Version 3.2.1
 —  User's Guide  —

Active Bundles

This section covers the following topics:

What Is an Active Bundle?

An active bundle is a group of active reports collected from different jobs or SYSOUT datasets and generated by the bundle definition. An active bundle is printed and distributed as one unit.

Object relationship diagram

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Invoking the Active Bundles Screen

Start of instruction set To select active bundles:

  1. Enter 6 in the command line of the "Main Menu".

    If long report and bundle names are displayed by the system (see settings in System Defaults and Adding a User Profile), the "Active Bundles" screen will take the following form:

      13:54:38             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-05-16
     User ID XYZ                  - Active Bundles -                               
       Cmd Bundle                     S Status     Reps Coord-ID                   
       ___ _________________________  _ __________ ____ ________                   
        __ UKSJUPCX                   O opened        6 UKSJU                      
        __ UKSJUBUN                   O opened        9 UKSJU                      
        __ UKSJUPCX                   C closed        2 UKSJU                      
        __ UKSJUBUN                   C closed        3 UKSJU                      
        __ VKA                        C closed        2 VKA                        
        __ VKA                        C closed        1 VKA                        
        __ UKSJU-BUNDLE-LONG-NAME     O opened       10 UKSJU                      
        __ XSETGGR-BU1                C closed        1 XSETGGR                    
        __ UKSJU-TYPE-AL              C closed        1 UKSJU                      
        __ XSETGGR-BU1                C closed        1 XSETGGR                    
        __ UKSJU-BUNDLE-LONG-NAME     C closed       21 UKSJU                      
        __ UKSJU-TYPE-AL              C closed          UKSJU                      
        __ UKSJU-TYPE-AL              C closed        1 UKSJU                      
        __ UKSJU-TYPE-AL              C closed        1 UKSJU                      
        __ UKSJU-TYPE-AL              C closed        1 UKSJU                      
    Top Of Data                                                                    
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit  Flip   <     >     -     +    Mastr Rfrsh SwLay Menu  
  2. Press PF6 to display further data (right half of Active Bundles list).

  3. PF5 takes you back to the main data screen. With PF21 (Ext), you can toggle to short names display.

These screens allow you to perform various functions on bundles and list all bundles processed by Entire Output Management and their status. The bundles are listed in descending order according to their creation date.

Depending on the setting of the user profile field Restrict Abun, you will either see all bundles, with those to which you have access highlighted, or only those bundles to which you have access. You can only enter commands against bundles to which you have access. Administrators have access to all bundles, regardless of the setting of Restrict Abun.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF5 < Display right half of the screen.
PF6 > Display left half of the screen.
PF9 Maste List all master bundles (Bundle Maintenance screen)
PF10 Rfrsh Refresh Active Bundles screen.
PF11 SwLay Toggle between General User and Administrator layout.
PF21 Ext Toggle between display of long and short report/bundle names.

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Switching Screen Layout for Active Bundles

Start of instruction set To switch between the Administrator layout and General User layout of the Active Bundles screen:

  1. Press PF11 (SwLay).

    The Administrator Layout for the "Active Bundles" screen (see above) displays reports, coordinator ID, and Open and Close Date/Time information. The General User Layout for the "Active Bundles" screen (see below) displays a Description of the active bundles. If long report and bundle names are displayed by the system (see settings in System Defaults and Adding a User Profile), the "Active Bundles" screen in the general user layout takes the following form:

      16:25:10             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-05-16
     User ID XYZ                  - Active Bundles -                               
     Cmd Bundle                    S Status Reps Description            Message    
     ___ _________________________ _ ______ ____ ______________________ ___________
      __ UKSJUPCX                  O opened    6 STEVE'S BUNDLE - WITH             
      __ UKSJUBUN                  O opened    9 STEVE'S BUNDLE                    
      __ UKSJUPCX                  C closed    2 STEVE'S BUNDLE - WITH             
      __ UKSJUBUN                  C closed    3 STEVE'S BUNDLE                    
      __ VKA                       C closed    2 via gui                           
      __ VKA                       C closed    1 via gui                           
      __ UKSJU-BUNDLE-LONG-NAME    O opened   10                                   
      __ XSETGGR-BU1               C closed    1 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz            
      __ UKSJU-TYPE-AL             C closed    1 contains reports creat            
      __ XSETGGR-BU1               C closed    1 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz            
      __ UKSJU-BUNDLE-LONG-NAME    C closed   21                                   
      __ UKSJU-TYPE-AL             C closed      contains reports creat            
      __ UKSJU-TYPE-AL             C closed    1 contains reports creat            
      __ UKSJU-TYPE-AL             C closed    1 contains reports creat            
      __ UKSJU-TYPE-AL             C closed    1 contains reports creat            
    Top Of Data                                                                    
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit  Flip               -     +    Mastr Rfrsh SwLay Menu  
  2. With PF21 (Ext), you can toggle to short names display.

  3. Press PF11 again to return to the previous layout.

Line Commands

Command Function
AR Mark all reports in an active bundle for archiving.
CL Close an active bundle. The bundle can accept no more reports.
A new version of the bundle is opened for additional reports.
DE Delete an active bundle. Only control information is deleted.
The active reports contained in the bundle are not deleted.
DI Display active bundle parameters.
IN Display additional information on an active bundle.
LO Display log information for an active bundle.
MO Modify active bundle. Note that modifications hold only for this current copy of the bundle and do not affect the bundle definition. Modification can be done only when bundle status = Opened.
PR Print an active bundle. The bundle is forced to print no matter what was defined to control printing. This command can be entered only if bundle status = Opened.
RP List reports contained in an active bundle. A list of reports is displayed to allow browsing of active reports or deletion of the active report from this bundle.
RV Mark all reports in an active bundle for reviving.


Field Explanation
Bundle * Bundle name. Enter selection criteria for the bundle name. The effect of selection by bundle name wildcard depends on the setting of the user profile field Abun List Format. If this is set to 1, wildcard bundle selection results in a window of matching bundle names, from which you can select one. If you are not an administrator, you may only select bundles to which you have access, or those with Public authorization. In the window, use PF10 to toggle between your own and Public authorization. If Abun List Format is set to 2, a list of all matching bundles is presented. An Abun List Format of 1 is likely to generate fewer database accesses.
Status *

Enter selection criteria for bundle status:

  • Closed -  bundle can accept no additional reports.

  • Forced - bundle forced to print when retention period expires.

  • Opened - bundle is open and contains reports.

  • Printing - bundle is being printed.

Reps Number of reports in the bundle.
Coord-ID * User ID of the bundle coordinator. For more information, see the section Selecting a Bundle Coordinator.
Description A short description of the bundle appears here, when you press PF11 (SwLay). Press PF11 again to return to the previous layout. For more information, see the section Switching Screen Layout for Active Bundles .
Open Date/Time Date and time the bundle was opened.
Close Date/Time Date and time the bundle was printed
Message Indicates why the bundle cannot be printed. For example, if no printer has been assigned, the message "No Printer" appears here.

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Listing Active Bundle Contents

Start of instruction setTo list all active reports contained in a bundle:

  1. On the "Active Bundles" screen, enter the line command RP next to the bundle for which active reports are to be listed. If long report and bundle names are displayed by the system (see settings in System Defaults and Adding a User Profile), the "Contents of Bundle" screen will take the following form:

       17:45:40             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-01-17
                - Contents of Bundle XSETGGRBU1 / 11012 -                           
      Cmd Group    Seq Report                    Run-No       Lines                 
      ___ ________ ___ _________________________ ___________ ________               
       __ XSETGGRB   1 FHILINES                        11229       33               
       __ XSETGGRB   1 FHILINES                        11230       33               
       __ XSETGGRB   1 FHILINES                        11231       33               
       __ XSETGGRB   1 FHILINES                        11232       33               
       __ XSETGGRB   1 FHILINES                        11233       33               
       __ XSETGGRB   1 FHILINES                        11234       33               
       __ XSETGGRB   1 FHILINES                        11235       33               
       __ XSETGGRB   1 FHILINES                        11236       33               
       __ XSETGGRB   1 FHILINES                        11011       33               
       __ XSETGGRB 999 DIRECT-INPUT                    11242      74K               
       __ XSETGGRB 999 DIRECT-INPUT                    11241      52K               
       __ XSETGGRB 999 DIRECT-INPUT                    11239    1141K               
      Command => ___________________________________________________________________
           Help        Exit  Flip               -     +    Ext    <     >    Menu    

     The screen list all active reports contained in the bundle.

