Scheduling a Network

This document covers the following topics:

Defining a Network Schedule

Start of instruction setTo define a schedule for a network

  1. On the Create new Network Master or Maintenance Network Master window, open the tabbed page Scheduling as shown in the example below:


    Define a new schedule or modify an existing one. The fields and tabbed pages available in the window are explained in Fields: Network Scheduling.

  2. Choose OK when you are finished.

This section covers the following topics:

Fields: Network Scheduling

The input fields of the tabbed page Scheduling of the Create new Network Master or Maintenance Network Master window are described in the following table:

Field/Tabbed Page Description
Schedule Owner Owner of the schedule to be used.

Default: Owner of the network

Schedule Name of the schedule to be used.

Schedule comprises a link to a calendar.

Definition of dates on which the network is to be executed.

Schedule effective from Schedule effective from (date and time)

Select this field (not selected by default) to activate the schedule and/or change the date and time.

If a schedule should not become effective immediately, enter the date (and time) of the validity begin here.

If no time is specified, the schedule becomes effective at 00:00.

Time page:
Schedule dep. Schedule dependency of a time frame definition.

See Adding and Modifying a Time Frame Definition.

Earliest Start Earliest start time for the network.

No job in the network can start before this time. The Earliest Start time is used to compute network schedule times.

See also Behavior for Schedule Times.

Latest Start Latest start time for the network.

The first job in the network must start by this time, if possible. If not, a warning message is sent and the job is not submitted.

See also Behavior for Schedule Times.

Deadline Time by which the last job in the network must be finished.

The deadline is used to compute the earliest and latest start times for the jobs in the network.

See also Behavior for Schedule Times.

Days later This field is to be used if Latest Start and/or Deadline are later than 24 hours after the Earliest Start.

See also Behavior for Schedule Times.

Explicit dates page: See Defining Explicit Dates for a Single Network only.
Repeating activation page: See Defining Multiple Network Activations.
Number of Activations This field is used to activate a network more than once a day. In this case, select the button next to this field and enter the number of activations per day.

If the network is to be activated once per schedule day only, leave this field blank.

Valid input values: 2 to 999

every ... minutes:

If a network is to be activated more than once per day, you can enter the time interval between two subsequent network activations.

This field can be used without Number of Activations, too. In this case, the number of activations will be limited by the defined latest network start time.

Unit: minutes

See also Defining Multiple Network Activations for further information.

Activate at In these fields, you can enter up to 10 activation times, as an alternative to Number of Activations.

Format: HH:MM or H:MM

Examples: 20:11, 1:31

If activation times are defined for a network, the job-specific time frames will be adapted to fit into the network time frame.

See also Defining Multiple Network Activations for further information.

Day Deadline If a Day Deadline is defined, the Deadline of multiple activations (everyminutes or Activate at) is limited to this time on the day of the activation.

Format: HH:MM

Defining and Deleting Time Frames for a Network

Rules for Time Frame Definitions

Hierarchical Order

Time frames defined on the job level override time frame definitions made on the network level for this job. If no time frames are defined here, the job network defaults apply.

Active Jobs

If this function is invoked for an active job, the time frames contain the complete calculated date and time. Both can be modified.

Adding and Modifying a Time Frame Definition

Start of instruction setTo add or modify a time frame definition for a network

  1. On the tabbed page Time of the tabbed page Scheduling.

  2. Choose Add.

    Select a time frame definition from the table and choose Modify.

    Depending on the function chosen, a Create new Time Frame or Maintenance Time Frame window similar to the example below opens:


  3. Entire the required values. The input fields contained in the window are described in Fields: Network Scheduling.

    See also Time Frame Selection Rules for a Network and Behavior for Schedule Times.

  4. If you want to add or modify the schedule dependency for a time frame, choose Modify next to Schedule dependency.

    A Schedule Dependency Definition window similar to the example below opens:


    The input fields contained in the window are described in Fields: Schedule Dependency Definition.

  5. Choose OK when you are finished.

    The time frame definition is shown in the table of the Time page as shown in the example below:


    If a schedule dependency is defined for the time frame definition, a code is shown in the Schedule dep. column (here: +WY+001).

