Version 3.2.1
 —  System Administration  —

Defining Calendars

Calendars are used to define Retention Periods for storage and Archiving in terms of working days or absolute days.

This section covers the following topics:

Calendar Maintenance

Start of instruction set To invoke Calendar Maintenance:

  1. Enter 4 in the command line of the System Administration Menu.

    The Calendar Maintenance screen appears:

       13:18:33             **** Entire Output Management ****            29/02/2008
      User ID XYZ                - Calendar Maintenance -
      Cmd  Calendar  Year
      ___  ________  ____
       __  A-CALEND  2008
       __  DEMO-CAL  2008
       __  MYDATES   2008
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu

    This screen lists in alphabetical order all Calendars which were defined by an authorized user.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2  Add Add a Calendar.

Line Commands

Command Function
DE  Delete a Calendar.
DI  Display a Calendar.
MO  Modify a Calendar.

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Adding a Calendar

Start of instruction set To add a new Calendar:

  1. Press PF2 on the Calendar Maintenance screen.

    The Add Calendar window is displayed.

  2. In this window, you specify the following:

    Field Explanation
    Name Enter the name of the Calendar to be added.
    Year Enter the year to which the Calendar is to apply.
    Default Enter the name of a Calendar to initialize the Calendar to be added.
  3. When you haven entered the name and the year, the Calendar Definition screen is displayed, showing the first half of the year:

       13:22:20             **** Entire Output Management ****            29/02/2008
                             - Calendar NEW-CAL     Year 2005 -
                      January              February             March
      Monday          4 11 18 25        1  8 15 22           1  8 15 22 29
      Tuesday         5 12 19 26        2  9 16 23           2  9 16 23 30
      Wednesday       6 13 20 27        3 10 17 24           3 10 17 24 31
      Thursday        7 14 21 28        4 11 18 25           4 11 18 25
      Friday       1  8 15 22 29        5 12 19 26           5 12 19 26
      Saturday     2  9 16 23 30        6 13 20 27           6 13 20 27
      Sunday       3 10 17 24 31        7 14 21 28           7 14 21 28
                      April                May                  June
      Monday          5 12 19 26           3 10 17 24 31        7 14 21 28
      Tuesday         6 13 20 27           4 11 18 25        1  8 15 22 29
      Wednesday       7 14 21 28           5 12 19 26        2  9 16 23 30
      Thursday     1  8 15 22 29           6 13 20 27        3 10 17 24
      Friday       2  9 16 23 30           7 14 21 28        4 11 18 25
      Saturday     3 10 17 24           1  8 15 22 29        5 12 19 26
      Sunday       4 11 18 25           2  9 16 23 30        6 13 20 27
           Help        Exit  Wkdy               -     +    -     +

    Special PF Keys

    Key Name Function
    PF4  Wkdy Define working days and holidays.
    PF7 - Display the first half of the year (months January to June).
    PF8 + Display the second half of the year (months July to December).

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Defining Weekly Holidays, Working Days, and Annual Holidays

Annual holidays and weekly holidays appear highlighted on the Calendar Definition screen. Working days appear without highlighting.

Weekly Holidays

A weekly holiday is a non-working day that recurs every week. Saturday and Sunday are usually weekly holidays.

Start of instruction set To define weekly holidays:

  1. Press PF4 (Wkdy) on the Calendar Definition screen.

    A window with the days of the week is displayed:

    !                                    !
    !  - Calendar MYCAL      Year 2008 - !
    !                                    !
    !                                    !
    !     Please mark weekly holidays    !
    !                                    !
    !         _  Monday                  !
    !         _  Tuesday                 !
    !         _  Wednesday               !
    !         _  Thursday                !
    !         _  Friday                  !
    !         S  Saturday                !
    !         S  Sunday                  !
    !                                    !
    !         S Set   R Reset            !
    !                                    !
    !   PF3 End                          !
    !                                    !
  2. Mark with "S" the days which are to be weekly holidays.

    All weekly holidays will appear highlighted on the Calendar Definition screen.

Working Days

Start of instruction set To change a weekly holiday to a weekly working day:

  1. Press PF4 (Wkdy) on the Calendar Definition screen.

    A window with the days of the week is displayed.

  2. Mark with "R" the days which are to be working days.

    All working days will appear on the Calendar Definition screen without highlighting.

Changing a Working Day to an Annual Holiday

Start of instruction set To change one working day to an annual holiday:

Changing an Annual Holiday to a Working Day

Start of instruction set To change an annual holiday or one weekly holiday to a working day:

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Deleting a Calendar

Start of instruction set To delete a calendar:

  1. On the Calendar Maintenance screen, enter DE in the command line preceding the Calendar you want to delete.

    If CONFIRM is set to ON, a window opens which asks you to confirm deletion by typing the name of the Calendar again.

  2. Type the Calendar name in the input field provided.

    A message confirms the deletion.

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Displaying a Calendar

Start of instruction set To display a calendar:

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Modifying a Calendar

Start of instruction set To modify a calendar:

  1. On the Calendar Maintenance screen, enter MO in the command line preceding the Calendar you want to modify.

    The Calendar Definition screen appears for the Calendar you have selected. You can modify the Calendar as described under Defining Weekly Holidays, Working Days and Annual Holidays.

  2. When you have finished modifying the Calendar, press ENTER to save your modifications.

    A message confirms the modification.

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