PAC Reference

This documentation is intended for all users of Predict Application Control.

It is organized under the following headings:

Command Reference This document describes the available direct commands which can be issued from any screen in the PAC system to bypass menus and access the particular screens directly.
Migration Utility This document describes the PAC Migration utility which may be executed during migration events, using the command MIGLOAD for loading Natural objects into PAC.
Compare Utility This document contains information on the PAC Compare utility. The comparing of Natural, Predict and foreign objects both under the control of PAC, as well as outside of the PAC environment is described.
Scan Utilities This document describes both the scan utility for migration path verification and default update and the scan utility for Natural object versions.
User Exits This document provides detailed information on PAC user exits, whereby control can be passed to user-written Natural programs (user exit routines) to override the change management procedure defaults established by PAC.
System Applymods This document describes the applymods currently used by PAC.
Object Type Codes This document lists and describes the object type codes used in PAC.
Application Programming Interface This document describes PAC's Application Programming Interface (API) facilities, which are Natural subprograms invoked using CALLNAT statements to access PAC directly from within a user-written program without invoking PAC with MENU, ADMIN, or SYSPAC commands.