The SOA Gateway (legacy) Servers View

The Servers View lists all defined servers along with their status.

This view is your top level of configuration of one or many SOA Gateway servers.

The Servers view is part of the SOA Gateway "legacy" perspective. This perspective is superseded by the new "SOA Gateway perspective", you are strongly encouraged to familiarise yourself with, and start using the new perspective as early as possible, only the latter will be enhanced further some features are available in the SOA Gateway perspective only.

Working with the Servers View

There are 2 ways to perform actions on a defined server.

  • Using the second method, you may right click on a server entry and bring up the context menu.


Function Description
Refresh Configuration A server's configuration may be modified outside of your own Control Centre session, thus it may be necessary to refresh the local copy.
Disconnect from Server When many servers are defined, "inactive" servers will still be contacted when you start the Control Centre. This may take quite a while until the TCP/IP timeout is reached, so the connection to knowingly "inactive" servers can be "suspended", which will cause them to be ignored until the connection is reestablished. For disconnected servers the "Disconnect" context menu item will change to "Connect to Server".
Set Credentials for Server Set the login credentials (HTTP and SOAP User Id and password) for secured SOA Gateway servers.

To use HTTP credentials you must have a <Location /configurationService> directive enabled.

Save current Configuration to server file Changes applied to a SOA Gateway Server configuration from the Control Centre are volatile, thus need to be "saved" - written to the currently active or a different configuration file, otherwise changes made on-the-fly are lost when the server is restarted.
Import Configuration into Control Centre Takes a snapshot of the current "online" configuration, for backup purposes (locally or stored in a CVS repository for version control, e.g.), copying or exporting to a different server etc.
Export Configuration from Control Centre Sends (exports) a local copy of an imported configuration to a SOA Gateway server. The server must be restarted for the exported configuration to be activated.
Create new Services Create SOA Gateway Resource related definition elements - DataViews and XML Schemata (XSDs) from native resource definition data, e.g. an Adabas FDT, SQL Tables, etc
Export Service Definition(s) to server Export SOA Gateway Resource related definition elements - DataViews, XML Schemata (XSDs) and Stylesheets (XSLs).
Remove Server definition Deletes the selected entry from the Servers View.
Add new SOA Gateway connection Define a new SOA Gateway server to the Control Centre

Refresh the SOA Gateway configuration

When a SOA Gateway Server configuration is modified "on-the-fly", for example by modifying, adding or deleting resources, these changes are volatile, they are not preserved over a server restart. Additionally, a server configuration may have been modified by someone else. In either case, your local representation of the SOA Gateway server configuration may no longer be accurate, issue a Refresh to synchronize it by selecting the "Refresh Configuration" option on the context menu. A message will be written to the Action Log as well as the status line after the refresh operation is completed.

Save current Configuration to server file

As the SOA Gateway Server configuration is volatile - not preserved over a restart - the configuration has to be "saved" (written to disc) in order to have it available for subsequent server executions. Selecting the "Save current Configuration to server file" function from the context menu brings up the following dialog:


Leave the Save as field empty to overwrite the currently active configuration file, or opt to write to a different file (specify the name in the "Save as" field), in which case the respective SOA Gateway Server environment variables have to be adjusted to point to the new file. Click "Continue" to save the configuration, the successful operation will be confirmed by a message in the status line.

To include unpublished configuration changes in the saved copy, check the respective box.

Import the SOA Gateway Configuration from server

The current "live" SOA Gateway Server configuration can be imported to the local file system, e.g. for archiving purposes (locally, saved in a CVS repository etc.), copying / exporting to another SOA Gateway server etc.

  1. Select the "Import Configuration from server" option from the context menu

  2. Select a target directory, click OK.


  3. Successful import will be confirmed with a message in the status line as well as the Log View


Export the SOA Gateway Server configuration

An imported configuration can be exported back to any SOA Gateway Server.

  1. Select the "Export Configuration to server" option from the context menu

  2. Select an exported configuration, click "OK".


  3. Specify the export destination, either the currently active, or a different SOA Gateway configuration file, click "Continue" to perform the export operation.


  4. Successful export will be confirmed with a message in the status line


Export SOA Gateway WebService definitions

Export SOA Gateway WebService related definition elements - DataViews (XRDs) and/or XML Schemata (XSDs) and/or Stylesheets (XSLs).

  1. Select the export WebService Definitions option from the context menu

  2. Select a DataView (XRD), Schema (XSD) or Stylesheet (XSL), click OK.


Remove a SOA Gateway Server entry

  1. Select the "Remove Server definition" option from the context menu

  2. Confirm by clicking the "Yes" button.


  3. The server entry is now deleted and removed from the Servers View

Create new Services

  1. Select the "Creat new Services" option from the context menu

  2. graphics/ccdisc_serv_cr.png

    Select the driver to be used for creating/importing the resource(s), then click 'Next'.

