
The inventory interface consists of the following parts:

  • The inventory API resource returns URIs and URI templates to collections of managed objects, so that all objects, all objects of a particular type and all objects with particular capabilities can be queried.
  • The managed object collection resource retrieves sets of managed objects and enables creating new managed objects.
  • The managed object resource represents individual managed objects that can be queried and deleted.
  • The managed object reference collection resource retrieves sets of references to managed objects. These could be, for example, child devices of a particular managed object. It also enables adding new references to a collection (e.g., adding a new child device).
  • The managed object reference resource represents one individual reference to a managed object, which can be retrieved or deleted.

Note that for all PUT/POST requests accept header should be provided, otherwise an empty response body will be returned.

Inventory API

InventoryAPI [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description
self URL 1 Link to this resource.
managedObjects ManagedObjectCollection 1 Collection of all managed objects.
managedObjectsForType ManagedObjectCollection URI-Template 1 Read-only collection of all managed objects of a particular type (placeholder {type}).
managedObjectsForFragmentType ManagedObjectCollection URI-Template 1 Read-only collection of all managed objects with a particular fragment type or capability (placeholder {fragmentType}).
managedObjectsForListOfIds ManagedObjectCollection URI-Template 1 Read-only collection of managed objects fetched for a given list of ids (placeholder {ids}),for example "?ids=41,43,68".
managedObjectsForText ManagedObjectCollection URI-Template 1 Read-only collection of managed objects containing a text value starting with the given text (placeholder {text}). Text value is any alphanumeric string starting with a latin letter (A-Z or a-z).

GET a representation of the Inventory API resource

Response body: application/

Example request: Get the Inventory API resource

GET /inventory
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
    "self" : "<<InventoryAPI URL>>",
    "managedObjects" : {
        "self" : "<<ManagedObjectCollection URL>>"
    "managedObjectsForType" : "<<ManagedObjectCollection URL>>?type={type}",
    "managedObjectsForFragmentType" : "<<ManagedObjectCollection URL>>?fragmentType={fragmentType}",
    "managedObjectsForListOfIds" : "<<ManagedObjectCollection URL>>?ids={ids}",
    "managedObjectsForText" : "<<ManagedObjectCollection URL>>?text={text}"

Managed object collection

ManagedObjectCollection [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description
self URI 1 Link to this resource.
managedObjects ManagedObject 0..n List of managed objects, see below.
statistics PagingStatistics 1 Information about paging statistics.
prev URI 0..1 Link to a potential previous page of managed objects.
next URI 0..1 Link to a potential next page of managed objects.

GET a representation of a ManagedObjectCollection

Response body: ManagedObjectCollection


Example Request: Get managed objects of a particular type.

GET /inventory/managedObjects
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Accept: application/;ver=...

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "self" : "<<Collection URL>>",
  "managedObjects" : [
      "self" : "<<Object 42 URL>>",
      "id" : "42",
      "type" :"bg_mps_D413",
      "name" : "Meter1",
      "self" : "<<Object 43 URL>>",
      "id": "43",
      "type" :"bg_mps_D413",
      "name": "Meter2",
  "statistics" : {
    "totalPages" : 42,
    "pageSize" : 5,
    "currentPage : 1
  },  "next" : "...",  "prev" : "..."}

GET a representation of a ManagedObjectCollection by query

Response body: ManagedObjectCollection

Example Request: Get managed objects finded by query.

GET /inventory/managedObjects?q=<<query language statement>>
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Accept: application/;ver=...

