer pool manager chains information for the buffer into the provided chain. To ensure system intergrity, the buffer must be removed from the chain before being freed. In this case either the free request did not provide a chain base or the buffer does not exist in the provided chain and therefore cannot be removed from the chain. A logic error exists in the use of the $1 buffer pool. Using the $6 address, determine the module and offset from which the request was issued. When buffer pool $1 is created by Software AG, report this to your technical support representative.

BPM0012 BP $1, Subpool creation successful

An attempt to create a new buffer subpool for buffer pool $1 was successful. This is preceded by message `6' indicating the size and attributes of the newly created subpool.

BPM0013 BP $1 SP $2($3), Expanded successfully

An attempt to expand subpool $2 ID $3 in the $1 buffer pool was successful. A preceding message indicates the attributes of the newly created subpool extension.

BPM0014 BP $1, Internal request returned status=$2

An internal request was issued to perform a fixed buffer pool management function for the $1 buffer pool. The request completed successfully; however, the status information as indicated by $2 was returned. $2 is the hex representation of a two-byte return code and a two-byte feedback code. The first two bytes are the return code and should always be x'0004', while the second two bytes are the feedback code. See appendix H, Request Status , starting on page for detailed information. The request being issued was indicated by a preceding message.

System Action

Processing continues. Normally, a message follows indicating that the indicated processing completed successfully.

Sys. Programmer

This rarely issued message indicates the possibility of a logic error in the fixed buffer pool manager. Although no direct problems are associated with this message, report it to your technical support representative.

BPM0015 BP $1, Freeall request; Buffers already free ret=$2

A FREEALL request was issued for the $1 buffer pool to free a group of buffers with certain attributes; however, this has resulted in a free request for a buffer that has already been freed. The request was issued from the address indicated by $2.

System Action

The FREEALL request is terminated, possibly resulting in buffers being left allocated when they are no longer in use.

Sys. Programmer

A logic error exists in the handling of the $1 buffer pool. Using the $2 address, determine the module and offset from which the request was issued. When the buffer pool is controlled by Software AG, report this message to your technical support representative.

BPM0016 BP $1 Allocated successfully

The buffer pool $1 has been allocated successfully. One or more fixed buffer pool number `6' messages will be subsequently issued describing the various subpools created for this buffer pool.

BPM0017 BP $1 Deleted successfully

The buffer pool $1 has been successfully deleted.

BPM0018 BP $1 Request $2 status=$3

A $2 request for buffer pool $1 returned a status $3 to the caller. The caller indicated that a message should be issued in the event of a status for the request and this message is the result. The $3 status consists of a halfword return code and halfword feedback code. See appendix H, Request Status , starting on page for detailed information. If the buffer pool no longer exists, $1 contains the string `$UNAVAIL'.

System Action

The system continues as normally as possible. This message is generally only issued when a program is not in a position to handle a failure due to the nature of the module. For example, if the routine that builds output messages cannot acquire a buffer, it is unlikely that it will be able to acquire a buffer to print a message indicating that it cannot acquire a buffer.

Sys. Programmer

When this occurs for a buffer pool created by Software AG, report it to your technical support representative.

DIS — Dispatching Mechanism Messages

Overview of Messages

DIS0001 | DIS0002 | DIS0003 | DIS0004 | DIS0005 | DIS0006 | DIS0007 | DIS0008 | DIS0009 | DIS0010 | DIS0011 | DIS0012 | DIS0013 | DIS0014 | DIS0015 | DIS0016 | DIS0017 | DIS0018 | DIS0019 | DIS0020 | DIS0021 | DIS0022 | DIS0023 | DIS0024
DIS0001 Thread group $1 added successfully

The thread group $1 has been added successfully and is available for use. Additional messages are issued indicating the subgroups that the thread group contains.

DIS0002 Thread group $1 modified

The thread group $1 has been modified successfully. Subsequent messages indicate the new make up of the thread group. Note that when thread subgroups and threads are deleted as a result of a modification, the thread subgroups and thread resources are only cleaned up once they have been quiesced; that is, when they are no longer in use.

DIS0003 Thread group $1 quiescing, waiting for $2 users

A request has been issued to delete thread group $1; however, it must first be quiesced (that is, all users using the thread group must first terminate). The thread group is waiting on $2 users to finish using the thread group before it can be deleted.

System Action

At system termination, if the EOJ is not a forced EOJ, the system waits until all users are finished using the thread group. If the EOJ is forced, the message is issued but the fact that the thread group has not been successfully quiesced is ignored and termination processing continues.

Sys. Programmer

If this message continually appears with the same number of users, it indicates that some users did not terminate correctly. Report this to your technical support representative, which may ask that you take a dump of the situation and send it to them for diagnosis.

Comp. Operator

If this message appears continually with the same number of users, it indicates that some users may have terminated without removing their associated use count from the thread group. In this case, you may terminate the system by issuing a forced EOJ or, where a diagnostic dump is required, you may cancel the system with a dump.

DIS0004 Thread group $1 deleted successfully

The thread group $1 has been successfully quiesced and the resources associated with it have been freed.

DIS0005 Thread group $1 add failed rc=$2 fdbk=$3

An attempt to add the thread group $1 failed due to internal response code $2 and feedback code $3.

System Action

The thread group is not added.

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes already in progress; retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in gen. buffer pool)
08 40 Insufficient storage for threads (in region/partition)

If any other combination appears, report the problem to your technical support representative.

Sys. Programmer

This may occur if insufficient resources are available to allocate the thread group. The following lists the return code/feedback code combinations that may legitimately occur and their cause:

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes already in progress; retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in gen. buffer pool)
08 40 Insufficient storage for threads (in region/partition)

If any other combination appears, report the problem to your technical support representative.

DIS0006 Thread group $1 modify failed rc=$2 fdbk=$3

An attempt to modify the thread group $1 failed due the the return code $2 and the feedback code $3.

System Action

Depending on the point in the processing where the error occurred, some of the modifications requested may have succeeded. The status of the thread group should be checked with the UCTRL online utility.

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes already in progress; retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in gen. buffer pool)
08 40 Insufficient storage for threads (in region/partition)

If any other combination appears, report the problem to your technical support representative.

Sys. Programmer

This error can occur if insufficient resources are available in the system. The following lists the return code/feedback code combinations that may legitimately occur and their cause:

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes already in progress; retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in gen. buffer pool)
08 40 Insufficient storage for threads (in region/partition)

If any other combination appears, report the problem to your technical support representative.

DIS0007 Subgroup name $1 below=$2 above=$3 threads=$4

A thread group has been successfully added or modified. The variables are as follows:

$1 The name of the thread subgroup
$2 The amount of storage in the subgroup's threads below the line
$3 The amount of storage in the subgroup's threads above the line
$4 The number of threads in the subgroup
$5 The key of those threads (`M' indicates mixed keys used)

DIS0008 Program $1 thread group $2 not found

An attempt to start program $1 failed because thread group $2, which was explicitly allocated in the program's catalog entry, was not defined.

Term. Operator

If the program should be available, report the error to your help desk.

DIS0009 Program $1 thread group $2 quiescing

Program $1 has been cataloged to run in thread group $2; however, this thread group is no longer available in the system as it is quiescing.

Term. Operator

If the program should be available, report the error to your help desk.

DIS0010 Program $1 no suitable thread subgroup

Program $1 did not find a suitable thread subgroup within its thread group where it can run.

Term. Operator

If the program should be available, report the error to your technical support representative.

Sys. Programmer

Program $1 found its thread group and attempted to find a subgroup with a thread size below the line sufficient to run it. It could not find such a subgroup and therefore could not run. Either the catalog size for the program must be reduced or a thread subgroup defined for the program's thread group must be large enough to run this program.

DIS0011 Unexpected CMTHCM error pgm=$1 tg=$2 rc=$3 fdbk=$4

An error occurred during the dispatching cycle related to an internal CMTHCM request. The program that experienced the error is $1; the thread group is $2; and the return and feedback codes are $3 and $4, respectively.

System Action

The program will not start if it is an initialization request or will be terminated if the error occurred as a result of a relocation request.

Sys. Programmer

A logic error occurred in the &mon dispatcher processing. Report the error to your technical support representative.

DIS0012 Task group $1 added tasks $2 priority $3

The task group $1 was successfully added with $2 tasks and a priority of $3.

DIS0013 Task group $1 modified tasks $2 priority $3

The task group $1 was modified and now has $2 tasks and a priority of $3.

DIS0014 Task group $1 delete requested, waiting for $2 users

A request was issued to delete the task group $1. Before it can be deleted, the task group must first be quiesced; that is, any users currently using the task group must terminate. When this message was issued, there were $2 user(s) using the task group.

Comp. Operator

This message generally occurs during termination of the SMARTS server environment. If the message continually repeats with the same number of users, it indicates that some users may have not terminated correctly and thus did not remove their use count from the task group. In this case, you may bypass the problem with a forced EOJ or, if diagnostic information is required, you may cancel the SMARTS server environment with a dump.

DIS0015 Task group $1 deleted successfully

Task group $1 successfully finished quiescing and all resources acquired for the task group have been freed.

DIS0016 Task group $1 add failed rc=$2 fdbk=$3

An attempt to add task goup $1 failed with return code $2 and feedback code $3.

System Action

The task group is not added.

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes already in progress; retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in gen. buffer pool)
08 52 Operating system attach failed (maximum tasks attached or OS attach failure)

If any other combination appears, report the error to your technical support representative.

Sys. Programmer

The task group add can fail due to a lack of resources on the system. The following lists return code/feedback code combinations that may legitimately occur and their causes:

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes already in progress; retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in gen. buffer pool)
08 52 Operating system attach failed (maximum tasks attached or OS attach failure)

If any other combination appears, report the error to your technical support representative.

DIS0017 Task group $1 modify failed, rc=$2 fdbk=$3

An attempt to modifiy task group $1 failed with return code $2 and feedback code $3.

System Action

Depending on the point where the problem occurred, some of the modifications may have been implemented. Check the task group status with the UCTRL utility.

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes already in progress; retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in gen. buffer pool)
08 52 Operating system attach failed (maximum tasks attached or OS attach failure)

If any other combination occurs, report the error to your technical support representative.

Sys. Programmer

The task group modify can fail due to a lack of resources on the system. The following lists return code/feedback code combinations that may legitimately occur and their causes:

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes already in progress; retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in gen. buffer pool)
08 52 Operating system attach failed (maximum tasks attached or OS attach failure)

If any other combination occurs, report the error to your technical support representative.

DIS0018 Get for wait buffer failed uid=$1 tid=$2 LU=$3 Pgm=$4

During the dispatching cycle, an enlarged wait buffer was required for a task. An attempt to acquire this buffer failed. The failure occurred for userid $1 running on LUname $4 (TID $2) for program $4.

System Action

The wait request must be ignored; therefore, the program hangs until the SMARTS server environment is brought down.

Sys. Programmer

As this failure causes users to hang indefinitely, the general buffer pool allocations must be reviewed to ensure that the required buffers are available. Alternately, additional tasks can be allocated in the task group to avoid long wait lists building up on individual tasks.

DIS0019 Attach failed rc=$1 fdbk=$2

An attempt to attach a task failed with return code $1 feedback code $2.

System Action

The request for which the attach was issued fails.

RC FB Reason
08 04 The IDENTIFY request failed prior to the attach (OS/390 MVS only)
08 08 The operating system ATTACH request failed
08 12 Add processing for the task termination ECB failed
08 16 The request failed because the maximum tasks were
Sys. Programmer

Determine from the return and feedback codes why the attach failed and correct the problem. The following are the possible return and feedback codes and their cause:

RC FB Reason
08 04 The IDENTIFY request failed prior to the attach (OS/390 MVS only)
08 08 The operating system ATTACH request failed
08 12 Add processing for the task termination ECB failed
08 16 The request failed because the maximum tasks were

DIS0020 Queue initialization completed successfully

The SMARTS server environment builds a queue registration area in which all TIB queues in the system are registered at initialization. Also, the common TIB queues such as output, message, completion are built. This message indicates that this processing has finished successfully.

