Scan Utilities

Two scan utilities are available to the PAC user:

  • Scan Migration Paths
    the scan utility for migration path verification and default update;

  • Scan Natural Object Versions
    the scan utility for Natural object versions.

This document covers the following topics:

Scan Migration Paths Utility - SCANPATH

This section covers the following topics:

The SCANPATH utility may be used to modify (update) the migration path defaults of several migration paths at a time. PAC administration functions also include a subset of the SCANPATH utility.

For example, the jobs used to process migration events can be updated for all migration paths that use a particular job.

The following options are available for modifying (updating) migration paths that satisfy your selection criteria:

  • Modifying the default values for the migration paths that meet the specified selection criteria.

  • Scan for migration paths that use a particular job and (optionally) replace that job, as well as other migration path defaults as follows:

    • Execution mode (batch/online)

    • Work file usage

    • Copy/move/include objects

Accessing the SCANPATH Utility

To access the SCANPATH utility, logon to library SYSPAC, then enter the command SCANPATH at the NEXT prompt and press ENTER.

The Scan Migration Paths screen is displayed as shown in the following example:

  15:20:59          ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****            2000-04-16
  User SAGXX                - Scan Migration Paths -

  Function ............... _ (M-Modify, S-Scan/Replace, .- Exit)
  Confirmation Required .. Y

  Path Selection Criteria
    Application .......... *_______________________________
    From Status .......... *_______________________________  Type .. *
    To Status ............ *_______________________________  Type .. *

    Job .................. ________________________________

    Job .................. ________________________________
    Batch/Online ......... _
    Workfile Usage ....... _
    Copy/Move/Include .... _

 Command ===>

       Help        Exit  Mod   Scan                                      Canc

The following table describes the attributes of the Scan Migration Paths screen that can be modified to satisfy your selection criteria:

Attribute Description
Function Enter one of the following values:
"M" To modify the selected migration path defaults on the Modify Migration Path Defaults screen; or press PF4 (Mod).
"S" To access the Scan/Replace Migration Path screen in order to scan for a job used by all specified migration paths and replace it with another job; or press PF5 (Scan). The job can only be replaced if there is a replace value; otherwise, the user has the option to modify.
"(.)" To exit the function.
Confirmation Required When S (Scan/Replace) is used in the Function field, the following values are valid:
"Y (Default)" Results in the user being prompted on the Scan/Replace Migration Path screen for the confirmation of each change before the change is made so that the user may update (by entering U), or ignore (by entering I) unwanted changes.
"N" To automatically update all migration paths that meet the selection criteria and display the resulting changes on a report screen.
Path Selection Criteria:
Application The name of the application for which the migration paths are defined. A range may be specified.
From Status The origin status of the migration path(s). A range may be specified.
To Status The destination status of the migration path(s). A range may be specified.
Type The the status type. Valid values are as follows:
"A" Archive
"C" Control
"D" Development
"I" Incorporation
"M" Maintenance
"P" Production
"R" Retire
"T" Test
Job The name of the current job used by the selected migration path(s). The name must be the complete name and not a string (as for an absolute scan). If left blank, all jobs are displayed.
Replace: (Optional) Replace the following:
Job The name of the job to replace the existing job for the selected migration path(s). If left blank, the existing job name is retained.

The name of the job used to replace must exist; a check is performed to verify. A list is displayed on the Select Job window if you enter an asterisk (*) in this field.

Batch/Online This field is an attribute of the migration path.
"B" The event is to be run in batch;
"O" The event is to be run online.
These values will override the existing values. If no replace value is specified, the existing value is retained.
Workfile Usage "Y" A work file is to be used;
"N" A work file is not to be used.
These values will override the existing values. If no replace value is specified, the existing value is retained.
This field is an attribute of the migration path.
C Objects are to be copied and still exist in the origin status;
M Objects are to be moved and not to exist in the origin status;
I Objects are to be included from a work file (from development or incorporation status types only).
These values will override the existing values. If no replace value is specified the existing value is retained.

Modifying Migration Path Defaults

This section describes the steps for modifying migration path defaults.

Step 1. Access and Modify the Modify Migration Path Defaults Screen

  1. On the Scan Migration Paths screen, enter M in the Function field and your selection criteria, and press ENTER; or press PF4 (Mod).

    The Modify Migration Path Defaults screen is displayed as shown in the following example:

      15:21:23          ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****          2000-04-16
      User SAGXX           - Modify Migration Path Defaults -
      MODIFY Path Application ORD-EXAM FM Status * Type * TO Status * Type *
                                                                        Bat WKF Copy
      Origin Status    Dest Status     Job                              Onl Use Move
      ---------------- --------------- -------------------------------- --- --- ----
      ARCHIVE          CONTROL         ________________________________  B   Y   C
      ARCHIVE          RETIRE          ________________________________  B   N   C
      CONTROL          PRODUCTION      ________________________________  O   N   C
      CONTROL          TEST            ________________________________  B   Y   C
      CONTROL          MAINTENANCE     ________________________________  B   Y   C
      CONTROL          ARCHIVE         ________________________________  B   Y   C
      CONTROL          DEVELOPMENT     NATURAL_MIGRATE_________________  B   Y   C
      CONTROL          CONTROL         ________________________________  B   N   C
      CONTROL          RETIRE          ________________________________  B   N   C
      DEVELOPMENT      TEST            ARCHIVE-PURGE-JCL_______________  B   N   C
      DEVELOPMENT      USER_TEST       PREDICT_MIGRATE_IN______________  B   N   C
      DEVELOPMENT      SYSTEMS_TEST    NATURAL_MIGRATE_________________  O   N   C
      INCORPORATION    TEST            ________________________________  O   N   C
      INCORPORATION    CONTROL         ________________________________  O   N   C
           Help        Exit        Updat --           +           <     >    Canc

    This screen displays the direct command or request being processed under the User field, followed by the name of the application.

    The Origin Status and Dest Status columns list all of the defined migration paths for the application. The status names are highlighted if they have been truncated.

    The attributes that you are allowed to modify on the Modify Migration Path Defaults screen are highlighted on terminals which have the highlighting facility.

    The following information may be modified on this screen:

    Column Description

    Job The name of the current job.
    Bat/Onl Whether the event is run in batch (B) or online (O). If O (online) is specified, the value in the WKF Use field must be N.
    WKF Use Whether a work file is used (Y) or not (N).
    Copy/Move Whether the Copy option (C), the Move option (M), or the Include (I) option is specified. If the destination status is a Retire status type, M (move) must be specified.

    The cursor moves to each value that requires modification until all values on the screen have been correctly modified with a valid value based on the origin and destination status types.

  2. Make the desired modifications.

  3. Press ENTER to verify your modifications.

If you enter a new job name, a verification check is made to ensure the job exists; if not, an error is issued. If you enter an asterisk (*) in the Job name field, a selection list is displayed.

Step 2. Confirm the Modifications

Press PF5 (Upd) to confirm your modifications.

An information message is displayed indicated the total number of migration paths that have been updated.

To cancel your modifications and display the Scan Migration Paths screen, press PF3. To cancel your modifications and display the next screen (where available), press PF8.

Step 3. Display Additional Information

Display additional information about the selected migration paths on the Modify Migration Path Defaults screen as follows.

  1. PF10 (<) displays the application name, the job name, and the type of migration path in the Path column. On this screen, the job names are modifiable.

      15:21:42          ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****           2000-04-16
      User SAGXX           - Modify Migration Path Defaults -
      MODIFY Path Application ORD-EXAM FM Status * Type * TO Status * Type *
      Application                      Job                              Path
      -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------
      ORD-EXAM                         ________________________________ Archv->Cntrl
      ORD-EXAM                         ________________________________ Archv->Retre
      ORD-EXAM                         ________________________________ Cntrl->Prod
      ORD-EXAM                         ________________________________ Cntrl->Test
      ORD-EXAM                         ________________________________ Cntrl->Maint
      ORD-EXAM                         ________________________________ Cntrl->Archv
      ORD-EXAM                         NATURAL_MIGRATE_________________ Cntrl->Devlp
      ORD-EXAM                         ________________________________ Cntrl->Cntrl
      ORD-EXAM                         ________________________________ Cntrl->Retre
      ORD-EXAM                         ARCHIVE-PURGE-JCL_______________ Devlp->Test
      ORD-EXAM                         PREDICT_MIGRATE_IN______________ Devlp->Test
      ORD-EXAM                         NATURAL_MIGRATE_________________ Devlp->Test
      ORD-EXAM                         ________________________________ Incrp->Test
      ORD-EXAM                         ________________________________ Incrp->Cntrl
           Help        Exit        Updat --           +           <     >    Canc
  2. PF11 (>) displays the origin status, the destination status, and the type of migration path in the Path column. These attributes are not modifiable.

