Installation on VM/CMS

This document describes procedures for installing SMARTS under VM/CMS.

Software AG recommends that you keep unmodified copies of all materials distributed or created as part of the installation process. This may assist with problem diagnosis later.

This document covers the following topics:

The Installation Tape

The installation tape is described under the following headings:

Tape Contents

The installation tape contains the following files:

Dataset Contains . . .
APSvrs.LIBR Library
APSvrs SMARTS components: phases, objects, JCL, sample source members, and macros.

Sample JCL and Source Members

The following table lists the sample sources and execs loaded to the SMARTS mini disk during installation. These must be modified before being used:

Member Contains ..
PXANCONF RTS A The POSIX server configuration parameters.
PXANHOST RTS A Sample parameter file to customize the TCP/IP host name and host address table.
SMARTS CONFIG A Sample server environment parameters.
RJSNLNKD EXEC A Sample exec to link a DLL or Shared Library for SMARTS.
RJSNLNKM EXEC A Sample exec to link a main for SMARTS
RJSNRUN EXEC A Sample exec to run a command line utility
RJSNSSE EXEC A Sample exec to run the SMARTS Server environment

Copying Contents of the Tape to Disk

Step 1: Restore the SMARTS mini disks

  • Use the following commands to restore the SMARTS library:


Installing the SMARTS Server Environment

Step 1: Edit the SMARTS Server start-up EXEC

  • Modify the sample SMARTS server start-up exec member RJBSSSE EXEC on the APSvrs disk to suit your installation naming conventions.

    The example SMARTS start-up EXEC below is typical for a VM/CMS environment and serves as the basis for the various descriptions and explanations that follow:

    /* */                                     
    parse arg                                 
    'sp prt *'                                
    'nucxload pcayrini'                       
    'nucxload playbsd '                       
    'nucxload playbfp '                       
    'nucxload playcfn '                       
    'nucxload pleybsd '                       
    'nucxload pleybfp '                       
    'nucxload pleycfn '                       
    'nucxload pcaytrdb'                       
    'nucxload pcaytrdh'                       
    'nucxload fee     '                       
    'nucxload fea     '                       
    'nucxload softle  '                       
    'nucxload softla  '                       
    'nucxdrop pcayrini'                       
    'nucxdrop playbsd '                       
    'nucxdrop playbfp '                       
    'nucxdrop playcfn '                       
    'nucxdrop pleybsd '                       
    'nucxdrop pleybfp '                       
    'nucxdrop pleycfn '                       
    'nucxdrop pcaytrdb'                       
    'nucxdrop pcaytrdh'  
    'nucxdrop fee     '  
    'nucxdrop fea     '  
    'nucxdrop softle  '  
    'nucxdrop softla  '  
    'sp prt close'       

    For a description of the SMARTS SYSPARMS, see Configuration Parameters. For parameters relevant to your application, refer to the configuration documentation for the software that runs on SMARTS.

Where Next ?

You have now installed the SMARTS software. You can continue now with the installation of the application that is to run on SMARTS.

Note that the configuration procedure of the application that runs on SMARTS may instruct you to modify some of SMARTS's configuration parameters.