DIS0021 Task group $1 $2 failed rc=$3 fdbk=$4

A request $2 to task group $1 failed due to return code $3 and feedback code $4.

System Action

The request is not processed.

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes already in progress; retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in gen. buffer pool)
08 52 Operating system attach failed (maximum tasks attached or OS attach failure)

If any other combination appears, report the error to your technical support representative.

Sys. Programmer

The request may fail if insufficient system resources are available. The following lists return code/feedback code combination that may legitimately occur and their causes:

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes already in progress; retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in gen. buffer pool)
08 52 Operating system attach failed (maximum tasks attached or OS attach failure)

If any other combination appears, report the error to your technical support representative.

DIS0022 Thread group $1 $2 failed rc=$3 fdbk=$4

A request $2 to thread group $1 failed due to return code $3 and feedback code $4.

Sys. Programmer

This may occur if the thread group parameters specified are invalid, or if insufficient resources are available to create/alter the thread group. The following lists the return code/feedback code combinations that may legitimately occur and their cause:

RC FB Reason
08 20 Changes already in progress; retry the operation
08 32 Insufficient storage for control blocks (in gen. buffer pool)
08 40 Insufficient storage for threads (in region/partition)
12 36 Invalid parameter value

If any other combination appears, report the error to your technical support representative.

DIS0023 Waiting for task group $1 to quiesce

The system is wating for task group $1 to quiesce. Users are still using the task group.

System Action

The system continues to wait on the task group and issue the message until such time as the users using the task group stop using it.

Sys. Programmer

If the system fails to come down and continually issues this message, it indicates that there may be a problem with programs not removing their use count from a task group when they terminate. Report the error to your technical support representative and take a dump for diagnosis. If a dump of the situation is already available, you may terminate the SMARTS server environment using a forced EOJ.

DIS0024 Getmain for wait list failed

INI — Initialization : Main Processing

Overview of Messages

INI0001 | INI0002 | INI0003 | INI0004 | INI0005 | INI0006 | INI0007 | INI0008 | INI0009 | INI0010 | INI0012 | INI0013 | INI0014 | INI0015 | INI0016 | INI0017 | INI0018 | INI0019 | INI0020 | INI0021 | INI0022 | INI0023
INI0001 SMARTS $1 is initializing under $2

During initialization processing, the SMARTS server environment has received control from the operating system and is proceeding with normal initialization. The SMARTS server environment version is displayed in the message along with the operating system under which the SMARTS server environment is running.

System Action

The SMARTS server environment continues with normal initialization processing.

Comp. Operator

This is an informational message. No action is necessary.

INI0002 Attach for $1 subtask failed, return code $2

The SMARTS server environment attempted to attach a task for the indicated subtask; however, the attach failed with the printed return code.

System Action

The initialization of the SMARTS server environment is aborted.

Sys. Programmer

Determine why the attach failed. The printed return code was received from the ATTACH macro indicating that it had failed.

INI0003 Initialization aborted

A serious error identified in a previous message occurred during initialization of the SMARTS server environment.

System Action

Initialization of the SMARTS server environment discontinues, terminating normally.

Sys. Programmer

The error condition responsible for initialization failure was identified by a previous message on the operator's console. Correct the error condition and restart the SMARTS server environment.

Comp. Operator

Report this error condition to the SMARTS server environment system programmer.

INI0004 ESTAE processing failed for SMARTS subtask

During subtask startup, the SMARTS server environment failed in its attempt to establish a recovery environment for the subtask.

System Action

The subtask terminates with a bad return code; however, the results for the SMARTS server environment are unpredictable due to the loss of the subtask.

Sys. Programmer

Determine why the environment could not be established. In an MVS environment, ESTAE processing has failed. Check the possible reasons why this can happen in the IBM manuals.

Comp. Operator

Inform your systems programmer immediately and terminate the SMARTS server environment to avoid unpredictable results.

INI0005 Nucleus size: $1K below, $2K above

This message provides the current size of the nucleus, which includes the SMARTS server environment linked nucleus and all modules loaded to build the nucleus at startup including user exits.

The second figure is present only on a system where modules can reside above the line and shows the size of the modules, in bytes, loaded above the line. In this case, the sum of the two figures is the total size of the SMARTS server environment nucleus.

INI0006 INIT-PGM $1 abended, reply `Y' to continue initialization

The program specified in the message was specified as INIT-PGM in the SMARTS server environment sysparms. It was called on that basis and abended. The SMARTS server environment has recovered from the abend and is giving the operator the chance to continue initialization without the INIT-PGM having run successfully.

System Action

The SMARTS server environment waits for a reply to the message. If the reply to the message is any character other than `Y', initialization of the SMARTS server environment is aborted. When the reply is `Y', initialization of the SMARTS server environment continues with the next INIT-PGM specification, if any.

Sys. Programmer

Determine the reason for the abend of the program from the dump that was produced and correct the error. Otherwise, the specification should be removed to avoid abends with each initialization of the SMARTS server environment .

Comp. Operator

Depending on whether the system can run successfully without running the particular INIT-PGM, reply `Y' or `N' and inform the systems programmer.

INI0007 Patch character '$1' already in use

The patch character specified in the sysparms and displayed in this message is in use by another SMARTS server environment on the same system.

System Action

Initialization of the SMARTS server environment is aborted.

Sys. Programmer

The SMARTS server environment `PATCHAR' sysparm must be unique for each SMARTS server environment in the system as this is used to uniquely identify the various instances of SMARTS server environments. Either choose another patch character or determine which other SMARTS server environment instance is using this patch character and why.

INI0008 Nucleus load $1

Depending on various system conditions, the SMARTS server environment nucleus load may take some time. To insure that this is obvious, a message is issued about every six seconds. The first tells you that the load is `STARTING', while the second and subsequent messages indicate that the load is `IN PROGRESS'. This can and often does appear more than once and is, therefore, not an error but simply an information message.

INI0009 $1 error loading module $2, reason code X'$3'

The operation indicated in the message failed for the named module due to the displayed reason code. The following are the reason codes, depending on the operation.

Operation Reason Code
BLDL R0 contents after failed BLDL
LOAD Abend code with which the load would have abended if the program hadn't specified an error exit
System Action

Depending on the need for the named module, the SMARTS server environment continues processing.

Sys. Programmer

Determine why this module is being loaded and if there is a valid reason that it should be loaded; determine why the load is failing.

INI0010 Module not found: '$1'

The main initialization routine of the SMARTS server environment could not locate the module indicated. $1 is the module name.

System Action

Initialization of the SMARTS server environment discontinues.

Sys. Programmer

This is a serious error and may indicate corruption of the SMARTS server environment load library. Examine the library to ensure that the specified module is present. It may be necessary to restore that module or the entire library. This error usually means that a module has been inadvertantly deleted from the library and does not, in general, indicate any physical error.

Comp. Operator

Notify the SMARTS server environment system programmer of this error.

INI0012 Nucleus '$1' invalid version/release '$2'; expected

The nucleus named in the message is not at the version/ release level required by the initialization module used.

System Action

Initialization processing of the SMARTS server environment terminates.

Sys. Programmer

The SMARTS server environment nucleus $1 loaded at initialization by the initialization module does not reflect the version/release level $3 at which the initialization module was assembled, indicating a mismatch. Check that the module you think you are loading is really the module that you are loading. The version/release level $2 of the nucleus you have loaded should help you to identify which level of the SMARTS server environment nucleus you have loaded, while $3 tells you which level the initialization module is at.

INI0013 Module loaded: '$1'

INI0014 BP Create for $1 Buffer Pool returned status='$2'

The SMARTS server environment attempted to generate the $1 buffer pool. The create request returned a status of $2. $2 is the hex representation of the status returned from the buffer pool management routines. The first two bytes are the return code from the request and the second two bytes are the reason code. See appendix H, Request Status , starting on page for detailed information.

System Action

When the return code is "4", processing continues. When the return code is greater than "4", the buffer pool has not been built. If the buffer pool is the `workpool' buffer pool, this is required for SMARTS server environment execution and therefore initialization fails. For any other buffer pool, initialization continues; however, the buffer pool is not available for use.

When the return code is "8" and the reason "24" is indicated, this error might be caused by starting the EntireX Broker twice. To do so might lead to a shortage of SYSDEF dataspace that can be a potential reason this message.

Sys. Programmer

If the return code is greater than "4", determine why the buffer pool creation failed. Generally this happens only due to a shortage of storage. When the return code is "4", report the circumstances of the message to your technical support representative.

INI0015 Warning: Module $1 required to be reentrant is NOT

Various SMARTS server environment nucleus routines or nucleus user exit routines need to be coded reentrant and linked with the RENT option in order to guarantee integrity of the SMARTS server environment.

Module $1 was found not to be reentrant and therefore may result in loss of integrity or nucleus abends.

System Action

Initialization continues.

Sys. Programmer

Ensure module $1 is reentrant.

INI0016 Add failed for $1 resource, rc=$2 fdbk=$3

During initialization, the SMARTS server environment adds various resources to the general resource pool for use at a later stage. In this case, the add for resource $1 failed with return code $2 and feedback code $3. See appendix H, Request Status , starting on page for detailed information.

System Action

Initialization terminates.

Sys. Programmer

This indicates a logic error in the initialization of the SMARTS server environment. Report the contents of the message and the circumstances that cause it to appear to your technical support representative.

INI0017 BPDelete for $1 BP returned status=x'$2'

While attempting to delete the buffer pool $1, a status of $2 was returned.

System Action

Processing continues, however, storage may be lost if the delete request actually failed. Failure is indicated in the first halfword of the status $2. When this is x'0008' or greater, the delete request failed. See appendix H, Request Status , starting on page for detailed information.

Sys. Programmer

An unexpected situation has occurred. $2 represents the return code and feedback code from the BPDELETE request. Report this, along with any other messages at the time of the error, to your technical support representative.

INI0018 Logic error in module $1 at offset $2

The SMARTS server environment encountered a logic error in module $1 at offset $2.

Sys. Programmer

Report the error and the circumstances surrounding the error to your technical support representative.

INI0019 CRSVATBL not loaded into SVA

INI0020 System adapter (COMSIP) not initialized

INI0021 Return code from PRODID AUTH not zero - RC=$1

INI0022 PRODID-DEFINE - RC = $1/$2

INI0023 Not enough real storage for initialization

INP — Initialization : Parameter Processing

Overview of Messages

INP0003 | INP0007
INP0003 Invalid data for Keyword $1, '$2'

While processing the SMARTS server environment initialization parameters specified in the SYSPARM file or the PARM field text, a value was given for the specified keyword that was not recognized as valid.

System Action

The SMARTS server environment terminates with a return code of 8.

Sys. Programmer

Locate the source of the error, correct it, and resubmit the job.

Comp. Operator

Notify the SMARTS server environment system programmer.

INP0007 Not enough storage to process SYSPARMs

While processing SMARTS server environment initialization parameters, an insufficient amount of main storage was available to process the SYSPARM file or the PARM field text.

System Action

The SMARTS server environment terminates with a return code of 8.

Sys. Programmer

Increase the region or partition size by 2K and resubmit the job.

Comp. Operator

Notify the SMARTS server environment system programmer.

LOD — Program Management Services

Overview of Messages

LOD0001 | LOD0002 | LOD0003 | LOD0004
LOD0001 Invalid address in program linkage function

Associated with OS LOAD, LINK, XCTL, or DELETE SVCs and the SMARTS server environment's COLOAD, COLINK, COXCTL, or CODEL functions, this message indicates that the parameter list passed contains invalid addresses.

System Action

The application program is abnormally terminated and a SMARTS server environment online dump is taken.

Register 1 contains the address of the parameter list.
The first address in the parameter list should be the address of the program name being loaded.
If an OS SVC was used, the second address should be 80000000 (hex).
If a SMARTS server environment function was used, only the first address is checked for validity.

Term. Operator

An error occurred in the application program. Notify the person responsible for such errors.

Register 1 contains the address of the parameter list.
The first address in the parameter list should be the address of the program name being loaded.
If an OS SVC was used, the second address should be 80000000 (hex).
If a SMARTS server environment function was used, only the first address is checked for validity.

