
The measurements interface consists of three parts:

  • The measurement API resource returns URIs and URI templates to collections of measurements, so that measurements can be queried according to various filter criteria.
  • The measurement collection resource retrieves measurements and enables creating new measurements.
  • The measurement resource represents individual measurements that can be queried and deleted.

Note that for all PUT/POST requests accept header should be provided, otherwise an empty response body will be returned.

Measurement API

MeasurementAPI [application/

Name Type Occurs Description
self URL 1 Link to this resource.
measurements Measurement Collection 1 Collection of all measurements.
measurementsForSource MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements coming from a particular source object (placeholder {source}).
measurementsForDate MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements from a particular period (placeholder {dateFrom} and {dateTo}).
measurementsForFragmentType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular fragment type (placeholder {fragmentType}).
measurementsForType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular type (placeholder {type}).
measurements ForSourceAndDate MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements from a particular period and from a particular source object (placeholder {dateFrom}, {dateTo} and {source}).
measurements ForSourceAndFragmentType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular fragment type and coming from a particular source object (placeholder {fragmentType} and {source}).
measurements ForSourceAndType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular type and coming from a particular source object (placeholder {type} and {source}).
measurements ForDateAndFragmentType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular fragment type and being from a particular period (placeholder {fragmentType}, {dateFrom} and {dateTo}).
measurements ForDateAndType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular type and being from a particular period (placeholder {type}, {dateFrom} and {dateTo}).
measurements ForFragmentTypeAndType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular type and a particular fragment type(placeholder {type} and {fragmentType}).
measurements ForSourceAndDateAndFragmentType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular fragment type and being from a particular period and source object (placeholder {fragmentType}, {dateFrom}, {dateTo} and {source}).
measurements ForSourceAndDateAndType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular type and being from a particular period and source object (placeholder {type}, {dateFrom}, {dateTo} and {source}).
measurements ForSourceAndFragmentTypeAndType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular fragment type and a particular type and source object (placeholder {fragmentType}, {type} and {source}).
measurements ForDateAndFragmentTypeAndType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular fragment type and being from a particular period and type object (placeholder {fragmentType}, {dateFrom}, {dateTo} and {type}).
measurementsForSource AndDateAndFragmentTypeAndType MeasurementCollection URI template 1 Read-only collection of all measurements containing a particular fragment type and type object and being from a particular period and source object (placeholder {fragmentType}, {dateFrom}, {dateTo}, {type} and {source}).

GET the Measurement API resource

Response body: application/ Require role: ROLE_MEASUREMENT_READ

Example request:

GET /measurement
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "self" : "<<Measurement API URL>>",
  "measurements" : { "self" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>" },
  "measurementsForSource" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?source={source}",
  "measurementsForDate" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?dateFrom={dateFrom}&dateTo={dateTo}",
  "measurementsForFragmentType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?fragmentType={fragmentType}",
  "measurementsForType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?type={type}",
  "measurementsForSourceAndDate" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?source={source}&dateFrom={dateFrom}&dateTo={dateTo}",
  "measurementsForSourceAndFragmentType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?source={source}&fragmentType={fragmentType}",
  "measurementsForSourceAndType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?source={source}&type={type}",
  "measurementsForDateAndFragmentType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?dateFrom={dateFrom}&dateTo={dateTo}&fragmentType={fragmentType}",
  "measurementsForDateAndType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?dateFrom={dateFrom}&dateTo={dateTo}&type={type}",
  "measurementsForFragmentTypeAndType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?fragmentType={fragmentType}&type={type}",
  "measurementsForSourceAndDateAndFragmentType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?source={source}&dateFrom={dateFrom}&dateTo={dateTo}&fragmentType={fragmentType}",
  "measurementsForSourceAndDateAndType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?source={source}&dateFrom={dateFrom}&dateTo={dateTo}&type={type}",
  "measurementsForSourceAndFragmentTypeAndType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?source={source}&fragmentType={fragmentType}&type={type}",
  "measurementsForDateAndFragmentTypeAndType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?dateFrom={dateFrom}&dateTo={dateTo}&fragmentType={fragmentType}&type={type}",
  "measurementsForSourceAndDateAndFragmentTypeAndType" : "<<MeasurementCollection URL>>?source={source}&dateFrom={dateFrom}&dateTo={dateTo}&fragmentType={fragmentType}&type={type}"

Measurement collection

MeasurementCollection [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description
self URL 1 Link to this resource.
measurements Measurement 0..n List of measurements, see below.
statistics PagingStatistics 1 Information about paging statistics.
prev URI 0..1 Link to a potential previous page of measurements.
next URI 0..1 Link to a potential next page of measurements.