  2. With PF11 (>) you can shift the display to the right (twice) to display further data of an active bundle. With PF10 (<) you can shift the display to the left again.

  3. With PF9 (Ext) you can toggle to short names display.

Line Commands

Command Function
BR  Browse active report contents.
DE  Delete active report contents.
MO  Modify active report characteristics.


Field Explanation
Group The name of the group in which the report is to be printed. Groups of reports in a bundle are printed in alphabetical order.
Seq The sequential number of the report in the bundle. The reports are printed in this sequence within the same Group.
Report Name of the active report contained in the active bundle.
Run-No Unique number identifying the active report.
Lines The number of lines in the active report. For binary reports, the size in KB (as indicated by a "K" after the number).
Form Corresponds to the FORM JCL parameter.
Fcb Corresponds to the FCB JCL parameter.
Chars Corresponds to the CHARS JCL parameter.
Flsh Corresponds to the FLASH JCL parameter.

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Browsing an Active Report Contained in a Bundle

Start of instruction set To browse an active report contained in a bundle:

  1. On the "Contents of Bundle" screen, enter the line command BR next to the active report to be browsed.

    The Software AG Editor is invoked and the active report you have selected appears on the screen.

  2. ISPF-like local commands enable you to view the active report. For more information, see the section Browsing an Active Report with the Software AG Editor.

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Deleting an Active Report Contained in a Bundle

Start of instruction set To delete an active report contained in a bundle:

  1. On the "Contents of Bundle" screen, enter the line command DE next to the active report to be deleted.

    If CONFIRM is ON, a window opens asking you to confirm the deletion.

  2. To do so, enter the active report name in the input field provided.

    A message confirms the deletion.

    A report deleted in an active bundle remains still available as an active report.

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Modifying Characteristics of an Active Report Contained in a Bundle

Start of instruction set To modify the characteristics of an active report contained in a bundle:

  1. On the "Contents of Bundle" screen, enter the line command MO next to the active report whose characteristics are to be modified.

    The "Report Characteristics in Bundle" window is displayed, where you can modify the report characteristics:

    !                  Report Characteristics In Bundle                  !
    !                 Bundle  UKSJUPCX                                   !
    !                 Report: UKSJU-TEST                                 !
    !                     In Bundle                                      !
    !  Form .............: STD_____                                      !
    !  Fcb ..............: ________                                      !
    !  Chars ............: ____________________                          !
    !  Flash ............: ____                                          !
    !  Copies ...........: 1__                                           !
    !  Pagedef ..........: ________                                      !
    !  Formdef ..........: ________                                      !
    !  Logical Printer ..: ________                                      !
    !  Separator Info: Member Start: RS-SJUST End: RS-SJUEN              !
    !                  Copies: 1__                                       !
    !                                                                    !
    !                                                                    !
    !   PF1 Help PF3 Exit PF5 Do PF6 Undo PF9  Ext                       !

Fields (z/OS only)

Field Explanation
Form Enter the name of the form on which you wish to print. This corresponds to the FORM JCL parameter (system printers only).
Fcb Enter the Forms Control Buffer. This corresponds to the FCB JCL parameter (system printers only).
Chars Enter one or more 4-byte character set names. This corresponds to the CHARS JCL parameter (system printers only).
Flash Corresponds to the FLASH JCL parameter.
Copies Enter the number of copies to print.
Pagedef If printing on an IPDS system printer, enter the PAGEDEF JCL parameter.
Formdef If printing on an IPDS system printer, enter the FORMDEF JCL parameter.
Logical Printer Enter the name of the logical printer to be used.
Separator Info
- Member Start Enter the name of the separator to be printed at the beginning of the report.
- End Enter the name of the separator to be printed at the end of the report.
- Copies Enter the number of separator copies to be printed.