Appl. Programmer

The following may help to determine how the error occurred:

Register 1 contains the address of the parameter list.
The first address in the parameter list should be the address of the program name being loaded.
If an OS SVC was used, the second address should be 80000000 (hex).
If a SMARTS server environment function was used, only the first address is checked for validity.

LOD0002 No storage for XCTL parameter list copy

In order to effect a XCTL/COXCTL request, the SMARTS server environment attempts to acquire storage to make a copy of the parameter list being passed. The request to acquire this storage failed.

System Action

The application program is abnormally terminated and a SMARTS server environment online dump is taken.

Register 1 contains the address of the parameter list.
The first address in the parameter list should be the address of the program name being loaded.
The second address in the parameter list should be 80000000 (hex).

Sys. Programmer

The storage referred to in this message is acquired from the general buffer pool. Review the storage estimates for this region to ensure that such as shortage does not occur again.

Register 1 contains the address of the parameter list.
The first address in the parameter list should be the address of the program name being loaded.
The second address in the parameter list should be 80000000 (hex).

Appl. Programmer

The following may help to determine how the error occurred:

Register 1 contains the address of the parameter list.
The first address in the parameter list should be the address of the program name being loaded.
The second address in the parameter list should be 80000000 (hex).

LOD0003 Invalid resume PSW at exit from LINKed or XCTLed

The return from the application that was passed control using OS LINK, XCTL, or the SMARTS server environment's COLINK or COXCTL functions indicates that the application program modified the storage in the thread used to save the status of the calling program.

System Action

The application program is abnormally terminated and a SMARTS server environment online dump is taken.

Term. Operator

An error occurred in the application program. Notify the person responsible for such error.

LOD0004 Program $1 LOAD for $2 disallowed by exit ULSRPSFS

During an attempt by the application program to load a module using OS LOAD, LINK, XCTL, or the SMARTS server environment's COLOAD, COLINK, or COXCTL functions, the installation user exit ULSRPSFS chose not to allow the application to load the requested program.

System Action

The application program is abnormally terminated and a SMARTS server environment online dump is taken.

Term. Operator

Contact the application programmer.

OPC — Operator Communication

Overview of Messages

OPC0000 | OPC0001 | OPC0002 | OPC0003 | OPC0004 | OPC0005 | OPC0006 | OPC0007 | OPC0010 | OPC0011 | OPC0012 | OPC0015 | OPC0017 | OPC0018 | OPC0020 | OPC0021 | OPC0022 | OPC0023 | OPC0024 | OPC0025 | OPC0026 | OPC0027 | OPC0028 | OPC0029 | OPC0030 | OPC0031 | OPC0032 | OPC0033 | OPC0034 | OPC0035 | OPC0036 | OPC0037 | OPC0038 | OPC0039 | OPC0040 | OPC0041 | OPC0043 | OPC0045 | OPC0046 | OPC0048 | OPC0049 | OPC0050 | OPC0052 | OPC0053 | OPC0054 | OPC0055 | OPC0056 | OPC0057 | OPC0058 | OPC0059 | OPC0060 | OPC0062 | OPC0063 | OPC0064 | OPC0065 | OPC0066 | OPC0067 | OPC0068 | OPC0069 | OPC0070 | OPC0071 | OPC0072 | OPC0073 | OPC0074 | OPC0075 | OPC0076 | OPC0077 | OPC0078 | OPC0079 | OPC0080 | OPC0081 | OPC0082 | OPC0083 | OPC0084 | OPC0085 | OPC0086 | OPC0087 | OPC0090 | OPC0091 | OPC0092 | OPC0093 | OPC0094 | OPC0098 | OPC0099 | OPC0100
OPC0000 SMARTS is initialized

The SMARTS server environment initialized successfully and is now ready to accept users and operator commands.

Comp. Operator

This is an informational message only; no action is required.

OPC0001 $1 $2 completed

The SMARTS server environment computer operator command $1 with operand $2 was accepted and processed. This message is sent to the console at the completion of processing for the following commands: ADD, DELETE, IGNORE, RESTART, CANCEL, STALL, UNSTALL, SETCTL, UNCTL, and LOGOFF.

System Action

The appropriate action is performed according to the command entered.

Comp. Operator

This is an informational message only; no action is required.

OPC0002 $1: $2 is not logged on

The user ID $2 referred to in the SMARTS server environment computer operator command $1 is not logged on to SMARTS.

System Action

The command is ignored.

Comp. Operator

The operand field ($2) must be a valid user ID for a user who is currently logged on to the SMARTS server environment.

OPC0003 Unrecognized command: $1

The SMARTS server environment operator (or a privileged terminal user) entered a SMARTS server environment system command, but the SMARTS server environment was unable to identify the command verb or not enough characters were entered to uniquely identify the verb.

System Action

The command is not executed.

Comp. Operator

This message is sent to the console that entered the erroneous data (or the master console, if entered by a terminal user). Examine the failing command and reenter using a valid verb.

OPC0004 $1 $2 $3ID=$4 - Device not supported

This message is associated with SMARTS server environment computer operator commands. Device support for TID $3 is not included in the SMARTS server environment nucleus, or TID $3 is either a batch or attached TID.

System Action

The command is ignored unless $3 is a member of group $2. In that case, the remainder of group $2 is processed.

Comp. Operator

After verifying that the correct TID or LID was entered in the command, notify the system programmer, who should include the device support modules for TID $3 in the next link of the SMARTS server environment nucleus.

OPC0005 Invalid EOJ command format

This message is associated with SMARTS server environment computer operator commands. It indicates that the EOJ command was invalid.

System Action

The command was ignored.

Comp. Operator

Refer to the explanation of the use of the EOJ command.

OPC0006 $1 $2 - TID or group invalid or not defined

This message is associated with SMARTS server environment computer operator commands. In command $1, $2 is invalid. Here, $2 must be a valid TID, LID, user ID, group name, or ALL.

System Action

The command is ignored.

Comp. Operator

Reenter the command with a valid $2 field.

OPC0007 $1 $2 - already active

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment computer operator ADD and RESTART commands. Terminal (online) $2 was activated by a SMARTS server environment ADD command at initialization or by a previous ADD or RESTART command and has not been IGNORED.

System Action

The command is ignored.

Comp. Operator

The terminal is already in the active state. A terminal must be in the nonactive state (via the IGNORE command) before a RESTART command can be issued for it.

OPC0010 $1 $2 multiple terminal cancel not allowed

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment computer operator CANCEL command. It indicates that more than one TID, TIBNAME, or user ID ($2) was entered for command $1.

System Action

The command is ignored.

Comp. Operator

Only one terminal may be cancelled at a time. Here, $2 may only be one valid TID, TIBNAME, or user ID.

OPC0011 $1 $2 - Can't do it now, APPC TID is in RECEIVE state

This message is issued if an attempt is made to CANCEL or LOGOFF an APPC TIB while this TIB is waiting for input.

System Action

The command is ignored.

OPC0012 $1 $2 - CANCEL delayed, in SMARTS or PV program

This message is issued in response to a CANCEL command entered by the computer operator. It indicates that a privileged program (UQ, UEDIT, etc.) or a SMARTS server environment service routine had control of terminal $2 when the CANCEL command ($1) was issued.

System Action

The program running on terminal $2 has been flagged to be terminated at the end of the current process.

Comp. Operator

Software AG does not recommend cancelling privileged programs or the service routine; however, by reentering the CANCEL command, the computer operator may be able to cancel the current process.

OPC0015 $1 $2 - Terminal has already been ignored

An IGNORE command was issued for a terminal ($2) that had already been ignored.

System Action

The command is ignored.

Comp. Operator

The terminal or line is already ignored; no further action need be taken.

OPC0017 $1 $2 $3ID=$4 rolled out - CANCEL before IGNORE

TID $3 is rolled out and cannot be ignored.

System Action

The command is ignored unless $3 is a member group, in which case processing of the group continues.

Comp. Operator

The program that is active for the terminals ($3) being ignored must be allowed to finish processing or be cancelled before the terminal can be ignored.

OPC0018 $1 $2 $3ID=$4 not ignored - active in thread

The program associated with the terminal is active in the thread and must be cancelled before the terminal can be ignored.

System Action

The command ($1) is ignored unless $3 is a member of group $2, in which case processing of the group continues.

Comp. Operator

If the program associated with a terminal remains active in the thread, the proper action is to cancel it rather than to ignore the terminal. This condition can be the result of a missing I/O interrupt or an outstanding console reply. Check for these conditions before cancelling a program.

OPC0020 Error on destination code $1

This message is associated with SMARTS server environment computer operator commands. The SMARTS server environment was unable to issue its hello message to all the terminals in the SMARTS server environment for one or more of the following reasons:

A security violation occurred because TID 1 was not authorized to send a class 2 message.
DEST CODE $1 was translated by the SMARTS server environment to define more than 100 terminals.
DEST CODE $1 was higher than the highest code defined to the SMARTS server environment.
DEST CODE $1 was not defined in TIBTAB.
DEST CODE $1 defined a terminal that was not authorized to receive class 2 messages.
System Action

The destination code indicated by DEST CODE $1 is bypassed; that is, the SMARTS server environment hello message is not sent to the terminals defined by DEST CODE $1.

OPC0021 $1 $2 already active

This message is associated with the SMARTS operator commands ADD and RESTART:

For an ADD command, the terminal ($2) cannot be ADDed because it is already active to another user or job within the system.
For a RESTART command, the terminal ($2) is already active under SMARTS.
System Action

The command is ignored.

Comp. Operator

For an ADD command, the terminal must first be released from its current user/owner. For a RESTART command, the terminal must be deactivated using an IGNORE operator command before issuing the RESTART command.

OPC0022 $1 $2 $3ID=$4 is enqueued and cannot be restarted

TID $3 is in a SMARTS queue and cannot be restarted.

System Action

The command $1 is ignored unless $3 is a member of a group ($2), in which case processing of the remainder of the group continues.

Comp. Operator

This message indicates a logic problem in the SMARTS nucleus. Contact your technical support representative.

OPC0023 Job '$1' is using SMARTS functions, enter 'Y' to Continue

The SMARTS server environment was unable to perform the EOJ operation specified by the computer operator because the batch job indicated by $1 was using a SMARTS server environment function at the time the EOJ command was issued.

System Action

The EOJ command is ignored.

Comp. Operator

Wait until the batch job $1 terminates and then reissue the EOJ command.

OPC0024 $1 $2 - ENQ SVC routine in control - reenter command

The SMARTS server environment was unable to perform the CANCEL operation requested by the computer operator because the TID specified by the computer operator is active in the thread and is currently waiting for an ENQ/LOCK function to complete.

System Action

The CANCEL command is ignored.

If the cause of the wait cannot be determined or the resource cannot be made available, issuing a second CANCEL command for this TID cancels the program associated with this TID, leaving the resource for which the program was waiting enqueued with no associated program to later dequeue it.

The SMARTS server environment program termination cleanup is unable to DEQUEUE/UNLOCK this resource since it is in the waiting status.

Use the SMARTS server environment utility UENQ to DEQUE/ UNLOCK the resource left when the TID was cancelled; however, ensure that you do not DEQUEUE/UNLOCK the wrong resource.

Sys. Programmer

Determine why the program associated with this TID is waiting to ENQ/LOCK on a resource and attempt to make the resource available.

If the cause of the wait cannot be determined or the resource cannot be made available, issuing a second CANCEL command for this TID cancels the program associated with this TID, leaving the resource for which the program was waiting enqueued with no associated program to later dequeue it.

The SMARTS server environment program termination cleanup is unable to DEQUEUE/UNLOCK this resource since it is in the waiting status.

Use the SMARTS server environment utility UENQ to DEQUE/ UNLOCK the resource left when the TID was cancelled; however, ensure that you do not DEQUEUE/UNLOCK the wrong resource.

Comp. Operator

Before issuing the CANCEL command for this TID a second time, seek the assistance of the SMARTS server environment system programmer.

OPC0025 $1 command invalid for VTAM / ACCESS


While attempting to print something to SYSPRINT, the OC task found that the DD/DLBL statement did not exist in the job control. Thus, the DD/DLBL statement was dynamically allocated to make it available for use.

