System Applymods

This document describes the applymods currently used by PAC. Refer to the section Applymod Defaults document PAC Administrator Functions in the PAC Administration documentation for more information.

This document covers the following topics:

Applymod Groups

PAC groups its system applymods as follows:

Group Members Description
Authorizations 1 Disallows override of authorization parameters.
Migrations 2, 4-6, 8-15, 17-19, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31 Customize migrations.
Migration events 16, 20 Customize migration events.
Not assigned 3, 7, 15, 17, 21, 22, 25-28 Currently not assigned.

Applymod Functions

Authorizations Group

Num. Function
1 Disallow override of parameters during authorization.
During authorization, the authorizer can override certain parameters (for example, job). This applymod deactivates that facility.

Migrations Group

Num. Function

Do not optimize the size of the cataloged object.
During the unload of a cataloged object, the symbol table of an object may be omitted without affecting the integrity of the object. The benefits of using the applymod are less resource usage and improved performance (during migration only).
Do not use this option if the cataloged object is being downloaded to a PC for use with .DBF files or with dBase III (that is, an extension of .DBF) because the field names will then not be available to Entire Connection.
Also do not use it if the symbol table information is required.

3 Not assigned.
4 Suppress audit report.
This applymod may be used to suppress the creation of the audit report, thus conserving space on the ACF system file. This may be desirable for large events where the retention of the audit report is not necessary. Currently, it is not possible to purge only the audit report of an event. During migration processing, the audit report is usually written into the ESIZE before being stored on the PAC ACF system file. Because the object list is also processed in the ESIZE, a conflict in resource usage can be caused. To avoid this conflict, this applymod can be set on so that the audit report will not be written to the ESIZE. The advantage is that larger object lists may be used without incurring a NAT0886 error. The disadvantage is that the audit report will not be stored on the ACF system file.
5 Suppress global data area (GDA) Auto Expand during migration.
During migration processing, if PAC finds a GDA, it will automatically include (migrate) all objects that use that GDA to ensure that all objects that use it are compiled with the version being migrated, This is because a NAT0933 error may otherwise occur during execution time in the destination environment. If the user does not want PAC to perform the automatic expand, then the applymod should be specified during the actual migration.
6 Migrate only objects previously migrated.
During migration processing, migrate only those objects that already exist (with the same or different version number) in the assigned destination status. If an object does not already exist in the destination status, it is ignored in the migration.
7 Not assigned.
8 Force unloading of all views or local/parameter data areas during migration.
During migration processing, PAC unloads only VSAM views, because only VSAM views are required at execution time. All other views are used at compile time. If you want all views or local/parameter data areas to be unloaded, activate Applymod 8 for the migration. If Applymod 8 is activated, Applymod 2 will automatically be activated for the migration. If the destination status supports dynamic source programs, then Applymod 8 should be activated.
9 Expand maps for multiple languages.
Without this applymod, the "&" notation used by an object is normally replaced with the current value of *LANGUAGE. When this applymod is switched on, the expand will result in all valid objects that exist for languages 1-9 being included in the migration. This means that PAC systematically replaces the "&" with the values 1-9 and includes each valid occurrence for migration processing.
10 Migrate objects to a status only if they have changed.
During the unload step of an OUT migration, all objects in the object list are unloaded by default; this ensures that the objects are loaded as a unit. It is possible that the environment does not need to be refreshed. When this applymod is switched on, only new versions of objects will be migrated; unchanged versions of the objects will be ignored. Only valid when the to-staus is either test, production, or maintenance.
11 Check runtime subordinates.
Check whether all runtime subordinates used by each PAC object in the Object List in a migration from development or maintenance are currently under PAC control. If any subordinate is not found and this applymod is set, PAC issues the PAC7028 message and the migration event is aborted.
12 Check object compile date-time stamp.
Retain those objects with the most recent compile date-time stamp during migrations from test or production statuses. PAC always migrates the specified version of the object to the specified status. If this applymod is on, PAC checks the compile date-time stamps of the version being migrated and the version being replaced. If the object being replaced has a more recent compile date-time, it is not replaced.
13 Activate a recursive expand of objects when expanding.
By default, PAC expands only one level of objects in the object list; it does not subsequently expand the objects that are added to the object list by the first expansion. If Applymod 13 is turned on, PAC expands the object list recursively; when objects are added to the list by the first expansion, the new objects are then expanded, and so on.
14 Reject objects with compilation errors.
During the migration from a development or maintenance status type into PAC, new versions of objects are created regardless of the compile results of the object. When this applymod is active, no new version will be created for the object if it does not compile successfully. If the Move option is in effect for the migration event, then this applymod is ignored.
15 Unload Predict file without associated objects. Enables the user to unload a Predict file out of PAC without its linked objects, such as Userviews, Databases etc.
17 Load Predict file without Adabas attributes. Enables the user to load a Predict File into PAC ignoring its Adabas attributes.
18 Suppress building the object list for incorporation.
With the incorporation migration, PAC requires the original object list to be a single entry with or without the range notation when including objects from a work file. During migration processing, PAC updates this list with the expanded list of individual objects actually incorporated. If this applymod is active, the object list is not expanded. This applymod may be required with large migrations when the total list of objects exceeds the ESIZE.
19 Force the migration of saved copy code, programs, and maps.
By default, PAC migrates only cataloged objects (except text objects) to environments other than development or maintenance. If Applymod 19 is turned on, PAC always migrates both source and cataloged objects.
22 Not assigned.
23 Allow objects in any status to be selected for archiving, purging, or retiring.
Use for archiving objects, object maintenance (purge function), and retiring objects. 1) Allow objects in any status to be selected for archiving. If this applymod is not active, only objects in Control status can be selected for archiving. Objects are removed from the status and placed in the Archive status. 2) Allow objects in any status (except Archive) to be selected for purging. If this applymod is not active, only objects in Control status can be purged. Objects in Archive can be separately purged. 3) Allow objects in any status to be selected for retiring. If this applymod is not active, only objects in Control and Archive statuses can be retired.
24 Suppress purging of cataloged objects with Move option.
Allow cataloged objects in a maintenance status type not to be purged with the Move option for migrations into PAC from maintenance or development status types.
25 Not assigned.
26 Not assigned.
27 Not assigned.
28 Not assigned.
29 Compare object save date and event authorization date.
For each object on the Object List during a migration from development or maintenance, PAC compares the date the object was saved with the Event's authorization date. If the object save date is later than the authorization date and this applymod is set, PAC terminates the migration event.
30 Control message scrolling.
This applymod toggles the automatic scrolling of PAC messages during an online migration.
31 Do not migrate cataloged objects to a status.
No: Migrate the loadable part of a Natural object whenever the object is migrated.
Yes: Do not migrate the loadable part of a Natural object to a status.

Migration Events Group

Num. Function
16 Update object list with the highest version object found.
During Expand, PAC ignores objects resulting from the Expand process that already exist in the object list. When this applymod is active, PAC compares the versions of the two objects and updates the object list with the highest version found.
20 Retain the job name specified in the source event when an event is being copied.
During a Copy Event function, this applymod instructs PAC to retain the job name specified in the source event rather than use the job name specified in the migration path.
During group event submission, this applymod allows PAC to submit the group event even when one or more of its member events is not in Authorized state.