Version 9.5 SP1
 —  Security  —

SSL or TLS and Certificates with EntireX

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and its successor, Transport Layer Security (TLS), are program layers for managing the security of message transmissions in a network. The idea is to contain the programming required to keep messages confidential in a program layer between an application (such as your Web browser or HTTP) and the internet's TCP/IP layers. The term sockets refers to the method of passing data back and forth between a client and a server program in a network or between program layers in the same computer. SSL and TLS use the public-and-private key encryption system from RSA, which also includes the use of a digital certificate.

This document describes Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Certificates within an EntireX context. When "SSL" is used in the documentation, this refers to both SSL and TLS. It covers the following topics:

See also Running Broker with SSL or TLS Transport under z/OS | UNIX | Windows.


One of the major components when using SSL is the certificate. One of the tasks of certificates is to ensure that communication, which runs atop TCP/IP, adheres to an industrial-strength encryption.

Certificates can be described as electronic passports. They contain information about someone (or a machine or location), generally called the Subject. The authenticity of the subject's information is digitally signed by a trustworthy instance, called the Issuer. With certificates, this issuer is also known as a Certificate Authority (CA).

In addition to the above, a certificate also contains a random number that is called the subject's public key. Together with this public key, the subject must also be in possession of a private key. As their names suggest, the public key can be viewed by anyone, whereas the private key must be strictly secured. The public and the private keys together always form a key pair, i.e. they are always created together and complement each other.

Here are some typical scenarios of their usage:


In the image above, a public key has been used to encrypt a document. Only the owner of the private key is able to decrypt this text.


To verify that the instance that presented a certificate is really who they claim to be (authentic), I can choose a random string, encrypt it with their public key, send it to the subject, have it decrypted with their private key and sent back. I then compare it with my original random string. Only the owner of the appropriate private key is able to perform this operation.

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Random Number Generator

Another of the major components with SSL is called the Random Number Generator (RNG). To ensure genuinely random keys with each new session, SSL uses its own random number generator.

This requires a "seed", which should be unique for each installation.

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Using SSL or TLS as the Transport for EntireX

As we have seen, certificates play an important role with SSL. In order to use SSL as the transport method for EntireX, you need to have certificates available at various locations and for various purposes.

After the installation process, you will find the following certificates in the etc directory (UNIX and Windows) or in EXX951.CERT (z/OS) ready to use for preliminary testing of the SSL transport:

Certificate Explanation
For C-based programs
ExxCACert.pem The CA certificate. This certificate can be used to verify the application certificate (see TRUST_STORE parameter).
ExxCAKey.pem The private key of the CA certificate, above. The password to unlock this private key is ExxCAKey. You will need this password only if you want to sign more certificates with this CA (not recommended).
ExxAppCert.pem To be used as the SSL server certificate (see KEY-STORE). This certificate is signed with the private key within ExxCAKey.pem
ExxAppKey.pem The private key of the application certificate. The password to unlock the key is ExxAppKey (see KEY-FILE and KEY-PASSWD-ENCRYPTED).
For Java-based programs
ExxCACert.jks The truststore containing the default CA certificate (see TRUST_STORE).
ExxJavaAppCert.jks The keystore containing the application certificate. The password to unlock this container is ExxJavaAppCert (see KEY-STORE and KEY-PASSWD-ENCRYPTED).

SSL usually requires a certificate on the server side of a communication (which in EntireX is always the Broker kernel). In order to validate the certificate, the other side needs to accept the issuer of the server certificate, i.e. needs to trust the same instance that the certificate has signed. (Customs authorities do not trust your passport - which could be forged - but instead verify its authenticity electronically!)

The server certificate is specified using the KEY-STORE attribute.

The appropriate private key is found using the KEY-FILE attribute.

(Generally, the private key is not stored in the open, it is further encrypted with a password, which - because it is often more than a single word - is sometimes also called passphrase. To use the private key properly, the application must be able to re-create the original private key. Therefore you have to provide the appropriate password in the KEY-PASSWD-ENCRYPTED attribute.)

