Version 3.2.1
 —  User's Guide  —

Defining a Logical Printer

This section explains how to define logical printers. It covers the following topics:

What is a Logical Printer?

Prerequisite: To define logical printers, you must first have defined at least one physical printer for your system. For information on physical printers, see the section Defining a Physical Printer in the System Administration documentation.

Logical printers are used to print reports or bundles.

A logical printer refers to printing on a physical printer such as a VTAM printer, a system printer or a DASD sequential dataset by applying a set of printing characteristics, such as FORM, CHARS, FCB, etc.

Different logical printers can print on the same physical printer but with different characteristics.

The following figure illustrates the relation between logical printers and physical printers:

In this example, two Logical Printers 1 and 2 with different parameters are assigned to the same physical printer: SYSPRINT, the system printer.

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Listing Logical Printers

Start of instruction set To list all defined logical printers:

  1. Enter 3 in the command line of the "Main Menu".

    The "Printer Maintenance" screen is displayed:

       12:32:12             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-01-17
      User ID XYZ                - Printer Maintenance -                            
      Cmd Printer  Authoriz Description          Physical S  Location               
      ___ ________ ________ ____________________ ________ _ ________________________
       __ AAAAAA   ADMIN    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa    HUGO-14                            
       __ AAANEU   ADMIN    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HUGO-14                            
       __ BDE-LOGP ADMIN    test of XML printer  UKSJUXML                           
       __ BDE-MXL2 ADMIN    SS                   BDE-PXML                           
       __ BHHHHH1  ADMIN                         HUGO-14                            
       __ BRY-PRIN ADMIN                         CON-NECT                           
       __ BRY-TEST ADMIN                         CON-NECT                           
       __ DAEFPR09 ADMIN    vka host printer     DAEFPR09   VKA host printer        
       __ DAUPRTED ADMIN    u9 support           DAUPRTED                           
       __ DDDDDD1  ADMIN    Test only            CON-NECT                           
       __ DEFAULTA ADMIN    Default values for S SGGRLP1    test unixlp printer     
       __ DEFAULTB ADMIN    Default values for S SGGRLP2    test unixlp printer     
       __ DERBY    ADMIN                         CSG4100S   SagUK Development       
       __ DISKGGR  ADMIN    xsetggr test disk pr DISKGGR  S                         
       __ DISKMVS  ADMIN                         DISKMVS                            
     Top Of Data                                                                    
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu

    The screen lists, in alphabetical order, the logical printers defined to Entire Output Management.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2  Add Add a logical printer.

Line Commands

Command Function
AU  Authorize users.
CO  Copy logical printer definition (*).
DE  Delete logical printer definition (*).
DI  Display logical printer definition.
LO  Display log information regarding maintenance activity on a logical printer.
MO  Modify logical printer definition.
RN  Rename logical printer (*).

(*) These commands cannot be used for DEFAULT printers.


For all fields marked with an asterisk (*) below, you can enter selection criteria (prefix *) in the field directly beneath the heading.

Field Explanation
Printer * Enter the logical printer ID or selection criteria for the ID.
Authoriz * Access to Entire Output Management objects can be granted to a user ID, a group of users or to all users. To list authorized objects enter a user ID, a distribution list or PUBLIC here.
Description A short description of the logical printer.
Physical * The name of the physical printer.

The status of the physical printer:

  • S = printer stopped (printouts are held).

  • blank = printer is active for printing.

Location The physical location of the printer, taken from the definition of the physical printer.

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Adding a Logical Printer

Start of instruction set To add a logical printer definition:

  1. Press PF2 (Add) on the "Printer Maintenance" screen.

    The "Logical Printer > General Attributes" screen, appears:

      12:30:13             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            28/05/2008
      User ID XYZ        - Logical Printer >General Attributes -
      Logical Printer
         Name ............. ________
         Description ...... ______________________________
      Physical Printer
         Name ............. ________
         Location .........
      Copies .............. ___
      Priority ............ __
      Printer Exit
         Member ........... ________
         Library .......... ________               Restrict Usage ......... _
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help  Add   Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Attrb Edit        Menu

    On this screen, you add a new logical printer definition or modify an existing one.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2  Add Add another logical printer.
PF9  Attrib Modify special printer attributes.
PF10  Edit If you have entered a Printer Exit Member, edit the member. For more information, see the section User Routines and Separator Pages in the System Administration documentation.


