
The identity interface associates identifiers used in external IT systems and devices with unique identifiers used in Device Integration Platform. It consists of three parts:

  • The identity API resource returns URIs and URI templates for associating external identifiers with unique identifiers.
  • The external ID collection resource contains the set of external IDs for a unique ID.
  • The external ID resource represents an individual external ID that can be queried and deleted.

Note that for all PUT/POST requests accept header should be provided, otherwise an empty response body will be returned.

Identity API

Identity [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description
self URL 1 Link to this resource.
externalId ExternalID URI template 1 Single external ID, represented by type of the external ID and the value of the external ID, both as strings (placeholders {type} and {value}).
externalIdsOfGlobalId ExternalIDCollection URI template 1 Represents a collection of external ids for a specified global id (placeholder {globalId}).

GET the Identity API resource

Response body: identityApi


Example request:

GET /identity
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "self" : "<<Identity API URL>>",
  "externalId" : "<<ExternalId URL>>/{type}/{externaId}",
  "externalIdsOfGlobalId" : "<<GlobalIdCollection URL>>/{globalId}/externalIds"

External ID collection

ExternalIDCollection [application/]

As returned by "externalIdsOfGlobalId".

Name Type Occurs Description
self URI 1 Link to this resource.
externalIds ExternalId 0..n List of external IDs, see below.
prev URI 0..1 Link to a potential previous page of external IDs.
next URI 0..1 Link to a potential next page of external IDs.

External IDs contained in the collection contain the properties "self", "externalId", "type" and reference to the managed object.

GET an ExternalIdCollection

Response body: ExternalIdCollection


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "self" : "<<ExternalIdCollection URL>>",
  "externalIds" :[
      "self" : "<<ExternalId URL>>",
      "externalId" : "42",
      "type" : "theregate",
      "managedObject" : {        "id" : "24",
        "self" : "<<URL to the Managed Object>>"

POST / Create an External ID

Request body: ExternalId

Response body: ExternalId


Example Request:

POST /identity/globalIds/<<deviceId>>/externalIds
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Accept: application/;ver=...
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...

  "externalId" : "42",
  "type" : "theregate"

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
Location: <<URL of new ExternalId mapping>>

  "self" : "<<URL of new ExternalId mapping>>",
  "externalId" : "42",
  "type" : "theregate",
  "managedObject" : {
    "id" : "24",
    "self" : "<<URL to the Managed Object>>"

Note that the managed object has to be created first, then the mapping can be registered.

External ID

External ID [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description PUT/POST
externalId String 1 The identifier used in the external system that Device Integration Platform interfaces with. Mandatory
self URI 1 Link to this resource. No
type String 1 The type of the external identifier as string, e.g., "com_cumulocity_model_idtype_SerialNumber". Mandatory
managedObject ManagedObject 1 The ManagedObject linked to the external ID. Mandatory

GET an ExternalID

Response body: ExternalId


Example request:

GET /identity/externalIds/<<externalIdType>>/<<externalId>>
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Accept: application/;ver=...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...

  "externalId" : "42",
  "self" : "<<URL to this ExternalID mapping>>",
  "type" : "com_cumulocity_model_idtype_SerialNumber",
  "managedObject" : {
    "id" : "24",
    "self" : "<<URL to the Managed Object>>"

DELETE an ExternalID

Request Body: N/A.

Response Message Body: N/A.


Example Request: Delete an External ID

DELETE /identity/externalIds/<<externalIdType>>/<<externalId>>
 Host: [hostname]
 Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Example Response: