Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

NUCID : Adabas Cluster Nucleus ID

The NUCID parameter replaces the earlier parameters PLXID and SMPID.

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
NUCID the ID for a nucleus in an Adabas cluster. 0-65000 0

NUCID identifies an Adabas cluster nucleus. The cluster may span operating system images under Adabas Cluster Services, or it may be confined to a single operating system image under Adabas Parallel Services. A value greater than 0 (the default) identifies this nucleus as an Adabas cluster nucleus.

Value Meaning
0 The default setting. This is not an Adabas cluster nucleus. For ADADBS OPERCOM and AOS, the NUCID=0 command option means "global", indicating that the command applies to all nuclei in the cluster.
1-65000 This is an Adabas cluster nucleus. A nonzero value automatically sets the parameter READONLY=NO; MODE=MULTI should also be specified. Values need not be specified contiguously. This value must be unique among all Adabas database IDs, NUCIDs, Natural buffer pool IDs, etc. Entire Net-Work target IDs (suggested range 65482-65535), and internal target IDs used by Adabas Cluster Services (restricted range 65001-65481) are assigned outside of the range of possible values for NUCID. For ADADBS OPERCOM and AOS, a nonzero value for the NUCID command option indicates that the command applies just to the cluster nucleus specified.

For ADADBS OPERCOM and AOS, a zero value for the NUCID command option indicates that the command applies to all nuclei in the cluster ("global"). A nonzero value for the NUCID command option indicates that the command applies only to the cluster nucleus specified.



Start an Adabas cluster session with the specified cluster nuclei:


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