Example: Create a new Adabas WebService

For Adabas drivers, the following dialog is presented



  • The database ID to "discover" web services from

  • The file number to begin discovery at

  • The file number to end discovery at. Any existing files in this from-to range will then be enabled as Web Services.

For a comprehensive description please refer to the SOA Gateway WebService Creation section.

Modify the SOA Gateway Server definition entry

In this section you can modify the friendly-name, host and port that the SOA Gateway server is running on. You may also view some detailed information about the server.

To modify the SOA Gateway server entry:

  1. In the SOA Gateway Server view, left-click the server you wish to modify.

  2. Select the General tab in the Properties view

  3. Modify parameters as required, click Save.


Note: you can also view the SOA Gateway Status, and license information here too. This information is not modifable.

Modify Global -> Security Options

In this section located in the Global properties you can set the Security Level that SOA Gateway runs at.

We recommend you contact your SOA Gateway support team before modifying these parameters.

To open the Security view, left-click the server you wish to modify. In the Properties view, select the Global tab. Security options are in the Security group.

There are 4 security levels that SOA Gateway can run at

  1. None: No SOA Gateway security.

  2. Userid: All requests must have a user ID.

  3. Password: All requests must have a user ID and password.

  4. SSLCert: All requests must have a SSL Certficate.

Under normal circumstances the user will be authenticated by sending the credentials to the underlying resource ( for example the ODBC database). It is also possible to provide a 3rd party DLL which can authenticate the credentials. This DLL name should be added in the Manager text box.


Modify Global -> Transactional Options

In this section you can set the Transaction Manager that SOA Gateway uses to handle data integrity.

We recommend you contact your SOA Gateway support team before modifying these parameters.

To open the Transaction view, left-click the server you wish to modify. In the Properties view, select the Global tab. Transaction options are in the Transaction group.


Modify Global -> Settings

In this section you can set threshold values for SOA Gateway global variables.

Left-click the server you wish to modify. In the Properties view, select the Global tab. Server settings are in the Settings group.


The following can be set here

  • Context Time-to-live: specifies the time (in seconds) after which orphaned contexts (for example due to timeouts or broken connections) will be considered "dead" and cleaned up.

  • Configuration write timer: The in-core copy of the SOA Gateway configuration will be automatically saved to file after the specified interval (in seconds) elapsed. A value of 0 means the current configuration will never be saved back to the configuration file.

  • SELECT record limit: Limit the amount of records returned from a "select" or "select next" call.

Modify tracing / messaging options

The message level set for a SOA Gateway Server determines the amount and detail of information written to the server log.

Trace options are debugging instruments which should not be modified unless instructed to do so by support personnel, continuous tracing will adversely effect the performance of the SOA Gateway Server.

To change either the message level or trace options:

  1. Select the "Tracing" tab from the Properties view

  2. Modify the message level or tracing option(s), as appropriate, click "Apply" to send the changes to the SOA Gateway Server.


Add / Modify Drivers

This section describes how you add/remove/modify the drivers that SOA Gateway uses to talk to the underlying resource

To open the Drivers view, left-click the server you wish to modify. In the Properties view, select the Drivers tab.

From here you can add, remove and modify drivers, or view detailed information about a particular driver.


You may left-click a driver entry and select Details to display more information about this driver.

To modify an existing driver, left-click the driver,and select Modify

To add a new driver, click the Add... button.

The Driver Definition Wizard presents a list of licensed drivers, select one to all and press the Configure button.


The Driver Definition dialog will come up with preset values. modify as appropriate.


Press the Save button to define the driver.

If the new driver does not apper, check the error log.

If the driver requires any options, you will be prompted to enter these after you click Save once, specify them as appropriate, click Save again to actually define the driver.

When "Show (post-setup) Driver Information" is selected, additional information may be displayed after the driver add operation has completed:

The following table illustrates information about all the drivers SOA Gateway supports on Linux and Windows systems

Suggested Driver Name Library Name Suggested SBCS Suggested MBCS Notes / Other Options More Info
Adabas_Driver ascii utf16 ListMaxRecords is optional  

And the following outlines the driver information for SOA Gateway running on mainframe (z/OS or z/VSE) systems

Suggested Name Library Name Suggested SBCS Suggested MBCS Notes / Other Options / Default values More Info
Adabas_Driver ADADRVR CP1141 utf16 ListMaxRecords is optional  

To remove an existing driver, select the driver, and click Remove