Field Explanation

Logical Printer

- Name If you are adding a logical printer, you must enter its ID before proceeding. If you are modifying an existing printer, this field is protected. The ID must be unique.
- Description Enter a short description for the logical printer.
Physical Printer
- Name Enter the ID for the physical printer where reports are to be printed. For further information, see the section Selecting a Physical Printer for a Logical Printer.
- Location (output field) The location of the physical printer appears here when a printer has been selected.
Copies Enter the number of copies to be printed.
Priority Enter the print priority. This is passed to the spooling system when using system printers, or used internally when referring to VTAM printers.
Printer Exit
- Member Enter the name of the exit to be executed for each line before it is printed. You can edit the exit by pressing PF10 (Edit). For more information, see the section User Routines and Separator Pages in the System Administration documentation.
- Library (output field) The name of the library where the printer exit is located.
- Restrict Usage By default, a general user may select any logical printer for which the user or PUBLIC is authorized (even if all authorization options are set to "N"). Also, when printing an active report, the user may select any printer defined in the master report definition. If you specify "Y" here, only administrators and users with at least one authorization option set to "Y" may select this printer.


Enter the job cards used when printing with a batch job. If you leave these lines blank, the specifications made for the Monitor Standard Definitions are used for printing with a batch job.

Selecting a Physical Printer for a Logical Printer

Start of instruction set To select a physical printer for a logical printer:

  1. Enter an asterisk (*) in the Physical Printer Name field on the "Logical Printer > General Attributes" screen.

    A printer selection window is displayed.

  2. Select a printer by entering any character in the field preceding the printer name.

    The printer name is written to the Physical Printer Name field on the "Logical Printer > General Attributes" screen. The logical printer prints on the physical printer selected.

Modifying Special Attributes for a Logical Printer

Start of instruction set To modify special attributes for a logical printer:

  1. Press PF9 (Attrib) on the "Logical Printer > General Attributes" screen.

    The "Logical Printer > Special Attributes" screen appears:

       08:30:44             **** Entire Output Management ****            08/10/2008
      User ID XYZ       - Logical Printer >Special Attributes -
      Logical Printer
         Name ............. SYSPRPWR
         Description ...... ______________________________
        Burst .............
        Chars .............
        Class .............
        Cmpact ............
        Destination .......
        Delt ..............
        Disp ..............
        Fcb ...............
        Flash .............
        Form ..............
        Jsep ..............
     Top Of Data
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help  Add   Exit  Flip  Do    Undo   -     +                      Menu

    The attributes as defined for the physical printer appear on this screen. You can modify them by entering new values. For more information on these attributes, see the section Defining Special Attributes for a Physical Printer in the System Administration documentation.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2  Add Add another logical printer.


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Other Logical Printer Maintenance Functions

Modifying a Logical Printer

Start of instruction set To modify a logical printer:

  1. On the "Logical Printer Maintenance" screen, enter the line command MO next to the logical printer you want to modify.

    The "Logical Printer Definition" screen appears for the logical printer you have selected.

  2. You can modify the data displayed by entering new data in the input fields. For explanations of the input fields, see Adding a Logical Printer.

    When you have finished modifying the logical printer definition, press ENTER to save your modifications.

    A message confirms the modification.

  3. If COMMIT is set to OFF, press PF5 (Do) to save your modifications before exiting. If you do not, a window opens in which you can commit the modifications by typing "Y".

    A message confirms that all modifications have been committed.

Authorizing User Access to a Logical Printer

Start of instruction set To authorize user access to a logical printer:

  1. On the "Logical Printer Maintenance" screen, enter the line command AU next to the logical printer for which you want to grant authorization.

    The "Authorization List" window for logical printers opens.

To grant authorization to a user, proceed as described in the section Authorizing User Access to Objects.

Copying a Logical Printer

Start of instruction set To copy a logical printer:

  1. On the "Logical Printer Maintenance" screen, enter the line command CO next to the logical printer you want to copy.

    The "Copy Printer Definition" window opens.

  2. Enter the name of the target logical printer in the input field provided.

    A message confirms that the Printer has been copied.

Deleting a Logical Printer

Start of instruction set To delete a logical printer:

  1. On the "Logical Printer Maintenance" screen, enter the line command DE next to the logical printer you want to delete.

    If CONFIRM is set to ON, a window opens asking you to confirm the deletion.

  2. To do so, enter the logical printer name in the input field provided.

    A message confirms the deletion.

Displaying a Logical Printer

Start of instruction setTo display a logical printer:

Displaying Log Information for a Logical Printer

Start of instruction set To display log information for a logical printer:

  1. On the "Logical Printer Maintenance" screen, enter the line command LO next the logical printer for which you want to display log information.

    The "Log Display" screen appears for the logical printer selected.

  2. You can display more information about a log entry by entering the IN line command in the command field preceding the entry.

For further details, see the section Displaying Log Information for an Object and the Log Display screen.

Renaming a Logical Printer

Start of instruction set To rename a logical printer:

  1. On the "Logical Printer Maintenance" screen, enter the line command RN next to the logical printer you want to rename.

    The "Rename Logical Printer" window opens.

  2. Enter the new logical printer name in the input field provided.

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