

The Administration application lets account administrators manage their users, applications, rules and stored files, as well as configure a number of options for the account. You can:

The home screenshot

The "Home" screen provides navigation links to the main parts of the administration application. It also shows subscription information for your account. The subscription information describes how much capacity you have used and what optional applications you are subscribed to. The capacity section shows:

  • API requests: Counted whenever some functionality in Device Integration Platform is invoked, regardless of whether the functionality is invoked from a device (for example, sending a measurement) or from an application (for example, viewing the list of devices).
  • Device API requests: Counted only when the API is called from a device (for example, sending a measurement)
  • Storage: The total amount of data stored in your account. This amount can be influenced by retention policies and by the amount and size of stored files.
  • Storage quota: if the storage limit per device is set, the user is restricted to a maximum data usage.
  • Devices: The total number of devices connected to your account. This is the sum of the devices listed in the "All devices" menu of the Device Management application and their direct and indirect child devices.
  • Users: The sum of all users configured in this account, active and inactive.

"This month" shows the usage information from the start of the current month. "Last month" shows the last full month.


Managing users

In order to manage users in your tenant, click on the "Users" menu. New accounts will usually contain two users: The initial administrator user and the "sysadmin" user. The initial administrator user was configured when your account was created. This user cannot be removed, only edited. The "sysadmin" user is a user that the Device Integration Platform support uses to guide you through your trial phase.

Note that the sysadmin user may not be present depending on your provider.

Click Users

Adding users

To add additional users, click on "Add user".

  • Enter the username that the user will use for logging in to your account.
  • Choose if the user will be active. If this switch is set to "disabled", the user will not be able to log in.
  • Enter first and last name of the user. This is purely for information and will be shown on the top right next to the user symbol when the user logs in.
  • Enter the email address of the user. Note that you need to provide a valid, unique email address here to enable users to reset their password.
  • Enter the telephone number. Again, this is purely informational.
  • If you choose to check "Password reset", the user will have to choose a new password after the next login.
  • Enter a password and confirm the password. (See "Logging in" for more information on password strength.)
  • Add users to relevant user groups.
  • Assign device and application permissions.
  • Finally, click the "Save" button.

Add User

Fields without an asterisk ("*", e.g., "First name", "Last name") are not mandatory.

Editing users

To edit an existing user, just click on the user in the list. All user details other than the username can be modified. To change the password, click on "Change password". Click "Save" after you have finished editing.

Deactivating or deleting users

Hovering over a user reveals the deactivate and delete buttons on the right side. The "Deactivate" button simply disables the user. The user continues to exist, but will not be able to log in. The delete button ("X") permanently deletes the user.

Delete User

Managing user groups

To simplify user management, users with the same permissions can be placed into user groups representing typical permission sets. A single user can be part of multiple user groups. New accounts will usually contain four user groups by default. These user groups have common useful permission settings:

  • admins: A group with all permissions set.
  • business: Users in this group can work with all devices and their data, but cannot administer the account.
  • readers: User in this group can read all data but cannot make any changes (including sending commands to devices, for example).
  • devices: A group with typical minimal default permissions for devices.

All groups can be modified and deleted.

User groups

Adding user groups

To add a user group:

  • Click on "Create user group".
  • Enter the name of the user group.
  • Edit the permissions.
  • Click on the "Save" button.

Editing groups

All user group details can be edited. To edit a group, click on the name of the group in the group list. After you have finished modifying the group, click on the "Save" button. Editing a user group may change the permission for all users in the group and may affect the correct functioning of devices. Hence, you have to confirm your changes as shown in the screenshot below.

Confirm group editing

Removing groups

To remove a group, simply hover over the group name and click on the "X" button. A confirmation dialog will appear. Click "OK" and the group will be deleted.

Remove Group

Managing permissions

Device Integration Platform distinguishes three types of permissions that you can assign to users and user groups:

  • Account-wide permissions ("roles"): These are flags that enable a user to unconditionally read or modify certain types of data in your account, such as seeing all devices and being able to edit all devices.
  • Device- or device group-specific permissions: These permissions define on a granular level access to data in your account, such as being able to work with alarms of a particular group of devices.
  • Application access permissions: These define the applications that the user will see in their application switcher.

