Version 3.2.1
 —  User's Guide  —

Using Entire Output Management

Entire Output Management provides you with several different methods for navigating within the system and performing functions. You can move from one screen to another by pressing PF keys or by issuing line commands or direct commands. You are free to choose the method which suits you best.

This section provides information on how to navigate within Entire Output Management and perform functions. It covers the following topics:

Screen Types

Entire Output Management provides several types of screens:

Menu Screens

On a menu screen, you select an item by entering its number in the command line.


  14:13:28             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-10-14
 User ID XYZ                     - Main Menu -                                 
  Maintenance Functions                  DC Solutions                          
    1 Reports                             20 ENTIRE Operations (V321)          
    2 Bundles                             21 NATURAL ISPF (V245)               
    3 Printers                                                                 
    4 Distribution Lists                                                       
  Control Functions                                                            
    5 Active Reports                                                           
    6 Active Bundles                                                           
    7 Printout Queue                                                           
    8 System Administration                                                    
    9 Archive Administration                                                   
   10 Help                                                                     
Please select option.                                                          
 Command => 1__________________________________________________________________
      Help        Exit  Flip                                                  

In the example above, the function "Reports" has been selected.

Object Maintenance Screens

An Object Maintenance screen displays a list of objects (reports, bundles, printers, etc.).

For example, if you have selected Option "1" from the Main Menu as shown above, the "Report Maintenance" screen is displayed:

   14:15:12             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-10-14
  User ID XYZ                 - Report Maintenance -                            
  Cmd Report                    Authoriz T Description                          
  ___ _________________________ ________ _ _____________________________________
   __ A1234                     ADMIN    M                                      
   __ A12345                    ADMIN    M                                      
   __ BRY-EMPL-STD1             ADMIN    M Employee List sorted by Departments  
   __ CARSS1-FINA               ADMIN    C ( STD1 ) Standard Exit 1 example     
   __ CARSS1-MARK               ADMIN    C ( STD1 ) Standard Exit 1 example     
   __ CARSS1-MASK               ADMIN    C ( STD1 ) Standard Exit 1 example     
   __ CARSS1-MGMT               ADMIN    C ( STD1 ) Standard Exit 1 example     
   __ CATALL-ERROR-LIST         ADMIN    S Catall Error List                    
   __ CHECK_DEVELOPMENT         ADMIN    M Output of Check Routines for Developm
   __ DEPT-ADMA                 ADMIN    C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s
   __ DEPT-COMP                 ADMIN    C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s
   __ DEPT-FINA                 ADMIN    C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s
   __ DEPT-MARK                 ADMIN    C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s
   __ DEPT-MASK                 ADMIN    C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s
   __ DEPT-MGMT                 ADMIN    C ( UEXAOP ) Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate s
 More ...                                                                       
  Command => ___________________________________________________________________
       Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +    Selct  <     >    Menu  

To select an object from an "Object Maintenance" screen, you mark it with a line command in the "Cmd" command field preceding the object name. The use of line commands is explained under Line Commands below.

Selection Criteria Fields

These fields appear on list screens above the first line of data. In these fields, you can enter search criteria for the records to be displayed on the screen.

Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard for entering selection criteria.

If you enter selection criteria in more than one field, they are connected by logical AND.

  Cmd Report                    Authoriz T Description                          
  ___ UEX*_____________________ ________ M _____________________________________
   __ UEX-ADDFP-OPEN            ADMIN    M Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate sysout into 
   __ UEX-CARS-STD1             ADMIN    M Standard Exit 1 example              
   __ UEX-CREATE                ADMIN    M Exit CREATE report                   
   __ UEX-EMPL-STD1-ASA         ADMIN    M Standard Exit 1 Example              
   __ UEX-EMPL-STD2-ASA         ADMIN    M Standard Exit 2 example              
   __ UEX-EMPL-STD31ASA         ADMIN    M Standard Exit 3 example              
   __ UEX-EMPL-STD32ASA         ADMIN    M Standard Exit 3 example              
   __ UEX-EMPL-STD33ASA         ADMIN    M Standard exit 3 example              
   __ UEX-INSL-ADDP             ADMIN    M Exit INSL/ADDP change first line of e

Object Definition Screens

An object definition screen allows you to define or modify parameters for the various objects.

