Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

REVIEW : Adabas Review Control

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
REVIEW whether to run Adabas Review in local or hub mode specifying the hub ID, or at all. NO | LOCAL | dbid NO

REVIEW replaces the ADARUN parameter REVIEWHUBID introduced in Adabas version 6; however, REVIEWHUBID remains a synonym for REVIEW to ensure downward compatibility.

REVIEW controls the use of the Adabas Review product:

Value Meaning
NO The default setting. Adabas Review is not started.
LOCAL Adabas Review 4.2 and above is started in local mode running as an extension to ADALOG. This is the only active Adabas Review setting available under VM/ESA. This setting is not valid for Adabas Review 4.1, which runs as an Adabas user exit 4. Instead, you must set ADARUN UEX4=RAOSEXIT and the CLOG, LOGGING, and LOGxx parameters specified in the Adabas Review version 4.1 documentation. In addition, you must apply ZAP OD41301 to Adabas Review version 4.1.3, the only supported level of Adabas Review 4.1.
dbid Adabas Review is started in hub mode. The physical database ID that you specify for the hub identifies
  • the hub (server) itself (with PROGRAM=ADAREV) that is being started; or

  • from an Adabas nucleus (client), the hub that is the target for Adabas Review processing for that nucleus (with PROGRAM=ADANUC).

Dynamic Modification

The setting of the ADARUN PROG=ADANUC,REVIEW=dbid parameter can be changed dynamically using the REVIEWHUBID command from the operator console, the ADADBS OPERCOM REVIEWHUBID function, or the Modify Parameter function of Adabas Online System.

Example 1:

For the Adabas Review hub (server) installation, start hub 202.


Example 2:

For the Adabas Review (client) installation, start the Adabas nucleus that will log to Adabas Review hub 202.


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