Version 3.2.1
 —  Output Management GUI Client  —

Active Bundles

For further information, see also Active Reports in an Active Bundle.

What is an Active Bundle?

An active bundle is a group of active reports collected from different jobs or SYSOUT datasets and generated by the bundle definition. An active bundle is printed and distributed as one unit.

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Available Commands for Active Bundles

Start of instruction setTo list all available commands for active bundles:

  1. In the object workspace, expand the Active Bundles folder.

  2. Select an active bundle and invoke the context menu.

    A list of available commands appears.

The following table briefly explains each command:

Command Shortcut Explanation
Active in Bundle --- List reports contained in an active bundle. A list of reports is displayed to allow browsing of active reports or deletion of the active report from this bundle.
Archive --- Mark all reports in an active bundle for archiving.
Close --- Close an active bundle. The bundle can accept no more reports. A new version of the bundle is opened for additional reports.
Delete Del Delete an active bundle. Only control information is deleted. The active reports contained in the bundle are not deleted.
Display Ctrl+D Display active bundle parameters.
Display Log F10 Display log information for an active bundle.
Filter F3 Use selection criteria to list active bundles.
List Active Ctrl+F8 List all active bundles.
Info --- Display additional information on an active bundle.
Open Ctrl+O Modify active bundle. Note that modifications hold only for this current copy of the bundle and do not affect the bundle definition. Modifications can be performed only if bundle status = Opened.
Print --- Print an active bundle. The bundle is forced to print no matter what was defined to control printing. This command can be entered only if bundle status = Opened.
Revive --- Mark all reports in an active bundle for reviving.
Select Subobject Ctrl+F3 Use selection criteria to list active reports.

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Listing All Active Bundles

Start of instruction setTo list all active bundles:

  1. In the object workspace, select the Active Bundles folder.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose List Active.

    All active bundles are listed in the content pane.

    The fields of the active bundle list are explained below.

Fields: Active Bundle List

Field Explanation
Bundle Bundle name.
Run Number Unique number identifying the active report.
Status Bundle status:
Closed Bundle can accept no additional reports.
Empty Bundle is empty.
Flushing Bundle is being closed.
Forced Bundle forced to print when retention period expires.
Opened Bundle is open and contains reports.
Print Bundle is being printed.
Printed Bundle has been printed.
Processing Bundle is being processed.
Number of Reports Number of reports in the bundle.
Coordinator ID User ID of the bundle coordinator.
Open Date/Time Date and time bundle was opened.
Close Date/Time Date and time bundle was closed.
Message Indicates why the bundle cannot be printed. For example, if no printer has been assigned, the message "No Printer" appears here.
Description Short description of bundle

Start of instruction setTo invoke a list of available commands:

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Listing Selected Active Bundles

Start of instruction setTo list active bundles according to selection criteria:

  1. In the object workspace, select the Active Bundles folder.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Filter.

    The following dialog appears in the content pane.

  3. Enter selection criteria for the active bundles, for example:

    Select Active Bundles dialog with selection criteria

  4. Choose OK.

    Now only active bundles which satisfy the selection criteria appear in the expanded Active Bundles folder in the object workspace.

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Modifying an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo modify the attributes of an active bundle:

  1. Select the desired active bundle in the object workspace or in the report list.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Open.

    The active bundle is displayed. It consists of: General Attributes and Printing Attributes.

  3. To change the desired attributes, choose the appropriate tab: General or Printing.

  4. The corresponding window is displayed, and you can change the data. The individual attributes are described below.

  5. When you have finished, choose the OK button to save your changes.

General Attributes

Field Explanation
Run Number Internal sequence number (cannot be modified).
Created Date and time when first active report arrived for this bundle (cannot be modified).
Coordinator ID ID of the bundle coordinator.
Print events Time schedule The print time is computed at an open time based on the defined time schedule. If 00-01-02 00:00 appears here, it means that no time trigger is in effect.
Lines exceeded When the report that causes this line number to be exceeded has been written to the active bundle, the bundle is closed and scheduled for printing.
Report arrival The bundle is printed when all these reports arrive.

Printing Attributes

Field Explanation
Hold before print Mark the checkbox to hold bundle printing until released manually, otherwise the bundle is printed immediately.
Bundle separator Start Enter the name of the separator member to be printed at the beginning of the bundle. If this field is omitted, then the standard separator is used.
End Enter the name of the separator member to be printed at the end of the bundle. If this field is omitted, then the standard separator is used.
Copies Enter the number of separator pages to be printed for the bundle.
Print control exit Natural Member Name of user exit.
Natural Library Library containing user exit.
Jobcards Enter the job cards used when Bundle printing is performed with batch jobs. The following substitution variables can be used: §USER, §BUNDLE. If you leave this field blank, the Jobcards specification for the logical printer is used instead. See the Jobcards field under General Attributes in Adding a New Logical Printer.
Printers Printer Use the Select button to select one or more printers from a list of defined logical printers. See Selecting Printers for a Bundle below.
Copies Enter the number of times the bundle is to be printed on the respective printers.