Sys. Programmer

To avoid this message, the SYSPRINT DD/DLBL statement must be coded in the SMARTS server environment job control.

OPC0027 $1 command operand must be either 'START' OR 'STOP'

This message is associated with SMARTS server environment VTAM support. An invalid operand field was entered with the VTAM command.

System Action

The command is ignored.

Comp. Operator

The operand field for the VTAM command must be STOP or START.

OPC0028 Error during DYNALLOC Error Code X'$1', Info Code '$2'

The SMARTS server environment OC task attempted to print to the SYSPRINT DD/DLBL but found that it did not exist in the job control. An attempt to allocate it dynamically failed. For MVS systems, $1 and $2 are the error and information codes, respectively, returned by the DYNALLOC function.

System Action

The attempt to print is terminated.

Sys. Programmer

Using the diagnostic information, determine why the dynamic allocation of the DD/DLBL statement failed. If the problem is related to the installation, correct the error. If not, provide the details of the error to your technical support representative.

OPC0029 $1 trace entries lost due to insufficent buffer space

Tracing is active in the system where a certain amount of storage has been reserved for the trace areas. As the buffer areas fill, they may be written to CAPTURE and reinitialized or simply reinitialized if the data is not being CAPTUREd.

When a buffer is full, an attempt is made to find the next `reinitialized' or available trace buffer. If this cannot be found due to delays in CAPTURE or the speed of the machine, the requested data cannot be traced and therefore trace entries are lost. The message registers the number of trace entries $1 lost in the previous 60 seconds or so.

System Action

The trace entry is lost and processing continues.

It may occur if a minimum of trace buffers is made available and large numbers of trace records are being written. This can occur when trace data is being CAPTUREd and the volume of tracing is filling the allocated buffers faster than they can be written to CAPTURE.

In this case, allocate enough buffers to ensure that the filled buffers are CAPTUREd and reinitialized before the `free' buffers are filled again.

Sys. Programmer

It is unlikely that this message will be seen when trace data is not being CAPTUREd as the CAPTURE buffers are reinitialized for use as soon as they are filled.

It may occur if a minimum of trace buffers is made available and large numbers of trace records are being written. This can occur when trace data is being CAPTUREd and the volume of tracing is filling the allocated buffers faster than they can be written to CAPTURE.

In this case, allocate enough buffers to ensure that the filled buffers are CAPTUREd and reinitialized before the `free' buffers are filled again.

OPC0030 SMARTS termination in progress

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment operator communications processor and is the normal response to an EOJ (shutdown) request from the operator or a privileged terminal user.

System Action

The SMARTS server environment begins its normal termination processing. Thread activity is quiesced, no user is allowed to enter any data, and active programs are terminated. No further operator communications are accepted.

Comp. Operator

This message is for information only; no action is required.

OPC0031 SMARTS terminated

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment operator communications processor and is the normal response to an EOJ (shutdown) request from the operator or a privileged terminal user. The SMARTS server environment finished its normal termination processing and is exiting the operating system.

System Action

The SMARTS server environment terminates normally with return code of zero.

Comp. Operator

This message is for information only; no action is required.

OPC0032 LOGON now disallowed

The DISALLOW LOGON command entered by the computer operator completed successfully.

System Action

Future LOGON requests are not honored; however, all users who are already logged on to the SMARTS server environment are able to continue until they log off.

Comp. Operator

Issue the ALLOW command when ready to allow new users to log on to the SMARTS server environment. Refer to the information about this command.

OPC0033 LOGON now allowed

The ALLOW LOGON command entered by the computer operator completed successfully.

System Action

The SMARTS server environment resumes honoring LOGON requests from terminals.

Comp. Operator

For details, refer to the information about this command.

OPC0034 RJE now disallowed

The DISALLOW RJE command entered by the computer operator completed successfully.

System Action

Future RJE requests from application programs receive a return code indicating that RJE is disallowed.

Comp. Operator

Issue the ALLOW command when ready to allow RJE requests from application programs. For details, refer to the information about this command.

OPC0035 RJE now allowed

The ALLOLW RJE command entered by the computer operator completed successfully.

System Action

The SMARTS server environment resumes honoring RJE requests from application programs.

Comp. Operator

Refer to the information about the ALLOW command.

OPC0036 LOADs disallowed. DEQ-ed: $1

The DISALLOW ULIB command entered by the computer operator completed successfully.

System Action

All future use of the ULIB utility results in an error message indicating that ULIB is disallowed.

Comp. Operator

Issue the ALLOW command when ready to allow use of the ULIB utility. Refer to the information about this command.

OPC0037 LOADs allowed. ENQ-ed: $1

The ALLOW ULIB command entered by the computer operator completed successfully.

System Action

The ULIB utility resumes honoring requests.

Comp. Operator

Refer to the information about the ALLOW command.

OPC0038 UQDEFAULT is now

The DISALLOW UQ command entered by the computer operator completed successfully.

System Action

The UQ utility does not allow the H, R, S, C, DE, and OC commands to be issued against any batch job that does not have the special UQ JCL security statements (//*UQ USER ID, //*UQ ACCOUNT, etc.).

Specifying UQDEFAULT=NO in the initialization parameters for the SMARTS server environment accomplishes the same thing.


The ALLOW UQ command entered by the computer operator completed successfully.

System Action

The UQ utility does not secure the H, R, S, C, DE, or OC commands when they are issued against a batch job that does not have the special UQ JCL security statements (//*UQ USER ID, //*UQ ACCOUNT, etc.).

Specifying UQDEFAULT=YES in the initialization parameters for the SMARTS server environment accomplishes the same thing.

OPC0040 Invalid data for ALLOW/DISALLOW command

The ALLOW or DISALLOW command entered by the computer operator indicates that the parameter supplied was not one of following: LOGON, RJE, ULIB, or UQ. For details, refer to the information about the ALLOW and DISALLOW commands.

System Action

The command is ignored.

OPC0041 $1 $2 scheduled via terminal ENQ

The operator issued a $1 command and the request was processed successfully by ENQing the user's terminal.

System Action

The $1 command is processed asynchronously to eventual completion.

Term. Operator

The user is logged off asynchronously.

Comp. Operator

The $1 command has been processed successfully.

OPC0043 IGNORE accepted

This message, associated with the SMARTS server environment operator communications processor, is the normal response to an IGNORE operator command. The system operator or a privileged terminal user entered a request to ignore input/output requests for a terminal, line, or group of terminals and lines. The IGNORE command was successfully processed.

System Action

Normal processing continues. No data is entered from or sent to the designated terminal(s)/line(s).

Comp. Operator

This message is sent to the console that entered the command or to the master console if entered by a terminal user. The requested terminal(s) or line(s) are now allocated to the SMARTS server environment and are ineligible for allocation by other teleprocessing systems or jobs. It is necessary to issue a DELETE operator command to allow the terminal(s) or line(s) to be allocated by another job.

OPC0045 Module '$1' not found for termination

During termination processing, the SMARTS server environment attempted to load module $1; however, the module was not found in the load libraries available to the SMARTS server environment.

System Action

If the module is not required, processing continues as normal. If the module is required for termination, a message is issued indicating that termination may not finish successfully without this module.

Comp. Operator

Determine if the module is necessary for correct termination and if so make it available in the load libraries available to the SMARTS server environment.

OPC0046 I/O error for module '$1'

During termination processing, the SMARTS server environment attempted to load module $1. During load processing, an error occurred and the module could not be loaded.

System Action

If the module is not required, processing continues as normal; however, if it is required, a warning is issued that termination may not complete correctly without this module.

Sys. Programmer

Usually, the operating system issues a message in relation to the error. Use this information to determine why an error occurred loading the module and correct the error.

OPC0048 Module $1 $2 error, ABEND code X'$3'

During termination processing, the SMARTS server environment attempted to load module $1. Either the BLDL or the LOAD failed as indicated by $2. The error code $3 is the ABEND code returned from the load if load processing failed. If BLDL processing failed, this code is the contents of R0 after the failed BLDL.

System Action

If the module is not required, processing continues as normal. If the module is required, a warning message is issued indicating that termination processing may not complete successfully.

Sys. Programmer

Based on the provided diagnostic information, determine why the function failed and correct the error for the next SMARTS server environment termination.

OPC0049 Return code $1 from module '$2'

During startup or termination processing, module $2 was called and returned a return code $1.

System Action

If this happens during startup, then in most cases the initialization process is stopped. During termination, processing continues with the next module.

Sys. Programmer

If the module is a SMARTS server environment module, report the return code to your technical support representative as it indicates some form of unexpected error. If the module is a user module or exit, determine why the module returned the code it did and correct the problem or the module to cause a zero return code as required.

OPC0050 Successful termination not possible without module

During termination processing, an error was encountered with a module that was required to successfully bring about normal termination. The module $1 did not successfully execute and therefore termination may not be normal. The reason that the module did not successfully execute is clear from the message immediately preceeding this related to the same module name.

System Action

Processing continues with the next termination module.

Sys. Programmer

Determine the problem with the module and correct it to insure normal termination of the SMARTS server environment.

OPC0052 IGNORE rejected due to program active, CANCEL first

The SMARTS server environment was unable to honor the computer operator command IGNORE because the program running under the specified terminal was rolled out waiting for an event to complete (such as a call to ADABAS or a timed rollout).

System Action

The IGNORE command is not honored.

will not complete in a reasonable amount of time, such as a program that has rolled out for an extremely long time; or
may never complete at all, such as an application program waiting for ADABAS when ADABAS has terminated.

If this is the case, cancel the program (CANCEL command) before the terminal is ignored. Refer to information about the CANCEL command.

Comp. Operator

The continual appearance of this message normally indicates that the application program is waiting for an event that

will not complete in a reasonable amount of time, such as a program that has rolled out for an extremely long time; or
may never complete at all, such as an application program waiting for ADABAS when ADABAS has terminated.

If this is the case, cancel the program (CANCEL command) before the terminal is ignored. Refer to information about the CANCEL command.

OPC0053 SMARTS threads quiesced

The SMARTS server environment termination processing has reached the `WAIT WORK' status; that is, the point where it expects all threads to be quiesced.

System Action

Termination processing proceeds to the next stage.

Comp. Operator

If it seems that the threads will never go to wait work, either force 'normal' termination using the 'EOJ FORCE' command, or cancel the SMARTS server environment with a dump to provide some diagnostic information for the problem.

OPC0054 $1 $2 scheduled via operator CANCEL command

The $1 command has been accepted and initiated by cancelling the user or terminal specified in $2.

System Action

The requested action continues asynchronously until completion.

Comp. Operator

The request was successfully processed; however, if the asynchronous processing fails, the `successful' completion may be imperfect. For example, a user may not be logged off correctly. If this occurs, try again; however, as a final measure, you could force the user.

OPC0055 $1 $2 not allocated - see previous message(s) for

An ADD command was issued for a local CTAM device or remote line. As a result, the SMARTS server environment attempted to allocate the device; however, the allocation failed. Refer to a previous message for the reason.

OPC0056 WTOR message ID X'$1' cancelled

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment online program rollout and termination thread cleanup processor.

The application program terminated or rolled out with an unanswered WTOR (write to operator with reply), and the SMARTS server environment thread cleanup processor cancelled the associated reply.

X'$1' is the ID number of the cancelled reply.

System Action

The application program is rolled or terminated. The operator reply is cancelled.

Sys. Programmer

Identify the program issuing the WTOR and either eliminate the WTOR or satisfy the WTOR before executing a ROLL function or program termination.

Comp. Operator

Notify the SMARTS server environment system programmer.

OPC0057 $1 $2 forced by computer operator

Request $1 caused the user identified by $2 to be forced.

Sys. Programmer

Use the `FORCE' command only as a last resort as it can cause SMARTS server environment ABENDs in certain cases.

Comp. Operator

Consult your systems programmer about using the `FORCE' command as it can effect the integrity of the system.

OPC0058 Cancel delayed due to Must-Complete status

The action of a CANCEL command has been delayed because the TID being cancelled is processing within an area that may not be interrupted by a CANCEL command; that is, a must-complete condition exists.

System Action

Cancel status is set for the specified TID when the CANCEL is delayed. Once the must-complete condition has cleared, the cancel action is taken. If a second CANCEL command is entered for a TID that already has a delayed cancel pending, the CANCEL is rejected.

Sys. Programmer

Determine the cause of the delayed cancel. The `must-complete' status is set while writing the capture file, RJE processing, or operator command processing. If the cause cannot be determined, cancel the SMARTS server environment command with a dump and contact your support representative.

Comp. Operator

Wait for the delayed cancel to take effect. If the cancel has not completed after a reasonable time period, contact the system programmer at your installation.

OPC0059 $1 $2 - command not applicable to this TIB

OPC0060 $1 $2 failed - device already deleted

An attempt was made to delete a device ($2) that was already deleted.

Comp. Operator

No action is necessary as the terminal or line is already deleted.

OPC0062 $1 $2 flagged but not scheduled: TIB inconsistent or in

The command $1 was issued against the user defined by $2; however, the command could not complete successfully as the TIB for the user was in an invalid state or was waiting in one of the SMARTS server environment's internal queues. In this case, the requested operation can only be marked for the user.

Sys. Programmer

Use UCTRL subfunctions US/QO/PL/SG/TL to determine if there is a lock situation somewhere causing the TIB to be hung in a queue.

If there is, try to remove the reason for the hang; for example, by cancelling the user locking up a thread or subtask.

If the TIB is not on any queue, this message generally indicates a logic error that should be reported to your technical support representative.

To get rid of the TID/User when it is not on a queue, use the `FORCE' command. If the same message occurs when the `FORCE' command is issued, the TIB is in a state that could cause an ABEND if the TIB was FORCEd. In this case, the TIB and user ID are lost until the next time the SMARTS server environment is brought down and back up again.

Comp. Operator

When a command fails in this way, contact the systems programmer.

OPC0063 EOJ command rejected due to verification

The systems programmer has specified an eight-byte character string which must be entered with the EOJ command to ensure that it comes from an authorized user knowing the verfiy data. This message indicates that a verify string must be entered and/or the incorrect verify string was provided.

System Action

The EOJ command is ignored.

Sys. Programmer

Ensure that the verify string is known to users authorized to bring the SMARTS server environment down.

Comp. Operator

If you are authorized to bring the SMARTS server environment down, your systems programmer must provide you with the verify data in order for the EOJ command to work.

OPC0064 REVIEW termination program attached

When the Review product is installed in the system, for the SMARTS server environment, it is necessary for a Review EOJ program to be attached. This message indicates that this has just occurred.

System Action

The EOJ command must be entered again after the Review EOJ program has terminated successfully.

Comp. Operator

Wait for the successful completion of the Review EOJ program and issue the EOJ command again.

OPC0065 CAPTURE functions not active

An operator command related to CAPTURE processing was entered; however, CAPTURE is not active in the system.

OPC0066 -> $1

This message is received in response to a DCTRL operator command. This causes a header line to be printed with this message number followed by a list of control TIDs.

OPC0067 -> $1

This message is issued in response to a PLIST or TLIST operator command. The first message contains a header describing the format of the lines to follow and is followed by the lines of information requested.

OPC0068 >>> FORCED <<< termination in progress

The SMARTS server environment EOJ was requested with the FORCE option. The SMARTS server environment terminates without waiting for various termination processes to complete.

OPC0069 Waiting for $1 user(s) to logoff

The SMARTS server environment EOJ is in progress and a logoff has been issued for all users. Having issued the logoff, the SMARTS server environment must wait until all users are logged off. The message is issued periodically with the number of users left to logoff ($1).

System Action

The SMARTS server environment waits for a number of seconds and rechecks to see if all users are logged off.

Comp. Operator

In error situations, all users may not logoff. The operator can then FORCE each individual user or can reissue the EOJ command with the `FORCE' option to bypass the check.

OPC0070 SMARTS detected mother task ABEND

The SMARTS server environment main task ABENDed. Diagnostic ZAB messages are issued along with this message.

OPC0071 SMARTS detected operator cancel

The SMARTS server environment recovery routines detected an operating system cancel request.

System Action

After certain necessary cleanup, the cancel is allowed to continue without any attempt at recovery.

OPC0072 Attach failed for program $1 return code $2

The OC tried to attach a program

as a result of the STARTUPPGM parameter;
as a result of an attach due to the contents of ULPGMTAB;
as a result of a `USER' operator command; or
at EOJ processing for Review.

The attach failed due to return code $2. The reason for failure is as follows:

04 The requested program could not be found.
08 A security violation has occurred.
12 An invalid program name was provided.
16 A logic error has occurred while processing the request.
20 No eligible thread was available in which to run the program.
24 No TIB was available on which to run the program.
28 A valid and supported terminal type could not be established.
32 Insufficient storage in the general buffer pool for request.
System Action

No action is taken, the program is simply not attached.

04 The program is not available to run in a thread. This may mean that the program is not in the loadlibs/CILs available to the SMARTS server environment or it may be the result of installation options.
08 Access to the program has been denied by a security exit.
12 A valid program name must start with an alpha character and be no more than 8 characters long.
16 Report this error to your technical support representative.
20 The program you requested is cataloged with a region size larger than any thread currently defined. Either recatalog the program to a size small enough to run in one of the currently defined threads or define a thread large enough to run the program.
24 Define more dynamic TIBs in your TIBTAB.
28 Device support for at least one of the 3270 family of terminals must be defined in your TIBTAB (for example, 3278).
32 Review your storage estimates for your general buffer pool.
Sys. Programmer

Correct the error based on the return code as follows:

04 The program is not available to run in a thread. This may mean that the program is not in the loadlibs/CILs available to the SMARTS server environment or it may be the result of installation options.
08 Access to the program has been denied by a security exit.
12 A valid program name must start with an alpha character and be no more than 8 characters long.
16 Report this error to your technical support representative.
20 The program you requested is cataloged with a region size larger than any thread currently defined. Either recatalog the program to a size small enough to run in one of the currently defined threads or define a thread large enough to run the program.
24 Define more dynamic TIBs in your TIBTAB.
28 Device support for at least one of the 3270 family of terminals must be defined in your TIBTAB (for example, 3278).
32 Review your storage estimates for your general buffer pool.
Comp. Operator

Action should be taken based on the return code received. Refer to the documentation for systems programmers for more information.

OPC0073 $1 $2 invalid before LOGOFF/CANCEL

The operator entered requested that a user be forced off the system. This command is invalid without a previous logoff attempt for the user in the case of a non-attached terminal or a previous cancel attempt for an attached task.

System Action

The request is ignored.

Comp. Operator

Before attempting to force a user, you must first attempt a `LOGOFF' command for a non-attached user or a CANCEL command for an attached user. If this has been attempted and the user is still in the system, the force is accepted.

OPC0074 $1 $2 - command invalid for attached user

The requested command was attempted for an attached user. This command cannot be issued for an attached user.

System Action

The request is ignored.

Comp. Operator

Attached users are a special case. However, another operator command that causes the effect you require is probably available. Determine what that command is and issue it for the user.

OPC0075 No buffer available for OC wait list

The main SMARTS server environment task `OC' requires a storage area to build a list upon which it can wait. The storage for this list was not available.

System Action

&cmom terminates with an ABEND.

Sys. Programmer

Insufficient storage was available in the general buffer pool. Review the storage allocation for the SMARTS server environment generally and the general buffer pool in particular.

OPC0076 Request denied. $2 failed for $1

OPC0077 DCB for COMPLIB load library chain has been closed

OPC0078 OPEN failed for COMPLIB

OPC0079 COMDMP - Dumpfile successfully opened

OPC0080 COMDMP - Dumpfile not opened

OPC0081 COMDMP - Dumpfile too small

OPC0082 COMDMP - Dump will be written to SYSLST

OPC0083 DUMP command operand must be either 'DISK' or 'NODISK'

OPC0084 $1 $2 $3

The VSE trace facility (UPSI) has been activated.

OPC0085 $1 ready for communications

OPC0086 TLINSP terminated

OPC0087 Module '$1' loaded for termination

OPC0090 Invalid operand '$1' for $2 command

The operator command $2 was issued with an operand of $1. This operand is not valid for the command. When the string `*no operand*' appears, it indicates that the command was issued without an operand when an operand was required. For correct syntax, refer to information about the specified command.

OPC0091 $1 $2 - $3 $4 cancelled successfully via ABEND

The command $1 $2 was issued by the operator. As a result, the program running on TID $4 was terminated by ABENDing the program. This indicates that the program was associated and running on a task.

System Action

The user program is abnormally terminated with a SMARTS server environment online dump.

OPC0092 $1 $2 - $3 $4 cancelled successfully via POST

The command $1 $2 was issued by the computer operator. As a result, the user program running on TID $4 was cancelled by posting the program active. This indicates that the program was associated with a task but was waiting on one or more ECBs to be posted active.

System Action

The user program is abnormally terminated with a SMARTS server environment online dump.

OPC0093 Task group $1 does not exist

An attempt to display or modifiy the task group $1 failed as the task group does not exist.

Comp. Operator

Use the PG function of the UCTRL utility to determine what task groups are currently active on the system.

OPC0094 Thread group $1 does not exist

An attempt to display or modify the thread group $1 failed because the thread group does not exist.

Comp. Operator

Use the TG function of the UCTRL utility to determine what thread groups are currently active on the system.

OPC0098 Statistics print module (UCTRLP) could not be loaded

OPC0099 Command received at $1 from $2 was $3

This message is issued in response to any SMARTS server environment operator command. This command could have been issued from an operator console or generated internally during startup or termination.

System Action

The command parsing and processing follows.

Comp. Operator

This is an informational message only; no action is required.


OUS — ";User" Operator Command Processor

Overview of Messages

OUS0001 | OUS0002 | OUS0003 | OUS0004 | OUS0005 | OUS0006
OUS0001 Program $1 attached, data '$2'

In response to the the `USER' operator command, the program $1 was successfully attached with data $2 as supplied in the operator command.

OUS0002 Invalid program name

The operator command USER specified an invalid program name to be attached.

System Action

The USER operator command is terminated.

Comp. Operator

For the correct syntax, refer to the information about the USER command.

OUS0003 Invalid function

OUS0004 File name missing or invalid

The operator command `USER ULIB...' was issued to request that certain files be closed; however, no files to be closed have been specified on the request, or the file names specified on the request are invalid.

System Action

The request is terminated.

Comp. Operator

Refer to the information about specifying file names on the `USER ULIB' request.

OUS0005 Too many files (more than 5)

The operator command `USER ULIB' was issued; however, the command specifies too many files at the one time. The maximum number of files that may be specified is currently 5.

System Action

The request is terminated without closing any files.

OUS0006 Program $1 attached function $2 DDN $3

The program $1 was successfully attached to perform the $2 function on file $3.

System Action

The attached program asynchronously attempts to complete the request.

RES — Reentrant Program Support

Overview of Messages

RES0002 | RES0003 | RES0006 | RES0007 | RES0008 | RES0011 | RES0012 | RES0013 | RES0015 | RES0017 | RES0019 | RES0020 | RES0021 | RES0022
RES0002 Program $1 not found

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment initialization of resident programs and indicates the program `$1' is not in the SMARTS server environment ident STEPLIB, JOBLIB, or SYS1.LINKLIB libraries.

System Action

The application program that was to be loaded as resident is not loaded.

Sys. Programmer

Link the resident program, then restart the SMARTS server environment.

Appl. Programmer

The program `$1' is not loaded resident. If, at a later time, the program is linked to one of the above libraries and is subsequently loaded by an application program, it is loaded into the thread. If insufficient storage is available, the application program is abnormally terminated.

RES0003 $1 resident program load failed, code $2

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment initialization of resident programs. The number indicated by CODE $2 indicates the type of error and represents the return code from the operating system LOAD macro. Refer to the description of the LOAD macro's return code.

System Action

The application program that was to be loaded as resident is not loaded.