For example, if you mark a report on the "Report Maintenance" screen with the line command MO (Modify), the "Report Definition > General Attributes" screen for that report will be displayed:

  14:16:33             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-10-14
 User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >General Attributes -                   
    Name .............. UEX-DEFAULT______________                              
    Description ....... Report definition for undefined SYSOUT____________     
    Type .............. D                                                      
 Keywords ............. _______________ _______________ _______________        
 Master Owner ......... FHI_____                                               
 Store in NOM DB ...... N                                                      
 Archive directly ..... N                                                      
 Archive type ......... _                                                      
 Retention              Report     Archive   Revive                            
    Number ............ 1__        ____      ___                               
    Unit .............. A          _         _                                 
    Calendar .......... ________             ________                          
    Action ............ P                                                      
 Command => ___________________________________________________________________
      Help  Add   Exit  Flip  Do    Undo  Ident Print Dist  Separ       Menu  

You can enter or overwrite data in the input fields provided.

Top of page

PF Keys

PF keys can be used to jump quickly to a specific point in the application.

The last two lines on the screens display the PF keys available:

      Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +    Selct  <     >    Menu  

These lines display either the PF keys 1 to 12 or 13 to 24, or the available line commands. By pressing PF4 (Flip) or entering the direct command FLIP, you can switch between the three displays.

Some PF keys are used consistently throughout the system. Other PF keys can only be used on certain screens. Only the relevant PF-key names are displayed.

The functions assigned to PF keys 13 to 24 are equivalent to the functions assigned to PF keys 1 to 12. Exception: PF9/PF21 (see below).

PF-Key Assignments

The following PF keys appear on all screens:

Key Name Function
PF1  Help Display screen-sensitive Help.
PF3  Exit Exit current screen and go to previous one.
PF4  Flip Switch between display of PF1 to PF12, PF13 to PF24, and line commands.
PF12  Menu Display the Main Menu.

The following PF keys appear on object maintenance screens:

Key Name Function
PF2 Add Add an object.
PF5 Do Commit all modifications.
PF6 Undo Back out all modifications.
PF9 Ext Switch between long or short report/bundle names display.

The following PF keys appear on list screens:

Key Name Function
PF7  Up Scroll one screen backward.
PF8  Down Scroll one screen forward.
PF9 Ext Switch between long or short report/bundle names display.
PF10  Left Shift screen to the left.
PF11  Right Shift screen to the right.

If a separate local function is assigned to PF9, the "Ext" function can only be invoked with PF21.

Top of page

Line Commands

Using Line Commands

Line commands are available whenever a list of objects is displayed on a screen. You can use them to perform a specific action on an object.

The available line commands are displayed at the bottom of the screen. If the PF keys are currently displayed there, press PF4 (Flip) to display the line commands.

To issue a line command for an object, you enter the command in the "Cmd" column to the left of the object name.

If you enter a question mark (?) in the "Cmd" column, a window listing the available command will be displayed, and you can select the desired command.

This window is also displayed if you have entered an invalid line command.

See Online Help below for an example of this kind of selection window.

You can enter more than one line command on a screen. They are executed in the following order:

  1. local commands such as DELETE, COPY or PRINT;

  2. external functions such as MODIFY that involve additional screen processing.

Once control has been passed to the external function, you can return to the list by pressing PF3 (Exit). If you invoke a direct command in the external function, you do not return to the list.

Commonly Used Line Commands

There are the following commonly used line commands:

Command Function
AU  Authorize user access to an object.
CO  Copy an object.
DE  Delete an object.
DI  Display an object.
LI  List active reports.
LO  Display Log Information for an object.
MO  Modify an object.
RN  Rename an object.

They are explained below.

AU - Authorize User Access to an Object

This line command is used to grant authorization to other users to display, modify and delete an object of which you are the owner. For further information see the section Authorizing User Access to Objects.

CO - Copy an Object

This command is used to copy an object and its Authorization List of users.

Start of instruction setExample: To copy a report definition:

  1. Enter CO in the command field preceding the report to be copied. The "Copy Report Definition" window opens:

      14:20:05             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-10-14
     User ID XYZ                 - Report Maintenance -                            
     Cmd Report                    Authoriz T Description                          
     ___ _________________________ ________ _ _____________________________________
      __ STD22-VENT90              ADMIN    C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example     
      __ STD22-VENT94              ADMIN    C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example     
      __ STD22-VENT96              ADMIN    C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example     
      __ TLINES-COPY-NO            ADMIN    M Test Report, Don't Care (M)          
      __ UEX-ADDFP-OPEN            ADMIN    M Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate sysout into 
      __ UEX-CARS-STD1             ADMIN    M Standard Exit 1 example              
      __ UEX-CREATE                ADMIN    M Exit CREATE report                   
      co UEX-DEFAULT               ADMIN    D Report definition for undefined SYSOU
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD1-ASA         ADMIN    M Standard Exit 1 Example              
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD1-MCC         ADMIN    S Standard Exit 1 Example              
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD2-ASA         ADMIN    M Standard Exit 2 example              
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD2-MCC         ADMIN    S Standard Exit 2 example              
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD31ASA         ADMIN    M Standard Exit 3 example              
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD31MCC         ADMIN    S Standard Exit 3 example              
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD32ASA         ADMIN    M Standard Exit 3 example              
    More ...                                                                       
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +    Selct  <     >    Menu  
  2. Type the name of the target report in the To Report field, enter "Y" or "N" to copy authorization

    A message confirms that the report has been copied.