The client must now present the CA (i.e. its certificate, which includes the public key), so that SSL can determine whether to accept a server certificate or not. The following possibilities are available:

  1. For non-Java ACI-based Programming, this is done with the SETSSLPARMS command for Broker ACI programs. Specify TRUST_STORE in the 2nd parameter, for example:

  2. For Java ACI, SSL parameters are appended (2) to the Broker ID, for example:

  3. In general for most EntireX Components such as RPC servers, RPC clients, agents etc., SSL parameters are also appended (2) to the Broker ID, as for Java ACI above. See the documentation of the component for further information.

  4. Under z/OS, IBM's Application Transparent Transport Layer Security (AT-TLS) can be used as an alternative to direct SSL support inside the broker stub. Refer to the IBM documentation for further information.

See also Transport: Broker Stubs and APIs.


  1. Under z/OS CICS, use option 4.
  2. See URL-style Broker ID for more information.

The parameter VERIFY_SERVER can have the following (Boolean) values:

Value Explanation
YES (default)

The name of the server certificate (the field CN of the Subject) must be equal to the Broker ID (excluding port number and transport).

(Example: broker_id="" and Broker kernel certificate (see KEY-STORE): Subject,


Accept any Common Name (CN) in the server certificate, but still check that the certificate is signed by a trusted CA (see TRUST_STORE).

The default application certificate that we deliver in the etc directory is issued to "localhost". This enables you to use a Broker ID of "localhost" together with VERIFY_SERVER=Y.

Refer also to the sections on how to create your own certificates with openssl and with keytool.

In order to allow for multiple CAs, concatenate all of the CAs' .pem files into a single new .pem file and specifiy this new .pem file in the TRUST_STORE parameter. If you are using Java and a keystore, then import multiple times the various CA certificates into the keystore (-> TRUST_STORE).

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Creating Certificates with openssl

This section contains step-by-step instructions on how to create your own certificates.

Certificates adhere to a standard format and can also be created with other tools; openssl is delivered with EntireX and can be used as an example.

Start of instruction setTo create your own certificates

  1. Create a new directory in which the new certificates will be created and where all of the other required files will be stored.

  2. In your new directory create a file named genca.cnf and cut and paste the contents of the file gencacnf.html (delivered with this documentation) to your new file.

  3. Create a file called .rand in your new directory. Edit it, adding about 20 lines (each about 40 to 50 characters long) of random text. (This file is used by the random number generator, so do not use it in more than one location to create certificates!)

  4. Create an empty directory newcerts in your new directory.

  5. Create an empty directory certs in your new directory.

  6. Create an empty file called index.txt in the current directory.

  7. Create a file called serial in the current directory and enter a number in column 1, line 1, for example: 1000. This serial number will be incremented for each certificate that you create.

  8. Now edit the genca.cnf file which you cut and pasted into your new directory in step 2, above. Please read the comments carefully. There are a few defaults that you will probably want to adapt to your own environment.

    Below is a list of the important variables that should be checked:

    1. Set the variable RANDFILE to point to the .rand file. (This appears twice in the file; adjust both occurrences.)

    2. Set the variable database to point to the index.txt file.

    3. Set the variable serial to point to the serial file.

    4. Set the variable new_certs_dir to point to the newcerts directory.

    5. Set the variable certs_dir to point to the certs directory.

    6. Set the variable certificate to point to the CA certificate file (see NewCACert.pem in the example below).

    7. Set the variable private_key to point to the CA certificate's private key file (see NewCAKey.pem in the example below).

  9. Save the configuration file.

You can now start creating certificates.

First, you need to define a Certificate Authority (CA); create a key pair and a self-signed certificate to represent this CA.

Enter the following command in a shell and follow the instructions (be patient, loading the screen state takes several seconds)

openssl req -config genca.cnf -newkey rsa:1024 -x509 -keyout <NewCAKey.pem> -out <NewCACert.pem> -days 365

Do not forget the passphrase for the key file! You will need it soon.

Now you have a CA certificate and a CA key file.

Next, create a certificate that can be used by various products (for example the Broker kernel) to start an SSL server session.

With the CA cert and key files described above you can create any number of certificates. We will sign all of them with the same CA (used from the genca.cnf file).