      15:21:53          ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****           2000-04-16
      User SAGXX           - Modify Migration Path Defaults-
      MODIFY Path Application ORD-EXAM FM Status * Type * TO Status * Type *
      Origin Status                    Destination Status               Path
      -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ------------
      ARCHIVE                          CONTROL                          Archv->Cntrl
      ARCHIVE                          CANCEL                           Archv->Retre
      CONTROL                          PRODUCTION                       Cntrl->Prod
      CONTROL                          TEST                             Cntrl->Test
      CONTROL                          MAINTENANCE                      Cntrl->Maint
      CONTROL                          ARCHIVE                          Cntrl->Archv
      CONTROL                          DEVELOPMENT                      Cntrl->Devlp
      CONTROL                          CONTROL                          Cntrl->Cntrl
      CONTROL                          RETIRE                           Cntrl->Retre
      DEVELOPMENT                      TEST                             Devlp->Test
      DEVELOPMENT                      USER_TEST                        Devlp->Test
      DEVELOPMENT                      SYSTEMS_TEST                     Devlp->Test
      INCORPORATION                    TEST                             Incrp->Test
      INCORPORATION                    CONTROL                          Incrp->Cntrl
           Help        Exit        Updat --           +           <     >    Canc

Scanning/Replacing Migration Path Defaults

The procedure for scanning/replacing migration path defaults differs depending on whether you need to confirm updates before they are implemented.

Confirmation Required

When the Confirmation Required attribute on the Scan Migration Paths screen is set to Y (Default), the user is prompted for confirmation of each change before the change is made so that unwanted changes can be ignored. The following procedure is used if confirmation of changes is required:

Step 1. Access the Scan/Replace Migration Paths Screen

From the Scan Migration Paths screen, either press PF5 (Scan) or enter the following and press ENTER:

  1. The relevant selection criteria;

  2. S (Scan/Replace) in the Function field; and

  3. Y in the Confirmation Required field.

The Scan/Replace Migration Path screen appears as shown in the following example:

  15:22:15          ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL ****           2000-04-16
  User SAGXX            - Scan/Replace Migration Path -

  Application .......... ORD-EXAM
  Origin Status ........ ARCHIVE                          Type .. Archive
  Destination Status ... CONTROL                          Type .. Control

  Update Path .......... U (U-Update, I-Ignore)

  Current Values
    Job ................
    Batch/Online ....... B           Workfile Usage ... Y
    Copy/Move/Include .. C

  New Values
    Job ................ ________________________________
    Batch/Online ....... B           Workfile Usage ... Y
    Copy/Move/Include .. C

 PAC7000: (I) Enter 'U' to update Path, 'I' to Ignore.
 Command ===>
       Help        Exit        Updat                                     Canc

The Scan/Replace Migration Path screen displays the first migration path that satisfies the selection criteria. The following table describes the fields on this screen that indicate the current defaults for the specified migration path. These fields cannot be modified.

Attribute Description
Application The name of the application to which the migration path (origin/destination statuses) is defined.
Current Values The current values for the following:
  Job The name of the existing job for the selected migration path(s).
  Batch/Online This field is an attribute of the migration path.
"B" The event is to be run in batch;
"O" The event is to be run online.
This field is an attribute of the migration path.
"Y" A work file is to be used;
"N" A work file is not to be used.
  Copy/Move/  Include This field is an attribute of the migration path.
"C" Objects are to be copied and still exist in the origin status;
"M" Objects are to be moved and not to exist in the origin status;
"I" Objects are to be included from a work file (from development or incorporation statuses only.)
Destination Status The destination status of the selected migration path.
Origin Status The origin status of the selected migration path.
Type The status type of the specified origin and destination statuses.

