Application Programming Interface

PAC's Application Programming Interface (API) facilities are Natural subprograms invoked using CALLNAT statements to access PAC directly from within a user-written program without invoking PAC with MENU, ADMIN, or SYSPAC commands, see Invoking the APIs.

The APIs provide a wide range of flexibility, making it easier for you to customize the interface with PAC to meet your site requirements.

PAC provides the following APIs:

API Routine PAC Entity PAC Function
APINAPP Application Add, Display, Modify
APINAPPL Application Add, Display, Modify
APINAUTH Event Authorization Add, Display, Purge
APINCCLG Change Logs Display, Purge
APINDSC Event, Maintenance Request, Job Display, Modify, Purge
APINENTS Common, PAC and PAA objects, PAC JCL texts (jobs) and events List
APINJOB Job Display
APINLCKS Locked Data Add, Display, Modify
APINLNK Application Status Link Add, Display, Modify
APINLNKS PAC application - status links List
APINLSRC Object Version Natural Source Load (read into Natural work area)
APINMEOL Migration Event Locked Object Display
APINMGEV Migration Event Add, Display, Modify, Submit, Purge
APINMR Maintenance Request Add, Display, Modify, Purge
APINNSRC Objects, Used Lists Display
APINOBJV Object Version Display
APINOBLL Migration List Add, Display, Modify
APINOBLS Object List Add, Display, Purge
APINOSLS PAC object - status links List
APINPATH Migration Path Add, Display, Modify
APINPRF User Profile Add, Modify, Retrieve
APINPRFS User Profile Select
APINSEL Application
Application Status Link
Maintenance Request
Migration Event
Migration Path
Object Version
APINSELE Event handling Select
APINSELO Object Status Link Display
APINSEVT Event handling Submit
APINSTAT Status Add, Display, Modify
APINSTFF Objects, Used Lists Display
APINSTT Status Add, Display, Modify
APINTEXL Migration List Add, Display, Modify
APINTEXT Event, Maintenance Request, Job Display

Library SYSPACUS contains example programs for each of the individual APIs. These programs can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your site.

Invoke UGNXMAIN to access the API example programs.

How to invoke PAC APIs is described in Invoking the APIs.