Version 3.2.1
 —  User's Guide  —

Defining a Bundle

This section describes how to create and maintain bundles. It contains the following topics:

What is a Bundle?

A bundle is a group of reports collected from different jobs or SYSOUT datasets. A bundle is printed and distributed as a unit. The reports in a bundle can be browsed with the Software AG Editor.

Defining a bundle involves:

In addition, a bundle can be copied, deleted, and renamed. Bundle parameters and log information can be displayed. All defined bundles and the reports in each bundle can be listed.

Object relationship diagram

Top of page

Listing All Bundle Definitions

Bundle Maintenance Screen

Start of instruction set To list all bundle definitions:

  1. Enter 2 in the command line of the "Main Menu".

    If long report and bundle names are displayed by the system (see settings in System Defaults and Adding a User Profile), the "Bundle Maintenance" screen will take the following form:

       17:08:18             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
      User ID XYZ                - Bundle Maintenance -
                                                  Report _________________________
      Cmd Bundle                    Authoriz Description                    NumRep
      ___ _________________________ ________ ______________________________ ______
       __ DEP-ADMA                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S          6
       __ DEP-COMP                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S         23
       __ DEP-DEPT                  ADMIN    Created by DB-POWER-BIG1-S         21
       __ DEP-FINA                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S         11
       __ DEP-HUGO                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S
       __ DEP-MARK                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S         11
       __ DEP-MASK                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S          5
       __ DEP-MGMT                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S         26
       __ DEP-PROD                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S         10
       __ DEP-SALE                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S         19
       __ DEP-SALG                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S          5
       __ DEP-SYSA                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S          9
       __ DEP-SYSU                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S          5
       __ DEP-TECH                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S         29
       __ DEP-VENT                  ADMIN    Created by PWR-EMPL-STD1-S         61
     Top Of Data
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +    Activ       Selct Menu

    By pressing PF21 (Ext) you can switch to short names display.

    The screen lists all bundle definitions, in alphabetical order, which were created by the user or by someone else who authorized this user to process them.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2 Add Add a new bundle.
PF9 Activ Switch to the Active Bundles list screen. For more information, see the section Active Bundles.
PF11 Selct Display bundle selection list.
PF21 Ext Switch between display of long and short report/bundle names.

Line Commands

Command Function
AR  Add report to the bundle.
AU  Authorize other users to process the bundle. Only users with owner authorization for the bundle can perform this function. For further information, see the section Authorizing User Access to Objects.
CO  Copy bundle definition (including reports contained in the bundle).
A window opens in which you can enter the name of the new bundle to be created.
DE  Delete bundle definition.
DI  Display bundle definition.
LO  Display Log information about maintenance activity on this bundle such as who last modified it, who created it, etc.
MO  Modify bundle definition.
RN  Rename bundle definition.
RP  List the reports contained in the bundle.


Use an asterisk (*) as wildcard to enter selection criteria in all fields marked with an asterisk. Only those bundles which satisfy the criteria are listed.

Field Explanation
Report * (optional) Enter selection criteria for the report name(s). This is very useful, if you are looking for a bundle containing specific reports but do not know the bundle name.
Bundle * Enter selection criteria for the bundle name.
Authorization * Authorization used to access object. You can enter: PUBLIC, a user ID or the name of a distribution list to display selected bundles. ADMIN indicates that you are defined as Administrator with Owner authorization for the listed objects. ADMIN cannot be used as selection criteria.
Description A short description of the bundle.
NumRep Number of reports in the bundle.

Top of page

Listing Selected Bundle Definitions

Start of instruction set To list only the names of bundles which begin with a certain prefix, containing only certain reports or created by a certain master:

  1. Press PF11 to open the "Bundle Selection" window:

    !            Bundle Selection Screen                 !
    !                                                    !
    !  Bundle............. _________________________     !
    !  Containing reports. _________________________     !
    !  Created by master.. _________________________     !
    !  For coordinator.... ________                      !
    !                                                    !

    This window allows you to enter selection criteria for the bundles listed on the "Bundle Maintenance" screen.


Use an asterisk (*) as wildcard to enter selection criteria in the following fields. Only those bundles which satisfy the criteria are listed.

