Version 9.5 SP1
 —  EntireX Micro Focus COBOL RPC Server  —

Administering the Micro Focus RPC Server

The EntireX Micro Focus COBOL RPC Server allows standard RPC clients to communicate with COBOL servers written with Micro Focus COBOL. It works together with the COBOL Wrapper and the IDL Extractor for COBOL.

This document covers the following topics:

Customizing the RPC Server

The following elements are used for setting up the Micro Focus RPC Server:

Micro Focus COBOL Runtime

The COBOL runtime, for example Micro Focus Server, has to be installed according to the Micro Focus documentation. It is not delivered with this package. Provide the location of the COBOL runtime in the Start Script.

If a COBOL runtime is not provided, the Micro Focus RPC Server cannot be started and an error message is given.

Configuration File

The name of the delivered example configuration file is microfocusserver.cfg. The configuration file contains the configuration for the Micro Focus RPC Server. The following settings are important:

For more information see Configuring the RPC Server.

Start Script

The name of the start script is platform-dependent:

The start script for the Micro Focus RPC Server contains the following:

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Configuring the RPC Server

The followings rules apply:

Parameter Default Values Req/
brokerid localhost Broker ID used by the server. See Using the Broker ID in Applications.


class RPC Server class part of the server address used by the server. The server address must be defined as a service in the broker attribute file (see Service-specific Attributes under Broker Attributes). Case-sensitive, up to 32 characters. Corresponds to CLASS.


codepage   Depending on the internationalization approach, the codepage (locale string) where incoming data is provided to the COBOL server. Conversely, the COBOL server must provide outgoing data in the given codepage, otherwise unpredictable results occur. See What is the Best Internationalization Approach to use? under Internationalization with EntireX for information on which internationalization approach requires a codepage (locale string).

By default, no codepage is transferred to the broker. For the most popular internationalization approach, ICU Conversion, the correct codepage (locale string) must be provided. This means it must:

  • follow the rules described under Locale String Mapping

  • be a codepage supported by the broker

  • be the codepage used in your environment for file and terminal IO, otherwise unpredictable results may occur.


O (Windows)
compresslevel N Enforce compression when data is transferred between broker and server. See Data Compression in EntireX Broker.

compresslevel= 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8| 9 | Y | N

0-9 0=no compression
9=max. compression
N No compression.
Y Compression level 6.


deployment NO Activates the deployment service, see Deployment Service with Micro Focus RPC Server. Required to use the deployment wizard. See Server Mapping Deployment Wizard in the COBOL Wrapper documentation.
YES Activates the deployment service. The RPC server registers the deployment service in the broker.
NO The deployment service is deactivated. The RPC server does not register the deployment service in the broker.


encryptionlevel 0 Enforce encryption when data is transferred between client and server. Requires EntireX Security. See ENCRYPTION-LEVEL under Broker ACI Fields.
0 Encryption is enforced.
1 Encryption is enforced between server and broker kernel.
2 Encryption is enforced between server and broker kernel, and also between client and broker.


logon YES Execute broker functions LOGON/LOGOFF in worker threads. Must match the setting of the broker attribute AUTOLOGON. Reliable RPC requires logon set to YES. See Reliable RPC.
NO No logon/logoff functions are executed.
YES Logon/logoff functions are executed.


marshalling COBOL Marshalling=(LANGUAGE=COBOL, flavor=MF) must be provided. Do not change these settings. The COBOL servers are called directly without a server interface object. So-called server mapping (SVM) files are used to call the COBOL server correctly if one is available. See Server Mapping Deployment and Locating and Calling the Target Server. O
password no default Password for broker logon. Case-sensitive, up to 32 characters. For more information see broker ACI control block field PASSWORD.


restartcycles 15 Number of restart attempts if the broker is not available. This can be used to keep the Micro Focus RPC Server running while the broker is down for a short time. A restart cycle will be repeated at an interval which is calculated as follows:

timeout + ETB_TIMEOUT + 60 seconds

where timeout is the RPC server parameter (see this table), and
  ETB_TIMEOUT is the environment variable (see Environment Variables in EntireX)

When the number of cycles is reached and a connection to the broker is not possible, the RPC server stops.


servername SRV1 Server name part of the server address used by the server. The server address must be defined as a service in the broker attribute file. See Service-specific Attributes under Broker Attributes. Case-sensitive, up to 32 characters. Corresponds to SERVER of the broker attribute file.


service CALLNAT Service part of the server address used by the server. The server address must be defined as a service in the broker attribute file. See Service-specific Attributes under Broker Attributes. Case-sensitive, up to 32 characters. Corresponds to SERVICE attribute of the broker attribute file.


smhport 0 The port where the server listens for commands from the System Management Hub (SMH). If this port is 0 (default), no port is used and management by the SMH is disabled.


ssl_file no default Set the SSL parameters. See Using SSL or TLS with the RPC Server for examples and more information. O
svm xxx Usage and location (folder or directory) of SVM files.


path The path to the location of SVM files can be absolute or relative to the current directory.

