Version 3.2.1
 —  System Administration  —

Defining Users

The User function enables the system administrator to grant user access to Entire Output Management by creating and modifying user IDs with their passwords and authorization profiles.

Users are defined in Entire Output Management for the following purposes:

Every user in Entire Output Management is associated with a user definition, which consists of:

This section describes the functions available for user maintenance:

User Maintenance

Start of instruction set To invoke user uaintenance:

  1. Enter 2 in the command line of the System Administration Menu.

    The User Maintenance screen appears:

       09:52:08             **** Entire Output Management ****           29/02/2008
      User ID DC                   - User Maintenance -
      Cmd User ID  Name                                               Phone
      ___ ________ __________________________________________________ _____________
      __  AD       Dent, Arthur                                       4405
      __  AQ       Quatermain, Allan                                  5678
      __  DC       Copperfield, David                                 1362
      __  HF       Finn, Huckleberry                                  1372
      __  JE       Eyre, Jane                                         1366
      __  OT       Twist, Oliver                                      1367
      __  RC       Crusoe, Robinson                                   1234
      __  TS       Sawyer, Thomas                                     1785
      Command => ____________________________________________________________
           Help  Add   Exit  Flip               -     +                      Menu

    This screen lists all users defined in Entire Output Management. They are displayed in alphabetical order of user IDs.

    For each user, the ID, name and telephone number are displayed.

    To display only user IDs that start with a given prefix, you can use an asterisk (*) to enter selection criteria in the field above the user IDs.

  2. From this screen, you invoke the individual user maintenance functions by pressing a PF key or by marking a user with a line command in the Cmd field.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF2  Add Define a new user.

Line Commands

Command Function
CO Copy the user definition (user record and user profile).
DE Delete the user definition.
DI Display the user definition.
FO Maintain the user's folder.
LO  Display log information for user definition.
MO  Modify the user record.
UL  Display log records of user activity.
UP  Modify the user profile.
XR  Cross-reference: display all objects related to the user.

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Adding a User Record

The user record contains details about the user such as user ID, name, phone number, job title, etc.

Start of instruction set To add a new user record:

  1. Press PF2 (Add) on the User Maintenance screen.

    The Define User screen is displayed.

  2. On this screen, you enter a user ID and name to create the user record. You can also enter further information for the user.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF9  Profl Display the user profile.


Field Explanation
User ID Enter the user ID. The user ID uniquely identifies a user in Entire Output Management and is used for security and for report distribution. The user ID must be identified to the security package in your installation, if you have one, for example: RACF, TOP-SECRET, unless the profile field ESY User is set to N.
First Name / Last Name Enter the user's first name and last name.
All other specifications are optional:
Address/City/Country/Postal Code The user's address.
Title The user's title (for example: President, Materials Manager, Dr., Ms., Mr.).
Dept No The number of the department where the user works.
Dept Name The name of the department where the user works.
Location The location of the user's office.
Organization The name of the organization for which the user works.
Work Phone The international dialing code, phone number and extension for the user's telephone at work.
Home Phone The international dialing code and phone number for the user's telephone at home.

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Adding a User Profile

The user profile contains a list of functions the user is authorized to perform.

Start of instruction set To add a new user profile:

  1. Press PF9 (Profl) on the Define User screen.

    The following screen appears:

      12:48:44             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-11-29
      User ID XYZ              - User Profile Definition -
      User ID .. CTY
      Name ..... Tyree, Clinton
      User Type    (A/G/O/P) A   Confirm          (Y/N) N   Editor Prefix   (Y/N) Y
      Language Code    (1/2) 1   Auto-Commit      (E/I) E   Editor PF-Keys  (Y/N) Y
      ESY User         (Y/N) Y
      Report         (D/M/P) P   Active Reports (D/M/P) P   Archive         (Y/N) Y
      Bundle         (D/M/P) P     sort by        (D/N) N   Revive          (Y/N) Y
      Distrib. List  (D/M/P) P   Active Bundles (D/M/P) P   Flush Bundle    (Y/N) Y
      Printer        (D/M/P) P   Printouts      (D/M/P) P
      Phys. Printer  (D/M/P) P   Archive Admin.   (Y/N) Y   Monitor Startup (Y/N) Y
      Calendar       (D/M/P) P   System Defaults  (D/M) M   Monitor Shutdwn (Y/N) Y
      User           (D/M/P) P   Restrict Abun.   (Y/N) _   Abun list format(1/2) _
                                 Displ.long names (Y/N) _   Display Mon-Log (Y/N) Y
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo                                Menu

    This screen lists the functions permitted to the user. Next to each function, the possible values are shown in parentheses.


Field Explanation
User ID ID of user whose profile is being defined.
Name The user's name as entered on the Define User screen.
User Type (A/G/O/P)

Possible values:

  • A - Administrator: The user can see the entire printout queue.