Field Explanation
Bundle Enter selection criteria for the bundle prefix.
Containing reports Enter selection criteria for the prefix of the report(s) contained in the bundles.
Created by master Enter selection criteria for the prefix of the master report definition(s) that automatically created the bundle(s).
For coordinator Enter the coordinator ID of the bundles to be listed.

Top of page

Adding a Bundle Definition

Start of instruction set To add a bundle:

  1. Press PF2 (Add) on the "Bundle Maintenance" screen.

    The "Bundle Definition" screen is displayed.

    If long report and bundle names are displayed by the system (see settings in System Defaults and Adding a User Profile), the screen will take the following form:

       14:31:42             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
      User ID XYZ                 - Bundle Definition -
         Name .............. _________________________
      Description .......... __________________________________________________
      Coordinator ID ....... ________
      Retention ............ ___ (Period)     _ (Unit)      ________ (Calendar)
      Print events
         Time schedule ..... N (Y/N)
         Force flush ....... ___ (Period)     _ (Unit)      ________ (Calendar)
         Lines exceeded .... _________
         Report arrival .... _________________________ _________________________
                             _________________________ _________________________
                             _________________________ _________________________
                             _________________________ _________________________
                             _________________________ _________________________
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help  Add   Exit  Flip  Do    Undo        Sched Print             Menu

    With PF21 (Ext), you can switch to short names display.

  2. On this screen you define a new bundle, or modify an existing bundle definition.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2  Add Add another bundle.
PF8  Sched Define a print schedule.
PF9  Print Define print attributes.
PF21  Ext Switch between display of long and short report/bundle names.


Field Explanation
Bundle Name You must enter a unique name for the bundle when you are creating a new bundle. This field is protected when modifying an existing bundle.
Description Enter a short description for the bundle.
Coordinator ID Enter the user ID of the person who is responsible for this bundle. If you make no entry here, your user ID is automatically written to this field. (The coordinator's name, address and telephone number can be printed at the top of the front page of the bundle separator, if so desired.) For more information, see the section Selecting a Bundle Coordinator .
Retention (3 fields) A closed bundle is kept in the Entire Output Management database until its Retention Period has expired. A closed bundle can accept no more reports and a new version of the bundle is opened for additional reports. For more information, see the section Defining the Retention Period for a Bundle.
(Period) Enter the number of working days, absolute days, weeks or months the bundle should be kept in the Entire Output Management database, after it has been closed. When you specify working days, you must enter the name of a calendar in the (Calendar) field to include only working days. The default is the system-wide period defined by the system administrator. For more information, see Retention Period under the heading Fields: Default Bundle Processing in the System Administration documentation.

Possible values:

  • W = Working days

  • A = Absolute days

  • V = Weeks

  • M = Months

(Calendar) Select a calendar if  "W" (working days) is the unit for the Retention Period. For example, assume you have defined a calendar in which Saturday and Sunday are marked as holidays: if you enter "2" in the (Number) field, "W" in the (Unit) field and the bundle is created on Friday evening, then it will be retained until Tuesday evening.
Print Events
Time schedule (Y/N) The bundle can be printed at specified times on specified days. Enter "Y" to activate the time schedule which you can define by pressing PF8 (Sched). For more information, see the section Defining a Print Schedule for a Bundle.
Force Flush (3 fields) If none of the other print events occurs before the period entered here has expired, bundle closing and printing is forced.
(Period) Enter the number of working days, absolute days, weeks or months the bundle should remain open. When you specify working days, you can enter the name of a calendar in the (Calendar) field to include only working days.
(Unit) See (Unit) under Retention above.
(Calendar) If "W", working days, is the Unit, select a calendar.
Lines Exceeded When the report that causes this line number to be exceeded has been written to the bundle, the bundle is closed and scheduled for printing.
Report Arrival Enter up to 10 report names here. The bundle is printed when all these reports arrive. See the section Selecting Reports to Trigger Printing.

Top of page

Defining Print Parameters for a Bundle

Defining print parameters for a bundle involves:

Bundles can be printed:

At print time separator pages are created as follows:

A table of contents is printed at the end of the bundle and lists the reports contained.

Selecting a Bundle Coordinator

You can enter the user ID of the person who is responsible for this bundle. The coordinator's name, address and telephone number can be used as substitution variables for separator pages.