GET a collection of measurements

Response body: MeasurementCollection


Example request: Retrieve energy readings.

 GET /measurement/measurements
 Host: ...
 Authorization: Basic ...
 Accept: application/;ver=...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...

      "id" : "42",
      "self" : "...",
      "time" : "2011-09-06T12:03:27.845Z",
      "type" : "KamstrupA220Reading",
      "source" : { "id": "12345", "self": "..." },
      "com_cumulocity_model_energy_measurement_SinglePhaseElectricityMeasurement": {
        "A+:1": { "value": 123, "unit": "kWh" },
        "A-:1": { "value": 2, "unit": "kWh" }
      "com_cumulocity_model_energy_measurement_ThreePhaseElectricityMeasurement": {
        "A+:1": { "value": 123, "unit": "kWh" },
        "A+:2": { "value": 123, "unit": "kWh" },
        "A+:3": { "value": 123, "unit": "kWh" }
      "id" : "43",
      "self" : "...",
      "time" : "2011-09-19T12:03:27.845Z",
      "type" : "KamstrupA220Reading",
      "source" : { "id": "12345", "self": "..." },
      "com_cumulocity_model_energy_measurement_SinglePhaseElectricityMeasurement": {
        "A+:1": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
        "A-:1": { "value": 2, "unit": "kWh" }
      "com_cumulocity_model_energy_measurement_ThreePhaseElectricityMeasurement": {
        "A+:1": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
        "A+:2": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
        "A+:3": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" }
  "statistics" : {
    "totalPages" : 2,
    "pageSize" : 5,
    "currentPage : 1

In case of executing range queries on measurements API, like query by dateFrom and dateTo, measurements are returned in order from the last to the latest. It is possible to change the order by adding query parameter "revert=true" to the request URL. In many use cases it is needed to get the latest measurement sent from the device. This can be accomplished by passing "revert" param together with "dateFrom" and "dateTo" params to sort the outcome by date, e.g. pass dateFrom from a year ago, and dateTo from the feature.

GET series from measurements

This endpoint returns all series (any fragment that contains a value is a serie) found in measurements in simplified form. Mandatory params are: dateFrom, dateTo and source. No paging is used here. It is possible to fetch aggregated results by passing additional param: aggregationType (DAILY, HOURLY, MINUTELY). If no aggregation param is specified, the result contains no more than 5000 values. Important: for the aggregation to be done correctly the mechanism expects a device to always use the same time zone when it sends dates.


Example request: retrieve all series.

 GET /measurement/measurements/series...
 Authorization: Basic ...
 Accept: application/json

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: ...

 values: {
     2014-12-04T17:33:01.538+01:00: [
          min: 13.37,
          max: 13.37
          min: 11.37,
          max: 11.37
     2014-12-04T17:34:01.774+01:00: [
          min: 10.2,
          max: 10.2
          min: 11.37,
          max: 11.37
 series: [
          unit: "m/s2",
          name: "acceleration",
          type: "c8y_AccelerationMeasurement"
          unit: "m/s",
          name: "velocity",
          type: "c8y_SpeedMeasurement"
 truncated: false

Each value in values object is a date taken from a measurement and inside that date there is a list of min and max pairs. Each pair corresponds to single serie definition in series object. If there is no aggregation used, min = max in every pair.

"Truncated" flag tells whether there was more than 5000 values and if the final result was truncated.

POST - create a new measurement

Request body: Measurement

Response body: Measurement

Required role: ROLE_MEASUREMENT_ADMIN or owner of source object

Example Request:

POST /measurement/measurements
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/;ver=...

