Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

IGNDIB : Ignore DIB Entry for Adabas Nucleus

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
IGNDIB whether to ignore and delete an active nucleus entry in the data integrity block. YES | NO NO

The "DIB" is the data integrity block in the Associator. The DIB contains an entry that indicates whether an Adabas session is active for the database. This feature prevents an update nucleus session from being started while another one is running on the same database; it is especially important when several CPUs share the same database DASD devices. The DIB entry is automatically released when the Adabas session is terminated normally.

This parameter indicates whether this update nucleus session should ignore and delete the entry in the data integrity block (DIB) in the Associator.

Value Meaning
YES Adabas ignores and deletes the existing DIB entry and initiates a new session.
NO The default setting. If the DIB entry indicates that an Adabas session is already active for the database, Adabas rejects an attempt to start an update session against the database. This is true even when the session that the DIB indicates is active has terminated abnormally.

Software AG recommends that you use IGNDIB=YES only once and immediately remove it from the JCL. If no DIB entry exists when IGNDIB=YES is specified, the nucleus terminates abnormally.


Execute an Adabas update session; ignore and delete the DIB entry for an active Adabas update nucleus.


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