  3. Press PF3 to return to the "Report Maintenance" screen.

DE - Delete an Object

This line command is used to delete an object.

Start of instruction setExample: To delete a report definition:

  1. Enter DE in the command field preceding the report definition.

    If CONFIRM is set to OFF, the report definition is deleted immediately.

    If CONFIRM is set to ON, a window is displayed asking you to confirm the deletion:

      14:24:38             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-10-14
     User ID XYZ                 - Report Maintenance -                            
     Cmd Report                    Authoriz T Description                          
     ___ _________________________ ________ _ _____________________________________
      __ STD22-VENT90              ADMIN    C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example     
      __ STD22-VENT94              ADMIN    C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example     
      __ STD22-VENT96              ADMIN    C ( STD2 ) Standard Exit 2 example     
      __ TLINES-COPY-NO            ADMIN    M Test Report, Don't Care (M)          
      __ UEX-ADDFP-OPEN            ADMIN    M Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate sysout into 
      d!   Please confirm the deletion of ... UEX-DEFAULT                     !YSOU
      _!   by entering its name again ....... _________________________       !    
      _!                                                                      !    
      _!   PF3 Exit                                                           !    
      _!                                                                      !    
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD31MCC         ADMIN    S Standard Exit 3 example              
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD32ASA         ADMIN    M Standard Exit 3 example              
    More ...                                                                       
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +    Selct  <     >    Menu   
  2. To do so, you enter the name of the report in the input field provided.

    A message then confirms that the report definition has been deleted.

DI - Display an Object Definition

This line command is used to display an object definition.

Start of instruction setTo display an object definition:

  1. On an object maintenance screen, enter DI in the command field preceding the name of the object to be displayed.

    The object definition screen appears for the object you selected. In display mode, you can only view the object definition, but not modify them.

  2. Press PF3 to return to the object maintenance screen.

LO - Display Log Information for an Object

This line command is used to display log information for an object. This includes information on which function was performed on the object, when and by whom.

Start of instruction setExample: To display log information for a report definition:

  1. On the "Report Maintenance" screen, enter LO in the command field preceding the report for which you wish to display log information:

    The "Log Display - Report" screen appears for the selected report:

      15:39:27             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-05-15
     User ID XYZ             - Log Display Report ADAREP-DB088 -                   
     Cmd Date     Time     Done By  Message                                        
     ___ ________ ________ ________ _______________________________________________
      __ 11/10/02 10:36:45 XYZ      REPORT DEFINITION UPDATED__                    
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit  Flip               -     +           <     >    Menu  
  2. You can scroll up and down with PF7 (-) and PF8 (+).

    You can shift the display to the left and to the right with PF10 (<) and PF11 (>).

  3. To display more information about a log entry, enter IN in the command field preceding the log entry.

  4. Press PF3 to return to the previous screen.

MO - Modify an Object

This line command is used to modify object parameters.

Start of instruction setExample: To modify a report definition:

  1. On the "Report Maintenance" screen, enter MO in the command field preceding the report to be modified.

    The "Report Definition > General Attributes" screen for that report is displayed:

      15:45:19             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-05-15
     User ID XYZ       - Report Definition >General Attributes -                   
        Name .............. UEX-DEFAULT______________                              
        Description ....... Report definition for undefined SYSOUT____________     
        Type .............. D                                                      
     Keywords ............. _______________ _______________ _______________        
     Master Owner ......... FHI_____                                               
     Store in NOM DB ...... N                                                      
     Archive directly ..... N                                                      
     Archive type ......... _                                                      
     Retention              Report     Archive   Revive                            
        Number ............ 1__        ____      ___                               
        Unit .............. A          _         _                                 
        Calendar .......... ________             ________                          
        Action ............ P                                                      
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help  Add   Exit  Flip  Do    Undo  Ident Print Dist  Separ       Menu  
  2. Place the cursor on the field to be modified and type in the new data.

Modifications with COMMIT ON

Start of instruction setTo perform modifications with COMMIT ON:

  1. If COMMIT is set to ON, all modifications are automatically committed when you press ENTER or PF5 (Do).

    A message confirms the modification.