Example for UNIX:

Example for Windows:

timeout 60 Timeout in seconds, used by the server to wait for broker requests. See broker ACI control block field WAIT for more information. Also influences restartcycles.


tracedestination ERXTrace.nnn.log The name of the destination file for trace output. By default the main trace file name is ERXTrace.nnn.log, where nnn can be in the range from 001 to 005.
UNIX The trace file is located in the current working directory.
Windows The trace file is located in a subfolder of the windows folder My Documents.


tracelevel None Trace level for the server. See also Activating Tracing for the RPC Server.
tracelevel = None | Standard | Advanced | Support
None No trace output.
Standard For minimal trace output.
Advanced For detailed trace output.
Support This trace level is for support diagnostics and should only be switched on when requested by Software AG support.


userid ERX-SRV Used to identify the server to the broker. See broker ACI control block field USER-ID. Case-sensitive, up to 32 characters.


workermodel SCALE,1,3,slowshrink
The Micro Focus RPC Server can be configured to
  • adjust the number of worker threads to the current number of client requests:

                  [,slowshrink | fastshrink]
                  [,noisolation | isolation])
  • use a fixed number of worker threads:

                  [,noisolation | isolation])
FIXED A fixed number of worker threads is used by the Micro Focus RPC Server.
SCALE The number of worker threads is adjusted to the current number of client requests. With the from value, the minimum number of active worker threads can be set. The thru value restricts the maximum number of worker threads.
slowshrink The RPC server stops all worker threads not used in the time specified by the timeout parameter, except for the number of workers specified as minimum value. This is the default if SCALE is used.
fastshrink The RPC server stops worker threads immediately as soon as it has finished its conversation, except for the number of workers specified as minimum value.
noisolation Calls to the COBOL server are executed within the Micro Focus RPC Server. If the COBOL server causes a COBOL runtime error, the Micro Focus RPC Server stops.
isolation Default. Calls to the COBOL server are executed in separate processes. If the COBOL server causes a COBOL runtime error, the Micro Focus RPC Server does not stop and continues.

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Locating and Calling the Target Server


The Micro Focus RPC Server is able to call standard libraries (Windows DLLs or UNIX so|sl); Micro Focus proprietary formats such as intermediate code (*.int); generated code (*.gnt); and intermediate or generated code packaged in libraries (*.lbr). See the following table:

Executable Format File Extension File Name Entry Point Notes Configuration
Operating system standard library with multiple server .so|sl (UNIX) or .dll (Windows) IDL library IDL program 1,2 1
Operating system standard library with single server .so|sl (UNIX) or .dll (Windows) IDL program IDL program 1,3,4 2
Micro Focus proprietary intermediate code .int IDL program   4 2
Micro Focus proprietary generated code .gnt IDL program   4 2
Micro Focus proprietary library with multiple server .lbr IDL library IDL program 2,5 2
Micro Focus proprietary library with single server .lbr IDL program IDL program 3,4,5 2


  1. This type of library is a standard library (UNIX shared library or Windows DLL).

  2. This type of library may contain multiple COBOL servers. The IDL library name is used to form the operating system file name. The COBOL server names (entry points) are taken as follows:

    If the IDL program name is different, an SVM file is required, see parameter svm under Configuring the RPC Server.

  3. This type of library must contain one COBOL server only.

  4. The IDL library name is not used. The COBOL server name (operating system file name and its entry point) are taken as follows:

    If the IDL program name is different, an SVM file is required, see parameter svm under Configuring the RPC Server.

  5. Intermediate (*.int) or generated (*.gnt) code must be packaged in the library.

Configuration Approaches

There are two approaches to access the COBOL server during runtime, which depend on the executable format (see table above):

  1. The operating system's standard call mechanism is used to call libraries. Make sure your server(s) are accessible, for example:

  2. The Micro Focus environment variable COBPATH must be set before starting the RPC server. It lists all paths where a search for COBOL servers is to be performed. See the Micro Focus documentation for more information.

For both approaches, the start script of the Micro Focus RPC Server is an appropriate place to set the environment variables. See Start Script.

See also Scenario I: Calling an Existing COBOL Server or Scenario II: Writing a New COBOL Server.

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Using SSL or TLS with the RPC Server

There are two ways of specifying SSL or TLS, depending on the complexity of the parameters:

For more information, see SSL or TLS and Certificates with EntireX.

Specifying the SSL or TLS Parameters as Part of the Broker ID

The simplest way to specify SSL or TLS parameters is to add them to the Broker ID.



Specifying the SSL or TLS Parameters in a Separate File

For complex SSL or TLS parameters there is the SSL file, a text file containing the parameters.

The SSL_FILE keyword points to this text file.

Start of instruction setTo specify the SSL or TLS parameters in the SSL file

  1. Set the parameters as described under Running Broker with SSL or TLS Transport under z/OS | UNIX | Windows.

  2. Prefix/suffix the Broker ID with the SSL key.



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Starting the RPC Server

Start of instruction setTo start the Micro Focus RPC Server

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Stopping the RPC Server

Start of instruction setTo stop the Micro Focus RPC Server

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Activating Tracing for the RPC Server

Start of instruction setTo switch on tracing for the Micro Focus RPC Server

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