Administration Version 2.6.1
 —  Using the Data Mapping Tool  —

Data Mapping Tool User Interface and Mechanics

This document describes how to start and shut down the Data Mapping Tool and provides an overview of the Data Mapping Tool interface. It covers the following topics:

Starting the Data Mapping Tool

Start of instruction setTo start the Data Mapping Tool in Windows environments, complete the following steps:

Start of instruction setTo start the Data Mapping Tool in UNIX environments, complete the following steps:

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Shutting Down the Data Mapping Tool

Start of instruction setTo shut down the Data Mapping Tool:

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The Data Mapping Tool Interface

This section describes the Data Mapping Tool window, menus, and buttons. It covers the following topics:

Data Mapping Tool Main Window

The Data Mapping Tool main window is divided into three columns.


The far left column, SYSTRANS DDMs, lists available DDMs. Once you have identified a directory containing DDMs, the DDMs in that directory get listed in this column. For information on identifying the directory containing your DDMs, read Locating and Selecting a Source DDM.

The middle column, Target RDBMS, lists the target relational database tables to which you will map fields from your DDM. To add and remove target relational databases from this list, read Adding a Target Database.

The right column, GFB Schema, displays the GFB schema that is created when you drag a DDM onto an RDBMS. A GFB and field table (GFFT) can be generated from this schema.


The Data Mapping Tool main window includes five menus. The options available from these menus are described in this section:

File Menu

The File menu consists of the following menu options:

Menu Option Description
Find SYSTRANS DDM Directory... Allows you to specify the directory in which data definition modules (DDMs) can be found. For more information, read Locating and Selecting a Source DDM.
Save Mapping Allows you to save the RDBMS target table and GFB schema listed on the screen. The next time you start up the Data Mapping Tool, this table and GFB schema will automatically appear.
Exit Allows you to shut down the Data Mapping Tool.

GFB Menu

The options on the GFB menu only become available once a GFB schema appears in the GFB Schema column of the screen. It consists of the following menu options:

Menu Option Description
Redefine Allows you to redefine a field in the schema. For more information, read Redefining Schema Fields.
Set Primary Key Allows you to specify that a field selected in the schema is the primary key or is part of a composite key. For more information, read Specifying Keys.
Remove Primary Key Allows you to specify that a field selected in the schema is no longer the primary key or part of a composite key. For more information, read Specifying Keys.
Generate GFB/GFFT Allows you to generate the GFB and field table, based on the selected GFB schema. For more information, read Generating a GFB and Field Table.

Options Menu

The Options menu consists of the following menu options:

Menu Option Description
Logging Level Allows you to set the logging level for Data Mapping Tool processing. For more information, read Managing Logging and Log Files.
Default Occurrences.. Allows you to specify the default number of occurrences of repeating elements for each MU or PE field if you want them to be flattened during replication. When you drag a DDM onto an RDBMS target to create a GFB schema, you are presented with a panel on which you can override this default for each MU or PE field. For more information, read Requesting MU and PE Field Flattening During Replication
DDM File Extensions.. Allows you to specify the file extensions of the DDMs you want to see in the leftmost column of the Data Mapping Tool main window.

Targets Menu

The Targets menu consists of the following menu options:

Menu Option Description
Add RDBMS Target.. Allows you to add and link to a target RDBMS. Once added, the RDBMS is listed in the middle column of the Data Mapping Tool main window. For more information, read Adding a Target Database.

Help Menu

The Help menu consists of the following menu options:

Menu Option Description
Help Contents Allows you to access the online help for the Data Mapping Tool
About Event Replicator for Adabas - Data Mapping Tool Lists version information about this installation of the Data Mapping Tool.


The Data Mapping Tool main window includes the following buttons:

Some of these buttons only become useable if specific items are selected in the Data Mapping Tool screen.

Button Description
graphics/btnopen.png Allows you to specify the directory in which data definition modules (DDMs) can be found. For more information, read Locating and Selecting a Source DDM.
graphics/btnsavei.png Saves the current mappings shown in the Data Mapping Tool. Target definitions in the target list, GFB schemas, and source DDMs are saved.
graphics/btnexiti.png Exits the Data Mapping Tool.
graphics/btnredef.png Allows you to redefine the selected GFB schema field. For more information, read Redefining Schema Fields.
graphics/btnkey.png Allows you to specify that a field selected in the schema is the primary key or is part of a composite key. For more information, read Specifying Keys.
graphics/btnnokey.png Allows you to specify that a field selected in the schema is no longer the primary key or part of a composite key. For more information, read Specifying Keys.
graphics/btngen.png Allows you to generate the GFB and field table, based on the selected GFB schema. For more information, read Generating a GFB and Field Table.
graphics/btnexit.png Exits the Data Mapping Tool.
graphics/btnsave.png Saves the current mappings shown in the Data Mapping Tool. Target definitions in the target list, GFB schemas, and source DDMs are saved.