  • G - General user: The user will only see the printouts he/she has explicit access to.

  • O - Operator: The user can see the entire printout queue. In addition to the same rights as a general user, he/she may manage objects in the printout queue without having explicit authorization for them.

  • P - Printer-associated user: The user has access to all printouts of all printers he/she has access to. For this user, only the printout queue of the respective printer(s) will be shown.

Language Code (1/2) Specify the language code for the user interface: 1 = English, 2 = German.
ESY User Is the user ID defined in the external security system? Enter "Y" (yes) or "N" (no). (See also the field description for Use Owner ID).
Confirm (Y/N)

Enter "Y" to open a window requesting confirmation of deletion.

Enter "N" to suppress the window.

Auto-Commit (E/I)

Enter "E" (explicit) to open a window requesting confirmation of modifications.

Enter "I" (implicit) to commit modifications automatically.

Editor Prefix

Enter "Y" to display the six columns with line numbers on the left-hand side of the Editor screen when browsing active reports.

Enter "N" to suppress the display.

Editor PF Keys

Enter "Y" to display the PF-key assignments at the bottom of the Editor screen when browsing active reports.

Enter "N" to suppress the display.

Field Explanation
Report The user may perform the following functions on objects of this type:
  • D = Display only.

  • M = Display and Modify.

  • P = Display, Modify and Purge.

Distribution List
Physical Printer
Active Reports
Active Bundles
- sort by N = Active reports are sorted by name; D = Active reports are sorted by date.
Archive Y = The user is allowed to perform the corresponding function. N = The user is not allowed to perform the corresponding function.
Flush Bundle
Archive Administration
Monitor Startup
Monitor Shutdown
Display Monitor
System Defaults (D/M) D = The user may display the system defaults; M = The user may modify the system defaults.
Restrict Abun (Y/N) Y = prevent users from listing all active bundles; N = allow users to list all active bundles; users can display and add reports only into active bundles for which they are authorized; these bundles are highlighted in the Active Bundle list.
Abun List Format (1/2) This option controls the behaviour of active bundle list wildcard selection: 1 = the user is presented with a list of matching active bundle names from which he/she may select one; active bundles with the selected name are then listed; 2 = all matching active bundle names are listed.
Display Long names (Y/N) Y = Long report and bundle names consisting of up to 25 characters (see System Defaults) are displayed; N = Long names are not displayed. If long-name display is not supported by the system, this field is automatically set to "N" and cannot be overwritten.

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Displaying User Activity Log

Start of instruction set To display log information about a user's activities:

  1. Enter UL in the command line preceding the appropriate user.

    A screen is displayed listing all activities performed by the user. For each activity, the following information is displayed:

Field Explanation
Date The date of the activity performed.
Time The time of the activity performed.
Object The entity on which the user performed the activity.
Message The activity performed.

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Display User Cross-Reference Information

Start of instruction set To display cross-reference information about a user:

  1. Enter XR in the command line preceding the appropriate user.

    The XREF of User window for the selected user is displayed. It shows the entities related to the user ID, grouped by categories. If a category contains entities related to the user ID, you can mark that category in the M column with any character.

  2. Mark the category for which cross reference information is to be displayed.

    A window is displayed, listing all entities of the selected type to which the user is linked.

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Copying a User Definition

Start of instruction set To copy a user:

  1. On the User Maintenance screen, enter CO in the command line preceding the user you want to copy.

    The Copy User Definition window opens.

  2. Type the name of the target user in the input field provided.

    A message confirms that the user has been copied.

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Deleting a User Definition

Start of instruction set To delete a user:

  1. On the User Maintenance screen, enter DE in the command line preceding the user you want to delete.

    If CONFIRM is set to ON, a window opens which asks you to confirm deletion by typing the user ID again.

  2. Type the user ID in the input field provided.

    A message confirms the deletion.

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Display User Definition Log Information

Start of instruction set To display user definition log information:

  1. On the User Maintenance screen, enter LO in the command line preceding the user definition for which you want to display log information.

    The Log Display screen appears for the user definition selected.

  2. You can display more information about a log entry by entering the IN line command in the command line preceding the entry.

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Modifying a User Record

Start of instruction set To modify a user record:

  1. On the User Maintenance screen, enter MO in the command line preceding the user you want to modify.

    The Define User screen appears for the user you have selected.

  2. You can modify the data displayed by overwriting them. Then you press ENTER to save your modifications.

    A message confirms the modification.

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Modifying a User Profile

Start of instruction set To modify a user profile:

  1. On the User Maintenance screen, enter UP in the command line preceding the user you want to modify.

    The user profile of the user is displayed.

  2. You can modify the data displayed by overwriting them. Then you press ENTER to save your modifications.

    A message confirms the modification.

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