Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

PLOGRQ : Protection Log Required

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
PLOGRQ whether a protection log is required for this session. YES | NO | SEL | FORCE YES

The valid values are as follows:

Value Meaning
YES The default setting. Any attempt to start an Adabas nucleus without a protection log causes the Adabas initialization to terminate with an error message.
In this Adabas session:
- multiple PLOG datasets are used if a PLOGSIZE parameter is provided;
- dual PLOG datasets are used if a DUALPLS parameter is provided;
- a SIBA dataset is used if JCL for a SIBA dataset is provided;
- otherwise, no protection log dataset is used.
SEL Selective protection logging is switched on only when running an ADASAV SAVE (database) or SAVE FILE= ... utility operation with an active nucleus. Protection logging is switched off when the ADASAV SAVE operation completes successfully.
FORCE Any attempt to start an Adabas nucleus without UEX2 or UEX12, or without a protection log causes the Adabas initialization to terminate with an error message. Additionally, an error occurs if the initialization process determines that different PLOG datasets have been specified for the session and the old PLOG datasets have not yet been copied.


A data protection log (SIBA or PLOG) is not mandatory during the Adabas session but will be used if provided.


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