Migration Utility

The PAC Migration utility may be used in conjunction with PAC migration events, using the command MIGLOAD.

MIGLOAD is used to load Natural cataloged objects (including cross-reference data if desired), saved objects, and views into the Natural system files.

MIGLOAD is used to load objects into PAC that have been previously created in a PAC migration event (using workfile).

This document covers the following topics:


MIGLOAD is used to load Natural cataloged objects (and associated cross-reference data if available), saved objects, views, and Natural user error messages into the Natural system files.


  • views into the Predict system file (FDIC);

  • Natural programming objects and user error messages into the PAC system / Natural system files (FNAT and FUSER).

  • Foreign objects.

Objects unloaded with either the NATUNLD or the TRANSFER utility are incompatible with the format supported by MIGLOAD and cannot be used.

The input for MIGLOAD is read from Natural Work File 1.

This sectioncovers the following topics:

Accessing MIGLOAD

To access MIGLOAD, enter the command MIGLOAD at the NEXT prompt in Natural.

The Migrate Load Utility screen appears:

08:25:55            ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****         2001-04-25
User DBA                   - Migrate Load Utility -           Library SYSPAC  
Processing type ..... L     ( 'L' to load or 'S' to scan )                    
File security exit .. N     ( User exit MIGEX003 must be used ? )             
 Load file ( NATURAL work file 1 ) must be created by PAC transfer event       
              PAC migrate load utility does not support                        
              load files created by NATUNLD utility                            

Command ===>                                                                 
      Help        Exit                                                  Canc 

The following section describes the functions available on this screen. These may be used individually or in any combination.

Attributes of MIGLOAD

The attributes of MIGLOAD displayed on the Migrate Load Utility screen are discussed in the following sections:

Processing Type

The types of processing to be performed.

L Load objects for a library / libraries.
S Scan the MIGLOAD file without performing the load. The exact contents of the load file may be verified through the MIGLOAD report. By default, all objects on the load file are scanned.

File Security Exit

Whether or not the MIGEX003 security exit is to be used.

Y use MIGEX003 security exit.
N do not use MIGEX003 security exit.

Executing MIGLOAD Using Direct Commands

Under the control of PAC, MIGLOAD is used specifically for loading Natural objects from a work file into and between statuses within PAC, and for loading objects into the PAA production environment. Outside the control of PAC, MIGLOAD may also be used for general migration.

Normally, objects unloaded from PAC are loaded using the following direct command:


This section describes the variations of this command that can also be used.

The MIGLOAD direct command may be issued from most PAC screens, from Natural NEXT mode, or from the Natural Main Menu. The direct command syntax for loading Natural objects is as follows:

Syntax 1


Syntax 2

Keywords Explanation

LOAD Instructs PAC to load the contents of the work file depending on the selection criteria.
SCAN Instructs PAC to scan, but not load, the contents of the work file.

Executing MIGLOAD in Batch Mode

Use a direct command to execute MIGLOAD in batch mode.

Using Parameters

When executing MIGLOAD in batch mode using parameters, individual parameter values must be separated by the delimiter character (the default is ",").

It is recommended that the input-mode parameter (IM) be set to delimiter mode (IM=D).

Using Direct Commands

Using direct commands, MIGLOAD is invoked in batch mode in the same way as online (see above); however, a direct command string must follow the MIGLOAD command.

You may enter direct commands in either of the following ways:

  • The direct command string follows the MIGLOAD command on the same input line; each parameter in the command string may be delimited by a blank instead of the delimiter character.

  • The direct command string follows the MIGLOAD command on the next input line; each parameter in the command string must be delimited by the delimiter character and not by a blank. If the direct command string is longer than one line, you must place the CF character at the end of the current line to be able to continue on the next line.

Condition Codes in Batch Mode

If an error occurs during MIGLOAD execution, an error message appears and MIGLOAD terminates with a condition code.

The MIGLOAD Report

MIGLOAD provides an audit report, which is a list of the objects that were loaded by MIGLOAD, including where they were loaded to. Additionally, after all MIGLOAD commands have been processed, a summary report is printed (displayed) giving totals for program objects loaded. The following screens are examples of the MIGLOAD report:

The following output (1-3) is an example of loading Natural objects.

Output 1

 09:25:35            ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****         2001-04-25
 User PACBAT                - Migrate Load Utility -           Library SYSPAC
                                                                   Page 1
             Processing load file created on 2001-04-25 at 09:22
             System files used for load:  NATURAL ... (00164,00247)
                                           PREDICT ... (00164,00235)

Output 2

 09:25:35            ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****           2001-04-25
 User PACBAT                - Migrate Load Utility -           Library SYSPAC
                                                                   Page 2
 Object       Object  Obj  Action           Date-Time     User      Dest.    NAT. Xrf
 Name.Version  Type   Frm                  Save or Cat     ID      Library  Level Ind
 GLOB1.0004    Global Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 GLOB2.0004    Global Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 GLOB3.0004    Global Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 GLOB4.0004    Global Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 GLOB5.0004    Global Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 MAP1.0004     Map    Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 MAP10.0004    Map    Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 MAP2.0004     Map    Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 MAP3.0004     Map    Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 MAP4.0004     Map    Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 MAP5.0004     Map    Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 MAP6.0004     Map    Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 MAP7.0004     Map    Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 MAP8.0004     Map    Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 MAP9.0004     Map    Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 SUB1.0004     Subpgm Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 SUB2.0004     Subpgm Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 SUB3.0004     Subpgm Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 SUB4.0004     Subpgm Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 SUB5.0004     Subpgm Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S
 SUB6.0004     Subpgm Cat Replacing      2001-04-04 10:42 DBA      DBA T23  3.1.4  S

Output 3

          *** MIGRATE Load has terminated successfully ***
 09:25:36            ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****         2001-04-25
 User PACBAT                - Migrate Load Utility -           Library SYSPAC
                                                                   Page 3
                    Statistical Report of Objects Processed
                                          Saved      Cataloged
                                        -----------  -----------
              Global Data Area .......            0            5
              Local/Param Data Area ..            0            0
              Maps ...................            0           10
              Helproutines ...........            0            0
              Subroutines ............            0            0
              Subprograms ............            0            8
              Programs ...............            0           24
              Copycode ...............            0
              Text ...................            0
              Process ................            0            0
              Miscellaneous Objects ..            0            0
              Views ..................            0
              Short Errors ...........            0
              Extended Errors ........            0
              Total programming obj ..            0           47
              Total objects Read .....            0           47
              Total Objects Loaded ...                        47 ***

The following output (1-3) is an example of loading foreign objects.

Output 1

 10:49:20            ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****         2001-04-26
 User PACBAT                - Migrate Load Utility -               Library SYSPAC
                                                                   Page 1
             Processing load file created on 2001-04-26 at 10:47
             System files used for load:  NATURAL ... (00164,00247)
                                           PREDICT ... (00164,00235)

Output 2

10:49:20            ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****           2001-04-26
 User PACBAT                - Migrate Load Utility -               Library SYSPAC
                                                                   Page 2
    Object     Object Obj  Action        Date-Time        User       Dest.    NAT.  Xrf
 Name.Version  Type   Frm                Save or Cat       ID       Library  Level  Ind
 BPPURG.0007   Module Cat Adding         2098-09-25 12:12   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 BR14.0007     Module Cat Replacing      2098-05-24 14:52   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 DEF164.0007   Module Cat Replacing      2098-05-25 15:38   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 FRM164.0007   Module Cat Replacing      2098-05-25 15:39   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 INPERR.0007   Module Cat Replacing      2099-04-04 20:39   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 INPL.0007     Module Cat Replacing      2098-05-20 16:01   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 INPLF23.0007  Module Cat Adding         2099-03-09 13:01   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 INPLN22.0007  Module Cat Adding         2098-05-20 10:52   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 INPL22.0007   Module Cat Adding         2099-04-08 10:22   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 INPL23.0007   Module Cat Adding         2098-06-17 23:19   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 INPL31.0007   Module Cat Adding         2099-03-09 16:54   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 LOADF.0007    Module Cat Adding         2099-04-08 10:08   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 NATLOAD.0007  Module Cat Adding         2098-08-19 15:17   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL
 NATUNLD.0007  Module Cat Adding         2098-08-20 09:14   N/A
                 Destination Dataset ... DBA .PACDEMO.TST.JCL

Output 3

 10:49:46            ***** PREDICT APPLICATION CONTROL *****         2001-04-26
 User PACBAT                - Migrate Load Utility -               Library SYSPAC
                                                                   Page 3
                    Statistical Report of Objects Processed
                                          Saved      Cataloged
                                        -----------  -----------
              Global Data Area .......            0            0
              Local/Param Data Area ..            0            0
              Maps ...................            0            0
              Helproutines ...........            0            0
              Subroutines ............            0            0
              Subprograms ............            0            0
              Programs ...............            0            0
              Copycode ...............            0
              Text ...................            0
              Process ................            0            0
              Miscellaneous Objects ..            0           33
              Views ..................            0
              Short Errors ...........            0
              Extended Errors ........            0
              Total programming obj ..            0           33
              Total objects Read .....            0           33
              Total Objects Loaded ...                        33 ***

The attributes of the MIGLOAD report screens are described in the following table:

Attribute Indicates . . .

Action whether an existing object with the indicated name was replaced or not, or whether the object was added or deleted.
Date/Time of Save or Cat the date and time the loaded object was saved or cataloged.
Destination Dataset
the name of the foreign object dataset to which the objects are being / were loaded.
Dest Library the name of the library to which the object was loaded.
Object format whether the loaded object is a saved or a cataloged object, or Xref data.
Object Name / Version the name and version number of the object that was loaded.
Object Type the type of the object that was loaded.
User ID the user who saved or cataloged the loaded object.
Natural Level the Natural system maintenance level of the loaded object.
Xref Ind option specified in the load parameters for the disposition and conditions to be honored based on the presence of Xref data.

User Exit for the Migration Utility

PAC provides the MIGEX003 user exit for the migration utility.

The MIGEX003 user exit is an alias for PACEX003 and is invoked whenever PAC needs to access a Natural or Predict file to retrieve or store Natural or Predict objects.

Refer to the section User Exits for detailed information.