Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

MSGCONSL : Case of Messages Sent to the Console
MSGDRUCK : Case of Messages Sent to DD/DRUCK
MSGPRINT : Case of Messages Sent to DD/PRINT

Parameter Specify the case of Adabas . . . Possible Values Default
MSGCONSL messages sent to the console UPPER | MIXED MIXED
MSGDRUCK messages sent to the DD/DRUCK dataset    
MSGPRINT messages sent to the DD/PRINT dataset    

Adabas messages are displayed in mixed upper and lowercase. You can use one or more of these ADARUN parameters to display different message types in all uppercase.

The first message line in DDPRINT will not be influenced by the value of parameter MSGPRINT.


Display messages in the DDDRUCK and DDPRINT datasets in all uppercase:


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