Step 2. Update the Migration Path Defaults

The remaining fields on the screen are input fields where you can enter values to update the migration path defaults, if required.

  1. Review the current default information:

    • If you want to update the current migration path defaults, enter U in the Update Path field.

    • If you do not want to update this migration path, enter I to ignore, then press ENTER to display the next migration path.

  2. If you entered U in the Update Path field, enter new values in the New Values fields as described in the following table:

    Attribute Description
    New Values New values that you can enter for the following:
      Job The name of the job to replace the existing job for the selected migration path(s). If left blank, the existing job name is retained.
      Batch/Online B The event is to be run in batch; O The event is to be run online. These values will override the existing values. If no replace value is specified, the existing value is retained. (This field is an attribute of the migration path.)
    Y A work file is to be used; N A work file is not to be used. These values will override the existing values. If no replace value is specified, the existing value is retained. (This field is an attribute of the migration path.)
    C Objects are to be copied and still exist in the origin status; M Objects are to be moved and not to exist in the origin status; I Objects are to be included from a work file. These values will override the existing values. If no replace value is specified, the existing value is retained. (This field is an attribute of the migration path.)
  3. Press ENTER or PF5 (Upd) to verify the modifications.

When the currently displayed migration path has been modified, the next migration path that meets the specified selection criteria is displayed. This process continues until all of the specified migration paths have been displayed/updated.

To cancel the process at any time before all of the migration paths have been reviewed and/or updated, press PF3 (Exit) or PF12 (Canc).

When all of the migration paths that meet the specified selection criteria have been reviewed and/or updated, the following message is displayed: "... Migration Path(s) has been modified." where "..." is the total number of migration paths.

Confirmation Not Required

Where the Confirmation Required attribute on the Scan Migration Paths screen is set to N, no confirmation is required and the changes are automatically made for the selected migration paths. The following procedure is used if confirmation of changes is not required:

  1. From the Scan Migration Paths screen, enter the following and press ENTER:

    • The relevant selection criteria;

    • S (Scan/Replace) in the Function field; and

    • N over the Y default in the Confirmation Required field.

    The selected migration paths for the specified application(s) are updated and the following Scan/Replace Migration Paths screen is displayed:

      15:21:53          ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****          2000-04-16
      User SAGXX           - Scan/Replace Migration Paths
      Application           Origin Status         Destination Status       Message
      --------------------- --------------------- ---------------------    ---------
      ORD-EXAM              CONTROL               DEVELOPMENT              Updated
      ORD-EXAM              DEVELOPMENT           USER_TEST                Updated
      ORD-EXAM              INCORPORATION         CONTROL                  Updated
      ORD-EXAM              SYSTEMS_TEST          PRODUCTION               Updated
      ORD-EXAM              USER-TEST             SYSTEMS-TEST             Updated
           Help        Exit        Upd   --           +           <     >    Canc

    This screen displays the migration paths (Origin/Destination statuses) for the application(s) and the message "Updated" in the Message column for each migration path updated. The information on this screen cannot be modified.

  2. Display additional non-modifiable information about the migration paths as follows:

    • PF10 (<) displays the application name, the job name, and the type of migration path in the Path column.

    • PF11 (>) displays the origin status, the destination status, and the type of migration path in the Path column.

    Refer to Step 3.Display Additional Information for screen examples.

Scan Natural Object Version Utility - SCANOBJ

This sectioncovers the following topics:

The SCANOBJ utility allows you to scan for any string of characters in the source code of versioned objects in an application defined to PAC. The utility can be run in batch or online.

For any one scan request, the SCANOBJ utility scans objects in one particular application only. The application must be valid and defined to the current PAC.

The object(s) scanned may be any of the valid Natural object types; for example, program, subroutine, map, data area, help routine.

Each line in a specific versioned object (except for maps) that is found to satisfy the scan criteria is displayed as if it were in the normal editor for that object. These lines may be viewed, but not modified.

If the scan string is set to absolute, PAC looks for the existence of the string anywhere in the object source code. If the scan string is not set to absolute, only those instances of the requested string that are surrounded (delimited) by blanks are scanned.