Start of instruction set To select a coordinator from a list of users:

  1. Enter a question mark (?) in the Coordinator ID field on the "Bundle Definition" screen.

    The "Bundle Coordinator ID" window is displayed.

  2. Press ENTER again.

    A selection window is displayed:

    !               User Selection List                  !
    !                                                    !
    !  M    User      Name                               !
    !  _    ________  ______________________________     !
    !  _    CAR       Carter, John                       !
    !  _    CLA			Clayton, John                      !
    !  _    COP       Copperfield, David                 !
    !  _    CRU       Crusoe, Robinson                   !
    !  _    EYR       Eyre, Jane                         !
    !  _    INN       Innes, David                       !
    !  _    PER       Perry, Abner                       !
    !  _    QUA       Quatermain, Allan                  !
    !  _    SAW       Sawyer, Tom                        !
    !  _    TWI       Twist, Oliver                      !
    !                                                    !
    !            Select With Any Character               !
    !                                                    !
    !  PF3 Exit  PF7 Up  PF8 Down                        !
    !                                                    !

    This window lists the IDs of all authorized users.

  3. Select an ID by entering any character in the input field preceding the appropriate ID.

    The ID is written to the Coordinator ID field of the "Bundle Definition" screen.

Selecting Reports to Trigger Printing

You can enter up to 10 report names. When all of them arrive, the bundle is printed.

Start of instruction set To select reports which trigger bundle printing:

  1. Enter a question mark (?) in one of the report arrival fields on the "Bundle Definition" screen.

    The Trigger Reports window opens.

    Trigger Reports are automatically added to the list of reports to be included in the bundle (see the section Defining Bundle Contents). However, they are not automatically deleted from Bundle Contents (Report in Bundle screen) when removed from report arrival. Other reports contained in a bundle will be printed but do no trigger printing.

  2. Press ENTER again.

    A selection window is displayed, listing the names of all defined reports.

  3. Scroll the list down with PF8 (Down) and back up with PF7 (Up).

  4. Select a report to trigger bundle printing by entering any character in the input field preceding the appropriate report name.

    The name of the report you have selected is written to the report arrival field on the Bundle Definition screen.

Selecting a Logical Printer for a Bundle and Defining Separator Pages

Start of instruction set To select logical printers to print the bundle and define separator pages:

  1. Press PF9 (Print) on the "Printing Attributes" screen.

    The "Bundle Definition > Printing Attributes" screen appears:

      11:50:51             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
     User ID XYZ        - Bundle Definition>Printing Attributes -                  
        Name .............. XYZ-DEMO_________________                              
     Hold before print .... Y (Y/N)                                                
     Printers ............. ________ ________ ________ ________ ________           
     Copies ............... ___      ___      ___      ___      ___                
     Report Separator Pages N (Y/N)                                                
     Bundle Separator Pages                Print Control Exit                      
        Start ............. ________          NATURAL Member.... ________          
        End ............... ________          NATURAL Library... ________          
        Copies ............ 1__                                                    
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   Exit  Flip                          Ext   Edit  Prtr  Menu  

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF10  Edit Edit Separator member. Position cursor on Start or End field, and press this key.
PF11  Prtr Define additional printers.


Field Explanation
Hold Before Print Enter "Y" to hold bundle printing until released manually. Enter "N" to print the bundle immediately.

You can enter the names of up to 5 logical printers, on which to print the bundle.

If printers are specified in the Bundle Defaults (see Printer fields in the System Administration documentation) they appear here. You can delete or change these.

To select a logical printer, enter a question mark (?) in one of these fields. A list of all defined logical printers will be displayed. Select a printer by entering any character in the field next to its name. The name of the selected printer will be written into the Printers field.

Copies Enter the number of times the bundle is to be printed on the respective printers.
Report Separator Pages (Y/N)

"Y" is the default value and prints the report separator page. Enter "N" not to print the separator. The number of separator pages can be defined for each report in the bundle. See the section Adding a Report to a Bundle.

Bundle Separator Pages

If separator values are specified in the bundle processing defaults (see Separator fields in the System Administration documentation), they appear in the (Start) and (End) fields here. You can change or delete these.

  • Start - Enter the name of the separator member to be printed at the beginning of the bundle. If this field is left blank, the standard separator is used.