Sys. Programmer

Link the resident program, then restart the SMARTS server environment.

Appl. Programmer

The program `$1' is not loaded resident. If an application program subsequently loads program `$1', it is loaded into the thread. If insufficient storage is available, the application program is abnormally terminated.

RES0006 Program $1 loaded - $2 $3

Resident program $1 was load successfully. For systems where modules can reside above the 16 Mb line, $2 indicates if it was loaded `ABOVE' or `BELOW'. If the program is not reentrant, $3 indicates that fact. Residentpage programs must be reentrant; otherwise, ABENDs occur when the program tries to alter itself.

RES0007 $1 programs loaded $2, size $3K

This message indicates the number of resident programs that were loaded ($1) and the total size of the resident programs ($3). For systems where modules can reside above the 16 Mb line, $2 indicates which `set' of modules the message relates to; that is, one message is issued for the modules loaded below the line and one for the modules loaded above.

Sys. Programmer

This information can be used to estimate the storage requirements of for the SMARTS server environment.

RES0008 Duplicate resident program $1 ignored

The same program name $1 was specified twice in the start-up parameters for the SMARTS server environment.

System Action

Program $1 is loaded once into the resident program area and the second request is ignored.

Sys. Programmer

Remove one of the RESIDENTPAGE sysparms for the duplicated module.

RES0011 Invalid command starting '$1'

The operand entered is not `LOAD', `DELETE', or `REFRESH'.

System Action

The command is ignored.

Comp. Operator

Correct the command and reenter.

RES0012 Invalid program name starting '$1'

The specified program name does not start with a letter or is more than eight characters long.

System Action

The command is ignored.

Comp. Operator

Correct the command and reenter.

RES0013 Program $1 already resident in SMARTS

A request was made to load a program that was already resident.

System Action

The command is ignored.

Comp. Operator

Specify the `REFRESH' operand.

RES0015 $1 resident program $2 successful $3

An operator request $2 for resident program $1 completed successfully. If the request involved the loading or refreshing of a program, $3 indicates whether the program was loaded above or below the 16 Mb line and whether the newly loaded program is reentrant or not.

RES0017 Program $1 not found

A LOAD request failed because the specified program could not be found.

System Action

The command is ignored.

Sys. Programmer

Place the specified program in the SMARTS server environment STEPLIB/LIBDEF.

Comp. Operator

Notify the SMARTS server environment system programmer.

RES0019 No storage available for loadpcb

A request was received to load a module into the resident program area. The SMARTS server environment attempted to acquire storage for a loaded program control block (LPCB) for the module and this request failed.

System Action

The request to load the program is terminated without the program being loaded.

Sys. Programmer

In a case where storage is not available for the LPCB, it is unlikely that the storage will be available to load the actual module. In this case, the storage estimates must be reviewed to allow for situations where modules are loaded while the SMARTS server environment is running.

RES0020 Program $1 not resident

A DELETE or REFRESH request specified a program that was not resident.

System Action

The command is ignored.

Sys. Programmer

Investigate and correct the error condition.

Comp. Operator

Notify the SMARTS server environment system programmer.

RES0021 Program $1 not resident

A request was made for action against resident program $1; however, the SMARTS server environment has determined that this program does not exist in the resident program area.

RES0022 Logic error in TTOCRP

A call to the SMARTS server environment resident program search module resulted in an unexpected return code.

System Action

The request is terminated.

Sys. Programmer

Contact your technical support representative with the details of the exact command issued that caused the problem.

ROL — Rollout / Rollin Processing

Overview of Messages

ROL0002 | ROL0008 | ROL0009 | ROL0010 | ROL0011 | ROL0012 | ROL0013 | ROL0014 | ROL0020 | ROL0022
ROL0002 TID $1 no rollout slots available

When a user program must be rolled out of thread, the SMARTS server environment first attempts to acquire space in the roll buffer to move the image in storage. If no space or roll buffer is available, the SMARTS server environment attempts to allocate space on the roll dataset(s) to roll the user out to disk. In this case, not enough contiguous space was available on any of the roll datasets.

System Action

The SMARTS server environment continues processing. The user running the program for which the rollout failed is informed the next time they cause the SMARTS server environment to try to roll the program in again.

Term. Operator

Too many terminals are in use at the same time. Wait a few minutes and try your request again. Contact the SMARTS server environment system programmer about expanding the SMARTS server environment rollout files so that more terminals can be in use at the same time.

Sys. Programmer

Every program on every level requires space to which it can be rolled, either in the roll buffer or on the roll datasets. This space is only allocated when the program is rolled out and is freed when the program is rolled in again. Refer to the information about estimates for the roll subsystem.

ROL0008 TID $1 thread relocation failure

During rollout processing, the thread for a relocatable program is prepared so that it can be rolled back into a different thread. If an error occurs during this reloaction of the thread during rollout, this is remembered for the thread. When the thread is rolled back in again for whatever reason or in whatever thread, a check is made to see if the relocation on rollout worked. In this case, the relocation failed.

System Action

The program is terminated with a dump and a message is sent to the user of the program.

Term. Operator

Report this application or system error to the help desk or operations area.

Sys. Programmer

An application overwrite in the thread corrupted control blocks specific to the SMARTS server environment that are necessary for relocation. One example of this would be the SMARTS server environment free queue element (FQE) chain. If you find no evidence of corruption, report the problem to your technical support representative, providing the thread dump to assist in the diagnosis of the problem.

ROL0009 TID $1 logic error during $2

A logic error during $2 processing was encountered in the roll subsystem for tid $1.

System Action

The user is informed about the error, and where applicable, the program is terminated with a dump.

Term. Operator

Report this system error to your help desk or operations area.

Sys. Programmer

Something is wrong in the SMARTS server environment roll subsystem logic. $2 indicates where this is; however, because of when the roll subsystem is called, the error may not be due to tid $1, although that terminal is obviously directly affected by the problem. Report this to your technical support representative, providing the SMARTS server environment job log and any dumps produced for diagnostic purposes.

ROL0010 TID $1 no roll buffer space was available at time of

This message is associated with ZRR00002 in that when the application program was last rolled out, the system was unable to find space on the roll datasets. An event has triggered an attempted rollin of the program; however, as the rollout failed, this message is sent to inform the user.

System Action

The user program is terminated and the user is informed.

Term. Operator

The installation defined insufficient resources for the SMARTS server environment. Report the problem to your help desk or operations area.

Sys. Programmer

Review the space calculations for the roll subsystem.

ROL0011 TID $1 program cannot start, roll-out failed for

If a user program is attempting to start, the previous thread user must first be rolled out of thread so that the new program can run. In this case, the rollout failed and rather than terminate a running session, the initialization request for the new program is rejected.

System Action

The requested program is not started and the requestor is informed.

Term. Operator

Problems exist with the SMARTS server environment roll subsystem that will be obvious to the systems programmer. Contact your help desk or operations area.

Sys. Programmer

This error will be issued due to a previous rollout error. This can be determined from messages sent in conjunction with this message.

ROL0012 TID $1 thread image / TID / level mismatch

The SMARTS server environment has rolled in a copy of a user application program. When the rolling completed, the tid and level of the program rolled in did not reflect what was expected.

System Action

The program is terminated with a dump.

Term. Operator

Report this system error to your help desk or operations center.

Sys. Programmer

This is an internal logic error in the SMARTS server environment. Collect the SMARTS server environment job log and the dump and contact your technical support representative.

ROL0013 TID $1 thread mismatch at roll-in

The SMARTS server environment rolled a user program back into a thread; however, the number of the thread is not what the TIB expected.

System Action

The program is terminated with a dump and the user is informed.

Term. Operator

Report this system error to your help desk or operations center to ensure they are aware of the problem.

Sys. Programmer

The SMARTS server environment has an internal logic error. Collect the dump and SMARTS server environment job log and contact your technical support representative.

ROL0014 TID $1 roll-out failed, logic error

This message is associated with ZRR00009. The logic error occurred while the tib was being rolled out. An event caused a rolling request and the opportunity is taken to tell the user about the problem rolling the program out.

System Action

The user program is `terminated' and the user informed.

Term. Operator

Report this system error to your help desk or operations area to ensure that they know the problem exists.

Sys. Programmer

Refer to the previously issued ZRR00009 as correcting this problem will bypass this message being sent.

ROL0020 TID $1 active VSAM request detected at roll-out, file $2

When rolling out the contents of a thread, the SMARTS server environment detected an uncompleted request against the VSAM file indicated by $2.

System Action

Action depends on the type of request found active and on whether the SMARTS server environment requested that updates to the file $2 be serialized.

1. If the SMARTS server environment serializes updates for the file and the outstanding request is for update, a snap dump is taken, an ENDREQ issued for the request, and the application is terminated abnormally.
2. In all other cases, processing continues. Treat the message as a warning about possible deadlock situations.
Appl. Programmer

Generally speaking, applications designed for a multiuser environment like the SMARTS server environment should not issue terminal I/O or rollout operations while holding any VSAM resources.

ROL0022 TID $1 roll-out failed due to error in ROLL exit routine

RSM — Resource Management

Overview of Messages

RSM0001 | RSM0002 | RSM0003 | RSM0004
RSM0001 Resource pool $1 created successfully

A request to create a resource pool completed successfully. $1 is the name of the resource pool created.

RSM0002 Resource pool $1 creation failed, rc=$2 fdbk=$3

A request to create resource pool $1 failed due to an error returned from the fixed length buffer pool manager. $2 is the returned code from the fixed length buffer pool manager request and $3 is the feedback code. See appendix H, Request Status , starting on page for detailed information.

System Action

If the resource pool being created is the SMARTS server environment's general resource pool (that is, when $1 is `GEN-RESR'), initialization of the SMARTS server environment fails. In other cases, the subsystem for which the resource pool is being created may not function correctly if it functions at all.

Sys. Programmer

Based on the fixed buffer pool manager return and feedback codes, determine why the request failed and if possible correct the error. In most cases, the error is related to a shortage of storage. In cases where the problem does not appear to be related to the installation, report the error to the support area responsible for creating resource pool $1.

RSM0003 Resource pool $1 deleted successfully

A request to delete the $1 resource pool completed successfully.

System Action

The resource pool is no longer available for use.

RSM0004 Resource Pool $1 request $2 rc=$3 fdbk=$4 reta=$5

The resource manager detected a request that received a nonzero return code and a request that messages be issued. In this case the $2 request against the $1 resource pool received return code $3 and feedback code $4. See appendix H, Request Status , starting on page for detailed information. The address from where the request was issued is $5.

Sys. Programmer

Report this message indicating a logical error and the steps taken to create it to your technical support representative.

STG — Storage Initialization

Overview of Messages

STG0001 | STG0002 | STG0004 | STG0005 | STG0006 | STG0007 | STG0008 | STG0009 | STG0010 | STG0011 | STG0012
STG0001 Insufficient storage at initialization for $1

During initialization processing, storage was not available for the purpose indicated in the message. This value is self explanatory when it appears.

System Action

Depending on whether the storage is necessary or not, the SMARTS server environment may continue processing; however, it is possible that further problems with storage may occur later in the initialization process or the SMARTS server environment run.

Sys. Programmer

Refer to the information about calculating the amount of storage required by the SMARTS server environment. Following this, adjust either the SMARTS server environment sysparm or the region size.

STG0002 PAGE FIX failed, reply 'R' for Retry, 'E' for End

This message is associated with SMARTS server environment initialization processing in a virtual storage environment. The SMARTS server environment storage initialization routine was unable to page fix the threads or the tibtab due to a shortage of available real-page frames.

System Action

If R is replied to the outstanding message number, the page-fix will be retried. If E is replied to the outstanding message number, the SMARTS server environment initialization terminates with the message ZIM00003.

Sys. Programmer

This is a severe error. Restart the SMARTS server environment when more real storage is available or decrease the size and/or number of threads.

Comp. Operator

Reply R to retry the page-fix; E to terminate initialization of the SMARTS server environment.

