Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

SMGT : Error Handling and Message Buffering Facility

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
SMGT whether to enable the error handling and message buffering facility. YES | NO NO
Value Meaning
YES ADARUN loads the module ADAMXI during initialization. If you want to use the message buffering functions, you must also specify the ADARUN MSGBUF parameter with a value greater than zero.
NO (default) Error handling and message buffering is not enabled for the session.

This parameter can only be used when starting the nucleus. It cannot be used in utilities or user programs.

For more information about the error handling and message buffering facility, see the Adabas DBA Tasks documentation.

For information about temporarily turning the facility off and back on, see the SMGT operator command.


Activate the error handling and message buffering facility with a buffer size of 36 kilobytes when the Adabas nucleus is initialized.


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