The SCANOBJ utility allows you to scan an application for

  • a single object;

  • a range of objects beginning with the same name character string;

  • all objects currently in a specific status;

  • all objects with a specific type;

  • all objects within a specific version range.

Scan by Status.
When When scanning objects in a particular status, the status must be valid and linked to the application specified. PAC ignores any version range settings; object type criteria are respected.

Scan by Version Number.
When scanning a range of objects with a range of version numbers or a specific version number, the status must be set to CONTROL. CONTROL is the default. Object type criteria are respected.

If the current (most recent) versions are to be scanned, the From Version and To Version numbers must be set to 0 (zero) and the status set to CONTROL.

User Exit for SCANOBJ

The scan utility exit, User Exit PACEX035, is invoked with the SCANOBJ utility for every object to be scanned in PAC. PACEX035 allows the user to perform security checking for each request and then for each object at the time the SCANOBJ utility is invoked.

Refer to section User Exits for information about coding this user exit.

SCANOBJ Processing Rules

The following rules apply when using SCANOBJ:

  • If the source for an object is not in PAC (for example, the object has been archived, or the object source was not incorporated into PAC), a message to that effect is displayed and the object is ignored.

  • Lines containing PASSWORD=, PASSW=, CIPHER=, or CIPH=, are ignored as a security precaution.

Invoking the SCANOBJ Utility

When invoked, the SCANOBJ utility clears the object source area before scanning. Therefore, you must SAVE (STOW) any object source you may be modifying before you invoke any SCANOBJ function.

SCANOBJ may be invoked using keywords, or directly as a command in either batch or online mode. The SCANOBJ utility may be invoked in the following ways:

  • Online, using the Scan Natural Object Version Utility screen;

  • Online, using keywords;

  • In batch, using keywords;

  • In batch, using batch commands.

If the SCANOBJ and SCN* routines are in library SYSTEM, then the user need not log onto PAC; however, the PAC NTFILE 210 must be set.

Online SCANOBJ Utility

  1. To access the SCANOBJ utility online, logon to library SYSPAC, then enter the command SCANOBJ at the NEXT prompt.

    The SCAN Natural Object Version Utility screen is displayed as shown in the following example:

      15:20:59          ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****          2000-04-01
      User SAGXX        - SCAN NATURAL Object Version Utility -      Library SYSPAC
      Function ......... S
      Application ...... ________________________________
        Name ........... ___________
        Type ........... ___________
        Status ......... CONTROL_________
        Version ........ 1___ To .. 9999
      Scan Parameters
        String ......... ________________________________
        Absolute Scan .. N
        Trace Option ... N
     Command ===>
           Help  Menu  Exit                                                  
  2. Enter the selection criteria on this screen using the following table as a reference.

    Attribute Information to be Entered
    Function Enter one of the following values:
    "S" to scan the object(s) of an application.
    "?" to view the help facility of SCANOBJ.
    "." to exit the SCANOBJ utility.
    Application (Required) The PAC application to which the Natural object(s) belong.
    Object Name Enter a single object name or range notation for some or all object names as follows:
    * To scan all object names, leave the field blank or enter an asterisk.
    ...* To scan only object names beginning with particular characters, enter those characters followed by an asterisk.
    To scan only object names in one part of the alphabet, enter the beginning characters followed by a greater than (>) or less than (<) sign. The list of object names may be limited by entries for object type, status, and version.
    Object Type Enter one or more object type codes as follows: a combination of object types, or all object types. If a specific type is selected, it will limit the number of objects scanned. A combination of any of the following values is permitted:
    * To scan all object types, leave the field blank or enter an asterisk.
    n... To scan one or more object types, enter the code for each object type to be scanned in any order or combination (for example, GAL) where n is:
    "A" Parameter data area
    "C" Copy code
    "G" Global data area
    "H" Help routine
    "K" Server
    "L" Local data area
    "M" Map
    "N" Subprogram
    "P" Program
    "R" Report
    "S" Subroutine
    "T" Text
    "Z" Recording
    "3" Dialog
    "4" Class
    "5" Processor
    Object Status To limit the scan to objects which have been promoted to a particular PAC status, enter the status name. The default is CONTROL which contains all objects defined to PAC.
    Object Version To limit the object version levels that will be scanned, enter the From and, optionally, the To object version numbers. When specified, a To version number cannot be greater than a From version number unless To is 0 (zero). To scan only the most current versions, set both To and From to 0 (zero). The default (1-9999) scans all object versions.
    Scan Parameters:
    String (Required) The value or character string to be scanned for in each object.
    Absolute Scan If Y, PAC scans for the string anywhere in the object source. If N (the default), PAC scans for the string only when it is surrounded (delimited) by blanks.
    Trace Option To display a window listing the object type and version being processed, change the default N to Y. Do not turn on the trace option if the user's terminal does not support the SET CONTROL N facility.

