Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

MXMSG: Timeout Threshold for Internucleus Command Processing

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
MXMSG the timeout threshold for command processing between cluster nuclei (in seconds) 1 32767 300

The MXMSG parameter is optionally used to set the maximum number of seconds for commands from one cluster nucleus to be processed by another cluster nucleus in a parallel sysplex environment using XCF. If this timeout threshold is exceeded, the sending nucleus issues a termination request against the unresponsive peer. In addition, if this timeout threshold is exceeded, the sending nucleus generates a response code 124 that may or not be passed up the call chain, depending on the success of the termination request and the setting of the MXCANCEL parameter.

In case of an XCF communication failure, it may take as much time as set in the MXMSG parameter until the failure is noticed by the cluster nuclei.

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