Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

PREFETCH : Activate Prefetch Feature

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
PREFETCH whether to enable a prefetch option automatically. YES | OLD | NO NO

This parameter determines whether the Adabas prefetch feature is enabled automatically; if it is, execution is transparent to the user program.

There are two Adabas prefetch options: the multifetch option is supported across Adabas platforms; the prefetch option is available only on mainframe Adabas. For information about these two options, see the Adabas Command Reference documentation.

Records can be prefetched and stored in a prefetch buffer for the following commands:

Sequential commands of the types listed above can retrieve the next record from the prefetch buffer, which saves cross-region/cross-network calls to the nucleus.

The PREFETCH parameter has the following values:

Value Meaning
YES Adabas enables the command-level multifetch (M) option.
OLD Adabas enables the command-level prefetch (P) option.
NO Adabas does not enable the prefetch feature.

Specify PREFETCH=YES or PREFETCH=OLD only when MODE=MULTI (multiuser mode). Do not specify these settings when running Adabas utilities. Dynamic reversal of read direction for L3/L6/L9 is not supported with these settings.

Example 1:

Execute a user program using multifetch.


Example 2:

Execute a user program using prefetch.


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