

Meitrack Group provides GPS-based vehicle, asset and personal trackers that can be connected to Device Integration Platform to centrally record coordinates and tracking information. After connecting the devices, you can create additional business logic in Device Integration Platform by using, for example, geofence or threshold Smart Rules.

The following data is currently recorded:

  • Location, including direction, accuracy, satellites used in calculation and GPS timestamp.
  • Mobile network signal strength.
  • Speed and distance.
  • Battery level.

The Meitrack protocol support was tested with MT90 devices. It may not apply to all Meitrack models. In particular, the battery level calculation will be only correct for devices with compatible hardware. See the Meitrack protocol documentation for more information.

Configuring Meitrack devices for Device Integration Platform

To connect a Meitrack device to Device Integration Platform, you need to configure it to send data to the Device Integration Platform servers. Use the Meitrack manager to set

  • The GPRS protocol to "TCP".
  • The IP/Domain to
  • The Port to 9091.

Registering Meitrack devices with Device Integration Platform

To connect the device to your Device Integration Platform account:

  • Open Device Integration Platform in a web browser and navigate to the "Registration" page.
  • Locate the IMEI number on the device (below the battery for the MT90).
  • Type the IMEI into the "Device ID" field and click "Register Device". The IMEI will be listed with status "Waiting for connection".
  • Switch the device on and wait until the device connects to both the mobile network and GPS.
  • When the device sends the first report, an "Accept" button will be visible next to the IMEI. Click the "Accept" button.
  • The device will now transmit data according to the device configuration that you set.

Troubleshooting tracking devices

Here are some general hints if your tracking device does not connect to Device Integration Platform or shows incorrect data:

  • Devices can only registered after they start sending data to Device Integration Platform.
  • Devices may send the location of the last GPS fix if there is no GPS reception.
  • The "Location" and "Tracking" tabs appear only in the user interface when the first GPS coordinate has been received.
  • The LED indicators on the MT90 are off when it connected successfully.

Getting additional functionality

If you need support for particular features of the tracker models, contact us.