Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

CLOGMRG : Cluster Command Log Merge

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
CLOGMRG whether the Adabas cluster is to run with automatic CLOG merge. YES | NO NO

An automatic CLOG merge process provides a single cluster-wide command log containing, in chronological order, all Adabas commands executed by any of the cluster nuclei in the time period covered by the log.

CLOGMRG specifies whether the Adabas cluster is to run with the automatic CLOG merge:

Value Action
YES enables an automated process that copies dual or multiple command logs to sequential datasets and merges those datasets across a cluster into a single cluster-wide command log. This process automatically merges command logs when an ADARES CLCOPY is submitted from user exit 2 and executed. The cluster nuclei and the ADARES utility perform coordinated CLOG switches and CLCOPY functions with merging of CLOG records, much the same way the PLOG merge process works.
NO (the default), each nucleus produces its own CLOG, independent of any other nucleus in the cluster; dual or multiple CLOGs can be manually copied using ADARES CLCOPY to a sequential dataset; and the resulting sequential CLOGs can be manually merged across a cluster using the ADARES MERGE CLOG function.

CLOGMRG is a global (that is, a cluster-wide) parameter, which means that the setting of this parameter in the first cluster nucleus to become active is propagated to all nuclei that subsequently become active.

Parameter Dependencies

It is possible to specify both LOGGING=NO and CLOGMRG=YES. In a cluster environment, it is also possible that a CLOG will be written to even if LOGGING=NO. As long as CLOGMRG=NO, nothing will be written to the CLOG if LOGGING=NO. However, if LOGGING=NO and CLOGMRG=YES, control records necessary for ADARES CLCOPY will be written to the CLOG.

CLOGMRG is effective only in an Adabas cluster environment; that is, when CLUSTER is specified with a value other than NO and NUCID is specified with a nonzero value.

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Dynamic Modification

The setting of the CLOGMRG parameter can be changed dynamically using the CLOGMRG command from the operator console, the ADADBS OPERCOM CLOGMRG function, or the Modify Parameter function of Adabas Online System.

Because CLOGMRG is a global parameter, the change request to one nucleus is automatically propagated to all nuclei in the cluster.

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