Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

NSISN : Number of ISNs per ISN Table Element

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
NSISN the maximum number of ISNs per element in the table of ISNs (TBI). 7 see text 51

The parameter NSISN specifies the maximum number of ISNs kept in a TBI element in memory (list of resulting ISN lists). The more ISNs that are kept in memory, the fewer the Work I/Os needed to read additional resulting ISN lists from the Work dataset. This parameter influences the performance of the L1/4 command with the "N" (GET NEXT) option.

The highest value that can be specified for NSISN depends on the Work device. For Adabas-specified Work block sizes, the maximum values are shown in the following tables:

The following tables do not apply to user-defined Work block sizes; in this case, the maximum is determined as follows, where WORK is the block size of the Work dataset:

Although supported, the BS2000 device type 2007 is not recommended for use with Adabas. Support for the 2007 will be removed in a later Adabas release.

IBM and Compatible Devices

Device Type Max. Value Device Type Max. Value
3310 1022 8345 5728
3330 1061 8350 2358
3340 877 8380 2267
3350 1155 8381 2867
3359 1155 8385 5865
3370 1278 8390 2674
3375 1022 8391 3418
3379 1022 8392 4611
3380 1371 8393 6995
3389 1371 9332 1278
3390 1429 9335 1278
    9345 2785

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BS2000 Devices

Device Type Max. Value Device Type Max. Value
2000 1022 2010 4096
2001 1022 2200 4096
2002 2046 2201 3072
2003 1534 2202 4096
2004 2558    
2005 2046    
2006 2558    
2007 7678    
2008 8188    
2009 8188    


The maximum number of ISNs per TBI element during the Adabas session is 400.


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Overriding the Parameter Setting

You can override this parameter setting for an individual user by specifying a different value in the Adabas control block for an OP command. See the discussion of the OP command in the Adabas Command Reference documentation.

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