STG0004 Thread $1 allocated $2 below, $3 above, Key $4 $5

This message is associated with main storage initialization of the SMARTS server environment. It is issued once for every thread being initialized. The value $1 indicates the thread number. The values $2 and $3 indicate the storage size allocated to the thread below and above the 16 Mbyte line, respectively. The value $4 indicates the storage protect key (in hexadecimal) assigned to the thread. $5 indicates whether usage of the thread is limited.

System Action

Initialization of the SMARTS server environment continues.

Sys. Programmer

The size, storage protect keys, and number of threads are determined by the THREADS, THSIZEABOVE, and PROTECTKEYS initialization parameters.

Comp. Operator

This message is for information only; no action is necessary.

STG0005 Storage size $1K allocated for $2 $3

This message indicates the amount of storage allocated for the purpose shown in the message. In a system where storage can reside above the line, the word (ABOVE) at the end of the message indicates that all the storage (or in some cases the majority of storage) was acquired above the 16 Mb line.

STG0006 Error loading COMPAN/COMPAM; PAN interface disabled

STG0007 Subpool $1 $2 allocated E-sz $3$4 E-no $5$6 size $7$8 $9

A subpool with the number $1 was allocated for the displayed buffer pool with the element size $3$4, element number $5$6, and total size $7$8. In a system where storage can reside above the line, if the buffer subpool is allocated above the line, `ABOVE' appears at the end of the message.

STG0008 WTO subsystem is active

An active WTO table was found and will be used (XA only).

System Action

Initialization continues.

STG0009 Subsystem $1 initialization complete

STG0010 Subsystem initialization failed, entry '$1' not found

STG0011 WTO table initialization successful

Under MVS/XA and above levels, a subsystem entry for he SMARTS server environment called `COMP' is installed in the system. The subsystem entry was found and all associated processing completed successfully.

STG0012 Unable to locate SMARTS subsystem entry '$1'

Under MVS/XA and above levels, a feature is available in the SMARTS server environment to provide more detailed information in the UQ M display. If this is required, a subsystem $1 must be defined to the operating system. The named subsystem could not be found and therefore the facility is not active.

System Action

Extended information is not available, so the standard copy of the master console is presented when the UQ M function is used.

Sys. Programmer

Ignore this message unless you wish the extended feature within UQ M to be active. If you want it active, check that the subsystem name is not misspelled in the MVS definitions and that MVS actually built a subsystem entry.

SVR — Server Processing

Overview of Messages

SVR0001 | SVR0002 | SVR0003 | SVR0004 | SVR0005 | SVR0006 | SVR0007 | SVR0008 | SVR0009 | SVR0010 | SVR0011 | SVR0012 | SVR0013 | SVR0014 | SVR0015 | SVR0016 | SVR0017 | SVR0018 | SVR0019 | SVR0020 | SVR0021 | SVR0022 | SVR0023 | SVR0024 | SVR0025 | SVR0026 | SVR0027
SVR0001 Server $1 Invalid command received

SVR0002 Server $1 Control-Block address error

SVR0003 Server $1 Getmain for Control-Block failed

SVR0004 Server $1 Missing parameter

SVR0005 Server $1 Missing numeric value

SVR0006 Server $1 Class code invalid

SVR0007 Server $1 Control-Block not initialized

SVR0008 Server $1 Selection failed, parameter error

SVR0009 Server $1 Command failed, parameter error

SVR0010 Server $1 Invalid command for Server-Type

SVR0011 Server $1 Unknown command received

SVR0012 Server $1 QPUT-Function failed

SVR0013 Server $1 Server-PGM load failed

SVR0014 Server $1 Register failed

SVR0015 Server $1 Deregister failed

SVR0016 Server $1 Delete PGM failed

SVR0017 Server $1 Return code $2 from INIT/TERM PGM

SVR0018 Server $1 Function: $2 SDE: $3

SVR0019 Length: $1 DAT: $2

SVR0020 No Server directory

SVR0021 Server $1 not defined

SVR0022 Server $1 not initialized

SVR0023 No request entry

SVR0024 Server $1 already active

SVR0025 Error loading TLINSERV

SVR0026 Server $1 started

SVR0027 Server $1 terminated

TIB — Terminal Initialization

Overview of Messages

TIB0005 | TIB0006 | TIB0007 | TIB0009 | TIB0010 | TIB0014 | TIB0015 | TIB0016 | TIB0017 | TIB0018 | TIB0019 | TIB0020
TIB0005 Not enough storage available to build TIBTAB

This message is associated with SMARTS server environment TIBTAB initialization. Insufficient space is available in the region or partition for the TIBTAB.

System Action

Initialization of the SMARTS server environment is abnormally terminated.

Sys. Programmer

Increase the size of the region or partition.

TIB0006 TIBTAB $1 $2

TIBTAB processing is complete. If the TIBTAB was loaded, the following appear:


—where `tttttttt' is the TIBTAB to be loaded.

If the TIBTAB is built dynamically, the following appear:


—where `nnnnn' is the number of tibs to build.

TIB0007 TIBTAB $1 not found in library

This message is associated with SMARTS server environment TIBTAB initialization. The requested TIBTAB was not found in any library.

System Action

Initialization of the SMARTS server environment is abnormally terminated.

Sys. Programmer

Specify a valid TIBTAB name in the TIBTAB start-up parameter.

TIB0009 Contents of TIBTAB $1 invalid

This message is associated with SMARTS server environment TIBTAB initialization.

The probable cause is an attempt to run an earlier version of the SMARTS server environment TIBTAB instead of a tibtab for the current version of the SMARTS server environment.

Another possible cause is that the module is not a TIBTAB.

System Action

Initialization of the SMARTS server environment is abnormally terminated.

Sys. Programmer

Check the last assembly and link of the specified TIBTAB.

TIB0010 LOAD failed for TIBTAB '$1'

This message is associated with the initialization of the SMARTS server environment. The requested load for the TIBTAB failed.

System Action

Initialization of the SMARTS server environment is terminated.

Comp. Operator

Execute the SMARTS server environment again. If this fails, notify the SMARTS server environment system programmer.

TIB0014 Dynamic TIBTAB initialization completed

TIB0015 Dynamic TIBTAB initialization aborted: TIBTAB exhausted

TIB0016 There are no dynamic TIB updates

TIB0017 TIB $1 allocated to $2

TIB0018 TIB $1 not available, dynamic definition $2 skipped

TIB0019 TIB $1 ($2) data replaced by override definition

TIB0020 TIB definition $2 skipped, alredy existing with TID $1

TMR — Timing Services

Overview of Messages

TMR0001 | TMR0002 | TMR0003 | TMR0004 | TMR0005 | TMR0010 | TMR0011 | TMR0012 | TMR0013 | TMR0014 | TMR0020 | TMR0021 | TMR0022 | TMR0031 | TMR0032 | TMR0040 | TMR0041 | TMR0042 | TMR0043
TMR0001 Program $1 cancelled due to CPUTIME exceeded

Each time an application program is dispatched by the SMARTS server environment, it is given a certain amount of CPU time in which to complete its transaction and write a reply to the terminal. If an application program exceeds this amount of time, this message appears. This condition may be caused by an indefinite loop in application program '$'.

System Action

The user program is abnormally terminated with a SMARTS server environment online dump.

A program exceeded the set thread time (probably because it was looping). If the program needs more time than is allowed, the time may be extended by using the ROLLOUT function within the program.

Term. Operator

Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

A program exceeded the set thread time (probably because it was looping). If the program needs more time than is allowed, the time may be extended by using the ROLLOUT function within the program.

Sys. Programmer

The CPUTIME= initialization parameter of the SMARTS server environment is used to set the CPU time limits for each thread. If this parameter is not specified, the CPU time limit is set to two seconds for each thread.

A program exceeded the set thread time (probably because it was looping). If the program needs more time than is allowed, the time may be extended by using the ROLLOUT function within the program.

Appl. Programmer

The CPU time limit is set for each thread when the SMARTS server environment is initialized.

A program exceeded the set thread time (probably because it was looping). If the program needs more time than is allowed, the time may be extended by using the ROLLOUT function within the program.

TMR0002 Program $1 cancelled after elapsed time exceeded

Each time an application program is dispatched by the SMARTS server environment, it is given a certain amount of elapsed time in which to complete its transaction and write a reply to the terminal.

If an application program exceeds this amount of time, the computer operator is informed by either the TMR0003 or TMR0004 messages, but the application program is not automatically terminated by the SMARTS server environment because there is no way of ensuring that the application program is responsible for the elapsed time being exceeded. For example, the CPU could have been in STOP mode or a SYSTEM-MUST-COMPLETE function could be transpiring in another region.

The computer operator may choose to cancel the program once it has been determined that the problem is being caused by the application program and not by other circumstances.

This message appears when the computer operator has cancelled the application program by entering the CAN command.

System Action

The program is abnormally terminated with a SMARTS server environment online dump.

Term. Operator

Contact the application programmer responsible for the program in use when the error occurred.

Appl. Programmer

The program was using more than its share of time in the thread. If the program needs more than 1 or 2 seconds of elapsed time in the thread, use the ROLLOUT function within the program to periodically relinquish the thread resource.

TMR0003 Pgr $1 time exceeded by $2 sec. Tid=$3 Thread=$4/$5

Each time an application program is dispatched by the SMARTS server environment, it is given a certain amount of elapsed time in which to complete its transaction and write a reply to the terminal. The amount of time is set by a SMARTS server environment initialization parameter. If an application program exceeds the set amount of time, this message appears. The program name is indicated by $1; $2 is the amount of excess time that has elapsed; the terminal identification number of the terminal with which the program is in conversation is indicated by $3; $4 is the thread group and $5 is the subgroup name where the program is running.

System Action

No action is required. The SMARTS server environment cannot automatically cancel the application program because the application program may not be responsible for the elapsed times being exceeded (for instance, the CPU could have been in STOP mode or a SYSTEM-MUST-COMPLETE function could have been transpiring in another region).

Sys. Programmer

The REALTIME= initialization parameter of the SMARTS server environment is used to set the elapsed time limits for each thread. If this parameter is not specified, the elapsed time limit is set to seven seconds for each thread.

Comp. Operator

Take the necessary action to determine if the application program is responsible for the time being exceeded. If so, enter the operator CAN command to cancel it. Refer to the information about the CAN command.

TMR0004 Pgm $1 time exceeded, Tid=$2 Thread=$3/$4

Each time an application program is dispatched by the SMARTS server environment, it is given a certain amount of elapsed time in which to complete its transaction and write a reply to the terminal. The amount of time is set by a SMARTS server environment initialization parameter. If an application program program exceeds the set amount of time, this message appears. The program name is indicated by $1; the terminal identification number of the terminal with which the program is in conversation is indicated by $2; $3 is the thread group and $4 is the subgroup name where the program is running.

System Action

No action is required. The SMARTS server environment cannot automatically cancel the application program because the application program may not be responsible for the elapsed times being exceeded (for instance, the CPU could have been in STOP mode or a SYSTEM-MUST-COMPLETE function could have been transpiring in another region).

Sys. Programmer

The REALTIME= initialization parameter is used to set the elapsed time limits for each thread. If this parameter is not specified, the elapsed time limit is set to seven seconds for each thread.

Comp. Operator

Take the necessary action to determine if the application program is responsible for the time being exceeded. If so, enter the operator CAN command to cancel it. Refer to the information about the CAN command.

TMR0005 User=$1 Tid=$2 LU=$3 autologoff time exceeded

User $1 running on tid number $2 luname $3 is logged off by the SMARTS server environment as ENTER has not been pressed at the terminal within the time specified in the AUTOLOGOFF sysparm of the SMARTS server environment.

System Action

The system attempts to log the user off.

TMR0010 Userid $1: $2

A scheduled request was performed by the timer monitor for user ID $1.

TMR0011 Timer monitor active on Tid $1

The timer monitor is working correctly and attached TID $1.

TMR0012 Timer monitor stopped, error loading UTMEX2

While attempting to load the exit UTMEX2, an error was encountered.

System Action

The UTIMER monitor program UTIMRM is terminated.

Sys. Programmer

Determine what caused the error and correct it.

TMR0013 Timer monitor stopped, not enough storage to load

Insufficient storage was available to load the user exit UTMEX2 into the thread for UTIMER.