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "self" : "<<Collection URL>>",
  "managedObjects" : [
      "self" : "<<Object 42 URL>>",
      "id" : "42",
      "type" :"bg_mps_D413",
      "name" : "Meter1",
      "self" : "<<Object 43 URL>>",
      "id": "43",
      "type" :"bg_mps_D413",
      "name": "Meter2",
  "statistics" : {
    "totalPages" : 42,
    "pageSize" : 5,
    "currentPage : 1
  },  "next" : "...",  "prev" : "..."}

Query Language

User can put query via 'q' parameter. Parameter can be:
  • only query to database: ...?q=name eq 'M01'
  • keyword $filter=: ...?q=$filter=name eq 'M01'
  • keyword $orderby=: ...?q=$orderby=id asc
  • keywords $filter= and $orderby=: ...?q=$filter=name eq 'M01' $orderby=id,

This part explain, how application will be handle query in parameter 'q'.

Supported query operations:
  • eq(Equal): City eq 'Redmond'
  • gt(Greater than): Price gt 20
  • ge(Greater than or equal): Price ge 10
  • lt(Less than): Price lt 20
  • le(Less than or equal): Price le 100
  • and(Logical and): Price le 200 and Price gt 3.5
  • or(Logical or): Price le 3.5 or Price gt 200
Supported query functions:
  • has: has(name) - match objects with property name
  • bygroupid(12) - match objects from group with id equals 12
Supported query values:
  • string
    • examples: name eq 'Dev_002', name eq 'Dev', name eq '_001', name eq '*'
    • string must be surround single quote
    • string can contains wildcard '*' and this wildcard match form 0 to N characters
    • matching is insensitive in case
  • number
  • date
    • examples: creationTime gt '2015-10-24T09:00:53.351+01:00'
Supported query properties:
  • simple: name
  • nested: c8y_Availability.status
  • array: c8y_Availability.statuses = [1, 2, 3]
Grouping query operators:
  • ( ) Precedence grouping: (p1 eq 1) and (p2 eq 5 or p2 eq 6)
Supported sort operations:
  • desc
    • example: $orderby=name desc
  • asc
    • example: $orderby=name, $orderby=name asc

Example data:

    "_id": 1,
    "name": "Dev_001",
    "num": 1,
    "c8y_Availability": {
        "statusId": 1
    "_id": 2,
    "name": "Dev_002",
    "num": 2,
    "c8y_Availability": {
        "statusId": 1
    "_id": 3,
    "name": "Mo_003",
    "num": 3,
    "c8y_Availability": {
        "statusId": 2
    "_id": 4,
    "name": "Mo_004",
    "num": 4,
    "c8y_Availability": {
        "statusId": 2

and query will return:

...q=num eq 1 - {"_id": 1, ...}
...q=name eq 'Dev_002' - {"_id": 2, ...}
...q=name eq '*00*' - return all 4 rows
...q=name eq '*dev_001*' - {"_id": 1, ...}
...q=c8y_Availability.statusId eq 2 - {"_id": 3, ...}, {"_id": 4, ...}
...q=num gt 2 - {"_id": 3, ...}, {"_id": 4, ...}
...q=num le 2 - {"_id": 1, ...}, {"_id": 2, ...}
...q=num eq 1 or num eq 2 - {"_id": 1, ...}, {"_id": 2, ...}
...q=has(name) - return all 4 rows

POST - Create a new ManagedObject

Request body: ManagedObject

Response body: ManagedObject (when accept header is not provided, empty response body is returned)


Example request : Add a new ManagedObject

POST /inventory/managedObjects
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
  "name" : "A brand new switch",
  "com_cumulocity_model_BinarySwitch" : { "state": "OFF" }

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
Location: <<URL of new object>>
  "self" : "<<URL of new object>>",
  "id"   : "111",
  "lastUpdated": "2012-04-21T18:03:19.932+02:00",
  "name" : "A brand new switch",
  "com_cumulocity_model_BinarySwitch" : { "state": "OFF" }

The "id" and "lastUpdated" of the new managed object are generated by the server and returned in the response to the POST operation.