  • End - Enter the name of the separator member to be printed at the end of the bundle. If this field is left blank, the standard separator is used.

  • Copies - Enter the number of separator pages to be printed for the bundle.

Print Control Exit

A printer control exit can be used to decide whether or not a bundle is actually printed after it has been sent to the printouts queue. For example, you may not want to print bundles which only contain one report.

A sample exit is supplied in UEXBUNPR in the library SYSNOMS.

  • Natural Member - Enter the name of the user exit.

  • Natural Library - Enter the name of the library containing the user exit.


Enter the job cards used when bundle printing is performed with batch jobs. The following substitution variables can be used: §USER, §BUNDLE.

If you leave this field blank, the Jobcards specification for the logical printer is used instead. See Jobcards in Defining a Logical Printer.

Start of instruction set To define or modify more than 5 printers:

  1. Press PF11 (Prtr) on the "Bundle Definition > Printing Attributes" screen.

    The "Bundle Definition > Additional Printers" screen appears:

      14:25:21             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
     User ID       XYZ - Bundle Definition >Additional Printers -
       Name................ UKSJUBU2
     Printers   (6-10)..... ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
     Copies     (6-10)..... ___      ___      ___      ___      ___
     Printers   (11-15).... ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
     Copies     (11-15).... ___      ___      ___      ___      ___
     Printers   (16-20).... ________ ________ ________ ________ ________
     Copies     (16-20).... ___      ___      ___      ___      ___
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext               Menu
  2. On this screen, you can define up to 15 additional printers, by specifying the following:

    Field Explanation
    Printer Enter the names of up to 15 logical printers on which the bundle is to be printed. If you enter a question mark (?) in this field, the printer selection list will appear.
    Copies Specify how many copies should be printed on each printer.

Top of page

Defining a Print Schedule for a Bundle

You can define a print schedule for a bundle by pressing PF8 (Sched) from the "Bundle Definition" screen. This schedule is activated if you enter "Y" in the "Time schedule" field on the "Bundle Definition" screen.

Start of instruction set To define a print schedule for a bundle:


Field Explanation
not before The bundle is not printed before the time you enter here.
every Enter a time interval here. For example, if you enter 8:00 in not before , above and 01:00 in every and the bundle arrives at 8:36, it will be printed at 9:00. If the bundle arrives between 9:00 and 10:00, it will be printed at 10:00, and so forth. See Print Schedule Examples below.
not later The bundle is not printed after the time you enter here.
Weekdays To print the bundle on the same days every week, enter two-letter code for the days: SA = Saturday, SU = Sunday, MO = Monday, TU = Tuesday, WE = Wednesday, TH = Thursday, FR = Friday.
Monthly Days If the bundle is to be printed on the same dates every month, enter the dates here in two-digit format: 01, 02, 03 ... 26, 27. Enter ALL for all days of the month or LD for the last day of the month.

If you specify a calendar here, the bundle is only printed on days defined as workdays in the calendar. The bundle is not printed on days defined as holidays.

To select a calendar from a list of defined calendars, enter an asterisk (*) as wildcard here. The Calendar Selection List window opens, listing all defined calendars. Select a calendar by entering any character in the field preceding it. The name of the calendar selected is written to the Calendar field.

For more information on calendars, see the section Defining a Calendar in the System Administration documentation.

before or after Holiday Should a printing date fall on a calendar holiday, enter "A" here to print on the first workday after the holiday, enter "B" to print on the last workday before the holiday.

You cannot specify both weekdays and monthly days in parallel.

Print Schedule Examples

Example 1 - Print at a Fixed Time on Fixed Weekdays, also on holidays

To print a bundle at 2 p.m. on all Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays whether or not they are holidays, define these fields as follows:

Field Value
not before 14:00
every 00:00
not later    14:00
Weekdays MO, WE, FR

Example 2 - Print at a Fixed Time on Fixed Monthly Dates, on day before holiday

To print a bundle at 7 p.m. on the 15th and on the last day of the month or, if these days are holidays, on the last workday before the holiday, define these fields as follows:

Field Value
not before  19:00
every 00:00
not later 19:00
Monthly 15, LD
Calendar MRS
before/after B

