Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

INTNAS : Time Interval Between SYNS 60 Checkpoints

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
INTNAS the time interval between SYNS 60 checkpoints. 1 16777215 3600

The SYNS 60 statistic checkpoint is generated by the Adabas nucleus and written to the Adabas Checkpoint system file. It may be displayed using the CPLIST function of the ADAREP utility or Adabas Online System. For more information about checkpoints see the ADAREP utility discussion in the Adabas Utilities documentation.

INTNAS allows you to set the time interval (in units of 1.048576 seconds) between SYNS 60 checkpoints. The default (3600) is approximately 1 hour meaning that nucleus statistics will be recorded once each hour.


Set Adabas so that nucleus statistics are recorded every 30 minutes.


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