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Modifying an Active Bundle

Start of instruction set To modify an active bundle:

  1. On the "Active Bundles" screen, enter the line command MO next to the active bundle you want to modify.

    The "Active Bundle > General Attributes" screen is displayed for the bundle you have selected:

      12:12:13             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-10-11
     User ID XYZ          - Active Bundle>General Attributes -                     
        Name .............. UKSJUPCX                                               
        Run number ........ 32597                                                  
     Created .............. 2008-10-10  14:31                                      
     Coordinator ID ....... UKSJU___                                               
     Print events                                                                  
        Time schedule...... _________________                                      
        Lines exceeded .... 10000____                                              
        Report arrival .... _________________________ _________________________    
                            _________________________ _________________________    
                            _________________________ _________________________    
                            _________________________ _________________________    
                            _________________________ _________________________    
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Print             Menu  
  2. You can modify the data displayed by entering new data in the input fields. The fields are described below.

  3. When you have finished modifying the active bundle, press ENTER to save modifications.

    A message confirms that the bundle has been modified.

  4. If COMMIT is set to OFF, press PF5 (Do) to save your modifications before exiting.

    If you do not, a window is displayed asking you to commit the modifications. To do so, enter "Y".

    A message confirms the modifications.

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF9  Print Modify Printing Attributes


Field Explanation
Bundle Name Bundle name.
Run number (cannot be modified) Internal sequence number.
Created (cannot be modified) Date and time when first active report arrived for this bundle.
Coordinator ID Enter the user ID of the person who is responsible for this bundle. If you make no entry here, your user ID is automatically written to this field. (The coordinator's name, address and telephone number can be printed at the top of the front page of the bundle separator, if so desired.) For more information, see the section Selecting a Bundle Coordinator .
Printer events
Time schedule The print time is computed at an open time based on the defined time schedule. If 00-01-02 00:00 appears here, it means that no time trigger is in effect.
Lines exceeded When the report that causes this line number to be exceeded has been written to the bundle, the bundle is closed and scheduled for printing.
Report arrival Enter up to 10 report names here. The bundle is printed when all these reports arrive. See the section Selecting Reports to Trigger Printing.

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Printing Attributes of Active Bundles

Start of instruction set To modify printing attributes of an active bundle:

  1. Press PF9 on the "Active Bundle > General Attributes" screen.

    The "Active Bundle > Printing Attributes" screen appears:

      12:14:17             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-10-11
     User ID XYZ          - Active Bundle>Printing Attributes -                    
        Name .............. UKSJUPCX                                               
        Run number ........ 32597                                                  
     Hold before Print .... Y (Y/N)                                                
     Printers ............. UKSJUPRT ________ ________ ________ ________           
     Copies ............... 1__      ___      ___      ___      ___                
     Bundle Separator                      Print Control Exit                      
        Start ............. BS-SJUST          NATURAL Member.... SJUBUPC2          
        End ............... BS-SJUEN          NATURAL Library... NOM211U_          
        Copies ............ 1__                                                    
        //UKSJUBUN JOB CLASS=K,MSGCLASS=X_______________________________________   
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext         Prtr  Menu  

Special PF Keys

Key Name Function
PF11  Prtr Define additional printers .


Field Explanation
- Name Bundle name
- Run number (cannot be modified) Internal sequence number
Hold Before Print Enter "Y" to hold bundle printing until released manually. Enter "N" to print the bundle immediately.
Printers You can enter the names of up to 5 logical printers on which to print the bundle. If printers are specified in the bundle defaults (see Printer fields in the System Administration documentation) they appear here. You can delete or change these. Enter a question mark (?) in one of these fields to open the Printer Selection List, from which you can choose a defined printer. Press PF11 (Prtr) to add more printers on the Additional Printers screen.
Copies Enter the number of times the bundle is to be printed on the respective printers.
Bundle Separator If separator values are specified in the Bundle Processing Defaults (see Separator fields in the System Administration documentation), they appear in the (Start) and (End) fields here. You can change or delete these.
- Start Enter the separator name to be printed at the beginning of the bundle. If this field is omitted, then the standard separator is used.
- End Enter the separator name to be printed at the end of the bundle. If this field is omitted, then the standard separator is used.
- Copies Enter the number of separator pages to be printed for the bundle.
Print Control Exit A printer control exit can be used to decide whether or not a bundle is actually printed after it has been sent to the printouts queue. For example, you may not want to print bundles which only contain one report. A sample exit is supplied in UEXBUNPR in library SYSNOMS.
- Natural Member Enter the name of the user exit.
- Natural Library Enter the name of the library containing the user exit.