    With COMMIT set to ON, modifications are committed and original data are lost:

  2. When you press ENTER and then PF3 (Exit), or when you press PF5 (Do) and then PF3 (Exit).

    If COMMIT is set to OFF, when you have made modifications and press ENTER or PF5 (Do), a message confirms that the modifications have been made.

However, you have three alternatives:

  1. Before leaving the record with PF3 (Exit), you can press PF6 (Undo) to cancel any updates made. This restores the previous contents to the modified or created record. A message indicated that the modifications were not made.

  2. Before leaving the record with PF3 (Exit), you can press PF5 (Do) to commit your updates. A message confirms the modifications.

  3. You can press PF3 (Exit). A window opens requesting you to explicitly confirm or undo the updates you have made:

    ! Enter Y to COMMIT N to BACKOUT modifications ==>  _   !
  4. Enter Y to commit your updates, or N to undo them. A message confirms your action.

RN - Rename an Object

This line command is used to change the name of an object.

Start of instruction setExample: To rename a report definition:

  1. Enter RN in the "Cmd" field preceding the report to be renamed. The "Rename Report" window opens:

      15:57:50             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-05-15 
     User ID XYZ                 - Report Maintenance -                             
     Cmd Report                    Authoriz T Description                           
     ___ U*_______________________ ________ _ _____________________________________ 
      __ UEX-ADDFP-OPEN            ADMIN    M Exit ADDFP/OPEN separate sysout into  
      __ UEX-CARS-STD1 +----------------------------------------------------+       
      __ UEX-CREATE    !                                                    !       
      rn UEX-DEFAULT   !                  - Rename Report -                 ! SYSOU 
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD1 !                                                    !       
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD1 !       Old name ...... UEX-DEFAULT                  !       
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD2 !                                                    !       
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD2 !       New name ...... _________________________    !       
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD3 !                                                    !       
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD3 !  PF3 Exit                                          !       
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD3 !                                                    !       
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD3 +----------------------------------------------------+       
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD33ASA         ADMIN    M Standard exit 3 example               
      __ UEX-EMPL-STD33MCC         ADMIN    S Standard exit 3 example               
      __ UEX-FORW-BACKW            ADMIN    S Exit FORW/BACKW/TOPP example          
    Top Of Data                                                                     
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________ 
          Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +    Selct  <     >    Menu    
  2. In the window, enter the new name in the New name field.

    The report definition appears on the screen with its new name.

Top of page

Direct Commands

With direct commands you can invoke functions directly without going through the functional screen hierarchy.

This section describes the use of direct commands and covers the following topics:

The Command Line

You can enter direct commands in the command line, which is displayed in the bottom section of Entire Output Management screens (above the PF-key lines):

Command => ___________________________________________________________________

Syntax for Direct Commands

Direct commands have the following syntax:

command object-type [parameter-1] [parameter-2]

For a description of all direct commands available in Entire Output Management and their syntax, see Direct Commands in the Commands documentation.

Help for Direct Commands

Commonly Used Direct Commands

This section describes the most important direct commands:

ADD Command

The direct command ADD is used to add object definitions for various Entire Output Management object types.

Object definitions can be added for the following object types:

Object Type Object to be Added
BUNDLES  Bundle definition
FOLDER  Folder definition
LISTS  Distribution list
PHYSICAL  Physical printer definition
PRINTERS  Logical printer definition
REPORTS  Report definition
USERS  User definition

Use the following syntax:

ADD [object-type]

For example:


invokes the Report Definition screen for adding a new report definition.

COPY Command

The direct command COPY is used to copy objects of various Entire Output Management object types.

Objects of the following object types can be copied:

Object Type Object to be Copied
BUNDLES  Bundle definition
PHYSICAL  Physical printer definition
PRINTERS  Logical printer definition
REPORTS  Report definition
SECURITY  Natural Security user definition
USERS  User definition

Use the following syntax:

COPY [object-type] [object-name]

For example:


copies the report definition for the report ADAREP-DB088.

If you enter only the object-type parameter, you will be prompted for an object name. If the object does not exist, all objects of that type will be listed, and you can select the object to be copied.

DELETE Command

The direct command DELETE is used to delete objects of various Entire Output Management object types.

Objects of the following object types can be deleted:

Object Type Object to be Deleted
BUNDLES  Bundle definition
LISTS  Distribution list
PHYSICAL  Physical printer definition
PRINTERS  Logical printer definition
REPORTS  Report definition
USERS  User definition

Use the following syntax:

DELETE [object-type] [object-name]

For example:


deletes the report definition for the report ADAREP-DB09.

