Version 3.2.1

Output Management GUI Client

This document describes the Output Management GUI Client and covers the following topics:

General Information


Release Notes Describes the changes and enhancements introduced with the current version.


Installation Describes the installation of the Output Management GUI Client.


Elements of the Main Application Window Explains the terminology and features of the Output Management GUI Client.
Maintenance Functions


Reports Creating and modifying a report definition to extract data, distribute, store and print it.


Bundles Creating and modifying a bundle of reports.


Logical Printers Defining a logical printer to print on a physical printer with its own set of characteristics.


Distribution Lists Creating lists of users to receive a report.
Control Functions


Folders Using your inbasket and creating others.


Active Reports Using the data produced by the report definition.


Active Bundles Distributing, printing, and storing bundles of active reports.


Printout Queue Printing active reports and active bundles.


Log Information Displaying log information for the monitor, printouts and users.
System Administration


System Setting system-wide defaults for the system.


Monitor Setting system-wide defaults for the monitor.


Report Setting system-wide defaults for reports.


Bundle Setting system-wide defaults for bundles.


Archiving Setting system-wide defaults for archiving.


Reviving Setting system-wide defaults for reviving.


Cleanup Setting system-wide defaults for cleanup.


CMA Spool Setting system-wide defaults for the CMA spool.


NAF Setting system-wide defaults for Natural Advanced Facilities.


API and User Exit Setting system-wide defaults for the API and user exits.


SAP Spool Setting system-wide defaults for the SAP spool.


3GL Interfaces Setting system-wide defaults for 3GL interfaces.


UNIX Setting system-wide defaults for UNIX.


Users Managing users


Copy NSC Users Copying Natural Security users


Calendars Managing calendars


Physical Printers Managing printers


Monitor Management Managing the monitor


Archiving Task Archiving reports


Reviving Task Reviving archived reports.


Condense Task Condensing archive datasets.


Transfer Entity Transferring objects to another environment.
Archive Administration    


Archive Administration Managing the archive

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