Keywords can be used to invoke the SCANOBJ utility either online or in batch. A list of valid keywords is described in the following table:

Keywords Description

FUNC Function
TYPE Object type
SVAL String value
APPL Application
STATUS Status name
ABSOL Absolute scan
OBJ Object name
FMVER From version number
TOVER To version number


The following example of SCANOBJ invoked using keywords indicates that all subroutines are to be scanned with names that begin with PGM, in application ORDERS, in the Production status, for the string FIND:


SCANOBJ Utility in Batch

The SCANOBJ utility can be invoked in batch. The parameters are positional and must be specified in the following order:

SCANOBJ S, application, object name, object type, status, From version, To version, scan string, absolute indicator


The following example of SCANOBJ invoked using positional parameters indicates that all subroutines are to be scanned with names that begin with RTN, in application ORDERS, in the Production status, for the string FIND:


Using SCANOBJ Results

When you press ENTER after entering your search criteria information (online or in batch, using screens or commands), the Natural object version information that satisfies your selection criteria is displayed.

Example 1

  Applic .. ORD-EXAM                           Object ... APGMP2.0011 (Progrm)
  String .. M                                  Command .. _____________________
   0030  WRITE '93-05-31  10:49:06         - VERSION 0001'  *program
   0090  WRITE '93-05-31  10:49:19         - VERSION 0001'  *PROGRAM
   0100  FETCH 'APGMP3'

The example screens display the following information:

  • The name of the application to which the selected object belongs;

  • The object name and type that meets the selection criteria;

  • The specified scan string (in the above screen example, "M") in the String field;

  • A Command line on which you may enter commands;

  • The line numbers and the lines of source code of the object (in the above example, a Program) that contain the specified scan string.

Currently, the SCAN editor limits the line length of the object source to 72.

SCANOBJ Commands

The following commands may be issued on the command line of the screens that satisfy your selection criteria:

Command Description

Blank + ENTER Continue with the normal processing of the SCANOBJ utility for the next object that meets the specified selection criteria.
Q or PF3 Exit the current SCANOBJ processing for the specified selection criteria and return to the menu.
I Ignore the object currently being scanned and continue with the next object. This is useful if more than one page of output is being displayed.

Example 2

The following screen example shows parameter data area APGMA1.0006 in the application ORD-EXAM containing the requested string "A" (String field):

  Applic .. ORD-EXAM                           Object ...  APGMA1.0006 (Param)
  String .. A                                  Command .. _____________________
   I T L Name                             F Leng  Index/Init/EM/Name/Comment
   - - - --------------- ALL ------------ - ---- ------------------------------
       1 AAA                              A   10 /* VERSION 0003 04.06.92
       1 BBB                              A    9 INIT<'TESTL2-03'>

Example 3

The window in the following screen example appears when an object that meets the specified selection criteria is encountered, but it has no corresponding source code; that is, it exists in PAC only as a cataloged object. The SCANOBJ utility ignores such an object.

  Applic .. ORD-EXAM                           Object ... APGMA1.0006 (Param)
  String .. A                                  Command .. _____________________
   I T L Name                             F Leng  Index/Init/EM/Name/Comment
   - - - --------------- ALL ------------ - ---- ------------------------------
       1 AAA                              A   10 /* VERSION 0006 ALIGN  002
       1 BBB                              A    1

                                       | No Saved object exists for ..  |
                                       |   APGMA1   (PARAM)  ver  0005  |
                                       | **  Object has been ignored ** |
                                       |                                | 