Version 7.4.4
 —  Operations  —

NISNHQ : Number of ISNs in Hold Queue per User

Parameter Specify . . . Minimum Maximum Default
NISNHQ the maximum number of records that can be placed in hold status at the same time by one user. 1 (NH / 4) or 65535, whichever is smaller (NH / NU) * 2 or 20, whichever is larger

NISNHQ determines the maximum number of held ISNs the hold queue (see the NH parameter description) can contain from one user. The most ISNs allowed on hold for a single user is 1/4 of the hold queue size, but not more than 65,535 ISNs. The default is the greater of either 20 or the number of ISNs the hold queue can contain divided by the number of users, multiplied by two.

If a user attempts to place more records in hold status than permitted, the user receives a nonzero response code even though there may still be space in the hold queue.

Example 1:

The maximum number of records that may be in hold status for a single user is 100.


Example 2:

NISNHQ is not specified. The maximum number of records that may be in hold status for a single user is 40 (the NISNHQ default of (NH / NU) * 2, which is greater than the alternative default of 20).


Overriding the Parameter Setting

You can override this parameter setting for an individual user by specifying a different value in the Adabas control block for an OP command. See the discussion of the OP command in the Adabas Command Reference documentation.

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