Example 3 - Print Daily between Fixed Times, on day after holiday

To print a bundle daily when it arrives between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. or, if the day is a holiday, on the first workday after the holiday, define these fields as follows:

Field Value
not before     08:00
every 00:00
not later    19:00
Monthly ALL
Calendar MRS
before/after  A

Example 4 - Print on Workdays at Fixed Times, on day after holiday

To print a bundle at 7 a.m., 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. from Monday to Friday or, if the day is a holiday, on the first workday after the holiday, define these fields as follows:

Field Value
not before 07:00
every 06:00
not later 19:00
Weekdays MO, TU, W , T , FR
Calendar MRS
before/after A

Top of page

Defining the Retention Period for a Bundle

Selecting a Calendar

If you specify "W" ( working days) as the unit for the Retention Period, you can select a calendar which excludes holidays.

Start of instruction set To select a calendar from a list of defined calendars:

  1. Enter an asterisk (*) in the Retention (Calendar) field on the "Bundle Definition" screen.

    A selection window is displayed, listing the names of all defined calendars.

  2. Select a calendar by entering any character in the field preceding it.

    The name of the calendar selected is written to the (Calendar) field on the "Bundle Definition" screen.

For more information on calendars, see the section Defining a Calendar in the System Administration documentation.

Top of page

Defining Bundle Contents

Listing the Reports Included in a Bundle

Start of instruction set To list the reports to be included in a bundle:

  1. On the "Bundle Maintenance" screen, enter the line command RP next to the appropriate bundle.

    The "Report in Bundle" screen appears with a list of all reports to be included in the bundle. If long report and bundle names are displayed by the system (see settings in System Defaults and Adding a User Profile), the screen will take the following form:

      14:48:15             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-15
     User ID XYZ          - Report In Bundle -       UKSJUBU2
     Cmd Group    Sequence Report                    Copies  Separator NumSep
     ___ ________ _______  _________________________ _______ _________ ______
      __ SJUGRP1      1    UKSJU-SEP-1                       DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1      2    UKSJU-SEP-2                       DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1      3    UKSJU-SEP-3                       DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1      4    UKSJU-SEP-4                       DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1      5    UKSJU-SEP-5                       DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1      6    UKSJU-SEP-6                       DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1      7    UKSJU-SEP-7                       DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1      8    UKSJU-SEP-8                       DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1      9    UKSJU-SEP-9                       DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1     10    UKSJU-SEP-10                      DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1     11    UKSJU-SEP-11                      DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1     12    UKSJU-SEP-12                      DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1     13    UKSJU-SEP-13                      DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1     14    UKSJU-SEP-14                      DEFAULT       1
      __ SJUGRP1     15    UKSJU-SEP-15                      DEFAULT       1
    Top Of Data
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +    Ext               Menu

    With PF9 (Ext), you can switch to short names display.

    You may add and delete reports from the bundle or modify the report parameters from this screen. The reports are displayed in the order of their sequence in the bundle.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2  Add Add a report to the bundle.

Line Commands

Command Function
DE  Delete a report from the Report in Bundle list.
MO  Modify report parameters in the bundle.


Field Explanation
Group The name of the group in which the report is to be printed. Groups of reports in a bundle are printed in alphabetical order.
Sequence The sequential number of the report in the bundle. The reports are printed in this sequence within the same Group.
Report The name of the report.
Copies The number of copies of this report printed in the bundle.
Separator The separator member name used for this report in the bundle.
NumSep The number of times the separator page is printed.

Adding a Report to a Bundle

Start of instruction set To add a report to a bundle:

  1. Press PF2 (Add) on the Report in Bundle screen; or on the "Bundle Maintenance" screen, enter the line command AR next to the bundle to which you want to add the report.

    The "Bundle Contents" window opens:

    !  - Bundle Contents - Of: UKSJUBU2                  !
    !                                                    !
    ! Report name .......... _________________________   !
    ! Grouping Name ........ ________                    !
    ! Sequence Number ...... 1__                         !
    ! Number Of Copies ..... ___                         !
    ! Num Of Separators .... 0__                         !
    ! Pagedef .............. ________                    !
    ! Formdef .............. ________                    !
    ! Logical Printer ...... ________                    !
    !                                                    !
    !                                                    !
    ! PF3 Exit PF5 Do PF6 Undo PF9 Ext                   !