  6. You can move up or down a selected column row by choosing Move up or Move down, respectively.

    You can choose Delete for a selected column row to remove a time frame definition.

    Choose Clear to remove all entries from the table.

  7. Choose OK when you are finished.

Time Frame Selection Rules for a Network

Time frames are selected according to the following rules:

  • A blank line with no time frame dependency entry is applied as the network start date if no other time frame dependency entry matches the network start date.

  • From top to bottom, each line with a defined schedule dependency condition is applied to the network. If a condition is satisfied, the respective time frame values are used for the active network.

    Example: The definition +CW+3 means this definition applies if the network starts on Wednesday. -CW+3 means this definition applies if the network starts on all other weekdays except Wednesday.

  • If none of the defined lines is selected, the network uses the default time settings. See also Defaults for Time Ranges in the Administration documentation.

Behavior for Schedule Times

  1. If both Latest Start or Deadline and Days later are empty, the Entire Operation defaults specified for Default latest Start after Earliest Start and Default Deadline after Earliest Start on the Time Ranges page applies (see the Administration documentation).

  2. If Latest Start or Deadline is given and Days later is empty, Days later is automatically filled as described above.

  3. If applying any of the above rules and Days later of Latest Start or Deadline becomes greater than 999, it remains empty and an error message is issued.

  4. If Latest Start or Deadline is before Earliest Start and their Days later fields are empty, the Days later value of Earliest Start (or the following day, if necessary) is used for the Days later fields of Latest Start and Deadline.

  5. If Deadline is before Earliest Start and Days later is empty, days later is set to 1 so this time follows the earliest start time.

Deleting Time Frame Definitions for a Network

Start of instruction setTo delete a time frame dependency from a time frame definition

  1. Open the tabbed page Time of the tabbed page Scheduling.

  2. Select the table row that contains the definition you want to delete and choose Delete.

    Clear removes all Scheduling entries as described in Deleting a Schedule Definition.

  3. Choose Apply or OK to confirm the deletion and close the window.

    The time frame definition is removed from the table.

Defining Dates for Explicit Network Execution

You can define explicit dates on which a network always or never executes, regardless of any other schedule definitions. Explicit dates supersede all other schedule definitions.

You can define explicit dates for all networks linked to a schedule or for a single network only.

This section covers the following topics:

Defining Explicit Dates for a Schedule

Start of instruction setTo add or modify explicit dates for a schedule

  1. In the Create new Schedule or Maintenance Schedule window, open the tabbed page Explicit Dates.

  2. Choose Add or Modify.

    An Explicit Dates window similar to the example below opens:


  3. Open the drop-down list box and select the required date or replace the date entered in the format DD.MM.YYYY.

    If you want to associate the date with a special condition, select one of the following options:

    • Exclude date: do not use the specified day.

    • Use the next workday if the specified date is a holiday.

    • Use the previous workday if the specified date is a holiday.

  4. Choose OK.

    The Explicit Dates window closes and the specified date is shown on the Explicit Dates page.

  5. Choose OK to save the date specification.

Defining Explicit Dates for a Single Network only

You can define explicit schedule dates on the network level. Dates defined here are network-specific in contrast to schedule definitions which affect all linked networks.


  1. Any modification made with this function causes the recalculation of the current schedule of the network.
  2. Explicit dates override all definitions made in schedule(s) linked to the network.
  3. Explicit exclusion dates on the network level will be set implicitly by the network activation canceling function.
  4. Deletions of planned activations can cause the setting of "dates to be excluded" (Exclude day) in this table (see also Fields: Network Schedule – Explicit Dates).

Start of instruction setTo define explicit dates for a single network

  1. In a Create new Network Master or Maintenance Network Master window, open the tabbed page Scheduling.

  2. Open the tabbed page Explicit dates.

    A table similar to the example below is provided in the window:


  3. In the input field of the left column, choose a date from the calendar to add or change the date you want to explicitly use for the selected network.

    From the drop-down list box in the right column, select a condition for the specified date, if required.

    See also Fields: Network Schedule – Explicit Dates.

    You can choose Clear or Delete to remove a selected table entry, or choose Clear All to remove all table entries.

  4. Choose OK when you are finished.

Fields: Network Schedule – Explicit Dates

The input fields in the columns on the Explicit dates page are described in the following table:

Field Description

(left column)

In the left table column, you can enter a date in the date format specified within Entire Operations defaults.