Managed object

Managed Object [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description PUT/POST
id String 1 Unique identifier of the object, automatically allocated when the object is created (see above). No
self URL 1 Link to this resource. No
type String 0..1 The most specific type of the managed object as fully qualified Java-style type name, dots replaced by underscores. Optional
name String 0..1 Human-readable name that is used for representing the object in user interfaces. Optional
* Object 0..n Additional properties associated with the specific ManagedObject. Optional
lastUpdated TimeStamp 1 The time when the object was last updated. No
childDevices ManagedObject ReferenceCollection 0..1 A collection of references to child devices. No
childAssets ManagedObject ReferenceCollection 0..1 A collection of references to child assets. No
deviceParents ManagedObject ReferenceCollection 0..1 A collection of references to device parent objects. No
assetParents ManagedObject ReferenceCollection 0..1 A collection of references to asset parent objects. No

A managed object reference in the "child" and "parents" collections contains only "id", "name" and "self" properties.

Not every GET response contains "parents" collections. It is required to pass "withParents=true" query param to have "parents" included.

GET a representation of a managed object

Response body: ManagedObject


Example request: Get a representation of a specific manage object

GET /inventory/managedObjects/<<deviceId>>
Host: ... 
Authorization: Basic ...
Accept: application/;=ver...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "id" : "42",
  "name" : "SomeName",
  "self" : "<<This ManagedObject URL>>",
  "type" :"com_nsn_cumulocity_example_Clazz",
  "lastUpdated": "2012-05-02T19:48:40.006+02:00",
  "com_othercompany_StrongTypedClass" : { ... },
  "childDevices": {
    "self" : "<<ManagedObjectReferenceCollection URL>>",
    "references" : [
        "self" : "<<ManagedObjectReference URL>>",
        "managedObject": {
          "id": "1",
          "self" : "<<ManagedObject URL>>"
          "name": "Some Child"

GET supported measurements of a managed object

Example request: Retrieve supported measurements of a managed object

GET /inventory/managedObjects/<<deviceId>>/supportedMeasurements
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "c8y_SupportedMeasurements": ["c8y_AnalogMeasurement", "c8y_MotionMeasurement", "c8y_SignalStrength", "c8y_TemperatureMeasurement"]

Important: In order to have fragment names included in supported measurements list, fragment has to have specific structure:

"fragment_name" : { "serie_name" : { "value" : ... "unit" : ... } }

Real example:

"c8y_SpeedMeasurement": { "Speed": { "value": 1234, "unit": "km/h" } }

Fragment_name and serie_name can be replaced by different valid json property name, but that name cannot contain whitespaces and special characters like [],*. The structure has to be exactly as above, two-level deep json object.

PUT - Update a managed object

Request body: ManagedObject

Response body: ManagedObject (when accept header is not provided, empty response body is returned)

Required role: ROLE_INVENTORY_ADMIN or owner

Example Request: Change the name of a managed object

PUT /inventory/managedObjects/<<deviceId>>
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Accept: application/;ver=...
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
{ "name" : "Life, the Universe and the REST" }

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
  "id" : "42",
  "name" : "Life, the Universe and the REST",
  "self" : "<<This ManagedObject URL>>",
  "type" :"com_nsn_cumulocity_example_Clazz",
  "lastUpdated": "2012-05-02T19:58:40.006+02:00",
  "com_othercompany_StrongTypedClass" : { ... },
  "childDevices": {

When managed object of type 'c8y_SmartRule' is updated, audit record is created with type 'SmartRule' and activity 'Smart rule updated', 'Smart rule enabled' or 'Smart rule disabled'.

DELETE a managed object

Request Body: N/A.

Response Message Body: N/A.

Required role: ROLE_INVENTORY_ADMIN or owner

Example Request: Delete a managed object

DELETE /inventory/managedObjects/<<deviceId>>
 Host: [hostname]
 Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Example Response:


If optional query parameter "cascade=true" is used all child devices and child assets will be deleted recursively. By default delete operation is propagated to the subgroups only if deleted object is a group.

