Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

LQ : Length of Sequential Command Table

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
LQ the size of the table of sequential commands. 2000 16 777 215 10 000

The table of sequential commands contains internal entries required during the processing of the Adabas read sequential (L2/L5, L3/L6, and L9) commands.

Each sequential pass of an Adabas file requires one entry in this table. Each table entry requires approximately 60-100 bytes, depending on the command type. Additionally, a variable portion (descriptor value) is required in the table entry for the L3/L6/L9 commands. An entry is deleted when an end-of-file condition is detected during sequential processing or when an RC or CL command is issued.

The Adabas session statistics or Adabas Online System can be used to tune this parameter for the next session. If using expanded files, the LQ value may need to be set to a higher-than-normal value.

The LQ value also determines the maximum number of command IDs that each user can specify. See the NQCID parameter description, later in this chapter, for more information.

In environments running in 31-bit adressing mode, the LQ pool is allocated above the 16-megabyte line.


Allocate 30,000 bytes for the table of sequential commands for this session.


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