  "time" : "2011-09-19T12:03:27.845Z",
  "type" : "KamstrupA220Reading",
  "source" : { "id": "12345" },
  "com_cumulocity_model_energy_measurement_SinglePhaseElectricityMeasurement": {
    "A+:1": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
    "A-:1": { "value": 2, "unit": "kWh" }
  "com_cumulocity_model_energy_measurement_ThreePhaseElectricityMeasurement": {
    "A+:1": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
    "A+:2": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
    "A+:3": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" }

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...

  "id" : "43",
  "self" : "<<URL of new measurement>>",
  "time" : "2011-09-19T12:03:27.845Z",
  "type" : "KamstrupA220Reading",
  "source" : { "id": "12345", "self": "..." },
  "com_cumulocity_model_energy_measurement_SinglePhaseElectricityMeasurement": {
    "A+:1": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
    "A-:1": { "value": 2, "unit": "kWh" }
  "com_cumulocity_model_energy_measurement_ThreePhaseElectricityMeasurement": {
    "A+:1": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
    "A+:2": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
    "A+:3": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" }

For POST requests, the source parameter is required to have only an id.

The "id" of the new measurement is generated by the server and returned in the response to the POST operation.

Please note that for correct visualization of measurement series on UI graphs, property names used for fragment and serie name should not contain whitespaces and special characters like [],*.

DELETE - delete a measurement collection

The DELETE method allows for deletion of measurement collections. Applicable query parameters are equivalent to GET method.

Request body: N/A

Response body: N/A


Example request:

 DELETE: /measurement/measurements....
 Host: ...
 Authorization: Basic ...

Example response:



Measurement [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description PUT/POST
id String 1 Uniquely identifies a measurement. No
self URI 1 Link to this resource. No
time String 1 Time of the measurement. Mandatory
type String 1 The most specific type of this entire measurement. Mandatory
source ManagedObject 1 The ManagedObject which is the source of this measurement, as object containing the properties "id" and "self". Mandatory
* * 0..n List of measurement fragments. Optional

Each measurement fragment is an object containing the actual measurements as properties. The property name represents the name of the measurement, the property value is structured as follows:

Name Type Occurs Description PUT/POST
value Number 1 The value of the individual measurement. Mandatory
unit String 1 The unit of the measurement, such as "Wh" or "C". Optional

GET a representation of a Measurement

Response body: Measurement


Example request:

GET /measurement/measurements/<<measurementId>>
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...

Example response:

Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "id" : "43",
  "self" : "<<URL of the measurement>>",
  "time" : "2011-09-19T12:03:27.845Z",
  "type" : "KamstrupA220Reading",
  "source" : { "id": "12345", "self": "..." },
  "com_cumulocity_model_energy_measurement_SinglePhaseElectricityMeasurement": {
    "A+:1": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
    "A-:1": { "value": 2, "unit": "kWh" }
  "com_cumulocity_msrmts_ThreePhaseReading": {
    "A+:1": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
    "A+:2": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" },
    "A+:3": { "value": 1234, "unit": "kWh" }

DELETE a Measurement

Request Body: N/A.

Response Message Body: N/A.

Required role: ROLE_MEASUREMENT_ADMIN or owner of source object

Example Request: Delete a measurement

DELETE /measurement/measurements/<<measurementID>>
 Host: [hostname]
 Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Example Response:



The measurement notification API permits to receive updates for all measurements for a specific device. The URL is


The subscription channel needs to contain the managed object ID of the device or a "*" as placeholder to receive notifications for the measurements of all devices


The response will additionally to the measurement object contain a "realtimeAction" to identify which action resulted in the given object (CREATE, UPDATE or DELETE). In case of a deletion the data will only contain the id of the deleted measurement.

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK 
Content-Type: application/json
    "channel": "/measurement/12345", 
    "successful": true, 
    "error": "", 
    "data": [{
      "realtimeAction": "CREATE",
      "data": {
        "id": "1",
        "self": "...",
        "source": { 
        "creationTime": "2011-09-06T12:03:27.927+02:00",
        "c8y_TemperatureMeasurement": {
          "T": { 
            "value": 25,
            "unit": "C" 
        "type": "TemperatureMeasurement"
    "clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r" 