(right column)

From the drop-down list box in the right table column, you can select one of the following conditions for the date specified in the left column:
Execution on the workday before Execute network on the workday that precedes the specified date.
Execution on the workday after Execute network on the workday that follows the specified date.
Exclude day Do not execute the network on the specified date.

Defining Multiple Network Activations

You can repeat network activations multiple times.

If activation times are defined for a network, the job-specific time frames will be adapted to fit into the network time frame.

Start of instruction setTo define multiple network activations

  1. On the tabbed page Scheduling, open the tabbed page Repeating activation:


  2. Enter (or replace) either or both of the following:

    Enter (or replace) the following:

    • In the input fields next to Activate at, enter single or multiple times to be used for network activation.

    You can choose Clear to remove all entries from the Repeating activation page.

  3. If required, select or enter a time limit for activation in the Day Deadline.

  4. Choose OK to save your entries and close the window.

The rules that apply when defining multiple activations are described in the following section:

Activation End

Multiple activations are limited

  1. until end of schedule day;

  2. until latest start;

  3. by the defined number of activations.

which ever comes first.

Calculation of Time Frames for Multiple Activations

The following applies if both Number of Activations (na) and every ... minutes (em) have a non-zero value:

  • The latest start time of a time frame (tf_latest_start) is interpreted as the latest start time of the first multiple activation.

  • For activation 1 <= n <= na, the latest start time of the specific activation will be set to tf_latest_start + (n - 1) * em .

  • The multiple activation end time (mae) will be calculated as mae = schedule_date + tf_latest_start + (na * em)

If the multiple activation end time (mae) is after the defined deadline of a time frame, it will be set to the deadline of the time frame.

If the multiple activation end time (mae) is after the end of the schedule day, it will be set to the end of the schedule day.

A network is no longer treated as "already activated on the current day" if there was a multiple activation on the day before, which resulted in some runs that were executed after midnight. In this case, automatic activations (due to schedule) will not be blocked by the "activation on current day" check.

Viewing a Network Schedule Definition as a Calendar

Start of instruction setTo display the calendar view of a network schedule

  1. In the object workspace, select a Network Master instance.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the Display schedule function.

    A window similar to the example below opens:


  3. Select the year you want to display.

    Dates outlined in red indicate that a schedule is provided.

  4. Select a date and choose the Overview button.

    All activities scheduled for this date are displayed for online viewing in the lower area of the window.

  5. Select a date and choose the Show Report button.

    A list of available reports is displayed in a separate window.

    Select the required report for printing purposes.

    For further information on reports, see the section Reporting.

Producing a Network Start Summary

This section describes how to produce a network start summary for a single network. The report looks similar to the example of a Network Start Summary shown in the Reporting section.

If you want to produce a Network Start Summary for all network activations on a given day, see the corresponding report described in the section Reporting.

Start of instruction set To produce a network start summary for the current network

  1. In the Display schedule window, select a valid date and choose Overview.

    All activities scheduled for this date are displayed for online viewing in the lower area of the window.

  2. Select a date and choose the Show Report button.

    A list of available reports is displayed in a separate Reporting window.

  3. Select the required report and choose Save as File from the context menu and determine the file to be created from the report: see Report Output Options.

    For detailed information on generating reports, see the section Reporting.

Displaying Next Network Starts - Next Activations

Scheduled starts are extracted from the network schedules and put into a pre-activation status. The extraction is usually performed at midnight, one day in advance.

Manual starts are explicitly invoked as manual activations by any user. If a special start time was not entered, the daily time frame is used. See Activating a Job Network Manually in the section Network Maintenance.

This section covers the following topics:

Viewing and Maintaining Next Network Activations

The context menu function Next Activations invokes the display of the future network activations. These activations are, in general, maintained by a schedule or a calendar but can also be invoked manually. You can view, modify or delete a planned activation.

Start of instruction setTo view and modify the next network activations

  1. In the object workspace, select a General node, an Owner instance or a Network Master instance.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the Next Activations function.