The total set of permissions that a user has is calculated using the following rules:

  • A user has the sum of the permissions that are granted to all groups that the user is part of.
  • If a user has account-wide permissions, corresponding more specific permissions are ignored. For example, if a user has the permission to see all applications, you cannot edit application access permissions until you remove the permission to see all applications. Likewise, if a user has full access to the complete inventory, any inventory-related permissions are ignored.
  • Device-/group-specific permissions are inherited to all direct and indirect child devices and child assets. For example, if you assign "read" permission to a group of devices, the user will be automatically able to see all devices in the group.

Assigning account-wide permissions

When you edit a group, a table with "roles" is listed below the group name. These represent permission on the following types of data:

  • Tenant statistics: View the usage data for this account, as shown on the home page of the administration application.
  • Option management: View or edit account options such as password policies.
  • Application management: View or edit the applications available in this account.
  • User management: View or edit users, user groups and permissions.
  • Own user management: View or edit your own user.
  • Identity: View or edit identifiers for devices.
  • Inventory: View or edit inventory data.
  • Measurements: View or create measurements for devices.
  • Events: View or create events for devices.
  • Alarms: View or edit alarms for devices.
  • Audits: View or create audit records for devices.
  • Device control: View or edit commands for devices resp. send commands to devices.
  • Retention rules: View or edit retention rules.
  • Bulk operations: View or create bulk operations.
  • Support operations: Allows user to log in to other tenants as support user.

For the various types, the following permissions are available:

  • Read: Read the particular type of data.
  • Admin: Create, modify and delete the particular type of data. (Not including "Read"!)

Note that not all types of data can be modified (e.g., audit records). For inventory data, there is one additional type of permission: "Create". The "Create" permission enables the user to create devices in the inventory and to fully manage these devices owned by the user. However, the user cannot read or manage devices owned by other users. This is mainly used to limit the permissions available to devices.

To assign permissions click on the relevant checkbox. If you wish to select or clear ALL entries in a particular column, use the buttons at the top:

  • Clear all: Clears all of the checked roles.
  • Select all: Selects all of the roles.
  • Select all Read: Selects "Read" for all types and deselects the other roles.
  • Select all Admin: Selects "Admin" for all types and deselects the rest.

All roles

Using Support Permission


Support users are users in management tenant that have special permissions to login to normal tenants. To allow login into normal tenants, support user account must have support access rights. When support user logs in to tenant, he has the same privileges as the subtenant user. The user from subtenant is specified on login page.

Support users can login using own password and username in form


Where "support_user" is name of support user in management tenant and "user" is name of user which context will be used



Where "support_user" is name of user in management tenant. In this case support user will use context of one of admin users.


Support user functionality is enabled by default. If it is disabled by platform operator then any user has "Activate support access" option available in upper right menu. After selecting this option, support user has access to tenant for one day.

Audit logs

Audit logs for all action performed by support user will have information about actual author. In column "Who?" will be author's name in form "support_user$user".

Tenant-specific permissions

It is sometimes required to assign support access rights to specific tenants only. It can be done by device-specific permissions for the user and tenant managed object with scope "SUPPORT", type "*" and permission "*".

Bellow screen shows how to grant access to tenant "myTenant".

Support permission

Tenant managed object can be found by type "c8y_Tenant" or name equals to tenant id.

Tenant management objects

Tenant management objects are devices in tenant "management" representing existing tenants. Once new tenant is created, new tenant management object is also created in tenant "management" with type "c8y_Tenant" and name equals to tenant id. This object contains also fragment "customProperties" with "externalReference" and other custom properties of associated tenant.

Warning: if tenant management object is accidentally deleted, it may be recreated by updating any property of associated tenant, however tenant-specific permissions related to the tenant will be lost.

Assigning device-specific permissions

To assign more granular permissions on device level or device group level, visit the "User permissions" section while editing users, or "Group permissions" section while editing user groups.