Managed object reference collection

ManagedObjectReferenceCollection [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description
self URI 1 Link to this resource.
references ManagedObjectReference 0..n List of managed object references, see below.
statistics PagingStatistics 1 Information about paging statistics.
prev URI 0..1 Link to a potential previous page of managed objects.
next URI 0..1 Link to a potential next page of managed objects.

GET a managed object reference collection

Response body: ManagedObjectReferenceCollection

Example Request: Get reference collection of a certain managed object

Note that a "404 Not Found" error will appear if the object has no references.

GET /inventory/managedObjects/<<deviceId>>/<<references>>
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic
Accept: application/;ver=...

Please note that references can be either childDevices or childAssets.

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...

  "self" : "<<This ManagedObjectReferenceCollection URL>>",
  "references" : [
      "self" : "<<ManagedObjectReference URL>>",
      "managedObject" : {
        "self" : "<<ManagedObject 1 URL>>",
        "name" : "Meter1",
        "id" : "1",
      "self" : "<<ManagedObjectReference URL>>",
      "managedObject" : {
        "self" : "<<ManagedObject 2 URL>>",
        "name" : "Meter2",
        "id" : "2",
  "statistics" : {
    "pageSize" : 5,
    "currentPage : 1
  "next": "...",
  "prev": "..."

POST - add a managed object reference to the collection

Request body: ManagedObjectReference

Response body: ManagedObjectReference


Example Request: Add a ManagedObjectReference

POST /inventory/managedObjects/<<deviceId>>
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Content-Length: ...
Content-Type: application/;ver=...

  "managedObject" : { "self" :"<<ManagedObject URL>>" }

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
Location: <<This ManagedObjectReference URL>>
  "self" : "<<This ManagedObjectReference URL>>,
  "managedObject" : {
    "id" : "2",
    "self" : <<ManagedObject 2 URL>>,
    "name" : "Meter2",

As an alternative it is also allowed to pass the following reference object in the request body when adding to the collection:

  "managedObject" : { "id" :"<<ManagedObject id>>" }

Managed object reference

ManagedObjectReference [application/]

Name Type Occurs Description
self URI 1 Link to this resource.
managedObject ManagedObject 1 The ManagedObject being referenced.

GET a managed object reference

Response body: ManagedObjectReference


Example request:

GET /inventory/managedObjects/<<deviceId>>/references/<<referenceId>>
Host: ...
Authorization: Basic ...
Accept: application/;ver=...

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/;ver=...
Content-Length: ...
  "self" : "<<This ManagedObjectReference URL>>",
  "managedObject" : {
    "self" : "<<ManagedObject 4 URL>>",
    "name" : "Foo",
    "id" : "4",

DELETE a managed object reference

Request Body: N/A.

Response Message Body: N/A.

Required role: ROLE_INVENTORY_ADMIN or owner

Note: This operations just removes the reference, it does not delete the object itself.

Example Request: Delete a managed object reference

DELETE /inventory/managedObjects/<<deviceId>>/references/<<referenceId>>
 Host: [hostname]
 Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Example Response:



Inventory notifications permit the monitoring of changes in the inventory (creation, update and deletion). The URL is


The subscription channel needs to contain the managed object ID of the object in the inventory that should be monitored or a "*" as placeholder to receive notifications for the complete inventory


The response will additionally to the managed object contain a "realtimeAction" to identify which action resulted in the given object (CREATE, UPDATE or DELETE). In case of a deletion the data will only contain the id of the deleted managed object.

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
    "channel": "/managedobjects/12345",
    "successful": true,
    "error": "",
    "data": [{
      "realtimeAction": "UPDATE",
      "data": {
        "id": "12345",
        "self": "...",
        "creationTime": "2011-09-06T12:03:27.927+02:00",
        "name": "a device",
        "c8y_IsDevice": {},
        "c8y_Location": { ... }
    "clientId": "Un1q31d3nt1f13r"