Enter the job cards used when bundle printing is performed with batch jobs.

The following substitution variables can be used: §USER, §BUNDLE.

If you leave this field blank, the Jobcards specification for the logical printer is used instead.

Defining Additional Printers

Start of instruction set To define or modify additional printers:

  1. Press PF11 (Prtr) on the "Active Bundles > Printing Attributes" screen.

    The "Active Bundle > Additional Printers" screen appears:

      12:15:34             **** ENTIRE OUTPUT MANAGEMENT ****            2008-10-11
     User ID XYZ          - Active Bundle>Additional Printers -                    
       Name .............. UKSJUPCX                                                
       Run number ........ 32597                                                   
     Printers   (6-10)..... ________ ________ ________ ________ ________           
     Copies     (6-10)..... ___      ___      ___      ___      ___                
     Printers   (11-15).... ________ ________ ________ ________ ________           
     Copies     (11-15).... ___      ___      ___      ___      ___                
     Printers   (16-20).... ________ ________ ________ ________ ________           
     Copies     (16-20).... ___      ___      ___      ___      ___                
     Command => ___________________________________________________________________
          Help        Exit  Flip  Do    Undo              Ext               Menu  

    On this screen, you can define up to 15 additional printers by specifying:

Field Explanation
Printers Specify the names of up to 15 logical printers on which the bundle is to be printed. If you enter a question mark (?) in this field, the printer selection list will appear.
Copies Specify how many copies are to be printed on each printer.

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Displaying Information on Active Bundles

Start of instruction set To display additional information on an active bundle:

  1. On the "Active Bundles" screen, enter the line command IN next to the bundle for which you want to display information.

    A window is displayed, providing the following information on the bundle:

Field Explanation
- Name/RNB The bundle name. RNB is the unique internal identifier of the bundle.
- Description A short description of the active bundle.
Number of
- Reports Number of active reports contained in the bundle.
- Lines Number of lines contained in the bundle.
Date/Time of
- Open The date and time the bundle was opened.
- Close The date and time the bundle was closed.
- Planned Flush When the bundle is opened, the print time is computed based on the defined time schedule. If 00-01-02 00:00 or nothing at all appears here, it means that no time trigger is in effect.
Expiration Date
- Force The day on which the closing and printing of the active bundle is to be forced. This date is computed when the active bundle is opened. It is computed using the Force Flush period defined in the corresponding bundle definition (see field descriptions for Force Flush under Print Events in the section Defining a Bundle ).
- Purge The day on which the active bundle is to be deleted. This data is computed when the active bundle is closed. It is computed using the Retention Period in the corresponding bundle definition (see the field descriptions for Retention Period in the section Defining a Bundle).
- ID ID of the bundle coordinator.
- Name Name of the bundle coordinator.
- Phone Telephone number of the bundle coordinator.

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Archiving an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo mark an active bundle for archiving:

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Closing an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo close an active bundle so that it can accept no additional reports:

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Deleting an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo delete an active bundle:

  1. On the "Active Bundles" screen, enter the line command DE next to the bundle to be deleted.

    If CONFIRM is ON, a window opens asking you to confirm the deletion.

  2. To do so, enter the name of the active bundle in the input field provided.

    A message confirms the deletion.

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Displaying Log Information for an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo display log information for an active bundle:

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Printing an Active Bundle

Start of instruction setTo print an active bundle:

  1. On the "Active Bundles" screen, enter the line command PR next to the active bundle you want to print.

    A printer selection list will be displayed.

  2. Select a printer by entering any character in the input field before the appropriate printer.

    A message confirms that the bundle has been queued for printing.

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Reviving an Active Bundle

This function marks all archived reports in an active bundle to be revived. The reports will be revived the next time the Revive job runs.

Start of instruction setTo revive an active bundle:

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