


CloudGate is Option’s M2M Gateway. It provides competitively priced LAN to WWAN routing and GPS functionality in a single basic unit certified by all major US cellular operators (CDMA/EvDO and WCDMA/HSPA+). CloudGate is simple to configure locally or remotely from your PC, tablet or smartphone.



  • Get the plugin zip archive from Option.
  • Login to the CloudGate web interface. The default username and password are both admin.


  • Go to the "Provisioning" tab and in the left menu choose "Upload Option provisioning file".
  • Click on the "Choose File" button and navigate to the zip archive provided by option.
  • Click upload and wait for the file to be sent.
  • After the device reboots you should be able to see the "Device Integration Platform Modbus Demo" plugin in the "Plugins" tab.


To configure the plugin login to the CloudGate web interface. And find the plugin configuration page in the "Plugins" tab.


  • URL: Your tenant's URL.
  • Tenant: Your tenant's name.
  • Username: The username used by the device to connect to your tenant.
  • Password: The respective password.
  • Serial: The serial number of your CloudGate device
  • Measurement interval: The interval in seconds between measurements.
  • Operation polling time: The interval in seconds between operation polling.