  • Select a managed object (device or group of devices) by typing the ID or the name of the managed object.
  • Select the scope of this permission for the selected managed object. The scope limits the permission to particular types of data for this managed object. Use an asterisk ("*") to grant permission to all types of data of the managed object.
  • Limit the permission to particular content in the data ("type"). For example, to limit a user to only send restart commands to a device, use "OPERATION" as scope and "c8y_Restart" as type. Again, use an asterisk ("*") as wildcard for any content.
  • Select the permission to grant: Use "Read" to read the data. Use "Admin" to create, modify and delete the data. Use an asterisk ("*") to assign both read and admin permission.
  • Click on the "Add" button.
  • Click on the "Save" button.

User Permissions

As mentioned above, permissions for groups of devices are inherited to the child devices and child assets of the group.

Assigning application access permissions

To assign applications to particular users and user groups, visit the "Application access" section of that user or user group. Note that the application access section is not visible, if the user or user group already has access to all applications. The section shows marketplace applications and own applications. Marketplace applications are generally available applications that your account is subscribed to. Own applications are applications that you added to your account, see below. Check all applications that should be made available to the user or user group.

Application access

Managing applications

Besides the readily available marketplace applications, you can also provide own applications in your account by visiting the "Own applications" menu. These applications can be "Smartapps" or generic HTML5 applications.

Smartapps are modular applications built on top of the Device Integration Platform user interface framework, just like the standard Device Management, Cockpit and Administration applications. Smartapps are assembled from a set of so-called "plugins". Plugins provide new functionality in the user interface. Even without programming, you can create variations of the pre-provided applications by simply assembling their plugins in different ways and, for example, hiding unneeded plugins. For more information, see the Concepts guide.

When an application has been created, you can clone, open and delete it by hovering your mouse over the application. The "Clone" function duplicates the application, while the "Open" button simply opens the application. After the "Clone" button is pressed a pop-up window will appear in which a unique application name and application path need to be entered.

Own Applications

Adding a smartapp

To add smartapp:

  • Click on "Create smartapp".
  • Enter the name of the application. The name will be shown as title on the top left of the application. It will also be shown in the application switcher.
  • Enter the application path. This path will be part of the URL to invoke the application. For example, if you use "hello" as application path, the URL of the application will be "/apps/hello".
  • Click the "Create" button.

Create Smartapp

Adding an HTML5 application

To add an HTML5 application:

  • Click on "Create application", located to the right of "Create smartapp"
  • Enter the name of the application, as shown in the application switcher.
  • Enter an application key. The application key is used to identify requests from this application and to make it available for subscription, see the Concepts guide.
  • Choose the type of the application

Create app

Depending on the selected type, different further options will appear.

Working with hosted applications

"Hosted applications" are HTML5 applications hosted through Device Integration Platform servers. These applications are packaged as ZIP archives having an "index.html" file in the root folder of the archive. To complete the configuration:

  • Enter the application path. This path will be part of the URL to invoke the application. For example, if you use "hello" as application path, the URL of the application will be "/apps/hello".
  • Select the archive file that contains the application and upload it.
  • Click "Save".

Working with repository applications

"Repository applications" are HTML5 applications hosted through an external repository. Such a repository can be, for example, a version control system such as Bitbucket or Github. To complete the configuration:

  • Enter the application path. This path will be part of the URL to invoke the application. For example, if you use "hello" as application path, the URL of the application will be "/apps/hello".
  • Enter the server URL where your application is hosted. At this URL, there needs to be an index.html file that provides the entry point to your application.
  • Enter a username to access your repository (optional).
  • Enter a password to access your repository (optional).
  • Click "Save".

Username and password are transmitted using HTTP Basic Authentication.

Working with external applications

"External applications" are simply links to applications running elsewhere. Provide the URL of that application and click "Save" to make the link available in the application switcher.

Editing applications

To edit an application, simply click on its name. Depending on the type of the application (e.g. Hosted, External), different fields can be modified.

Note that "ID", "Application key" and "Path" cannot be changed once configured.

