Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

ADARUN Parameter Directory

Parameter Usage
AOSLOG Log to DDPRINT commands issued by ADADBS OPERCOM or equivalent AOS functions that modify the active nucleus
AREXCLUDE Exclude file(s) from autorestart
ARMNAME Automatic restart management (ARM) program name
ASSOCACHE Controller caching control for the Associator component (OS/390, z/OS, VM/ESA, and z/VM only)
ASYTVS Asynchronous buffer flush based on vol-ser
CACHE Adabas Caching Facility control
CDXnn Collation descriptor user exit(s)
CLOGDEV Device for multiple command log datasets
CLOGLAYOUT Define command log format
CLOGMRG Merge cluster command logs automatically
CLOGSIZE Size (blocks) for multiple command log datasets
CLUCACHENAME Adabas cluster cache structure/area name
CLUCACHESIZE Adabas cluster global cache area size
CLUCACHETYPE Adabas cluster global cache area construct
CLUGROUPNAME Adabas cluster group name
CLULOCKNAME Adabas cluster lock structure/area name
CLULOCKSIZE Adabas cluster global lock area size
CLUSTER Adabas cluster nucleus session control
CMADDR Start address for common memory pool (BS2000 only)
CMDQMODE Command queue memory pool location (BS2000 only)
CMFIX Fix location for common memory pool (BS2000 only)
CMSCOPE Access to common memory pool (BS2000 only)
CMSIZE Common memory pool use and size (BS2000 only)
CT Command time limit (seconds)
DATACACHE Controller caching control for the Data Storage component (OS/390, z/OS, VM/ESA, and z/VM only)
DBID Database ID (physical)
DEVICE Device type
DIRRATIO / ELEMENTRATIO Together define the ratio of directory entries to data elements in Adabas cluster environments
DSF Delta Save Facility control
DSFEX1 Delta Save Facility user exit
DTP Distributed transaction processing control
DUALCLD Dual command log device
DUALCLS Dual command log size (blocks)
DUALPLD Dual protection log device
DUALPLS Dual protection log size (blocks)
FASTPATH Adabas Fastpath control
FMXIO Limit parallel I/O operations by LFIOP flush processing
FORCE Overwrite database ID
GROUPS BS2000 interprocess scope
HEXnn Hyperdescriptor exit(s)
IDTNAME ID table name (BS2000 only)
IGNDIB Ignore DIB entry
IGNDTP Ignore distributed transaction processing area (Work part 4)
INTNAS Interval between nucleus statistic checkpoints (SYNS 60)
LBP Length of buffer pool
LCP Length of security pool
LDEUQP Length of unique (UQ) descriptor pool

If you have Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.4 or earlier installed, this parameter defines the length of the distributed transaction processing area (Work part 4) for use with DTP=RM.

If you have Adabas Transaction Manager Version 7.5 or later installed, this parameter defines the size (in blocks) of the WORK4 index which is used to administer the data on DDWORKR4.

LFIOP Length of asynchronous flush pool
LFP Length of internal format buffer pool
LI Length of ISN list table (TBI)
LOCAL Nucleus for local use only; unknown to network
LOGCB Log control block
LOGCLEX Log command log extension (CLEX)
LOGFB Log format buffer
LOGGING Log Adabas commands
LOGIB Log ISN buffer
LOGIO Log I/O activity
LOGRB Log record buffer
LOGSB Log search buffer
LOGSIZE Maximum command log size
LOGUX Log user exit B data
LOGVB Log value buffer
LP Length of data protection area (Work part 1)
LQ Length of sequential command table
LRDP Length of the cluster block update "redo" pool
LS Length of sort area
LU Length of intermediate user buffer
LWKP2 Length of ISN list processing area (Work part 2)
LWP Length of Adabas work pool
MODE Mode of operation
MSGBUF Size of the message buffer
MSGCONSL Display console messages in uppercase
MSGDRUCK Display messages sent to DD/DRUCK in uppercase
MSGPRINT Display messages sent to DD/PRINT in uppercase
MXCANCEL Time limit for a canceled peer nucleus to terminate
MXMSG Time limit for an inter-nucleus command to be processed
MXTNA Maximum inactivity time limit override for a user
MXTSX Maximum execution time (in seconds) that can be specified for the ADARUN TLSCMD parameter and for any override execution time setting that might be specified in the Adabas control block of an OP command
MXTT Maximum transaction time limit override for a user
NAB Number of attached buffers
NC Number of command queue elements
NCLOG Number of command log datasets
NH Number of hold queue elements
NISNHQ Number of ISNs in hold queue for user
NONDES Non-descriptor searches
NPLOG Number of protection log datasets
NQCID Number of active command IDs per user
NSISN Number of ISNs per ISN table element
NT Number of threads
NU Number of user queue elements
NUCID Adabas cluster nucleus ID
OPENRQ Open command required
PGFIX EXCPVR page fixing control
PLOGDEV Device for multiple protection log datasets
PLOGRQ Protection log required
PLOGSIZE Size (blocks) for multiple protection log datasets
PREFETCH Prefetch/multifetch feature control
PREFICMD Include command in prefetch/multifetch
PREFIFIL Include file in prefetch/multifetch
PREFNREC Multifetch record count
PREFSBL Prefetch single buffer length
PREFTBL Prefetch total buffer length
PREFXCMD Exclude command from prefetch/multifetch
PREFXFIL Exclude file from prefetch/multifetch
PROGRAM Program to run
QBLKSIZE Sequential dataset block size (optimized by ADAIOR)
READONLY Read-only session control
REVIEW Adabas Review control
SMGT Error handling (PIN) facility control
SORTCACHE Controller caching control for the Adabas sort area component (OS/390, z/OS, VM/ESA, and z/VM only)
SPT Adabas triggers and stored procedures control
SVC SVC number
TAPEREL Tape processing control (BS2000 only)
TASKCTGY Task category control (BS2000 only)
TCPIP TCP/IP access control (OS/390 and z/OS only)
TCPURL TCP/IP universal resource locator (URL)
TEMPCACHE Controller caching for the Adabas temp area component (OS/390, z/OS, VM/ESA, and z/VM only)
TFLUSH Synchronous buffer flush time
TLSCMD Maximum time, in seconds, to be used to process a single Adabas S1, S2, or S4 command with complex search criteria
TNAA Non-activity time limit (access-only users)
TNAE Non-activity time limit (ET logic users)
TNAX Non-activity time limit (exclusive update users)
TT Transaction time limit
UEXn User exits
UTIONLY Utilities-only session
VISTA Adabas Vista control
WORKCACHE Controller caching for the Adabas work area component (OS/390, z/OS, VM/ESA, and z/VM only)

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