If you enter only the object-type parameter, you will be prompted for an object name. If the object does not exist, all objects of that type will be listed, and you can select the object to be deleted.


The direct command DISPLAY is used to display objects of various Entire Output Management object types.

Objects of the following object types can be displayed:

Object Type Object to be Displayed
BUNDLES  Bundle definition
LISTS  Distribution list
PHYSICAL  Physical printer definition
PRINTERS  Logical printer definition
PROCESS  Report processing parameters
PROFILE  User profile
REPORTS  Report definition
USERS  User definition

Use the following syntax:

DISPLAY object-type [object-name]

For example:


invokes the Report Definition screen for the report ADAREP-DB09.

If you try to display a non-existing object, or if you enter only the object-type parameter, all objects of that type will be listed, and you can select the object to be displayed.

LIST Command

The direct command LIST is used to invoke the Object Maintenance screens for various Entire Output Management object types.

Objects of the following object types can be listed:

Object Type Objects to be Listed
ABUNDLES  Active bundles
ARCHIVE  Archive datasets
AREPORTS  Active reports
BUNDLES  Bundle definitions
CALENDARS  Calendars
LISTS  Distribution lists
PHYSICAL  Physical printer definitions
PRINTERS  Logical printer definitions
PRINTOUTS  Queued printouts
REPORTS  Report definitions
USERS  User definitions

Use the following syntax:

LIST [object-type][object-name]

For example:


invokes the Report Maintenance screen which lists all reports with names beginning with ADA.

MODIFY Command

The direct command MODIFY is used to modify objects of various Entire Output Management object types.

Objects of the following object types can be modified:

Object Type Object to be Modified
BUNDLES  Bundle definition
LISTS  Distribution list
MONITOR  Monitor definition
PHYSICAL  Physical printer definition
PRINTERS  Logical printer definition
PROCESS  Report processing parameters
PROFILE  User profile
REPORTS  Report definition
USERS  User definition

Use the following syntax:

MODIFY [object-type] [object-name]

For example:


invokes the Report Definition screen for the report ADAREP-DB09.

If you try to modify a non-existing object, or if you enter only the object-type parameter, all objects of that type will be listed, and you can select the object to be modified.

SET Command

The direct command SET is used to set various Entire Output Management session parameters.

The following SET commands are available:

Command Function
    When you have modified an object and exit without pressing PF5 (Do) to commit your changes, a window opens and you have to enter "Y" or "N". This is the default setting.

    In this case, the confirmation window does not open, and modifications are committed by pressing ENTER or PF5.

For details, see the section MO - Modify an Object.

    When you delete an object, a window opens requesting you to confirm the deletion by typing the object name. This is the default setting.

    In this case, the object is deleted immediately without your being prompted for a confirmation.

For details, see the section DE - Delete an Object.

SET LANGUAGE 1 Display the user interface in English.
SET LANGUAGE 2 Display the user interface in German.

Top of page

Online Help

Entire Output Management provides two types of online Help:

Example of Selection Window:

To invoke line-command help for the "Report Maintenance" screen, you enter a question mark (?) in the "Cmd" column next to a report name.

A window is diplayed listing the line commands available:

  +---------------------------------------+ NAGEMENT ****            2008-05-15 
  !                                       ! nance -                             
  !             Line Commands             !                                     
  !                                       ! scription                           
  !  DE  Delete Report                    ! ___________________________________ 
  !  MO  Modify Report                    ! it ADDFP/OPEN separate sysout into  
  !  DI  Display Report                   ! andard Exit 1 example               
  !  CO  Copy Report                      ! it CREATE report                    
  !  AU  Authorization definition         ! port definition for undefined SYSOU 
  !  LO  Display log information          ! andard Exit 1 Example               
  !  RN  Rename Report                    ! andard Exit 1 Example               
  !  LI  List active Reports              ! andard Exit 2 example               
  !  LK  List active Reports by Keyword   ! andard Exit 2 example               
  !                                       ! andard Exit 3 example               
  !                                       ! andard Exit 3 example               
  !                                       ! andard Exit 3 example               
  !                                       ! andard Exit 3 example               
  !          Select ==> __                ! andard exit 3 example               
  !                                       ! andard exit 3 example               
  +---------------------------------------+ it FORW/BACKW/TOPP example          
Top Of Data                                                                     
 Command => ___________________________________________________________________ 
      Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +    Selct  <     >    Menu    

To select a line command, you enter its two-character code in the window after the Select ==> prompt.

The line command selected is written into the "Cmd" field of the "Report Maintenance" screen next to the report name where you had entered the question mark.

Top of page