Subscribing to plugins

To configure the functionality provided through a smartapps, select the "Plugins" tab. To subscribe to "Plugins":

  • Select application by clicking on its name.
  • Click on "Plugins".
  • Locate the desired plugin by scrolling through the list of available plugins. You can reduce the list by selecting a plugin category from the drop-down menu, or by starting to type the plugin's name. Clicking on the plugin name unfolds a description of the plugin.
  • Hover over the desired plugin and click the "Subscribe" button.
  • Click on the "Save changes" button


After subscribing to plugins, they will be displayed under the "Subscribed plugins" list. To unsubscribe a plugin:

  • Hover over the subscribed plugin.
  • Click "Unsubscribe".
  • Click "Save changes".

Unsubscribe plugin

Uploading archives

You can upload different versions of a hosted application at the same time and switch between these versions. To upload an archive:

  • Select the application by clicking on its name.
  • Click on the "Archives" tab.
  • Click on "Upload archive" and navigate to the archive in your folder.
  • Click on "Upload" to upload the archive to Device Integration Platform.

Upload archive

Once uploaded, archives can be downloaded, activated or removed if necessary. The active archive (indicated by a cloud icon) is the version of the application that is currently being served to the users of your account. This version cannot be deleted.

Removing applications

To remove an application, simply hover over the application name and click the "X" button. A confirmation pop-up window will appear. Click "OK" and the application will be deleted.

Remove application

Dealing with simulators

Device Integration Platform provides a simple capability to simulate devices. This way, users can test their applications against simulated devices during development. To view the simulator section, click on "Simulator" in the "Applications" menu.

Adding a simulator

To add new simulator, click on "Add simulator"

  • Enter the simulator name. The name will be used in the simulated devices.
  • Select the number of simulated instances. For example, if you choose two instances, two sets of simulated devices with the selected sensors are created.
  • Select the desired sensors. This will reveal two new fields: "Values" and "Interval". "Values" contains a playlist of numbers separated by semicolons, which will be played in "Interval" seconds. For example, if you use "16.7;18;20" as "Values" and 5 seconds as interval, the first simulated sensor reading will be 16.7. After five seconds, a second value of 18 will be recorded. After another five seconds, 20 will be recorded. After further five seconds, the procedure will start from the first value.
  • Click "Save"

Please note that the maximum number of simulators is 10.

Add simulator

Starting, pausing or removing simulators

Simulators can have two states, running and paused. To start a simulator first hover over its name, then click on the "Run device" button.

Start simulator

To stop a simulator, simply press the "Stop device" button while hovering over the desired simulator name. To delete a simulator, hover over the simulator's name, press the "X" button and confirm the pop-up window.

Note that simulators cannot be edited currently. Instead, you will have to add a new one.

Managing tenants

With subtenants you can 100% separate data from one customer to another customer.

Background: As tenant administrator, all the data in your tenant is 100% isolated from the data in all other tenants. However, the data inside your tenant is by default shared with all users that have an account, unless restricted via user permissions. In addition, data like user accounts and analytic rules are shared by all users.

If you want 100% data isolation instead of dealing with user permissions, then use the subtenants. Each subtenant has a fully isolated data area. All Device Integration Platform features (e.g. user management, app management, rule management) are available for each subtenant without visibility to other subtenants.

This feature is an optional feature which is not available for all tenants.

In case you are subscribed to the feature, but you do not see it, contact support.

In order to manage subtenants click on the subtenants menu. Subtenant management includes: Tenant creation, activation, suspension, subscribed applications and options.


Note that tenant ID's remain unique, so no two tenants can create subtenants with the same "URL/ID". Also note that subtenants cannot create an additional level of subtenants.

Adding sub-tenants

To add a new subtenant, click on "Create Tenant"

Please note that fields with an asterisk (" * ") are mandatory.

  • Enter unique domain/url of the new tenant. This url will be used to access the application (e.g.
  • Enter the name of the company.
  • Enter the administrator's email. Note that you need to provide a valid email address here to enable users to reset their password.
  • Enter username of the administrator which will be used when logging in.
  • Enter contact name. This field is optional.
  • Enter contact phone. Again, this field is optional.
  • Choose whether you wish to have the password reset link sent as an e-mail. If you have not selected this option you will have to enter a password and confirm the password. (See "Logging in" for more information on password strength.)
  • Press the "Save" button.


