Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

CMDQMODE : Command Queue Mode

This parameter applies to the BS2000 operating system only.

Parameter Specify . . . Possible Values Default
CMDQMODE whether to allocate the command queue memory pool below or above the 16-MB line. BELOW | ABOVE BELOW

CMDQMODE specifies whether to allocate the BS2000 memory pool for the Adabas command queue below or above the 16-MB line.

Value Meaning
BELOW The default setting. Places the BS2000 memory pool for the Adabas command queue below the 16-MB line in one or more 64-kilobyte segments.
ABOVE Places the BS2000 memory pool for the Adabas command queue above the 16-MB line in one or more 1-MB segments.


Place the Adabas command queue memory pool above the 16-MB line in 1-MB segments.


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