    This window is used to add a report to a bundle or modify the print parameters of a report already in a bundle.

To add reports to a bundle that will trigger the printing of the bundle, please refer to Selecting Reports To Trigger Printing.


Field Explanation
Report Name If you are adding the report to the bundle, enter the report name. If you are modifying printing parameters, the name of the report appears here and the field is protected. Alternatively, enter a question mark (?) to open a selection window from which you can select a report.
Grouping Name If you want to subdivide the bundle, then you can enter a group name for this report. All reports in the bundle with the same group name are printed together in their group according to their sequence numbers.
Sequence Number Enter the sequential number of the report in the bundle. Reports are printed in this sequence within their group in the bundle. Reports with the same sequence number within a group are printed in the sequence in which they are listed on the "Report in Bundle" screen (see Defining Bundles Contents for an example).
Number of Copies Enter the number of copies of the report to be printed.
Num of Separators Enter the number of times the report separator page is to be printed in the bundle. The default is 1.
Pagedef If you want the report to be printed on an IPDS printer, enter the PAGEDEF JCL parameter to be used.
Formdef If you want the report to be printed on an IPDS printer, enter the FORMDEF JCL parameter to be used.
Logical Printer Enter the name of the logical printer to be used for the report.

When you have finished entering data, press ENTER.

A message confirms that the report parameters have been saved.

Modifying a Report in a Bundle

Start of instruction set To modify the parameters of a report listed on the Report in Bundle screen:

  1. Enter the line command MO next to the name of the report you want to modify.

    The "Bundle Contents" window opens for the report selected.

  2. When you have entered your modifications, press ENTER.

    A message confirms the modification.

Top of page

Other Bundle Maintenance Functions

Modifying a Bundle Definition

Start of instruction set To modify a bundle definition:

  1. On the "Bundle Maintenance" screen, enter the line command MO next to the bundle you want to modify. The "Bundle Definition" screen appears for the bundle you have selected.

  2. The fields are described under Fields: Bundle Definition.You can modify the data displayed by overwriting them. When you have finished modifying the bundle definition, press ENTER to save your changes.

    A message confirms the modification.

  3. If COMMIT is set to OFF, press PF5 (Do) to save your modifications before exiting.

    If you do not, a window opens which asks you to commit modifications by typing Y. Type Y.

    A message confirms that all modification have been committed.

Authorizing User Access to a Bundle

Start of instruction set To authorize user access to a bundle:

  1. On the "Bundle Maintenance" screen, enter the line command AU next to the bundle for which you want to grant authorization.

    The "Authorization List" window for bundles is displayed.

  2. To grant authorization to a new user, proceed as described in the section Authorizing User Access to Objects.

Copying a Bundle Definition

Start of instruction set To copy a bundle definition:

  1. On the "Bundle Maintenance" screen, enter the line command CO next to the bundle you want to copy.

    The "Copy Bundle Definition" window is displayed.

  2. Enter the name of the target bundle in the input field provided, and specify "Y" (yes) or "N" (no) to copy authorizations.

    A message confirms that the bundle has been copied.

Deleting a Bundle Definition

Start of instruction set To delete a bundle definition:

  1. On the "Bundle Maintenance" screen, enter the line command DE next to the bundle definition you want to delete.

    If CONFIRM is set to ON, a window opens asking you to confirm the deletion.

  2. To do so, enter the bundle name in the input field provided.

    A message confirms the deletion.

Displaying a Bundle Definition

Start of instruction set To display a bundle definition:

Displaying Log Information for a Bundle Definition

Start of instruction set To display log information for a bundle definition:

  1. On the "Bundle Maintenance" screen, enter the line command LO next to the bundle definition for which you want to log information.

    The "Log Display" screen appears for the bundle definition selected.

  2. You can display more information about a log entry by entering the line command IN next to the entry.

For further details, see the section Displaying Log Information for an Object and the Log Display screen.

Renaming a Bundle Definition

Start of instruction set To rename the bundle definition:

  1. On the "Bundle Maintenance" screen, enter the line command RN next to the bundle definition you want to rename.

    The "Rename Bundle" window is displayed.

  2. Enter the new name of the bundle in the input field provided.

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