Version 3.2.1
 —  User's Guide  —

Other Active Report Functions

This section covers the following topics:

Adding an Active Report to a Bundle

This function adds an active report to an opened bundle for one distribution only.

Start of instruction set To add a report to a bundle permanently, you have to modify the bundle definition:

  1. On the "Active Report List" screen, enter the line command BU next to the active report to be added.

    A window is displayed.

  2. In the window, enter the name of the bundle into which the active report is to be put.

    Depending on the setting of the user profile field Restrict Abun, you can either put the report in any bundle or only in a bundle to which you have access. Administrators can put the report in any bundle, regardless of the setting of Restrict Abun. For more information on user profile settings, see the section Defining a User in the System Administration documentation.

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Printing an Active Report

Start of instruction setTo print an active report:

  1. On the "Active Report List" screen, enter the line command PR next to the report to be printed.

    A printer selection list will be displayed.

    Only those printers are listed which are PUBLIC or for which the user is authorized (see the section Adding a User to an Authorization List). The printers on which the active report is usually printed are highlighted.

  2. To select a printer, enter any character in the input field preceding the appropriate printer. The report will be printed immediately on this printer.

    The window with the printer selection list also provides the field "Hold Printout": Enter a "Y" in this field to place the printout in HOLD status.

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Distribute Active Report to Extra Users

This function distributes an active report to a user or group of users on a distribution list who are not defined in the Distribution Attributes for the report. For more information, see the section Distribution Attributes.

Start of instruction setTo distribute an active report to extra users:

  1. On the "Active Report List" screen, enter the line command DS next to the active report you want to distribute.

    A window is displayed.

  2. In the window, enter the user ID of the additional user to whom the active report is to be distributed.

    To select a user or group of users on a distribution list, enter a question mark (?) in the User ID field.

    A window is displayed.

  3. Press one of the following keys:

Select Extra User to Receive a Report

Start of instruction set To select a single user to receive a report:

  1. Press PF4 (User-List) in the "Member Name" window.

    A window is displayed, listing all users defined for your Entire Output Management system.

  2. Select a user from the list by entering any character in the field preceding the user ID.

    The user ID is written to the User ID field of the Distribute Report to User window.

  3. To distribute the active report to the Inbasket folder of the additional user, press ENTER again.

    This user can then browse and print the report. You can also restrict the user's view of the report by modifying the report layout. For more information, see the section Modifying the Layout of an Active Report.

Select Extra Distribution List to Receive a Report

Start of instruction set To select an additional group of users on a distribution list to receive a report:

  1. Press PF5 (Dist-List) in the "Member Name" window.

    A window is displayed, listing all distribution lists defined for your Entire Output Management system.

  2. Select a distribution list by entering any character in the field preceding the name of the distribution list.

    The distribution list name is written to the User ID field of the Distribute Report to User window.

  3. To distribute the active report to the Inbasket folder of the extra users on the distribution list, press ENTER again.

    All these users can then browse and print the report. You can also restrict the users' view of the report by defining a report layout for the distribution list. For more information, see the section Modifying the Layout of an Active Report.

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List Users Connected to Active Report

Start of instruction setTo lists all users to whom an active report is distributed:

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Deleting an Active Report

Start of instruction set To delete an active report:

  1. On the "Active Report List" screen, enter DE in the command field preceding the active report to be deleted. If CONFIRM is set to ON, a window opens asking you to confirm the deletion.

  2. To do so, enter the name of the active report in the input field provided.

    A message confirms the deletion.

    If the active report is in the archive, this command marks it for deletion. The active report is deleted from the archive on the following day. (owner only)

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Archiving an Active Report

This function marks an active report for archiving or cancels the archiving flag. An active report marked for archiving is archived the next time the Archiving task is active.

Start of instruction setTo archive an active report:

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Reviving an Archived Report

This function marks an active report for reviving or cancels the reviving flag. An active report marked for reviving is revived the next time the Reviving task is active. The report is restored to the list of active reports on the "Active Report List" screen.

Start of instruction set To revive an archived report:

  1. On the "Active Report List" screen, enter RV in the command field preceding the report to be marked for reviving or whose reviving flag is to be cancelled.

  2. Press ENTER to mark the report or cancel the reviving flag. When reviving an active report, specify the location to which it should be revived (S = spool, D = database or C = Con-nect) and, optionally, a bundle to which the active report will be added when it is revived.

    If you enter the name of the bundle, the report is added to an open active bundle at revive time. If there is no open active bundle, one is created if a master bundle with the same name exists. If there is no master bundle with the given name, an error message will be displayed.

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Confirm Print of an Active Report

This function releases an active report for printing. The report is printed only when all target users have confirmed by issuing this command. The report must be defined with the "C" option in the Hold Logic field of the Report Definition - Printing Attributes screen.

Start of instruction set To confirm printing of an active report:

For more information about the Hold Logic field, see the appropriate field description under Fields: Report Definition - Printing Attributes.

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Filing an Active Report

This function is used to take an active report filed in your current folder and file it in another folder.

Start of instruction set To file an active report:

  1. On the "Active Report List" screen, enter FI in the command field preceding the report to be filed.

    A window is displayed.

  2. In the window, enter the name of the folder in which the active report is to be filed in the "To Folder" field.

    The active report now appears in the new folder. If the folder to which the active report is filed is a link to the folder of another user, the report is copied. If it is one of your own folders, the report is moved.

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Display Active Report Definition

This function displays the report definition which generated the active report.

Start of instruction setTo display the report definition:

For further information, see the section General Attributes.

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XREF Information for Active Report

This function is used to list all bundles in which an active report is contained.

Start of instruction set To display the list of bundles:

Field Explanation
Bundle Name of the bundle in which the report is contained.
Run-No Internal report identification.
Group Group identifier assigned to the report in the bundle.
Seq Sequence number assigned to the report in the bundle.
Status Bundle status.
Printer Logical printer assigned to the report in the bundle.

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