    For a General node, the Next Activations window lists all network activations planned for all networks in your current Entire Operations environment as shown in the following example:


    For an Owner instance, the Next Activations window lists all network activations planned for all networks that belong to the selected owner. Example:


    For a Network Master instance, the Next Activations lists all activations planned for the selected network master. Example:


    The Next Activations window displays a chronological list of all planned network or job starts, both scheduled and manual.

    The table view is filled dynamically with data if scrolled to the end of the table.

    The columns contained in the window are described in Columns: Next Activations.

  3. You can refresh the list by choosing Refresh and Auto Refresh (see also Refreshing Object Lists).

  4. You can cancel a future activation by selecting the respective row and choosing Deactivate.

    You can only cancel a job network to which a run number is assigned.

  5. You can prompt symbols (if defined) by selecting the respective row and choosing Prompt.

    This button is only active for activation with type Aw.Symbol Prompting and if a run number is assigned to the network.

  6. You can edit a future activation by selecting the respective row and choosing Modify.

    A window similar to the example below opens:


    This window allows you to define a new start date and time for execution, edit a symbol table if used for this activation (see also Displaying and Modifying a Master or Active Symbol Table), and select the option to keep predefined job time frames.

Start of instruction setTo add a next activation

Next activations can only be added for a network master because the objects have to be specified in advance of any activation.

  1. In the object workspace, select a Network Master instance.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the Next Activations function.

    The Next Activations window opens.

  3. Select the Add button.

    The Activation Network Master window opens.

  4. Define the time schedule for activation.

  5. Select OK.

    The network is now marked and scheduled for its next activation and appears in the activations list.

Start of instruction setTo keep predefined job time frames

  • If you select the check box Keep predefined Job Time Frames, Jobs with master time frame definitions will not be adapted.

    If you do not select the check box Keep predefined Job Time Frames, all job time frames will be adapted (default setting).

Columns: Next Activations

The columns contained in the Next Activations window depend on whether you execute the Next Activations function from the General node or an Owner instance (see also Viewing and Maintaining Next Network Activations). All columns that can be available are described in the following table:

Column Description
Owner  Owner of the network to be activated

Above this column, you can make an owner preselection. If this field only contains an asterisk (*), all owners will be displayed. Your selection is stored in the user profile and is available when you invoke this function the next time.

Network  Network to be activated

Above this column, you can make a network preselection. If this field only contains an asterisk (*), all networks for the current owner selection will be displayed. The network preselection is possible only if an owner was selected uniquely.

Your selection is stored in the user profile and is available when you invoke this function the next time.

Run  Run number for this activation.
Version Version of the network
Job  If the activation is for one job only, the job name appears in this column.
Date  Date of activation

You can enter a start date and/or time in the fields above the Date and Start columns to display only those activations due to start after that time.

Start  Starting time of activation.
Type  Displays the current status of the activation. Possible status types are, for example:
  • Schedule Table,

  • on request,

  • Schedule,

  • active,

  • Aw. Symbol Prompting,

  • Symbol Entry in Progress.

Displaying the Network Execution History

The execution history is a record of past schedules. It shows the days on which the network was scheduled for execution. The data in a History window cannot be modified.

There is history data on past network executions for the current and for the two preceding years (provided the network already existed at that time).

Start of instruction setTo view the history of a network master

  1. In the object workspace, select a Network Master instance.

  2. Invoke the context menu and choose the History function.

    A History Network Master window similar to the example below opens:


    A calendar is displayed where the dates on which the network ran are highlighted in red.

  3. If available, select a year from the drop-down-list box next to Year to switch the display of the calendar to the selected year.

  4. Click on the highlighted date for which you want to view the history data.

    If history data exists for the selected network and date, execution information on all network starts is contained in the right-hand table columns of the window as shown in the example above. The columns are explained in Columns: Network History.

    If no history data exists, an appropriate message occurs. Log data is only retained for the number of days specified in the long term log field of the Entire Operations Defaults described in Defaults for Time Ranges in the Administration documentation.

This section covers the following topic:

Columns: Network History

The columns of the History Network Master or History Network Active window are described in the following table:

Column Description
Run  Run number of the job network that executed.
Version Network version (if available) of the network that executed.
Job  Job name if a single job was activated for execution, or (Network) if the entire network was activated.
Time Date and time when the network executed.

See also Date and Time Formats.