Editing, suspending and removing sub-tenants

In order to edit subtenants, click on the desired subtenant. All the fields can be edited except "ID" and "Administrators Username".

When you have finished editing, click on the "Save" button.

Note that when a tenant is suspended, his data still remains in the database and he can be reactivated at any later date. On the other hand when the tenant has been removed its data will be deleted.

Hovering over a tenant will reveal the "Suspend" and the "Remove" buttons. The "Remove" button is shown as a red cross. To suspend or remove a tenant, click on the respective button.

Retrieving usage statistics

Usage statistics menu provides you with information about each subtenant. The statistics show:

  • Id: Unique id of the subtenant.
  • External reference: This field is for free usage, for example, you can add a link to the CRM system here or an internal customer number.
  • API requests: Number of API requests, including requests from devices and applications.
  • Device API requests: Number of API requests from devices
  • Storage (MB): The amount of data stored in your account.
  • Devices: Total number of devices connected to the tenant.
  • Subscribed application: This column shows number of applications that the subtenant is subscribed to.
  • Creation time: The date and time of the creation of the subtenant.

Usage statistics

Managing event processing

Using event processing, you can specify real-time business logic that is automatically run by Device Integration Platform as soon as new data arrives or existing data is modified. The logic is deployed in so-called "modules". Click on "Event processing" to see the current modules or to create new modules.

Event processing

A user-friendly way to specify real-time business logic is provided in the Cockpit application through the so-called "Smart Rules".

Creating new modules

To create a new module, click on "New module".

  • Enter a name for the module. You can only use alphanumeric characters without blanks.
  • If you want to run the statements in the module immediately, leave the status set to "Deployed". Otherwise, set the status to "Not deployed".
  • Start typing your CEL statements into the large text field labeled "Body". To get some inspiration, select an example from the "Examples" drop-down menu and click "Append example". The example CEL statement will be pasted into the "Body" text field at the position of the cursor.
  • Click the "Save" button.

New module

If you selected the "Deployed" status, you will see a small green "Connected" box in the user interface. Whenever your statements produce some output, you will see it below this "Connected" box. Clicking on a line of output unfolds the detailed output of the statement. Clicking "Clear all" removes the output from the screen.

Managing modules

To modify your module, simply click on the module's name. To remove your module, hover over the module's name and click the "X" button. A confirmation window will pop up. Press "OK" and the module will be removed.

Remove modules

Note that instead of deleting the module, you can also disable it temporarily by setting the "Status" in the edit menu to "Not deployed". Do not forget to click on the "Save" button.

Reprioritizing alarms

"Alarm mapping" lets you change the severity and text of alarms to adapt them to your business priorities. For example, a loss of the connection to a device may be critical to you, but it is, by default, a "MAJOR" alarm. To change this, add an alarm mapping to change alarms related to connection losses to "CRITICAL".

Alarm mapping

Adding an alarm mapping

To modify the severity of an alarm, determine the type of the alarm that you want to modify by clicking on an alarm in the alarm list. Then click "Add alarm mapping" in the "Alarm mapping" menu.

  • Enter the alarm type to modify.
  • Select desired new severity, or select "Drop" to not show the alarm at all.
  • Enter a new text for the alarm. This step is optional. If you do not enter any text, the original text in the alarm will be preserved.
  • Click "Save".

Changing or deleting alarm mappings

To change an alarm mapping,

  • Locate the alarm in the "Alarm mapping" section and click on its name.
  • Change the severity and/or text.
  • Click "Save".

To delete alarm severities, hover over the alarm type and click the "X" button. A confirmation window will pop up. Press "OK" to delete the alarm mapping.

Changing settings

By expanding the "Settings" menu, administrators can:

Changing the password policy

To change password settings, click on "Password". To limit the validity of user passwords, set the number of days after which users have to change their passwords. If you do not want to force your users to change passwords, use "0" for unlimited validity of passwords.

