Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

FMXIO : Parallel LFIOP I/O Operations

Parameter Specify . . . ASYTVS= Minimum Maximum Default
FMXIO the maximum number of parallel I/O operations by LFIOP flush processing. YES NO 1 1 16 100 1 60

The LFIOP parameter enables asynchronous buffer flush operation and sets the I/O pool size. The FMXIO parameter sets the limit on the number of I/O operations that can be started in parallel by LFIOP flush processing.

Parameter Dependencies

The precise meaning of the FMXIO parameter depends on the setting of the ASYTVS parameter):


A maximum of 30 I/O operations for asynchronous buffer flushes can be started in parallel:


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Dynamic Modification

The setting of FMXIO can be modified dynamically using the command FMXIO=nnn from the operator console or the Modify Parameter function of Adabas Online System.

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