Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

DEVICE : Device Type

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
DEVICE the device type on which the first block of the Associator is stored. see text 2000 (BS2000) 3380 (other)

The device type of the external storage device on which the first block of the Associator is stored.

This device type is also used as default for most device type parameters.

The Adabas Installation documentation specifies the device types supported by Adabas.

Some device type designations have been reserved for special use such as VSAM dataset support on OS/390 or z/OS systems. The following is a partial list of reserved device types and their uses:

Device Use
5555 VSAM DD/xxxxR5
6666 VSAM DD/xxxxR4
7777 VSAM DD/xxxxR3
8888 VSAM DD/xxxxR2
9999 VSAM DD/xxxxR1 - (default for self-defined VSAM block sizes)

For more information about VSAM device usage, see Device and File Considerations in the Adabas Installation documentation.


Execute the ADALOD utility; store the first block of the Associator on a 3390 device.


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