By default, users can use any password that consists of eight characters or longer. If you select "Enforce that all password are "strong" (green)", your users must provide strong passwords as described in "Logging in".

By default, system restricts users to not use password used in history, in other words last N passwords provided by user are remembered by system and system restricts user to not use them. The N is configurable and default value for N is 10.

Click "Save" to store the settings.

Password settings

Changing the default application

Via the "Application" menu, administrators can change the default application reached by all users in the tenant when no application was defined in the URL. Please make sure however to use an application that all user have access to.

Changing access control settings

Via the "Application" menu, administrators can enable cross-origin resource sharing or "CORS" on the Device Integration Platform API. For more information, see

Enabling server-side agents

In the "Server-side agents" menu, the "Send dashboard via e-mail" smart rule can be enabled or disabled. To enable, select the checkbox and click "Save".

Enter OpenIT credentials

SMS sending is used by several features within the application. it can be used to make login more secure with two-factors authentication. An SMS can be sent when an alarm is triggered. SMSes can be used to send instructions to devices. The service provided by Openit can be used to this effect. In this section, the user can enter its credentials to activate the features that require SMS sending.

Managing data retention

"Retention rules" let you control how long data will be stored in your account. For example, you may want to store measurements for 90 days, but delete alarms already after 10 days. By default, all historical data is deleted after 60 days.

Retention rules are usually run during the night. When you edit a retention rule, you will not see an immediate effect, for example, in the usage section on the home page of the administration application.

Add rule

To add additional "Retention rules", click on "Add rule". Up to the "Maximum age" field, you can enter an asterisk ("*") into all fields to permit any value in that field.

  • Select the type of data to clean up (alarms, measurements, events, operations, audit logs).
  • Enter a fragment type or type, if you want to be more specific about the data to be cleaned up. For example, to clean up all connection loss alarms with this rule, select "alarms" and enter "c8y_UnavailabilityAlarm" into "type".
  • If you want to remove only data from a specific device, enter the device ID into "Source".
  • Enter the "Maximum age" in days (max. allowed value is 10 years in days).
  • Click the "Save" button.

Add retention rule

Note that alarms are only removed if they are in "CLEARED" state.

To delete a rule, click on the "X" button and then press "OK" after the pop-up window appears.

Managing storage quota warning e-mail

This section is only visible if a storage quota was set for the tenant. The tenant administrators can set a user group and threshold for an e-mail to be sent once a day if the storage used is higher than a percentage of the storage quota. The e-mail warning can also be disabled. The default setup is sending an e-mail to the "admins" group when the storage reaches 80% of maximum storage.

Managing files

The file repository provides an overview of the files stored in your account. To see the files, click on "Files repository" in the administration menu. Note that the files listed here may come from various sources. For example, they may be software images, configuration snapshots taken from devices, log files from devices or web applications uploaded using the "Own applications" menu. To delete a file, click the "X" button next to the file.

Files repository

If the file corresponds to an active application, it cannot be deleted from here. You first need to remove or upgrade the application to be able to delete it.

Storage quota

The storage quota is in place for a tenant when a storage quota per device is set by the platform administrator. The total storage available to the user is calculated using the formula storage quota per device x number of devices. A check is performed every night to ensure the quota is not exceeded.

In case the quota is exceeded, an e-mail is sent to all the tenant administrators to warn them that data will be deleted the following night. After 24h, if the quota is still exceeded, all the data retention limits are reduced by a fixed percentage. This percentage is determined to be the minimum that allows the stored data to be under the quota.

For example, let us assume that a tenant has a storage quota of 10GB. Retention rules are 80 days for measurements, 90 days for all other data.

  • Day 1: In the nightly check, the total storage is calculated at 13GB. An e-mail is sent to all the tenant administrators.
  • Day 2: the total storage is still at 13GB. The system determines that a 15% reduction of the retention rules is sufficient to be under the storage quota. So any measurement older than 68 days (80 days - 15%) and any other data older that 77 days (90 days - 15% results in 76.5 days, rounded to 77 days) is deleted. The total storage is now at 9.8GB.