Selecting Printers for a Bundle

Start of instruction setTo select a logical printer from a list of defined printers:

  1. Choose the Select button to the right of the Printers/Copies list.

    The following dialog appears:

    Select Printers dialog

  2. Select a printer from the Printers list at the top of the dialog and choose the down arrow down arrow on the right.

    The selected printer is written to the Selected Printers list in the lower part of the dialog. (To remove a printer from the Selected Printers list, select the printer and choose the up arrow up arrow on the right.)

  3. When you have finished selecting printers, choose the OK button at the bottom of the dialog.

    The selected printers now appear in the Printers/Copies list.

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Displaying an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo display the attributes for an active bundle:

  1. In the object workspace or in the active bundle list, select the desired active bundle.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display.

    The attributes of the active bundle are displayed. For an explanation of the attributes and their fields, see Modifying an Active Bundle.

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Deleting an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo delete an active bundle:

  1. In the object workspace or in the active bundle list, select the desired bundle.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Delete.

    A dialog appears, asking you to confirm the deletion.

  3. Choose Yes to delete the active bundle, or No to cancel the operation.

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Printing an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo print an active bundle:

  1. In the object workspace or in the active bundle list, select the desired active bundle.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Print.

    The Print Active Bundle dialog appears.

  3. Choose the Select button to the right of the Printer field to display a list of printers.

  4. Select a printer from the list, and choose the OK button.

    The name of the selected printer is written into the Printer field of the Print Active Bundle dialog.

  5. Choose the Print button to print the bundle and leave it open.

    Choose the Print and Close button to print the bundle and close it.

    A message confirms that the bundle has been queued for printing.

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Closing an Active Bundle

This function closes an active bundle so that it can accept no additional reports. If additional reports arrive for the bundle, a new version of the bundle is opened to accept them.

Start of instruction setTo close an active bundle:

  1. In the object workspace or in the active bundle list, select the desired active bundle.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Close.

    A dialog appears prompting you to confirm the function.

  3. Choose the Yes button to close the active bundle.

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Archiving an Active Bundle

This function marks an active bundle for archiving. The bundle is archived the next time the archiving task is active.

Start of instruction setTo mark an active bundle for archiving:

  1. In the object workspace or in the active bundle list, select an active bundle that has not been archived.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Archive.

    A message confirms the number of reports marked for archiving.

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Reviving an Active Bundle

This function marks all archived reports in an active bundle to be revived. The reports will be revived the next time the revive job runs.

Start of instruction setTo mark an active bundle for reviving:

  1. In the object workspace or in the active bundle list, select an active bundle that has been archived.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Revive.

    The Revive Active Bundles From Archive dialog appears.

  3. Use the list box to the right of the Revive to field to select a destination for the revived active bundle: Con-nect, NOM database, JES Spool.

  4. When you have made a selection, choose the OK button to confirm it.

    A message confirms the number of reports marked for reviving.

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Displaying Information on an Active Bundle

This function displays additional information on an active bundle.

Start of instruction setTo display additional information on an active bundle:

  1. In the object workspace or in the active bundle list, select the desired active bundle.

Fields: Active Bundle Info

Field Explanation  
Bundle Run number Unique internal identifier of active bundle.
Description Short description of active bundle.
Number of Reports Number of active reports contained in active bundle.
Lines Number of lines contained in active bundle.
Coordinator ID ID of bundle coordinator.
Name Name of bundle coordinator.
Phone Phone number of bundle coordinator.
Date/Time of Open Date and time bundle was opened.
Close Date and time bundle was closed.
Planned flush When the bundle is opened, the print time is computed based on the defined time schedule. If 00-01-02 00:00 or nothing at all appears here, it means that no time trigger is in effect.
Expiration date Force The day on which the closing and printing of the active bundle is to be forced. This date is computed when the active bundle is opened. It is computed using the Force Flush period defined in the corresponding bundle definition. See Print events - Force Flush in Fields: General Attributes (Components of a Bundle Definition).
Purge The day on which the active bundle is to be deleted. This data is computed when the active bundle is closed. It is computed using the Retention Period in the corresponding bundle definition. See Retention - Period in Fields: General Attributes (Components of a Bundle Definition).

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Displaying the Active Bundle Log

Start of instruction setTo display the active bundle log:

  1. In the object workspace or in the active bundle list, select the desired bundle.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose Display Log.

    A list of all events concerning the active bundle is displayed.

    For each event, the list contains the following information: the date and time when it occurred, the ID of the user or monitor causing it, and a message explaining the event.

Start of instruction setTo display more detailed log information for an entry in the active bundle log:

  1. Select an entry from the log information dialog and invoke the context menu.

  2. Choose Info.

    A dialog with detailed information on the selected entry is displayed.

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