The Data Mapping Tool main window uses the following icons:

Icon Description
graphics/icddmf.png Identifies a DDM file in the leftmost pane.
graphics/ictbl.png Identifies a DDM in the leftmost pane, an RDBMS table in the center pane, and a GFB schema table in the rightmost pane. In addition, this icon precedes the Show Tables and Refresh Tables options on the right-click menu of an RDBMS or table in the center pane.
graphics/icfld.png Identifies a simple field in the leftmost pane and an RDBMS column in the center pane. In addition, this icon precedes the Show Columns and Refresh Columns List options on the right-click menu of a table in the center pane.
graphics/icmu.png Identifies a multiple value (MU) field in the leftmost pane.
graphics/icmuflt.png Identifies a flattened multiple value (MU) field in the leftmost pane.
graphics/icpe.png Identifies a periodic group (PE) field in the leftmost pane.
graphics/icpeflt.png Identifies a flattened periodic group (PE) field in the leftmost pane.
graphics/icgrp.png Identifies a simple group field in the leftmost pane.
graphics/icsbsp.png Identifies a subfield or superfield with occurrences in the leftmost pane.
graphics/icsbspft.png Identifies a flattened subfield or superfield with occurrences in the leftmost pane.
graphics/icsbspm.png Identifies a subfield or superfield with MU or PE occurrences in the leftmost pane.
graphics/icsbspmf.png Identifies a flattened subfield or superfield with MU or PE occurrences in the leftmost pane.
graphics/icrdbms.png Identifies an RDBMS database in the center and rightmost panes. This icon also precedes the Add RDBMS Target option on the Targets menu.
graphics/icschema.png Identifies a GFB schema in the rightmost pane. In addition, this icon:
  • Precedes the Generate GFB/GFFT option on the right-click menu of a GFB schema in the rightmost pane.

  • Precedes the Generate GFB/GFFT option on the GFB menu.

  • Appears on a button on the main screen that allows you to generate the GFB and field table, based on the selected GFB schema.

For more information, read Generating a GFB and Field Table.

graphics/iccol.png Identifies a GFB schema field in the rightmost pane.
graphics/btnkey.png Identifies a GFB schema key field -- either the primary key or a field included in a composite key -- in the rightmost pane. In addition, this icon:
  • Precedes the Set Primary Key option on the right-click menu of a GFB schema field in the rightmost pane.

  • Precedes the Set Primary Key option on the GFB menu.

  • Appears on a button on the main screen that allows you to identify a GFB schema field as a primary key or composite key field.

For more information, read Specifying Keys.

graphics/iccompk.png Precedes the Set Composite Key Order option on the right-click menu of a GFB schema composite key field in the rightmost pane.
graphics/btnnokey.png Precedes the Remove Primary Key option on the right-click menu of a GFB schema key field in the rightmost pane. This icon also:
  • Precedes the Remove Primary Key option on the GFB menu.

  • Appears on a button on the main screen that allows you to specify that a field selected in the schema is no longer the primary key or part of a composite key.

graphics/icfkey.png Identifies a GFB schema foreign key in the rightmost pane.
graphics/icflat.png Precedes the Flatten option on the right-click menu of a DDM field in the leftmost pane. For more information, read Flattening Fields for Replication.
graphics/icunflat.png Precedes the Unflatten option on the right-click menu of a DDM field in the leftmost pane. For more information, read Flattening Fields for Replication.
graphics/icren.png Precedes the Rename option on the right-click menu of a GFB schema or GFB schema field in the rightmost pane.
graphics/btnredef.png Precedes the Redefine option on the right-click menu of a GFB schema field in the rightmost pane. This icon also:
  • Precedes the Redefine option on the GFB menu.

  • Appears on a button on the main screen that allows you to redefine the selected GFB schema field.

For more information, read Redefining Schema Fields.

graphics/icredef.png Identifies a child field of a redefined (split) field in the rightmost pane.
graphics/btnsavei.png Appears on a button that allows you to save the current mappings shown in the Data Mapping Tool. This icon also precedes the Save Mapping option on the File menu.
graphics/btnopen.png Appears on a button that allows you to specify the directory in which data definition modules (DDMs) can be found. This icon also precedes the Find SYSTRANS DDM Directory option on the File menu.
graphics/icprop.png Precedes the Properties option on the right-click menu of a screen element.
graphics/btnexiti.png Appears on a button that allows you to exit the Data Mapping Tool. This icon also precedes the Exit option on the File menu.
graphics/icdel.png Precedes the Delete option on the right-click menu of a screen element.
graphics/help.png Precedes the Help Contents option on the Help menu. This option allows you to access the online help for the Data Mapping Tool.

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