

 * 	This example demonstrates usage of the "list" function exposed by any
 *  Adabas SOA Gateway "WebService" from PHP, retrieving selected records
 *	from the Adabas demo file "Employees", and formatting it, in 4 easy steps.

 * 	Step 1: Instantiate the PHP "SoapClient" class
try {
	$soapclient = new SoapClient("http://localhost:8022/adabas_Employees_special?WSDL");
} catch (SoapFault $soapfault) {
	echo "<pre>";
	echo "</pre>";

 * 	Step 2: Build the key ("descriptor") array, due to parser requirements ALL
 * 			key elements need to be specified, but elements may be left empty
 * 			when unused. Here we are using the SUB-descriptor "department".
$listkey = array(
	'personnel_id' => "",
	'first_name'	=> "",
	'name'			=> "",
	'birthday'		=> "",
	'city'			=> "",
	'dept'=> "",
	'job_title'		=> "",
	'leave_left'	=> "",
	'dept_person'	=> array('dept' => "MGMT10", 'name' => "K*"),
	'currency_salary'=> "",
	'department'	=> "",
	'phonetic_name'	=> "");

 * 	Step 3:	Execute the "list" request, passing the key array as the only parameter,
 * 			the response object will consist of an "adabasEmployees" element containing
 * 			an array of "adabasEmployee" elements.
try {
	$listresponse = $soapclient->list($listkey);
} catch (SoapFault $soapfault) {
	echo "<pre>";
	echo "</pre>";

 * 	Step 4:	Format the Employee records nicely into a HTML table.

echo "Find all Employees in department group 'MGMT10' whose names start with 'K' - using an Adabas SUPER-Descriptor<br><br>";
echo "<table border=1 cellpadding=5>";
echo "<tr><th>Personnel Id</th><th>Name</th><th>First Name</th><th>City</th><th>Department</td>";

 * 	Loop through all "adabasEmployee" elements, creating a table row for every single one
foreach ($listresponse->adabasDemoEmployeesSpecial->demoEmployeeSpecial as $Employee) {
	echo 	"<tr><td>$Employee->personnel_id</td><td>$Employee->name</td><td>",
	echo "</td></tr>";

 * 	Proceed to ex03_SoaGatewayEmpAdd.php - Add a new employee record