* This set of examples demonstrate the simplicity in accessing Adabas
* data as "WebServices" from PHP, based on the "EmployeesMini" view
* representing a subset ("View") of the Adabas demo file "Employees".
* This first example outlines the usage of the PHP SoapClient class,
* which provides the infrastructure for issuing SOAP requests.
* All examples are based on an Adabas SOA Gateway server running on
* host "soagate", port 8082, these need to be adjusted to the actual
* server host/port used at your site.
* Instantiate the PHP "SoapClient" class
try {
* The only required parameter when instantiating "SoapClient" is the URL
* pointing to the WSDL for the WebService to be accessed.
$soapclient = new SoapClient("http://localhost:8022/adabas_EmployeesMini?WSDL");
} catch (SoapFault $soapfault) {
* In case of a SOAPFault being thrown, this will be caught and the fault
* information printed. If a SOAPFault occurs outside of a "try/catch"
* structure, PHP will abend the script with a generic message.
* Here we print the SOAPFault information in a structured way, the "<pre>"
* tags are required to format the object nicely.
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
* Without any knowledge of, or looking at Adabas definitions, a "WebService programmer"
* can easily retrieve the signature of any exposed Adabas SOA Gateway Service and
* code based on it.
* First we use a method of the SoapClient class to retrieve the functions exposed
* by the specific "WebService", and print it:
echo "<pre><B>Functions:</B>\n\n";
* The function prototypes shown by the __getFunction() method also depict the required
* parameters and the return values. Their definitions can be printed as well:
echo "\n\n-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n<B>Type Definitions:</B>\n\n";
echo "</pre>";
* Proceed to ex02_SoaGatewayEmpList.php - List and format Employees data