Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

DSF : Adabas Delta Save Facility Control

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
DSF whether to enable support for the (optional) Delta Save Facility. YES | NO NO

The DSF parameter controls the Delta Save Facility for an Adabas nucleus or utility. If the Delta Save Facility is not installed on your system, specifying this parameter may cause an error.

Value Meaning
YES Loads certain Delta Save Facility program modules and runs the nucleus or utility (as specified in the ADARUN PROG parameter) in DSF mode. Delta Save functions are enabled: the DLOG area can be installed or removed, Delta Save operations can be performed, full and delta save tapes can be merged. DSF=YES is required for Delta Save functions of the nucleus and the ADASAV, ADARES, and ADAULD utilities; it is optional for other functions and utilities. It is required for ADASAV SAVE database (if a DLOG area exists), SAVE DELTA, MERGE, and RESTORE DELTA; for ADARES PLCOPY (only if online saves are performed), for COPY (only for rebuilding the DSIM dataset); and for ADAULD UNLOAD SAVETAPE, if the inputs are full and delta save tapes produced by DSF.
NO (default) Runs the nucleus or utility in non-DSF mode. If DSF=NO is specified or the parameter is omitted, Delta Save functions cannot be performed. Specifying DSF=NO after specifying DSF=YES switches the nucleus from DSF to non-DSF mode. If a DLOG area is defined when the nucleus is started and DSF=NO is specified, the nucleus removes the DLOG area. If a DLOG area is defined when the nucleus is started, the DSF parameter may not be omitted. You can manually remove the DSF logging area from the nucleus using the "Remove DSF" command through Adabas Online System.


Run the Adabas nucleus in DSF mode; performing Delta Save functions is possible.


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