System Action

The UTIMER monitor program UTIMRM is terminated.

Sys. Programmer

Increase the region size for UTIMRM with ULIB.

TMR0014 Timer monitor stopped, already active on another Tid

During startup, UTIMRM established that the monitor program was already active on another terminal in the system.

System Action

UTIMRM terminates.

TMR0020 Timer monitor message

TMR0021 Timer monitor message

TMR0022 Timer monitor message

TMR0031 User exit UTMEX3 gave invalid return code

The UTIMRM exit UTMEX3 was invoked and returned an unexpected return code.

System Action

The return code is ignored and execution continues.

Sys. Programmer

UTMEX3 gave a return code which was logically not expected at that point by U2TSUB, a subroutine of UTIMRM. Correct the error in the exit causing the bad return code to be returned. Refer to the information about return codes expected from UTMEX3.

TMR0032 `SYSJOBS' DD statement missing

UTIMRM attempted to honor a request from UTIMER to submit a job; however, the SYSJOBS DD/DLBL statement could not be found and therefore the job could not be found to submit.

System Action

The request to submit the job is ignored.

Sys. Programmer

The jobs to be submitted by the timer monitor are expected in a dataset referenced by a SYSJOBS DD statement in the SMARTS server environment start-up procedure. Ensure that this DD statement exists.

TMR0040 JIM initialization is not available

The UTIMRM monitor program attempted to submit a job but discovered that the SMARTS server environment JES interface had not been successfully initialized and is therefore not available.

System Action

The job is not submitted to the JES.

Sys. Programmer

If this processing is required, ensure that a JES is available by using the JES sysparm and that it manages to initialize successfully.

TMR0041 JIM operation for job $1 failed, error code $2

UTIMRM attempted to submit job $1; however, during the submission process, the &Cmon/JES interface module returned an unexpected return code $2.

System Action

Submission of the job is terminated.

Sys. Programmer

A timer monitor JES operation could not be performed. Contact your technical support representative with details of the error.

TMR0042 JIM request failed, function not supported

UTIMRM attempted to use a function of the SMARTS server environment JES interface that is not supported.

System Action

The request is aborted.

Sys. Programmer

This message results from a return code 12 from the JES interface module. It could not perform the requested action.

TMR0043 Requested spool function $1 not supported

UTIMRM requested that the SMARTS server environment JES interface module issue a $1 request; however, the JIM did not support this.

Sys. Programmer

This message results from a return code 16 from the JES interface module. The spool action is not supported. Contact you technical support representative for more information.

ZDM — COMDMP Dump Dataset Processing(VSE Only)

Overview of Messages

ZDM0001 | ZDM0002 | ZDM0003 | ZDM0004 | ZDM0005 | ZDM0006 | ZDM0007 | ZDM0008 | ZDM0009 | ZDM0010 | ZDM0011 | ZDM0012 | ZDM0013 | ZDM0091 | ZDM0092 | ZDM0099
ZDM0001 COMDMP $1 error RF = x$2 FDBK = X$3

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. On return from VSAM macro $1, an error was detected. $2 contains the return code, $3 the feedback code.

System Action

The program is terminated.

Sys. Programmer

See VSE/VSAM return and error codes.

Comp. Operator

Contact your SMARTS server environment system programmer.

ZDM0002 COMDMP successfully initialized

This messages is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. The dataset was succesfully initialized.

System Action

This message is for information only.

Comp. Operator

No action is required.

ZDM0003 Dump will be written to SYSLST

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. During initialization of the SMARTS server environment, an error was detected at the open of the SMARTS server environment dump dataset COMDMP. Messages ZDM0001 or ZDM0006 are written together with this message. Look for more information there.

System Action

The initialization continues. In case of a SMARTS server environment ABEND, the dump is written to SYSLST.

Sys. Programmer

Contact your SMARTS server environment system programmer to correct the error.

ZDM0004 Dump file sucessfully opened

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. The dumpfile was successfully opened and will be used in case of a SMARTS server environment ABEND. This message is written together with ZDM0005.

Comp. Operator

This message is for information only.

ZDM0005 Dump will be written to COMDMP

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. The dumpfile was successfully opened and will be used in case of a SMARTS server environment ABEND. This message is written together with ZDM0004.

Term. Operator

This message is for information only.

ZDM0006 COMDMP dumpfile too small

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. The dump file COMDMP is too small to contain a SMARTS server environment ABEND dump.

System Action

In case of a SMARTS server environment ABEND, the dump is written to SYSLST.

Sys. Programmer

Define the SMARTS server environment dataset with a larger extent and initialize the dataset.

Comp. Operator

Contact your SMARTS server environment system programmer.

ZDM0007 COMDMP now dumping $1

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. It indicates the storage area ($1) that is currently being written to the dump dataset during a SMARTS server environment ABEND.

Comp. Operator

This message is for information only.

ZDM0008 COMDMP dump $1 successfully written

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. Dump number $1 was successfully written to the SMARTS server environment dump dataset.

Comp. Operator

This message is for information only.

ZDM0009 Dump $1 not printed - highest record number was never set

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. Dump number $1 will not be printed because it was not successfully written to the dump dataset.

System Action

The program is terminated.

Comp. Operator

This message is for information only.

ZDM0010 COMDMP dump dataset not initialized

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. The dataset was not initialized correctly and thus cannot be used by the SMARTS server environment.

System Action

In case of a SMARTS server environment ABEND, the dump is written to SYSLST.

Sys. Programmer

Initialize the SMARTS server environment dump dataset with the utiltity TUDUBTCH.

Comp. Operator

Contact your SMARTS server environment system programmer.

ZDM0011 COMDMP not enough GETVIS for data

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. There is not enough partition GETVIS to write records to the SMARTS server environment dump dataset.

System Action

In case of a SMARTS server environment ABEND, the dump is written to SYSLST. If this message is issued by a TUDUBTCH, the program is terminated.

Sys. Programmer

Increase the partition GETVIS area.

Comp. Operator

Contact your SMARTS server environment system programmer.

ZDM0012 COMDMP invalid RBA for GET/PUT : $1

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. During GET/PUT for COMDMP, an invalid RBA was encountered. The RBA is $1.

System Action

In case of a SMARTS server environment ABEND, the dump dataset is closed and the dump written to SYSLST. If this message is issued by TUDUBTCH, the program ABENDs with a dump.

Sys. Programmer

Contact SMARTS server environment technical support for problem analysis.

Comp. Operator

Contact your SMARTS server environment system programmer.


This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment dump dataset. The file was not defined with the correct parameters.

System Action

The dump dataset is not initialized.

Sys. Programmer

Define the cluster using the correct allocation parameters. (see example JCL in JCLINST8.J on the SMARTS server environment source library).

Comp. Operator

Contact your SMARTS server environment system programmer.

ZDM0091 TUDUBTCH - Backup/Restore unsuccessful

ZDM0092 TUDUBTCH - Backup/Restore successful

ZDM0099 TUDUBTCH - invalid function

This message is associated with the utility TUDUBTCH. The PARM value on the EXEC card contains an invalid function.

System Action

The utility is terminated.

Sys. Programmer

Refer to the information about allowed functions on the PARM statement.

Comp. Operator

Contact your SMARTS server environment system programmer.

ZLA — Security and Accounting

Overview of Messages

ZLA0002 User $2 is not authorized to invoke program $1

This message is associated with the SMARTS server environment program security routine. An installation may set security requirements on programs to prevent their unauthorized use. The appearance of this message indicates that the security requirements were not satisfied for the user $1 for the program $2.

System Action

The request for the program is ignored.

Term. Operator

The user ID may not be authorized to access the program that is being executed. Contact the individual responsible for the program you were using when the error occurred.

Sys. Programmer

Refer to the information about SMARTS server environment program security.

ZOS — OS Initialization

Overview of Messages

ZOS0001 | ZOS0002 | ZOS0003 | ZOS0004 | ZOS0005 | ZOS0006 | ZOS0007 | ZOS0009
ZOS0001 Authorization check failed

The SMARTS server environment has checked to establish if it is running authorized and has discovered that it is not authorized.

System Action

Initialization of the SMARTS server environment is aborted.

Sys. Programmer

The SMARTS server environment must run authorized.

ZOS0002 Dataset '$1' not RECFM=U

The SMARTS server environment has opened the dataset $1 which it expects to have a record format of undefined (RECFM=U). The dataset does not have this record format.

System Action

Initialization of the SMARTS server environment is aborted.

Sys. Programmer

This will be issued in relation to the COMPINIT and COMPLIB dataset concatenations. As these must be load libraries, the datasets they point at must have RECFM=U.

ZOS0003 LINK to program $1 failed ABEND Code X'$2'

During initialization, the SMARTS server environment issues MVS LINKs to other programs. In this case, the link to program $1 terminated with ABEND code $2.

System Action

Initialization processing of the SMARTS server environment continues, if possible.

Sys. Programmer

Determine why the ABEND occurred using the ABEND code and correct the situation.

ZOS0004 DDNAME '$1' not found

During initialization processing, the SMARTS server environment attempts to open the COMPINIT and COMPLIB datasets. In this case, the DD $1 was not found in the SMARTS server environment JCL.

System Action

If the dataset is COMPINIT, processing continues. If it is COMPLIB, initialization of the SMARTS server environment is aborted.

Sys. Programmer

The COMPLIB DD statement at the very least must be specified in the SMARTS server environment JCL.

ZOS0005 Unable to open '$1' dataset

The SMARTS server environment attempted to open the $1 datasets; however, the open failed.

System Action

If $1 is COMPLIB, initialization of the SMARTS server environment is aborted. If it is COMPINIT, initialization processing continues.

Sys. Programmer

The operating system normally issues messages related to this problem. These should help to determine and correct the problem.

ZOS0006 Permanent I/O error on 'COMPLIB' dataset

ZOS0007 ESTAE failure RC '$1'

During initialization, the SMARTS server environment attempts to establish an ESTAE recovery environment for the main task. The ESTAE request failed with return code $1.

System Action

Initialization of the SMARTS server environment is aborted.

Sys. Programmer

The return code from the ESTAE should describe why the request to set an ESTAE failed. Correct this error and retry.

ZOS0009 $1 failed for UCB $2 code x'$3'

The SMARTS server environment attempted to allocate or deallocate (as per $1) the UCB identified by $2; however, the operation failed. $1 contains the error and information codes returned from OS DYNALLOC processing.

Sys. Programmer

Identify the cause of the failure as per the DYNALLOC error codes. This should generally only fail if the device is already allocated or the device is not eligible to be allocated. If the error falls out of one of the above catagories, contact your technical support representative.

ZTR — Trace Utilities

Overview of Messages

ZTR0004 | ZTR0005 | ZTR0006
ZTR0004 DYNALLOC Message Level changed to $1 by user $2

The value defined by SYSPARM DYNALLOC-MSGLEVEL changed.

ZTR0005 $1 Trace $2 turned $3 by user $4

The trace class or option $1 changed to the $3 status by user $4. $2 indicates whether it is a trace class or option.

ZTR0006 Trace TID changed to $1 by user $2

The TID number for which tracing is active changed to TID number $1 by user $2.

ZTS — Thread Storage

Overview of Messages

ZTS0001 | ZTS0002 | ZTS0003 | ZTS0004
ZTS0001 Insufficient thread storage for request

The request for thread storage failed due to insufficient thread size.

System Action

The program is cancelled and an online dump is generated.

Sys. Programmer

Increase the region size for the program.

ZTS0002 Attempt to free unallocated storage

An attempt was made to free thread storage not previously acquired.

System Action

The program is cancelled and an online dump is generated.

Appl. Programmer

Check the FREEMAIN requests for valid arguments.

ZTS0003 Invalid Request/FQE detected

An error occurred in the free queue chain; for example, a free queue element (FQE) was overwritten.

System Action

The program is cancelled and an online dump is generated.

Appl. Programmer

Check the free queue chain within the thread.

ZTS0004 Bad request or FQE

An invalid thread storage request was made and an invalid free queue element (FQE) was detected.

System Action

The program is cancelled and an online dump is generated.

Appl. Programmer

Validate the request and the FQE.