User's Guide

This documentation contains all information relevant to the user of the Entire Operations system.

Before reading this document, you should be familiar with the Concepts and Facilities documentation, which defines and briefly describes the system entities and facilities referred to in this documentation. For the sake of coherence and clarity, some information contained in the Concepts and Facilities documentation is repeated in the section System Overview in this documentation. You should read this section before starting to work with Entire Operations.

Since the Entire Operation functions on the Windows client correspond to the functions on a mainframe or UNIX host, this documentation also contains descriptions and examples that reference the screens and commands of the Character User Interface (CUI) application.

Basic Functions
System Overview Provides an overview of Entire Operations: designations for operating systems, brief description of the components and functions available to use and control a job network.
Using Entire Operations GUI Client Describes the main functions of Entire Operations GUI Client.
Entire Operations Utilities Describes Entire Operations utilities.
Using Entire Operations in Batch Mode Describes the files and commands required to execute Entire Operations in batch mode.
Maintenance Functions
Using Owners Provides an overview of the main functions available to view and maintain owners.
Network Maintenance Explains how to define and maintain job networks.
Job Maintenance Explains the Job Maintenance facility and how to define different job types and job dependencies, create and use JCL, create online documentation for jobs, define input conditions and specify resources.
End-of-Job Checking and Actions Describes how to instruct Entire Operations what actions to trigger after a job has terminated.
Active Job Networks Provides information on the maintenance functions you can perform on active jobs and networks.
Schedule Maintenance Describes how to define schedule objects, and how to schedule a job network and a job.
Calendar Maintenance Explains the calendar maintenance facility that can be used to create calendars which are the basis of schedules for jobs and job networks.
Working with Mailboxes Describes how to display mailbox messages.
Log Information Describes how to display logged information and monitor Entire Operations activities.
Symbol Table and Symbol Maintenance Provides information on symbol tables, symbol maintenance and symbol replacement functions.
Reporting Explains the Entire Operations reporting facility, which makes a number of different reports available: information at the job and event level, information on job network definitions and schedules and overviews of schedules and planned activations.
Cross References Describes functions that provide information about the use of objects in Entire Operations. In addition, the symbol search by value is explained.
API Routines Provides information on the Application Programming Interface (API) which resides in the Entire Operations library and which is a set of routines that you can invoke from any other Natural application in order to access the internal data of Entire Operations.
User Exits Explains how to work with user exits.
Passing Files to Entire Output Management Explains how to pass files to Entire Output Management for output processing.
Special Monitor Features and Batch Jobs Describes how to define a job network to be executed after each monitor start and before the activation of any other job and the cleanup in batch mode.