Create a certificate request:

openssl req -config genca.cnf -newkey rsa:1024 -out <ExxAppCertReq.pem> -keyout <ExxAppKey.pem> -days 365

You will be prompted for a new passphrase. Again, this will be the passphrase to lock the MyAppKey.pem file. Remember it well.

You must then sign this certificate request with your CA to create a proper certificate:

openssl ca -config genca.cnf -policy policy_anything -out <ExxAppCert.pem> -infiles <ExxAppCertReq.pem>

The passphrase you are prompted with is the one used to unlock the CA key.

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Creating Certificates with keytool

A certificate management tool is also supplied with the standard JDK kit, i.e. it is part of J2SE kit, not the JSSE kit. Certificate requests can be generated and keystores and truststores can be built with this tool. The steps for building keystores and truststores are outlined below.

Start of instruction setTo create a keystore

  1. Create a keystore containing a self-signed certificate and key (example yourkeystore).

    The following command will prompt you for identification information.

     keytool -genkey -v -alias yourJavaApp -keyalg RSA -validity 900 -keypass yourkeypsw -keystore yourkeystore -storepass  yourkeypsw

    The private key password and keystore password must be identical for XTS 1.2 JSSE implementation. The keytool provides commands to change either the private key or keystore password.

  2. Import any CA certificates of CAs which will sign the certificate generated above.

    keytool -import -v -alias yourcacert -file yourcacert.pem -keystore yourkeystore -storepass yourkeypsw
  3. (Optional) List certificate chain present in keystore.

    keytool -list -v -keystore yourkeystore -storepass yourkeypsw
  4. Extract certificate for signing by a CA.

    keytool -certreq -v -alias yourJavaApp -file yourJavaAppreq -keypass yourkeypsw -keystore yourkeystore -storepass yourkeypsw
  5. Sign Java certificate request with openssl tool.

    openssl ca -config yourca.cnf -policy policy_anything -out yourjavaapp.pem -notext -days 365 -infiles yourJavaAppreq

    The -notext parameter is required. Without it, the import of a signed certificate to keystore will fail. The error will be either a Not an X.509 certificate or a Tag sequence error. The reason for the error is that the openssl signing tool will write both a text version and an encoded version of the signed certificate to the output file if the -notext parameter is not specified.

  6. Import signed certificate.

    keytool -import -v -alias yourJavaApp -file yourjavaapp.pem -keypass yourkeypsw -keystore yourkeystore -storepass yourkeypsw


    1. yourjavaapp.pem is the signed certificate returned by the CA.
    2. Import will only work if a signed CA certificate is already present in the keystore.

Start of instruction setTo create a truststore

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Exporting Certificates and Private Keys with openssl

Applies to operating system z/OS only.

Enter the following command to create a file containing the application certificate and application key files for import into RACF:

openssl pkcs12 -export -in <ExxAppCert.pem> -inkey <ExxAppKey.pem> -out <ExxAppCert.p12>

You will be prompted for the passphrase of the private key and for an export password. The output file is created in PKCS#12 format. FTP can be used to transfer the output file in binary mode to the IBM host.

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Importing Certificates and Private Keys with RACDCERT

Applies to operating system z/OS only.

Start of instruction setTo import certificates and private keys with RACDCERT into RACF

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Additional Considerations for PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

When using a PKI, there are usually more than two certificates involved. Typically, there is one (self-signed) root certificate, one or more CA certificates, and several application certificates, usually one for every server.

For the SSL server side (Broker) you need a suitable application certificate.

Start of instruction setTo check the certificate

Given a specific server certificate, it is also possible to verify the certificate chain.

Start of instruction setTo verify the certificate chain

If there is a chain of CA certificates defined, copy the contents of the appropriate CAxxx.pem files into one new file and use this as the <YourCaCert.pem> on the client side to verify the SSL server certificate against.

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Support of Self-signed Certificates

To support self-signed certificates it is sometimes necessary to modify the LDAP settings. For example, to allow use of self-signed certificates in OpenLDAP, add the following line to file /etc/openldap/ldap.conf:


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